Curve Lullaby (A BBW Billionaire Wicked Short)

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Curve Lullaby (A BBW Billionaire Wicked Short) Page 4

by Christa Wick

  When he stopped, I almost cried out.

  “Why won’t you wake up, baby?”

  I felt him moving and thought he was leaving. Instead, he stripped away the robe he wore and stretched his lean, muscular body against me. His hand found mine and guided it toward his cock. When he wrapped my fingers around the thick shaft, I moaned.

  “Answer me, Starla.”

  His hips bobbed, the motion causing his cock to glide within the circle of my fingers. Involuntarily, I squeezed and my entire body began to shake. I couldn’t admit I was awake, couldn’t understand why he had come into my room in the middle of the night if he wanted me awake when he touched me. Didn’t he realize he could have had that all along?

  Cole moved down my body, his words whispering against my flesh as he moved.

  “Baby, I know you’ve seen the videos...”

  He paused and I knew he was waiting for me to relent at last, to admit I was only pretending to be asleep. But how could he know what I had seen in his office? He had been on a jet while I watched and I had cleaned the file history when I was done.

  “They’re your fault, you know?” His voice took on the playful tone he so often teased me with, but his hands were all business as he grabbed the sides of my panties and tightened his grip. “When you first started working for me, you were going 24/7. Sometimes I would find you asleep at your desk, upright, lips parted...”

  Pressing his face against the gusset of my panties, he inhaled deeply. Releasing the air with a sigh, he began to gnaw at the fleshy lips of my sex and gently against my clit.

  “I wanted to kiss you then, Starla -- from the very first time I found you like that.” He exhaled slow and hot once more, the warm air penetrating my panties to steam my already soaking pussy. “But I always went out then came back in with enough noise to wake you. I didn’t think you were ready, but know I know you are.”

  He kissed my thighs, his voice turning to a growl. “I need you awake, baby.”

  I shook, silent and needy, my flesh humid and aching as my hips quested upwards.

  Hearing the shriek of fabric as Cole ripped my panties, I gasped but didn’t open my eyes.

  He waited, unmoving, but my fear outlasted his infamous willpower.

  “Then I stumbled onto one of those videos,” he continued, his mouth in direct contact with my flesh as he peeled the ripped panties away. “There’s never any evidence in those videos. Everything goes back in place. But not here, not with us.”

  His tongue slid between my labia. My hips shot up. I fisted the sheet beneath me, fighting the urge to wrap my fingers around the back of his head and hold him in place.

  “You won’t be able to pretend I didn’t fuck you, baby. Not with the ripped panties, not with how sore I’m going to leave you.”

  Another moan, urgent and commanding, left me, but Cole only chuckled.

  His mouth covered my pussy, his top lip resting against my clit as his tongue probed at my cunt. His face nestled deeper, bobbing and licking, nipping and sucking. My thighs tensed to press against the sides his head. He pushed them further apart and then his fingers replaced his tongue to stroke inside me.

  He slurped at my wet heat, urging me once more to open my eyes.

  I couldn’t -- not if my life depended on it, not while he had his mouth between my legs, tongue and teeth devouring me as his thick fingers explored deep inside my pussy.

  “Starla,” he growled, tongue and hand moving synchronously as my body curled and whipped beneath his touch. “If you don’t open your eyes, I won’t let you--”

  The threat came a second too late. The building throb in my cunt constricted to a hard knot and then I flooded his mouth with my juices. His fingers vibrated inside me as his lips fastened around my clit and he tugged left and right.

  When he had wrung the last drop of release from me, Cole surged up the bed. His cock slid roughly against my labia, the thick head pushing at my flesh.

  “So cruel, baby.” He kissed me, his lips and tongue transferring my taste to me. His hand played between us, rubbing his dick over my mound and near my gate without entering me. He sucked at my bottom lip, begging me to end the charade. “Tell me you want me in you, Starla. Tell me. I have to be in you. Say ‘yes,’ love.”

  His endearment drew the word he desired past my trembling lips.


  Clinging to the frayed edges of my pretense, I still wouldn’t open my eyes.

  He didn’t ask again, but pushed deep into me and buried his face against my neck. Grabbing my hands, he brought them to his body, giving me both an excuse and permission to touch him, to explore the muscled contours of his back and thighs with my fingers and nails.

  His hands captured my face to hold my head immobile. His tongue pushed into my mouth to parry strokes with the thick shaft and head that dipped and rolled inside me. My hips moved with his, thrusting upwards when he plunged deep. My thighs tensed, lifted, collapsed in a trembling heap only to repeat the motion.

