The Legendary Firestone. Book 1. The Hidden Secret

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The Legendary Firestone. Book 1. The Hidden Secret Page 7

by Reja Emran

  “Nah! I’ll put up a few candles in the crevices” answered Ching, chuckling and then he turned serious as he glanced again at Julian, “Where did you learn the spell to summon a Guardian. I doubt I gave it to you.”

  “I read it up…it was in the margins of that tattered book that was off limits to me” said Julian and faltered as Ching was eyeing her coldly, “I’m sorry Ching.”

  Xia glanced between the two and a loud beep outside distracted her as she walked out. Julian turned to follow but Ching placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “Julian…” he started in a solemn voice, “You are to be a strong Magicka one day I assure you but do not go ahead of your time…many have fallen in the sway of magic such as Aria and Axhelius…wait till your time comes and then you will soon be named a Magicka by those who have this authority.”

  “But when…and by whom?” asked Julian quietly.

  “Let’s go outside.” Ching moved towards the door choosing not to answer Julian’s question for now was not the time.

  The time would come soon and when it would, life would become a living hell till the fulfillment of the prophecies.


  Chapter Nine

  ~A Dangerous Quest~

  Aria angrily tossed her crystal ball in the bushes where it shattered noiselessly and disappeared.

  “Argh” she roared “Axhelius!”

  “Yes?” asked Axhelius, appearing from behind the smooth, rounded boulder with a dead rabbit in his jaws due to which his voice was slightly muffled.

  “Get your puny body out of home and think of something to help me stop Xia from getting the firestone, wherever it is!” exclaimed Aria, her eyes smoldering with fury, “that vexing Guardian has been there and I’m sure she’s going to tell Xia to get the firestone!”

  “Forgive me” said Axhelius sarcastically as he dropped the rabbit, “I hope I haven’t committed a crime by eating.”

  “Oh Shut up!” snapped Aria “where is the stone?”

  “I’m not your information bank…anyway ever since I joined forces with you; I am not in the inner circle of the Council” answered Axhelius hotly.

  Aria tapped her fingers impatiently “then find out you nuisance, obviously.”

  “Okay, okay” said Axhelius retreating “I’m on duty.” He then bounded off into the thick forest towards his own sources.

  Aria sighed, her chest heaving in impatience. She called for Jalia and saw the nimble fairy approaching reluctantly. It seemed that Jalia had sensed that Aria was in a horrible mood.

  “Get me Fiona” Aria simply said.

  “Yes my lady” said Jalia before contacting the fire-fairies. Aria watched Jalia as she talked to the secretary of the fire-fairies who had just appeared there and was shocked to see Jalia’s shining face clouding with darkness.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Aria worriedly.

  Jalia looked at the sorceress warily and pulled her thin fingers through her silky blonde hair. Her every movement reflected spasms of fear and apprehension.

  “My Lady, Fiona has escaped” she said choking on her final words.

  “What?” hollered Aria; her voice shattered the short serenity of the woods. “Find her now, all fire-fairies. Get me the leader” ordered Aria as she flopped on her throne and started casting the crystal ball spell again.


  Ching sat around a burning fire, with flames which were outstretched towards the sky like arms, along with Julian, Adam, Asra and Xia. He was roasting some chicken on the fire and its sizzling tempted everyone. During the cooking there were hearty laughs and non-personal jokes being scattered here and there, giving rise to a wonderful, jovial atmosphere.

  “So you know Lok and Carmine, they couldn’t give up…” said Julian filling Xia with what she had missed relating to a fun fair that had just been held back at school.

  Asra and Adam were in a fake serious conversation mainly concerning the future of their daughters while Ching and Raven were indulged in an ancient conversation. A sudden blast cyan light distracted the peaceful conversations of the couples. All eyes widened with amazement as they saw the Guardian accelerating towards them, her mahogany hair blew in the harsh wind followed by the flapping of her crimson cape. Ching rushed forward, accompanied by Xia, towards Aniah. He was apparently bewildered to a great extent.

  “What a great way to trash a party” said Xia with a welcoming grin “do you want chicken?”

