Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 10

by Harris, K.

  “Cousin. I know that look. What is it with this woman?” Carmello asked.

  “She is a part of a business arrangement of sorts, let’s just say that.”

  “Why can’t I ever have an arrangement like that? I don’t know what all is a part of the terms but signing up as a bed mate would definitely be a bonus. She is beautiful and now I see she is smart as well. If she weren’t black, she would make a perfect asset.”

  “What does her being black have to do with anything?”

  “Come on now. You know as well as I do, many associates would not approve of such a union. That would ensure anarchy for sure. Giving the already power hungry individuals a reason to act out.”

  “Like I give a fuck what anyone has to say about my doings?”

  “I totally agree with your sentiments but tradition is tradition. Is it not?”

  “…” Antonio didn’t bother responding to what Carmello had to say. For he knew what he spoke was the truth. A lot of associates as well as family would have plenty to say of a biracial union. The respect he has from the many traditional Sicilian families would be lost for good. Then a thought occurred to him, ‘he just wanted to fuck not marry.’ Everything else was a moot point. All he thought about was satisfying his curiosity.

  The fact that she was a married woman would make things that much easier for she is trained to run back to her husband when the dust settles. She is submissive by training. How would he go about suggesting such a lewd act though? Maybe, just maybe using his powerful influence wouldn’t be such a bad idea in this case.


  Allison was finding it hard to keep a stone face around the men she was surrounded by. Especially Antonio Mucciono, with him decked out in his custom fit suit, no tie for a casual look, and rugged features. His smoldering dark eyes were alluring to her for some strange reason. Every time she caught him staring at her, she wanted to smile but the fear of the unknown prevented such an act.

  The women vying for his attention caused pettiness to simmer below the curiosity within her as well. Curiosity for what it would be like to have his undivided attention on only herself. Although a lot of the Italian men were flocking to her, she considered the reason was only because she was ‘new booty.’ At least that’s what she kept telling herself. Between Roberto and Gio they were trying their best to bring her out of her reserved shell. Truth was she really wanted to loosen up and enjoy herself but she didn’t want to anger Antonio.

  Her loyalty for this new person in her life left her feeling weird. Somehow she felt like she was betraying her husband for even looking at this man in any other way besides being a monster. After all she is here in another country against her will. Then her memory of who put her in that predicament throws doubt out the window. She would much rather be with this supposed monster than her evil husband. Now how to convince Antonio to keep her. Even if that sounded like she was hoping to be adopted by this crime boss like she was some pet in a shelter, it was still safer here than there.

  “I will be right out here.” Gio whispered. She could only nod her head.

  She really didn’t have to go to the restroom, she just wanted to clear her mind. Away from what was fogging it up. Antonio Mucciono. The green eyed monster would surely return to her timid spirit as soon as that woman returned to his side. Allison was privy to all the flirtatious banter between the two grownups. Why she felt the need to be jealous was beyond her comprehension. Suddenly she heard some hushed voices coming towards the restroom. She recognized the main one was the Emily chick telling another to check to make sure it was empty. Allison chose to place her legs in the air so they weren’t visible to anyone looking underneath. Praying they wouldn’t push the doors open instead.

  “The coast is clear.” Even her breathing felt on hold as she listened carefully.

  “Is everything all set?” Emily asked while shuffling with something.

  “Yes. I snuck him in before opening. He has an eagle eye viewpoint of the target. As soon as he gets the signal, he will end it while everyone is distracted. They will never see it coming.”

  “Great job. I am sure the boss will reward you for your loyalty.”

  “All I ask is that my family be spared.”

  “When the plan is completed, everything will be as it was.”

  “How can I be sure his people won’t put the pieces together therefore implementing me? I fear I will be in far more danger if his consigliere figures things out before I can get away. He seems cold and calculated just as the Don.”

  “You just do as you are told. Don’t question me or I can put a bullet in your head now.” Allison was thinking to herself, if she killed her now then how would she do her bidding? Maybe it was just common sense that she was all bite and no bark. At the other woman’s silence, it was evident she chose to keep her mouth shut. “Now this is the vile to mix into his drink. When I return to his side, I will persuade him to meet with you personally. You can take the place of the black bitch sitting next to him, whoever she is. I know he is interested in the night I spoke of to him. You will offer to refresh his drink, in which you will pour in the poison. Is that clear?”


  “Before we leave refresh your makeup and pinch your cheeks to make it look like we were making out.” Allison heard the commotion indicating they were about to leave. She waited just long enough to be sure they were out of sight before she peaked out. The coast was clear so she made a beeline to Gio. She had to tell him what she overheard.

  “It took you long enough. Were you enjoying the show or something?”

  “The show?” Allison asked perplexed.

  “I saw the two women come out before you. From the looks of things they must have been into some heavy shit.”