  No longer kissing me, he bit at my ear, along my neck then more firmly against the flesh of my shoulder. “Tell me again, Starla.”

  “Yes,” I whispered, pussy fluttering around his shaft as another orgasm ripped through my cunt. My throat clenched, a screaming volley of “yes” threatening as my climax crested. My muscles sucked at his cock, rolling and curling to hold him tightly inside me.

  The thick head dragged and pushed, battering deep and relentless as the force of his thrusts increased in strength. Claiming my mouth one last time, Cole froze. The only movement between us were his hands tightening like a vise around my head and his cock jerking heavily inside me as he came.

  Relaxing against me, he exhaled. Heat curled against my neck from his breath and then his face, feverish from exertion, nuzzled against my throat.

  When he finally lifted his head, I tensed.

  His chest moved in a soft laugh. “Baby, what am I going to do with you?”

  His hips made a few exploratory thrusts as he tested my resolve. “You didn’t Crazy Glue your eyes shut, did you?”

  Crazy something...

  A shaky breath left me. I was afraid of what would happen after I opened them. For two years, Cole had shown no interest in me sexually. Sure, he had been sweet, kind and thoughtful beyond reason, but if he had really wanted me for as long as he said, how could he hide it so well?

  “Baby, I have a security camera in my office.” His thumbs rubbed against my cheeks. “I know you watched the videos, that you touched yourself and came from them, that you were teasing me with napping in my study and how the wine would affect you. And I know you’re awake now.”

  Tears began to leak from the side of my eyes as his tone grew increasingly stern. I realized that I had allowed my fear to make a mess of the night.

  Instead of growing angry at my foolishness, Cole chuckled once more. “Baby, if you’re going to keep pretending, then I will have to completely have my way with you.”

  An erotic thrill raced down my spine at the threat.

  Moving lower, Cole spread my thighs. “I’m going to do it slowly, love.”

  At a glacial pace, he dragged his knuckles over my clit and down toward my dripping hole. Kissing my mound and the edges of my labia, he ran a fingertip around the circle of my cunt before pushing in three fingers wide.

  “Such a sweet pussy, baby. Sweet like you.” He took a sloppy lick from the hood of my clit up to the top of its spine as his fingers flexed and pushed within me. “Not a barracuda, not a social climber, just a sweet, sweet woman genuinely invested in what we’re doing for the community.”

  My hands crept down to his head in silent acknowledgement of his words. My fingers threading through the dense curls, I drew a deep breath. Holding his head in place, I risked opening my eyes.

  Moonlight played along his naked body. Broad shoulders, thickly muscled arms and thighs, a firm, proud ass -- he was so fucking beautiful.

  His head pushed upward against my grip and
I quickly shut my eyes. I felt him staring at me and imagined the challenging curve of his smile.

  “I know how to break that stubborn streak, baby.” He dropped his head once more, suckling at my clit as each of his strong hands grabbed my thighs and pushed them further apart. His head dipped lower, his words a shocking tease. “I saw how hard you came watching that last kiss the knight gave his sleeping beauty.”

  Oh god, he didn’t mean--

  A whimper left me as the tip of Cole’s tongue came to a stop against my anus. My cunt puckered in jealousy and my butt cheeks flexed with the need to draw him deeper. His tongue still teasing that other whole, he placed his palm against my mound. The thumb parted my labia to stroke reassuringly at my clit.

  His nose poked at my cunt as his tongue became more aggressive, rimming my ass and lightly pushing against the tense circle. His thumb pressed harder against my clit, his strokes coming faster. My hips lifted, my upper body shaking with need as he quickly dragged me to the edge of another orgasm.

  Everything stopped and then I felt his mouth against one thigh.

  “Baby, don’t you want to come again?”

  Biting at my lip, I remained silent.

  “I see how you are,” he teased. His thumb left my clit. I heard the moist sounds of him licking the thumb then felt it push inexorably into my ass.

  I drew a ragged breath in. Never had I dared penetrate that hole. Fire fanned across my body, heating my breasts and thighs, burning my fingers and toes until they felt like ash falling away. Twisting and stroking within me, Cole licked and gnawed from cunt to clit. He devoured and ravaged until my heavy moans filled the room and I writhed between his powerful body and the mattress in my need to find release.

  He lifted his head. “Show me you want me to continue, baby.”

  When I hesitated, his thumb turned roughly inside me and then his chin settled against my clit.

