Love’s Serenade

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Love’s Serenade Page 6

by Sheryl Lister

  When she came back, Miles was sitting at the piano playing what sounded like a slow blues tune. He stopped and glanced up at her approach. “You don’t have to stop. I’ve never heard that one before.”

  “It’s not finished yet. Just something that’s been playing around in my head. Good morning. How did you sleep?”

  Leigh smiled. “Good morning. Quite well,” she lied.

  “That makes one of us,” Miles cracked, and started another melody. “I laid in bed thinking about your kisses all night. How about you?”

  She stared.

  His hands paused over the keys and he met her gaze. “We’re going to have to handle this soon.”

  She sighed inwardly. “I know.” Thankfully, at that moment, Loyce entered. Miles gave her a look that said the conversation wasn’t over.

  The rehearsal went well, but Leigh wanted to sing something new and asked about it.

  Willie shrugged. “Frank wrote most of the songs for the band. Me, Sam and Loyce just left it to him.”

  “Actually,” Miles started, “I wrote a song I’d like you all to take a look at.” He handed music sheets to the three men and to Leigh, making sure to brush his hands across hers.

  Leigh tried to ignore the contact and focus on the papers. After a few minutes of perusal, Willie and Loyce began playing bars on their respective instruments. Sam waded in on drums.

  “This ain’t bad, Miles. Ain’t bad at all,” Loyce said.

  “Thanks. I think Miss Leigh will do it proud.”

  She scanned the lyrics of the song titled, In My Dreams and eyed Miles. The song was about a woman who struck out on her own to pursue her dreams with no plans to wait for a man, though she wouldn’t mind having one around to keep her warm at night. “Let me hear the music.”

  Miles played the up-tempo piece staring directly into her eyes without missing a beat. “What do you think?” he asked when the song ended.

  Leigh grudgingly admitted that it would be perfect for their audience. She could already feel the melody coursing through her. “I like it.” She also realized it wasn’t the same song he’d been playing when she entered, but didn’t want to ask about it in front of the other two men since Miles didn’t mention it as being one of the songs for the band.

  He chuckled. “I knew you would. Think you can be ready to sing it tomorrow night?”

  Saturdays were their biggest nights and, lately, Liz had been teasing about needing to expand the place even more. “Sure.” Instead of ending practice, they continued for another hour, with plans to rehearse in the morning and packed up just as the restaurant opened.

  Leigh waited until the other band members left to ask about the other song. “Are you going to let the band hear the other song you were playing? It was very nice, too.”

  Miles stood from the piano. “Care to join me for lunch?”

  “So you aren’t going to answer my question?”

  He lifted a brow. “You didn’t answer mine, either.”

  “Fine. Let’s get a table.” She spun on her heel and headed toward the hostess station.

  He laughed softly and followed. Once they were seated, he said, “No.”

  Leigh looked up from her menu, confused. “No, what?”

  “I’m answering your question.”

  “Why not? It would be great.”

  The conversation paused while the server took their order. Then Miles said, “It’s not finished and I don’t know if it ever will be, so…” He shrugged. “There are a few things that aren’t finished between us either, but I’m sure they’ll settle themselves in time.”

  Her pulse skipped.

  He leaned forward and trained his midnight gaze on her. “I dreamed of being here with you like this for three long years and there’s no comparison to the real thing.”

  Leigh almost fainted. Something told her that she was in danger of losing her heart to him once more.

  Chapter 6

  Leigh could barely get through the night’s performance for thinking about Mile’s words. They seemed to whisper across the stage every time he glanced her way. By the end of the first set, she needed more than water to cool her down. She stood against the door of her dressing room and took several deep, calming breaths. She wasn’t one for drinking spirits, but she seriously considered going over to the bar and asking for a glass of whatever Mack and Liz had hidden behind the wall. A knock startled her.

  “Are you okay, Leigh?”

  She opened the door to Miles. “I’m fine. Why?”