  “Oh, you have no idea.” Allison remarked. Gio chuckled. “I have to tell you something. I am pretty sure what I am about to say will make sense to you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Let’s walk away from here. I don’t want them to see that I was in the restroom the entire time they were talking.” She was shaking with fear. Recalling there was a hint of a gunman somewhere in the rafters or at least she thinks that is what they were referring to.

  “You’re shaking, what’s the matter?” Gio asked when they were near the wall away from prying eyes. Allison knew she had to make it quick before Antonio got suspicious for they had been missing for far too long.

  “I overheard the Emily woman and another woman talking about something dreadful.”

  “Alright go on.”

  “They didn’t say for sure but I think they were talking about Antonio. There was talk about setting someone up. A gunmen in the rafters that was set up before opening. Some kind of vile with poison to cause a diversion. The other woman is worried about a consigliere or something like that. Saying he was cold or something. I don’t know but I know what I heard. Something is about to happen Gio.”

  “Shit! Come on.” Gio was moving stealthily but just calm enough not to draw attention. When they arrived back in their area, Antonio was surrounded by the vixen and the red head that was pointed out earlier in the night. He was smiling from ear to ear enjoying himself too much. Gio went to speak with a few other men before they left the area calmly as if nothing was going on. Allison stood in direct sight of the threesome going on in plain view. Antonio made brief eye contact with her and the look he gave her sent a shiver down her spine. But why?

  From the corner of her eye she saw the red head passing him a fresh drink. Allison doesn’t know what came over her as she slapped the drink out of her hand sending the contents all over the front of her sleazy outfit. Some of the remnants even spilled on Antonio’s suit. The shock of the cold liquid had them both jumping out of their seats. The glass crashing to the ground got everyone else’s attention. Gio stepped up next to her but with his back to the group.

  “What the hell Allison?” Antonio barked.

  “Why would you do that?” Both women shouted.

>   “There is something you need to know Antonio.” Allison boldly stated looking from one woman to the next. The anger in her eyes was real.

  “What is it and it better be good?” Antonio snapped. His angry expression was smoldering the flame of boldness she held and was causing her to retreat quickly.

  “While I was in the restroom… I overheard their plans.” Both women looked to each other before cursing. The red-head looked afraid while the green-eyed demon gave her a look that would surly turn her to stone.

  “Plans?” Antonio coerced.

  “That drink was laced with poison.”

  “LIAR!” The Emily woman shouted.

  “GOT HIM!” Gio chanted. “Detain these two.” He gestured two other men over.

  “No please, wait.” The red-head protested.

  “What is going on?” Carmello who had been quiet throughout the entire ruckus asked. Antonio wasn’t saying anything, he was silently seething.

  “Take them away.” Gio sneered. “If you continue to make a spectacle I won’t hesitate to shoot you now. Understand?” He stated revealing his silenced pistol. Allison was terrified of guns, so she froze immediately.

  “The windows are still fairly closed so no one would hear a thing.” Carmello stated.

  “You didn’t hear shit, bitch.”

  “I heard enough, bitch.”

  “Can someone now tell me what is going on?” Antonio asked not so calmly. Allison, although scared, recited everything she’d heard while in the restroom. Both Antonio and Carmello stood still listening to the details that was laid out. She could see their features morph from anger to beyond pissed.

  “We apprehended the shooter from the rafters. The three have been relocated to separate locations. We should leave to ensure there are no others we are unaware of.”

  “Let’s take the back way.” Carmello motioned. Antonio only nodded his head before grabbing Allison’s hand and strolling away with Gio bringing up the rear. This had been an eventful night. However being in his presence gave her a sense of security. Her heart was softening towards the dangerous crime boss inevitably putting her in more danger than anything in the world. The danger of actually caring for someone and having her heart broken.

  Chapter 11

  The car ride was silent but it wasn’t nearly as long as it was to get to the club. From the scenery from outside the window, they weren’t traveling in the same direction as she remembered. She was wondering where they were going and what was to come next. Before long they pulled into the driveway of a lavish hotel. The vehicle stopped at the glass paned wall of doors and the doorman rushed to the car. Antonio was the first to get out before reaching down to assist Allison out.

  Without rush, Antonio ushered Allison into the building. All the while speaking to the staff that greeted them. Not so much as a cursory glance was directed to them as they boarded the elevator. To be so late at night, Allison was shocked to see so many people working. Besides the one time in Las Vegas with Derek she had never been in such a nice structure before anyway. Obviously that’s what the nice places required, round the clock workers.

  “Can I offer you something to drink?” Antonio had led the way into the huge hotel suite. She was sure it was nice and luxurious but she only had eyes on him at the moment. The way he gracefully moved in his suit, especially how large he was, made her skin moist. She has seen a few fine men in her time but never had she been attracted to a white man before. Well that is until now. “Allison?”

  “Sorry, what?” Antonio only chuckled and looked down as if he read her mind. If he did she was truly ashamed. She was a married woman no matter how miserable the said marriage was.

  “I asked if you needed anything.” Antonio repeated.