  “Show me, Starla.”

  Slowly, I opened my eyes to find him staring into them. A victory grin lifted the right side of his face before his mouth disappeared below the horizon of my mound to continue teasing me. Softly, he kissed my clit and then his lips rumbled in a hungry growl. His thumb still firmly inserted inside the one hole, he shouldered my thighs further apart and slid two fingers inside my pussy.

  My teeth rattled against one another as a quiver possessed my body. Relentless, he curled and pumped inside me as his tongue worked my clit, bullying the hard nodule tucked inside the hood until I bucked along the mattress and cried out his name in absolute surrender.

  Cole withdrew, his hands massaging my hips as he kissed a path halfway up my torso, pushing my nightgown up over my breasts.

  “Remove this,” he ordered right before his lips fastened around my nipple.

  I struggled to get the gown over my shoulders without upsetting his position. Clearly, he had no intention of making it easy for me. The weight of his torso rested full against my stomach as both of his strong hands gripped my sides and held me in place while he sampled each breast and their tender, swollen tips.

  Ravenous groans vibrated against my flesh. His hands seized my shoulders, forcing me down the mattress as his body moved up. His cock speared roughly into me, the head stretching me once more. My pussy still contracted with the climax he had ripped from me, making my cunt feel impossibly full as he fucked deeper.

  Nipping and kissing, Cole moved from my collarbone to my throat to just below my jaw where my pulse thundered madly. There he sucked long and hard, his hips finding a hypnotic rhythm to calm my wildly racing heart.

  “I wanted to wait, baby,” he whispered in my ear. He brushed his nose along my cheek then sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. “Twenty four is a little young to settle into a challenging relationship.”

  I ran my fingers gently along his spine, my senses absorbing the way he slow fucked in and out of my cunt, the fat head of his cock moving through me like a fist. I knew what he meant by a challenging relationship -- the constant travel, the media attention and all the women who wanted to sink their hooks into a man as wealthy and handsome as Cole.

  My eyes grew moist at the idea of a relationship with Cole. Was that something he really wanted?

  Cole’s hips stopped moving. His hands wrapped around my head as they had earlier and he stared down at me. He blinked and I thought I saw a small tremble cross his bottom lip before it swiftly disappeared.

  “Baby,” he asked softly. “Are you going to show me any mercy tonight?”

  Closing my eyes, I released a small flood of tears onto the pillow. “What are you saying?”

  His lips brushed mine and then he started moving again, gently knocking left and right until he was buried balls deep inside me. Once there, I could feel the faintest movement in his hips as his cock drew a tight circle inside me and I tightened around him.

  “I’m saying, over the last two years, I’ve fallen in love with you, Starla.”

  The words, so softly spoken as he moved inside me, drew a moan past my lips and then a sob. Feelings overwhelmed me. Love mixed with a hot aching lust and tender passion.

  “This isn’t one night,” he warned, his smooth, controlled strokes pushing me closer to another release. “Or a week or year.”

  Lifting his torso, he supported his weight on his arms and studied they way I moved beneath him, my breasts and hips rolling in waves of desire as my cunt started to flutter and suck at his cock.

  “Tell me you understand, love.”

  I nodded, my lips contorting without sound as I came and he came with me, his cock jerking and flooding my pussy with his heat. Rolling onto his side, he pulled me with him, his hands roaming my body, squeezing and caressing.

  “Whatever you want,” he promised. “Just stay with me, as you are, so sweet and giving I can taste your smile on my tongue. Say ‘yes,’ baby.”

  Twice earlier he had drawn the word from my lips, fear making me reluctant to speak. This time it sang from me, my body still vibrating with the chorus of our lovemaking.



  If we shadows have offended, think but this and all is mended, that you have but slumber’d here, while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle theme, no more yielding but a dream.

  Puck, from William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night’s Dream

  Now That You're Done

  Thank you so much for your purchase of my work. You can find out about new releases, sales and free downloads, as well as receive free deleted scenes and epilogues to your favorite Christa Wick titles weeks to months before they are publicly available for viewing or purchase by signing up for the Wicked Reads newsletter (click or visit And you can still hang out with me on twitter/wickedchrista and facebook/christa.wick.1!

  Pesky Legal Junk

  Copyright content © 2014 by Christa Wick

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. All persons and entities are fictional or fictitiously used. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the express written permission from the author/publisher.

  Table of Contents

  About Curve Lullaby

  Curve Lullaby

  Now That You're Done

  Pesky Legal Junk




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