  “You left rather quickly and I wanted to make sure everything was alright.”

  She waved a hand. “Oh, it was just really hot. I can’t believe how many people are here tonight.”

  Miles smiled knowingly. “Mmm hmm.” He tilted her chin and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “See you in a minute.”

  Leigh nodded.

  He gave her that patented grin and walked off.

  She closed the door again. How could one man make her melt so easily? Every heated glance and subtle touch brought her closer to the edge of losing control. If she did, her only problem would be not wanting him to stop. Ever.

  Ten minutes later, Leigh went back on stage in control and determined not to let Miles and his seductive smile rattle her. She did well until the last song. Somehow, her original closing song, Tain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do, had been replaced by their duet. Though he kept his distance, when he sang the verse promising his woman that he wouldn’t tarry and leave her all alone, that he would come just as fast as his legs could carry him and love her all night long, she was lost.

  While the audience clapped, hooted and whistled, Leigh did well to keep her smile in place.

  Miles materialized next to her and raised a hand to silence the crowd. “Let’s give one more round of applause for Miss Leigh.” He waited a moment until the resulting response died down. “If you think tonight was something, you don’t want to miss out tomorrow. We’ll have a brand new tune and you can only hear it at The Magnolia Club.”

  Leigh whipped her head in his direction. If the buzz generated by his announcement was any indication, Liz would probably need to knock out that wall by morning. As the crowd filtered out, she heard several people making plans to come early to make sure they had a seat.

  Liz rushed over to where Leigh, Miles and Loyce stood talking. She had a huge smile on her face. “Miles, you sure are good for business.”

  “Miss Liz, I have to agree,” Loyce said. “You might want to keep him on.”

  Leigh divided a speculative glance between Loyce and Liz. “What about Frank? I thought he was getting better?”

  Loyce nodded. “He is, but it’s going to be best if he just moves on or goes back home to Chicago where his family lives.” He shrugged. “Maybe he can find some piano work there. As long as he keeps his nose clean.”

  “Those men aren’t going to let him be until they have their money or his life,” Liz added. “I’d rather him keep his life. Loyce and I saw him off on the train this morning and I gave him a nice settlement.”

  Leigh squeezed her friend’s hand. “That was very kind, Liz.” She just wished she had been able to say goodbye.

  “Well, you all go on home, so that I can get some rest. I have a feeling I’m going to need to pay a visit to the funeral parlor to rent some chairs for tomorrow.”

  They all laughed and said their goodbyes.

  “I’ll be up in about five minutes,” Miles whispered as he passed her.

  The discussion about Frank had made her momentarily forget about what might take place. She gave him a barely perceptible nod and made her way to her apartment.

  Upstairs, Leigh paced the length of her small front room, not knowing whether to change clothes, put up a pot of tea or what. A knock on the door settled the matter. She slowly walked over and opened it and stepped back for Miles to enter. She didn’t know what she expected to happen next—he’d kiss her, they’d go to the bedroom—but it wasn’t him walking her over
to the sofa, draping her legs across his lap, taking off her shoes and massaging her feet. The pressure of his hands extinguished the aches that always accompanied the long hours on stage.

  “I don’t know how you do it, night after night, in these heels. These beautiful, brown legs look good, but I know they’re tired.” Miles lifted one leg, placed a lingering kiss there and repeated the action on the other before continuing his ministrations.

  The kneading felt so good Leigh could only manage a soft moan. His hands moved higher, pushing her dress further up to expose her thighs. “This feels so good, Miles,” she murmured. Her head fell back against the sofa and her eyes closed.

  “That’s what I want—to make you feel good.” His hands slid up her outer thighs and grasped her hips.

  Leigh’s eyes opened and held his for a long moment.

  Miles stilled. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he said, “We’ll only go as far as you want, baby. Anytime you want me to stop, for any reason, just say so.”