  Aniah smiled tightly and gently touched Xia's shoulders before she flipped to Ching. “We have a crisis” she stated.

  “Oh” said Ching pausing hesitantly “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s about the firestone” answered Aniah mellifluously as she peered into the surroundings for eaves droppers, “I need to talk to you and Xia in private.”

  Ching nodded in understanding and motioned for Aniah to join Xia and him in the cave.

  “Ching should I roast the chicken?” called Adam looking strangely at the intruder, his view shared with Asra.

  “Alright!” answered Ching and then turned to Aniah.

  All three of them strode towards the cave and Xia couldn’t help feeling nervous when she looked at Aniah’s usually calm face which was now enveloped with panic.


  “So you’re telling me that I have to fight for the stone with a creature?” asked Xia, incredulously.

  “That is true” agreed Ching “but more specific battle details must be cleared for I believe the firestone’s location has been moved elsewhere which I am not aware of, Aniah?”

  He looked at Aniah who sat on the bed, her chin rested on her hands. “Ching you have three days to train Xia” answered Aniah “the creature’s benevolence is occasional, therefore we must be prepared. I will give Raven the location and he will lead you. I am sorry Ching for this is very secretive and I cannot release it without Council Orders.” Ching nodded. Aniah then shifted her gaze to Xia and her mirror-like hazel eyes reflected a great amount of anxiety.

  “So what’s this creature I’m up against?” asked Xia looking expectantly at Aniah.

  “A dragon” whispered Aniah as her eyes bore into Xia’s to help the Annoxonum consider the depth of danger involved.

  “What?” asked Xia “a dragon?” She fiddled her thumbs nervously, “we’re already preparing for my funeral?”

  “Xia honey, the firestone is essential” comforted Ching “we need you to get it…actually you are the only one who can get it.”

  `Xia looked away as tears stung her eyes like needles; “is it absolutely necessary?” she choked.

  “Yes” answered Aniah softly “the firestone is being traced by Aria, the sorceress. If she discovers the location, which she inevitably will, the world can be devastated…”

  “How do you know?” asked Xia, not meaning to be rude.

  “I have experienced it” answered Aniah, her voice barely audible and sorrow crossed her face but again for only a second.

  Xia did not say anything nor did she pursue the subject. She wanted to sympathize with Aniah but couldn’t, it was like being held back by some invisible force. She’s a strong woman but who knows how may tragedies she went through, thought Xia as she studied Aniah’s flawless features drawn in with grief.

  Aniah suddenly stood up “I have to depart.”

  Ching nodded and Xia gazed up at her. Aniah smiled quickly and bent down towards Xia, “take care” she said before vanishing with a burst of cyan sparks.

  Ching held Xia’s hands and squeezed them gently. “You can do this” he said.

  Xia looked up at him with a tear-streaked face and laid her head on his chest, “I hope Grandpa…I hope…”


  After three days…

  On the final day, before the emergence of the sun, Xia and the rest went to the cave. Ching gave her a few minutes’ instructions before she left, “Follow Raven and if you get lost you know how to call for help.”

  “Okay” said Xia, adjusting her navy backpack on her sho

  “Xia, please take this. It will protect you” said Julian giving Xia a necklace. Xia was awestruck when she saw the antique piece. A star-shaped, sparkling diamond pendant was attached to a long, thin silver chain.

  “Thanks” said Xia as she slipped the necklace over her head.

  Julian smiled and hugged Xia followed by Asra, Adam and last of all Ching. “God speed” whispered Ching as he hugged Xia tightly, “return safely.”

  Before Xia started crying, she quickly said goodbye to all of them and bounded behind Raven. As she reached the forest, she glanced once at her family who waved at her. Her vision was shattered by the tears covering her eyes and she silently padded into the cluster of trees.

  Asra sighed deeply “I hope that my daughter remains safe” she prayed quietly.

  “Amen” was everybody’s response. They all headed back to the cave except Julian, who remained outside.

  “Protect my friend” she whispered and a cluster of sparkles escaped her fingers. Maneuvering form here to there, the golden lights fluttered into the woods. Gazing at the forest, Julian crossed her fingers. Please be safe, she thought as he brushed a few locks of auburn hair form her face and wiped the tears in her aqua eyes.


