A Fox's Mission

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A Fox's Mission Page 13

by Brandon Varnell

  Lilian was the possessor of a beauty that drove him crazy. She reminded him of the stories he’d been told of goddesses, beings whose undeniable loveliness surpassed anything a mortal could think up. Seeing her like this, feeling her body against his, made him feel like his mind was slowly teetering toward the edge of insanity. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but dang it did it make his libido skyrocket like nothing else. Even Iris, who was sex incarnate, could not drive him to the brink like this.



  “Are you all right? You sound like you’re having trouble breathing.”

  “I’m fine… just, maybe we should switch places now?”

  “Ufufufu, to have Beloved wash my body in a hot spring like this… I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy.”

  “Please don’t say things like that, especially not with that strange laugh of yours. It makes you sound too much like Kotohime,” Kevin said flatly.

  “Ara, is that so?” Lilian poked out her tongue.

  They switched places. Lilian sat on the stool that Kevin vacated, and he filled up a bucket of water and poured it over her head.

  In the warm light from glowing plants that illuminated the hot spring, Lilian’s hair shimmered like a fiery waterfall. As Kevin worked shampoo into her long tresses, he admired how soft it felt. Each strand was thick and luscious, yet also undeniably soft, almost like a prized fur coat. Kevin took his time washing her hair.

  “My back next, please.”

  Lilian grabbed her hair and moved it out of the way. Kevin sucked in a breath when her smooth back was revealed to him. Slender shoulder blades moved gently beneath soft skin. Moisture gathered, causing her skin to glow. He looked further down and found her tails jutting out from just above her behind.

  Kevin placed a single finger on her back, near the nape of her neck, and slowly traced a line down her spine.

  “B-Beloved,” Lilian’s soft murmur brought him back to reality.

  “Sorry,” Kevin took a deep breath. “I lost myself for a second there.”

  Lilian turned her head to smile at him. Her cheeks were flushed a light shade of pink.

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”

  Grabbing some soap, Kevin washed his mate’s back. He added some basic massaging techniques, softly digging his fingers into some of the muscles that had grown tight. Lilian’s approving moans were all he needed to know that he was doing well.

  “The front please,” Lilian whispered after he finished with her back.

  “Okay,” Kevin whispered. His breathing had grown heavy again by this point. He felt like a wound string; there was a coiling in his lower abdomen, and a fearsome heat was washing through him.

  Lathering his hands with soap, Kevin did to Lilian what she had done to him. He leaned into her, until his chest was pressing against her back. He ignored his own pleasure for the moment, pushed aside the thrill that ran through his body, and instead focused on Lilian, on moving his hands across her front, covering her in soap.

  Lilian’s mouth opened as his hands roamed across her stomach, and the noise she released, soft and gentle and strangely demure, almost made Kevin lose his composure. He actually needed to use a breathing technique to keep his mind from becoming a hazy cloud.

  “Higher… please…”

  Kevin gulped, but he still followed through with her instructions. He moved his hands up, slowly inching them higher and higher, until he could feel the weight of her bosoms against his hands. He and Lilian were now both breathing heavily. Lilian was biting her lower lip, as if to keep from moaning out, and Kevin felt blood surge to his lower region, making him hard enough to cut through diamonds.


  Moving his hands over her breasts, Kevin marveled at their feeling. He rubbed her breasts with his soap-covered hands. Her chest weighed a lot when he thought about it. They had an elastic springiness to them, which he revelled in as he rubbed them. Lilian leaned further into his chest. Enchanting music sang from her parted lips. It was the last straw.

  Wanting to hear more of that harmonious sound, Kevin leaned forward and nibbled on Lilian’s left ear, which twitched rapidly and caused her heavy breathing to become short pants.

  No longer concerned with just cleaning her, Kevin instead played with her nipples. He used his index fingers to circle around her areola, then took her stiffened twin peaks between his index fingers and thumbs, lightly twisting and pulling on them.

  “Oooh, Beloved!” Lilian cried out.

  Her legs stretched as far as they could go, heels scraping along the ground, toes curling. Kevin switched from nibbling on her ear to suckling on her neck. He busied himself, kissing the underside of her jaw, right below where her ear would have been if she was human. He trailed kisses across her jawline, then used the tip of his tongue to blaze a trail down her neck.

  Lilian reached up and grabbed onto one of Kevin’s hands. He didn’t resist as she pulled it down her body. His fingers and palm tingled as his hand trailed across her flat stomach, her cute belly button, and her lower abdomen before settling between her legs.

  Lilian bucked against his hand. Her moans reached a crescendo. Lilian’s thighs tightened around his hand, even as her hips gyrated against him. Her tails had curled around him as well, stroking him and making him feel ready to explode. He placed his mouth against her collarbone and bit down.


  For all of one second, Lilian’s body became tighter than a bowstring. Every muscle seemed to contract. Her spine arched until her head was pressed into the crook of his neck. Then, like a puppet whose strings had suddenly been cut, Lilian’s body slumped against him.

  ‘Ooh la la! Nya likes!’

  Be quiet! Christine barked as she pressed her face further into the wall, as if doing so would let her see more.