  Stopping was the furthest thing from her mind. “Don’t stop.” He resumed his quest. Warmth spread through her veins. Her breasts tingled and her core throbbed and pulsed. As if he knew just what she needed, Miles’s fingers went to the space between her legs. He circled the bud, teasing. Moans spilled from her lips as the sensations brought on by his touch intensified. Her breath stacked up in her throat and a moment later, she shattered like a pane of glass. Leigh buried her face in the sofa to keep from screaming loud enough to wake the neighbors. While her body still trembled, Miles lifted her into his strong arms and carried her down the short hallway to her bedroom. She took a moment to turn on the lamp by her bed. He slowly and sensually stripped away all of her clothing, then kissed his way down her body. His hands roamed across her belly, over her hips and down her thighs. Miles captured her mouth in a slow-as-molasses kiss. His tongue made sweeping, swirling motions in her mouth and a flurry of sensations raced through her.

  “You are more beautiful than I remember,” Miles said as his heated gaze roamed down her body. He stood and undressed.

  Leigh couldn’t take her eyes off his well-defined chest and abs. The muscles of his arms and legs rippled with every movement. “And you’re more handsome than I remember.”

  A slight grin tilted the corner of his mouth. Miles sheathed himself in the rubber and lowered himself next to Leigh on the bed. He lowered his head and touched his mouth to hers. “I missed you, Leigh. More than you’ll ever know.”

  He stared at her as if he wanted to say more, but didn’t. The kisses started again and he trailed a series down her jaw and neck to the valley between her breasts. He took one hardened nipple between his lips and sucked gently. “Oh, Miles.” His hand found her center again and he slid one long finger inside. “Yesss,” she moaned as his skillful fingers continued their magic. He added another one and her body splintered again. Leigh let out a keening cry.

  “How do you feel now, sweetheart? Still good?”

  She couldn’t even begin to answer him with her body in the throes of such pleasure. He moved his body over hers and she tensed slightly as he pushed at her entrance. It must have shown on her face.

  Miles’s brow lifted. “Are you okay? It’s like—”

  “Yes. It’s just that…there’s been no one else, but you.”

  A look of tenderness washed over his face. “Then we’ll go slow, just like the first time.”

  He teased her with short strokes, moving in and out until she was comfortable. The flame rose again and Leigh remembered why she had enjoyed herself. Her hands glided over his firm back muscles and she lifted her hips to meet each of his well-placed thrusts. He angled her higher and increased the pace, setting her whole being on fire. This time the orgasm started somewhere around her belly and flared out to the rest of her body and she erupted with a force that made her almost pass out. Waves of sensation washed over her.

  Miles plunged deeper and brought her in for a spine-tingling kiss. He abruptly tore his mouth away, buried his head in her neck and found his own release. He let out a low moan, his sounds of pleasure mingling with hers. “Leigh. Sweet, sweet, Leigh,” he called almost reverently. He caressed her face then kissed her softly.

  When he withdrew and wrapped her in his arms, she wished it could always be this way between them. If he left again… She closed her arms and snuggled closer.

  They lay in silence a long while. “What are you thinking about?”

  “How do you know I’m thinking?”

  “I know you. That mind never stops going.”

  She wanted to ask if he planned to stay, but was afraid of the answer. Instead, she asked, “Why did you leave me?”

  His deep sigh ruffled the silence. “I do owe you an explanation.” Another minute passed before he started speaking. “My mother died when I was three and it devastated my father. My grandmother, his mother, tried to get him to stay with her in Louisiana, but he was so brokenhearted that he packed me up and took to the road. He could play that piano—much better than I do—so he always had a gig somewhere. We never stayed in one place for more than two or three months, but wherever we went, he managed to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I remember sometimes walking for hours to the next town and being happy when someone came along in a buggy to give us a ride, especially during the summer heat or winter freeze. It wasn’t an easy life, but he was my pa and I didn’t mind, as long as we were together.”

  Leigh’s heart broke for the life he’d had to lead. She could hear the deep affection he felt for his father, but it still didn’t answer her question.