  “Anything? Uh…” She was trying to remember a time that she actually desired another person. The answer was an astonishing, zero others. Allison had never had a desire to be with her husband. Sure he was attractive but he destroyed any other emotions with his violence.

  “Allison. Allison…” Antonio commenced to pouring two drinks. “Have a drink with me?”

  “Oh, I don’t really drink.”

  “Just to take the edge off from tonight. I know you must have been a little frightened. I saw your fear displayed when guns were drawn.”

  “Why… I mean. How are you so calm?”

  “Is that what you see? Calm?” Antonio chuckled void of humor. The laugh alone made Allison’s hair stand up on her neck and arms. “Are you afraid?”

  “Y-yes…” Allison didn’t hesitate on her answer. “But I know you’re not aiming any retribution towards me. Well not now at least.” She added and he smirked.

  “Why did you do it?” Antonio asked smoothly, fixing another drink. He was taking his drinks to the head fast or she was just too slow to react.

  “Do what?” Allison was really confused as to what he was referring to. She was now sitting at the bar while he stood behind it.

  “Knock the drink out of my hand. Report to Gio. Any of it.”

  “They were trying to kill you.”

  “They wouldn’t be the first, I’m sure.” Hearing that one statement caused a sharp intake of breath from Allison. She took the drink to the head to kill the spinning. It didn’t help but the warm tingly feeling did feel better. “I guess my question is, why would you save your captor?” The serious glare he pinned her with was frightening but with a small hint of sensuality. At least to her. Then it occurred to her it could be the drink playing tricks on her sanity. Causing her to see things.

  “Although the circumstances to our meeting were not traditional, I had hoped I would gain your gratitude for being loyal to you thus far. I admit I have my selfish reasons but in my defense, where would I go? What would I do if something happened to you? It’s not like you have harmed me in any way. The way I see it, I am safer with you than anywhere else.”

  “You think so?”

  “You haven’t given me any reason to doubt you thus far.”

  “As for, where you would go? You could have called your dear husband to send for you. You would be free technically.”

  “Depending on what your definition of free is? There is no such thing as free when you are married to a monster like Derek. I want nothing to do with my husband. If I could divorce him I would. And I highly doubt he would send for me.”

  “Most people would consider me as a monster.”

  “Honestly I could see that.” Allison’s honesty made Antonio chuckle again. She was glad she could take his mind off of the trouble of the night.

  “I can appreciate your honesty.”

  “It’s all I have to my name.”

  “To answer your previous question, I am far from calm but you are helping to keep the beast inside me at bay. It’s very brave of you to entertain me in this state.”

  “It’s not like I had much choice.”


  “How do you normally sate your anger? Obviously the alcohol isn’t helping for you’ve drank five to my two.”

  “You are right about that, it’s not helping. Furthermore you don’t want to know how I normally sate my anger, as you so kindly put it.” He chuckled before resting against the counter. Allison’s treacherous eyes were moving on their own accord as they looked over his body. Antonio had taken off his jacket as they spoke. He was now in his button down shirt with the first two buttons undone. His hands were braced on the counter he was leaning on making his already big biceps stretch the shirt further.

  “Humor me.” She breathed out.



  “Do you find me attractive?”

  “…” Allison was in shock that he asked that question. Heat rushed up her neck to her head and her palms instantly started to sweat. How do you answer something like that?

  “You just said all you have to your name is honesty. So?”


  “That’s good to know because I find you attractive as well.


  “Why do you sound surprised?”

  “Let’s just say I have no reason to feel desirable after years of hearing differently.” Allison put her head down just thinking about how her life has been in the past years. “Plus, if I recall those words came from your mouth not too long ago. At least something similar.”

  “Touché.” Antonio nodded his head with what she has noticed is his signature smirk. “In order to humor you, I would have to show you. Telling you doesn’t do it justice.” Antonio stated with a serious look on his face. Allison really wanted to know but was afraid to request for him to show her.

  “Show me.”

  “I don’t think that’s a wise idea, Miss Allison.”

  “Why not, Mr. Antonio?”

  “Hmph…” Antonio grunted. From the look on his face he was visualizing something and in deep contemplation over it. “Showing you would satisfy my curiosity but I’m not sure you will be able to handle what I am capable of showing you.”

  “You never know until you try.”

  “This battle of the wits is a dangerous game you’re playing sweetheart.” Allison noticed Antonio was swaggering her way. Unconsciously she bit her bottom lip as her stomach did mega flips. “Are you sure?”


  “Come with me.” Allison followed Antonio into the oversized bedroom not sure what was going to come next but she was determined not to regret it. She’d asked for it now it was time to take it like a woman.


  Emily and Susan were awaken from their brief slumber strapped to huge chairs that resembled the ones found in a nail salon. Having met several times at another nail shop to discuss business, it was ironic that they found themselves in a similar position. The bottoms of their feet seemed to be glued down or something else sinister. Glancing at one another and then around the room they were trying to decide if they should speak aloud.


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