  Kevin’s body also went into a series of shudders as her tails slackened around him. With his front pressed against her back, he could feel the mess he’d made on her skin.

  They remained that way for several long, long seconds. Kevin removed his hand from between Lilian’s slack legs and stuck his fingers in his mouth, sucking them clean.

  “Beloved?” Lilian whispered.


  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Smiling, Kevin removed his fingers from her crotch and pulled Lilian into a hug. Her warm, wet body against his no longer caused his mind to become lost in delirious ecstasy. As he held Lilian in his arms, right then, all he felt was peace and contentment.


  That peace and contentment was soon shattered by a strange sound, reminiscent of the giggling of a perverted old man. He and Lilian suddenly felt like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on them.


  “I heard it. There’s someone else here.”

  Oh, crap! Did he hear us?

  ‘Nyi don’t think so. We haven’t said anything.’

  Standing beside them, Iris moaned in disappointment. Christine glanced at the vixen and nearly burst into flames.

  “Are you masturbating?!” she asked in a harsh whisper.

  “Not anymore I’m not,” Iris said with a tone of complaint, “and it was beginning to get real good, too. Damn monkey.”

  “Never mind that! Don’t finger yourself near me!”

  “Fine. Fine. Whatever.” Iris waved the girl off. “Prude.”




  “You’re just jealous because I’ve had sex with Kevin.”

  “W-w-w-wha—I am not!”

  “Your tsundere is showing.”

  “That does it! Die! Die!”

  They were not alone in this hot spring. That thought made them feel self-conscience. Lilian grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around herself, hiding her body from whoever was watching them. Her cheeks burned the deepest of scarlets and tears leaked from her eyes as
the startling realization that someone other than Kevin had seen her naked hit her.

  Someone is going to die.

  Kevin rushed into the changing room and grabbed his guns, which he’d placed inside of the basket containing his clothes. He then rushed back out to see Lilian, still shivering on the stool, covering her body as if ashamed.

  I’m really going to kill whoever is in here with us.

  Knowing perverts as he did, Kevin had already discovered three potential peeping locations where the pervert in question most likely was.

  He didn’t bother with subtlety or trying to determine which one of those locations the peeper had hidden himself. He merely opened fire on all three locations. The large boulder in the center of the hot spring was destroyed under his assault, the wall to his left became riddled with holes, and bullets ripped through the trees in their quest for blood.

  A figure shot out from the trees, landing on the ground less than two feet away. It was Orin.

  “That was uncalled for,” the old monkey said.

  His answer was in the form of Kevin firing more bullets at him.

  “Shut up! You spied on my mate and me while we were intimate! I’m going to kill you for that!”

  Orin dodged his fired bullets with ease. “Now, now, young man. You are in my village, and someone has to keep an eye on you to make sure you don’t cause any trouble.”

  Kevin fired a massive beam of youki from his black gun. Orin leapt away from it. The beam continued on to drill a hole straight through a large boulder.

  “That doesn’t give you the right to spy on us while we’re bathing together, you perv!”

  As Kevin chased the old monkey all over the hot springs, Lilian finally began to cry.

  “Waa! That stupid monkey saw me naked! Now I’ll never get married!”

  You already have a mate.


  Your mate. You already have one, so you don’t need to get married.

  Lilian blinked.

  “Oh, I guess you’re right.” A pause. “But someone other than my beloved still saw me naked!”

  As Lilian began bawling again, and Kevin tried to pump a certain perverted monkey full of holes, none of them saw the two shadowy figures that stealthily snuck out of the hot spring.

  Christine and Iris stood outside of the entrance to the hot springs. They were dressed in their normal clothing. Christine had her lolita outfit on, and Iris was wearing her black booty shorts, tube top, and sandals.

  “That was too close,” Iris muttered, wiping the sweat from her brow. “If we had moved any slower, we would have probably been turned into Swiss cheese.”

  Christine nodded in agreement. “Who knew Kevin had such a nasty trigger finger?”

  “Well, someone was spying on him and his mate while they were getting into some heavy foreplay.”

  “And whose fault is that?” Christine asked, glaring at her.

  “The monkey’s, of course,” Iris declared, grinning. “After all, we didn’t get caught. Lesson number one of peeping: whoever gets caught is the peeper.”

  “That’s an interesting lesson. Where did you learn it?” a voice asked in her ear.

  “From Heather,” Iris said, not seeing the way Christine was shaking her arms back and forth with wide, frantic eyes. “I have to admit I think I understand what that perverted idiot sees in her.”

  “Really? That’s so nice. I’ll be sure to let her know what you thought of her teachings when I see her again.”

  Iris frowned as she suddenly realized that the voice did not belong to Christine. It took her several seconds, but she soon recognized the voice, and a cold sweat suddenly broke out on her body.

  Craning her neck around, Iris was greeted to the sight of a smiling Kevin. His lips were stretched into a wide smile that forced his eyes closed, and odd wisps of purple miasma seemed to waft from his body like smoke. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she might have been hallucinating, but nope, the miasma was still there.

