Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt?

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Indecent Pawn: What price is too high to pay for another person’s debt? Page 15

by Harris, K.

  “What did you find out?” Antonio asked Gio as soon as he crossed the threshold into his office. Instead of wallowing in self-pity any longer, after kicking Allison out of his room he went to the office.

  “Franco is magically missing in action. Like he was just wiped off the face of the earth. Accounts are under a fake name. Camera footage is being hacked into and sifted through to get an accurate image. It may take a while.”

  “What about Chon?”

  “I suggest we hold off a bit on Chon. At least until after the funeral services.”

  “…” Antonio didn’t comment but he sort of agreed. Angry plus stubborn makes for an interesting boss.

  “This may be out of line but I ran into Allison this morning and she was distraught for some reason. Do you know anything about that?”

  “You’re right, it is out of line.”

  “I think you’re making a mistake.”

  “I didn’t fucking ask you!”

  “Well, like it or fucking leave it, you need to know. She was worried sick about you last night when we got back. Made dinner and everything. All she wanted to do was check up on you.”

  “You should have made sure she knew not to interrupt me.”

  “I did but I guess she wanted to see for herself. She made your food and sat it to the side.”

  “I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I am a grown ass man.”

  “Even grown men need someone.”

  “How about this? I need you to mind your own fucking business and do what you have been assigned to do.”

  “You mean counseling you? Last I checked, I do my job well.”

  “Fuck you, Gio.”

  “No thank you.” Just then the door opened revealing a tired looking Allison. He wanted to feel sorry for her but being an asshole felt safer. Maybe now he could get inappropriate thoughts of her out of his mind. Watching her and Gio interact was causing him to shoot daggers at them both. Would she willingly give her body over to any one of his boys if given the opportunity?

  “You seem to care about her feelings an awful great deal. Are you interested in her or something?”

  “…” Gio chuckled with mock humor. “I will prepare for the guests to arrive. Boss.”

  Antonio knows when Gio is biting his tongue so as not to cause a rift in their relationship. Thankfully he knew when to draw his line in the sand to keep confusion down. The complete opposite of Antonio. Either way he wouldn’t harp over his spur of the moment hormonal decisions. He needed to prepare for his family and associates that will be coming from all over for the funeral services. Those he cared for and those he couldn’t stand.


  “Cousin.” He was approached by yet another family member from the states. This one was by marriage.

  “Brian.” He spoke stiffly. Antonio made no qualms about being distant to certain folks. These are the people that he showed his true boss tendencies too. Cold, uncaring, and an all-around ruthless son of a bitch. But they had better not let him hear them call his mother anything other than a saint. He wore his title proudly.

  “Sorry to hear about your uncle.” He got the hint that he wasn’t in an approachable mood.

  “Thank you.”

  “Brian. It’s wonderful of you all to come.” Carlina interceded seeing as Antonio was a little shocked to have them there. Brian had escorted his mother and his father in law who is Carlina’s brother to Italy. Technically they didn’t have any ties to the organization besides begging him to hire Brian at the security firm. They didn’t have a personal relationship with Carmine in order to fly around the world to be here in Antonio’s opinion. “Clemencio and Martha, it’s been a while.”

  “Carlina, it has been so long since you’ve been in touch. It seems you’re always busy when we try to visit.” Martha remarked. Antonio never cared for the woman or her shit faced son.

  “Give your big brother a hug. I’ve missed you sweetie.”

  “Same here.” The brother and sister embraced with Carlina totally ignoring Martha’s snide remarks. “I had no idea that you all were coming.”

  “Why wouldn’t we come? Carmine was like family.” Martha said like it was a natural thing for them to come. He internally rolled his eyes at the statement. They were nothing like family. “Especially with Brian working for the family and all. It was only fitting.”

  “We were under the impression you were expecting us.” Clemencio looked from Antonio to Carlina in confusion.

  “Actually no…” Antonio started only to be cut off.

  “But it’s fine.” Carlina smoothed over giving Antonio a pointed look to keep his mouth shut. “I will have the staff set up a room for you all.”

  “See, I told you Clemmy. They have plenty of room to accommodate the three of us.” Martha feigned innocence.

  Antonio was not feeling the sleeping arrangements one bit. Out of town house guests that weren’t invited bothered him. Remembering something Gio told him about what Brian had been saying about Allison struck a nerve. If what he said was the truth there is no doubt he will try his luck and create an in house play mate. That he was not going for, he didn’t give a damn if he was somewhat family or not. No one on his team actually cared for the snot nosed little bastard. How his uncle got tangled up with that hot mess he will never know.

  Since Allison had remained busy most of the day, they hadn’t run into one another just yet. He was interested to see what the reaction will be. His mother had been up to her eyeballs in keeping Martha occupied as she went on and on about nothing. Antonio had been busy going over paperwork and other printouts Allison needed him to look over. The working relationship was awkward between them but neither of them spoke on it nor would she make eye contact with him. Getting ready for dinner he felt something was going to pop off he just didn’t know what yet.

  “I apologize for my tardiness. I lost track of time.” Allison announced walking into the dining room. Since she was hell bent on walking around looking down she hadn’t noticed there were guests.