  “Anyway, that was my life until he died in the war. After that, I tried to go back to Louisiana with Mama, get a farm job, but I couldn’t stay. A few months later, I hit the road again. But when I met you, something inside me wanted to stay.” Miles propped up on an elbow and peered down at her. “The first time I heard your voice, I was a goner. But that’s not what captured me.”


  He shook his head. “This.” He placed his hand on her heart. “This is what held my attention—your amazing heart and giving spirit. I told you that back in Magnolia. I’ve never met anyone else like you. I didn’t want to leave you, Leigh, believe me, but I didn’t know how to stay.”

  Leigh placed her hand against his cheek. “Your father would be proud of you. You’ve kept yourself out of trouble and, as far as playing the piano, I don’t know anybody better than you. But what about now, Miles? I don’t want to wake up one morning and find you gone again.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. I’m ready to put down roots, Leigh. No matter where I went, you were never far from my mind. Or my heart.” He wiped away her tears. “Don’t cry. I mean it this time. I’m here to stay.”

  She searched his face for any hint of guile, but saw only sincerity. The wall around her heart dropped a little further. “Okay.” They shared a smile and Miles placed a tender kiss on her lips. “Where did you go after you left Magnolia?”

  “Everywhere—Chicago, New Orleans, Kansas, California.”

  “You traveled all the way to California?”

  “Yep, and I picked up something for you while I was in San Francisco.”

  She sat up. “What is it?”

  Miles chuckled. “I’ll bring it tomorrow and you can see for yourself.”

  “Why haven’t you given it to me before now?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know. Just never felt the time was right. But I do now.” He traced a finger over her lips and kissed her. He lay back on the pillow and held her for a while longer. “Speaking of tomorrow, I should go.”

  Leigh would have loved for him to hold her all night, but knew they had no choice. “I know.” As he left the bed, she scanned his naked body from head to toe and smiled. It reminded her of one of those nude sculptures she’d seen with every muscle drawn to perfection. He dressed without a word. She slid off the bed and put on her robe.

  Miles took her hand and led her
to the front. “Get some rest, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed her deeply once more and rested his forehead against hers. “Lock up.” He opened the door, stuck his head out to make sure no one was there and stepped out.

  “Be careful, Miles,” Leigh whispered. He nodded and loped down the hall toward the stairs. She waited until he disappeared around the corner before closing the door. With times being the way they were, the night could be especially dangerous and she didn’t want anything to happen to him. Not when she was falling in love with him again.


  Despite only a couple hours of sleep, Miles felt more energized than he had in a long time. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d shared with Leigh. Even now, the melody of her passionate cries played in his head…and his heart. He finally understood why he missed her so much, why he had to come back. He loved her. And he finally had the missing piece to the song he’d been working on for three years. It didn’t fit the current jazz or blues sound, but he instinctively knew with Leigh’s voice, it could be a bestselling race record. Back in Magnolia, she had confided in him that her ultimate dream was to see her name on a record. He planned to make it happen.

  Miles removed the box he kept tucked safely in his suitcase and opened it. He carefully unwrapped the paper and inspected it for damage. When he had seen the sculpture in an art studio while in San Francisco, he knew he had to buy it for Leigh. He had been pleasantly surprised that the owner was a woman of the race. Maybe once he saved up a bit more money, he and Leigh could train out to California to purchase something else. Miles rewrapped the sculpture, placed it back in the box and put it into his satchel. He made sure he had everything, then headed over to the Magnolia. He couldn’t wait to see Leigh’s face.

  It was going to be hard not to haul her into his arms and kiss her the moment he saw her, but he preferred to keep all their dealings private for the time being. As he drove, he debated on whether to tell her that he loved her. It would go a long way in showing her that he meant what he said about staying around, but what if she didn’t feel the same? By the time he entered the club, he had decided to keep his feelings to himself for now. It would give him more time to court her and show her that this time would be for keeps.


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