  “Ah…” Iris wondered why she felt so nervous. “S-Stud! What are, um, what’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing much,” Kevin replied, still smiling. By Inari’s saggy balls that was one freaky smile. “I just finished dealing with a perverted monkey, and now I’ve come here to deal with two other people who decided to peek on Lilian and me while we were intimate.”

  Iris glanced at Christine, hoping the girl would help her. When she saw the yuki-onna/bakeneko hybrid frozen like a block of ice, she realized that no help would be forthcoming. It was all up to her.

  “Um, yeah, listen, about that. So, like, we were just minding our own business in the hot springs when all that gunfire and stuff went off. I swear we didn’t see anything.” Standing beside her, Christine nodded emphatically. “We especially didn’t see you fingering Lilian.”

  Christine facepalmed.

  “Iris,” Kevin said, his smile still in place.

  “I just screwed myself over, didn’t I?” Iris asked, her shoulders slumping.

  “Yes,” Kevin agreed. “Yes, you did.”

  “Would you give me a ten second head start at least?”


  “… Well, fuck.”

  Chapter 5

  Making Plans

  Kevin woke up bright and early the next morning. Trace amounts of sunlight filtered in through the entrance, which was covered by a thick curtain-like sheet of cloth. It surprised him how, despite it being winter, he hadn’t been the least bit cold last night. Then again, it was hard to feel cold when you had two warm bodies snuggling with you.

  Turning his head, Kevin saw his mate’s sleeping face mere inches from his own. With her fiery hair partially concealing her face, Lilian’s visage had taken on an alluring quality. Partially opened lips of a dark red called out to him. He was tempted to wake her up with a kiss, but he felt it would be better to let her sleep. There was no telling what today would bring, and he wanted her to be well rested.

  Iris slept on his left side. She had wrapped her arms, legs, and tails around him as she used his pectoral as a pillow. Every so often, her body would unconsciously rub itself against him, reminding Kevin that Iris made it a habit not to wear underwear.

  With practiced ease, Kevin disentangled himself from the two vixens who, frowning in displeasure at their source of warmth disappearing, sought out another source to keep them warm. Kevin actually got a hard-on as the two cuddled with each other. It was undeniably adorable, but it was also sexy, incredibly so. There was just something erotic about the way they snuggled together, their legs an entangled mess, tails entwining, and their breasts being squished between them. He felt like he could have watched them until they woke up, but that would have been creepy, so he didn’t.

  It was awfully cold now that he wasn’t under the blanket. Shivering, Kevin went over to their single bag of luggage and pulled out his clothes. Jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt, which he hurriedly donned before also putting on some socks and a pair of sneakers.

  Once dressed, he looked around the room to see that its other two occupants were still there. Polydora was still asleep. He imagined she’d wake up sometime today. On the other hand, Cien was wide awake, sitting up in bed and staring at him. Good. That made things easier.

  “I see that you’re awake,” Kevin said, sitting down beside Cien’s bed. “That’s good. I have some questions that I would like you to answer.”

  “As the victor, you’re demanding that I answer these questions, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  Cien closed his eyes and sighed. “I suppose if it’s going to be like that, I have no choice. I don’t know how you know about the Inu’s Warrior Code, but since you’ve made this your demand as the victor of our engagement, I can do nothing less than answer your questions.”

  Inu were warriors through and through, and like all warriors, they had their own code of ethics and honor, which most of them abided by.

  There were a few exceptions to this rule. Chris, for exa
mple, didn’t follow any set of rules or ethics. While Kevin didn’t want to bad-mouth someone related to Kiara, he wouldn’t lie and say that Chris was a good, or even semi-decent, person. He was scum. But he was also an extreme example. Most inu fell somewhere between him and Kiara.

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” Kevin narrowed his eyes. “Now, I want you to give me the location of each base that you think Phoebe, the yama uba you captured, is most likely being held.”

  “Before I answer you, I have a question of my own,” Cien said.

  “Is that so?” Kevin’s smile turned slightly feral. “What makes you think that you get to ask me any questions? That’s not how this works. As the victor, I am the one who gets to ask the questions here, and as the loser, you’re the one who must answer them.”

  Cien’s gaze hardened, but Kevin didn’t let it perturb him. He knew what Cien was trying to do. This was a test to see whether Kevin truly deserved to have those questions answered or not.

  He met Cien’s gaze head on, refusing to back down. An uncomfortable tension clogged the atmosphere, stifling and thick. Yet Kevin still didn’t back down, and finally, Cien relaxed and stopped his staring contest with Kevin.

  “Very well,” the inu said. “You wish to know where your friend has been taken? I can only think of three locations where she might be. Tori-Kami, our main base, which is just outside of Toronto. Kushi, our secondary base of operations. You’ll find it on Michipicoten Island. The last possible place she could be is in Michigan state. We have a secret base there on Beaver Island. Out of the three potential places your friend could be, the last one is the most likely.”

  Kevin placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward. “What makes you say that?”

  “Because Michigan is the one state that’s under our complete control,” Cien said. “While we have small cells of yōkai in every state, Michigan belongs to us.”

  “You mean Michigan belongs to the Yamata Alliance?”



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