  “No qualms caro.” Carlina spoke. “I haven’t seen you all day. Antonio is keeping you too busy.” She laughed.

  “Who is this black girl? And why is she here?” He heard Martha question with venom clear in her voice. The look she gave off wasn’t polite either. Antonio couldn’t tell if his mother heard her or if she just ignored the ugly woman.

  “Allison sweetheart, I’d like for you to meet my brother Clemencio. His wife Martha and his step-son Brian. Everyone this Allison Myers.” As soon as she laid eyes on Brian, the shock on her face was fascinating. Instead of a look of recognition of a past lover it was of pure fear.

  “We meet again Mrs. Myers.” Brian said smoothly as if he knew exactly where the fear came from and he was enjoying every minute of it.

  “Oh you’ve met before?” Carlina asked.

  “Briefly.” Brian winked for added effect. “We should catch up later.” It didn’t miss Antonio that she swallowed hard. He knew then that something wasn’t right.

  “Hello dear. It’s nice to meet you.” Clemencio spoke with a pleasant smile on his face.

  “Hello. It’s nice to meet you as well.” Martha didn’t bother to speak nor did she look approachable. The greeting smile Allison gave was met with an evil eye in return. This visit from the extra parts of the family would definitely be interesting. And probably not in a good way.

  Chapter 16

  Allison was so consumed with trying to null the pain of being rejected by Antonio after being used to alleviate some anger, she almost missed dinner. However now being in the same room as the asshole friend of Derek’s, she wishes she would have missed it. That bastard had the nerve to gawk at her while attempting to make advances with his eyes. She felt beyond dirty from being eye-raped by the stupid prick. His mother wasn’t any better with her terrible attitude. It was clear she had something against her but it seemed it was only because she was black. The comment of ‘who the black girl was’ didn’t go unnoticed at a
ll. She’d heard the broad loud and clear.

  Throughout dinner, Allison barely paid attention to the conversations going around. As far as she was concerned they were deliberately leaving her out and that was fine with her. Every time Carlina tried to engage her, the nasty Martha would butt in letting it be known that she didn’t approve. Allison truly felt sorry for Carlina’s brother to be stuck with such a woman. Gio even tried to get Allison to talk to him and Roberto but she wasn’t feeling comfortable talking to them for fear Antonio wouldn’t approve. She was truly in a lose-lose situation. Bed time couldn’t come fast enough.

  “Alone at last.” She whirled around hearing the creepy bastard behind her. Allison forgot to logout of the computer in the office so she wanted fix that problem just in case.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “Looking for you of course.”


  “Isn’t it obvious?” He said roaming over her body and then around the room. “I haven’t been in here in years.”

  “Nothing is obvious and I don’t think it’s a good idea you’re in here now.”

  “Why are you in here?”

  “I work in here.”

  “Work? Since when?”

  “Since now. Look, I’m not trying to be rude but you need to leave.”

  “Well, you are doing just that. I’m sure Derek would love to hear what you’ve been up to.” He was full of shit. “Does Antonio know that you are being rude to his famiglia?”

  “I am not up to anything.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Fine, do what you want.” Allison attempted to walk around the man but found her path blocked.

  “What’s the rush?”

  “Please move.”

  “Which room is yours?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I asked, where is your room?”


  “I think you know why.”

  “No I really don’t.”

  “There is nothing but space and opportunity to finish what we started before. Derek isn’t here to stop us this time.”

  “There is nothing to finish.” He reached a hand out to touch Allison and she shrunk away. Brian only chuckled darkly before snatching her arm with a lot of force.

  “Let’s take this to the room, shall we?” Allison tried prying out of his hold but he wasn’t letting up. “Unless you want to be a bit naughty and christen the boss’s office? I’m down for that as well.”

  “This is not happening.”

  “I’m sure my cousin wouldn’t mind me sampling his prisoner. I noticed Aunt Carlina is quite fond of you. Does she know that you have been forced to be here? Does she know you are nothing but a cheap pawn? How many ways has the good Don fucked you? You are technically given pussy.” The more he degraded her the more forceful he became. Allison found herself against one of the bookshelves with Brian against her. She feared for what was to come next. Tears of fear had started to roll and he was enjoying every bit of it.

  “Am I interrupting something?” Roberto asked out of the blue.

  “Nothing to concern yourself about. We were just catching up where we left off. Isn’t that right, Alli-cat?”

  “I’m pretty sure you aren’t allowed in the boss’s office.”

  “I was just telling Alli-cat here the same thing when she motioned for me to come in.” Brian lied as smooth as ever. He was the epitome of a liar. The look he gave her told it all. Allison didn’t bother saying a damn thing, she chose to walk out instead. Running to her room, she locked the door behind her after she was sure she wasn’t followed. Again the bastard had made her feel extremely filthy by putting his hands on her. Just from his speech alone she felt nasty.

  The next day she tried her best to not be alone anywhere near him. Skittish as all get up every time he was around. All the men whom she had grown acquainted with over the period of time she has been there, kept a watchful eye on her at all times. She didn’t know why but she was thankful all the same. From the angered looks he kept throwing her way she knew he wasn’t too happy about that fact either. Obviously something was going on that she didn’t know about. The entire day was like that and she couldn’t have been happier honestly.

  The day had come and gone so swiftly. It was now time for the funeral services. Allison really didn’t even want to go but Carlina insisted. Relenting on going but was hell-bent on not sitting with the family. She and Antonio hadn’t spoken more than a few words to one another, only about business of course. The night they shared that she mistook for passion was a thing of the past as if it never happened. Thankfully she ended up sitting between Roberto and Gio. It was as if she had known Carmine for much longer for she was just as heartbroken as the ones who’s known him longer.

  The site of Antonio trying to hold it together is what really did her in. He tried so hard for his mother’s sake, hiding behind his sunglasses. Somehow she felt his pain and saw through the façade. At the cemetery, she was itching to comfort him even though he said some hurtful things to her. Standing next to him at the gravesite was unnerving to no end but stuck shoulder to shoulder is where they stood. A brush of the hands by pure accident caught her off-guard as she just closed her eyes at the feel of his skin next to hers. Even though his glasses were dark and he didn’t turn his head, she felt when he bore a hole in the side of her head.

  Though brief, Allison marveled in the contact just the same. Other family and associates were coming by to offer their condolences. Allison attempted to move away to give them privacy but Carlina wasn’t letting up and oddly enough Antonio wasn’t making a move on letting her leave either. When it was time to walk back to the family cars, Antonio startled Allison by placing his hand at the small of her back like before. He hadn’t done that since the morning they woke up together. She just fell into step like nothing was different but felt she was being watched. There was no way she would turn around to see where it was coming from for it was common sense.

  “Will you all be at il pranzo?” Carlina asked while they stood outside of the family car they originally came in.

  “No, we have business in town and won’t be back until tomorrow.” Antonio announced. Allison was unaware of that but noticed the truck they normally traveled in pull up next to the funeral car.

  “I understand.” Carlina said. “May I come?”

  “We wouldn’t want to leave your guests unattended now would we?” Antonio asked.

  “No, I suppose not.”

  “See you later mamma. Give everyone our best. Si?”

  “Si. Ti amo, figlio.”

  “Ti amo trappo, mamma.”

  “Ciao, caro.”


  The ride to parts unknown was filled with nothing but sounds from the wind outside the car. Soon enough the truck pulled into the valet area at the hotel they visited two weeks ago. Antonio wasted no time getting out and surprisingly turned to help Allison out. The hotel staff addressed them by name as they walked through the lobby and to the elevators. Neither of them said a word all the way to the top floor. Gio and Roberto were nowhere in sight but at the door she saw their bags.


  “I’ll get them.” Allison offered and Antonio stopped what he was doing to watch. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” They drank in silence. Allison took her glass of juice to the patio doors to look out over the city. It was a beautiful view. If she was there under different circumstances, she is sure she would enjoy herself. Antonio’s presence was strong behind her. Even without turning around she knew he was staring at her.

  As smooth as silk, she felt the zipper at the back of her dress being lowered slowly. Now she knew why she was there. Why they had sudden business in town and wouldn’t be returning until the next day? Allison closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly. Her glass was taken from her hands and sat on the nearby table. Placing her hands on the window in front of h
er as if she was being patted down by the police, her legs were nudged apart. Taking a chance in changing up her underwear, Allison wore a pair of thongs Carlina had snuck in the bag of things she bought for her. The flimsy material left nothing to the imagination.

  Antonio’s hand went directly to her cookie jar while the other pulled the soft material of the matching bra down. Out popped her left breast, into her thong went his right hand, and her head fell back onto his chest. Circling her clit three times had her legs about to buckle. A strong tug on her panties and then nothing but air was felt down below. Faintly she heard him fumble with his belt buckle but the feeling between her legs wouldn’t allow her to focus on it fully. Just like that she felt the pressure of his thick, long rod deep inside her tunnel causing her to gasp.

  Rocking her hips into his, while she tried not to fall caused him to do double duty in making sure she didn’t fall. Her toes were curling in the thigh high stockings she wore. Antonio was working her insides with no mercy. When her eyes weren’t rolling into the back of her head, she looked out over the city enjoying the feeling he was provoking.

  “Odio Ti voglio così tanto.” Antonio was speaking in rapid Italian and she had no clue what he was saying.

  “I can’t hold myself up any longer.” Allison was begging him to cum already. He heeded her warning or so she thought. Instead she found her back against the glass, legs wrapped around his waist, and him digging her guts out against the wall. “Oh Gawd!” Digging her nails into his shoulder, Allison screamed out in ecstasy. Antonio grunted and grunted until he got his release. Between the two it was so much liquid, it started to leak out between their joined bodies.

  Stepping out of his bottoms and shoes, Antonio never broke contact as he carried her to the bathroom. Sitting her on the vanity, he went to start the shower. The remainder of their clothes were discarded with ease. Allison didn’t know what to expect, he had yet to say anything to her. They took turns washing one another before she found herself being turned on again. Antonio led her to the bedroom after the brief shower and got right back to business.


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