  Xia walked slowly, her eyes focused on Raven’s flying figure and her hands around the hilt of the sword attached to her belt. She was wearing black Capri pants, a sleeveless maroon top and a black leather jacket. Her hair was pinned tightly to the back with a barrette and the loose strands curled softly over her shoulders, a stark contradiction to her ivory complexion. Her thick soled boots crunched on the fallen twigs and leaves as she cautiously eyed her surroundings, all-the-while glancing at Raven.

  She gazed at the towering trees which loomed in the heavy, pungent mist and the short shrubs growing in the stagnant pools of water. This must be close to Aria’s evil fortress, thought Xia noting the foul surroundings. Xia let her mind wander and suddenly she tripped over a boulder, falling face down in the coarse earth. Her forehead hit against something cold and leathery and she screamed for Raven who instantly flew down beside her. He understood what Xia meant to say and lifted the object from the ground with his sharp talons. Handing it to Xia, who was now propped up, he flew and sat on a branch of a tree.

  Xia removed the leather wrapping and revealed a glittering pale-green crystal. Sparks of emerald lights glistened from the surface and spread around in wavy motions. Hearing some heavy footsteps, she pocketed the gem and hid behind a huge bush while Raven flew to a higher tree branch. Holding her breath Xia waited for the shadowy outline to close in…

  Chapter Ten

  ~The Dragon’s Lair~

  Axhelius snarled. Aria made him so angry, all she did was boss him around and order him. She was very authoritative as far as he was concerned and because of her hostility he sporadically felt a pang of loneliness. He reached a round, white boulder and nestled against it allowing his thoughts to drift back into the memories of his noble past.

  January 1800, Houndsville…

  It one of the most beautiful areas in the country and was now corrupted. Legends of the firestone brew on the silent streets while evil whispers were exiled to the dense forest. Axhelius, the Annoxonum Detector, trotted lightly on his agile feet eavesdropping on the power hungry beings and chuckling to himself at their new undisruptive, unintelligent strategies.

  Besides him walked a young Annoxonum known as Kashya. Kashya was a tall, slender girl with a smooth brown skin and dark curly hair. Her deep brown eyes sparkled with wariness and in her hands she held a cross bow. Her long skirt brushed against Axhelius and her ruby earrings dangled in the infrequent rushes of wind.

  Axhelius and Kashya both stood on the edge of a cliff and watched the spectacular scenery below. Huge waterfalls gushed down form rocks, animals grazed near the sweetest grass fields and girls frolicked around carefree.

  Axhelius, noticing the envious look on Kashya’s face, reached out and nuzzled her hand. Kashya smiled at him ruefully and she drooped down to give him a hug. He gazed into her eyes and saw a craving for an untroubled life. His heart engulfed with pity and he wanted to share his sympathies with this young protector. Such a great burden was placed on her shoulders and he would aid her in her quest. He vowed that he would always assist her and always love her…

  Aria’s servant, Jalia, broke the thoughts of Axhelius and he walked with her to the small fortress, all the while sighing gently for he wished that Aria wouldn’t disturb him in these precious moments where he could sink into the past.

  Xia stepped out form behind the bushes. “What was that?” she muttered to herself and looked at Raven who had settled on her shoulder. “Let’s go Raven” she said and followed the eagle deeper into the forest.


  Finally after a period of three days and two dreadful nights, Xia and Raven reached their destination. Xia shuddered as she surveyed the huge cave, with weeds spread across the splattered orange rocks. The dark entrance radiated heat and anger and looked very uninviting unlike Ching’s cave.

  Drawing her sword, she stepped into the cave and walked behind Raven through the squalid maze, swathed with grime and dirt. The Annoxonum squinted as she adjusted to the extreme brightness at the centre of the cave. Her body was hidden in the shadows and her sword was behind her back for she did not want to appear as a threat. Here dragon, dragon. Where are you?

  She looked searchingly for the monster but could not see him, all she perceived was a stack of bones; each of them scraped neatly and a large puddle of dark blood confined in some sort of enclosure. Her senses went on alert when she noticed Raven flying towards her with a beast in his wake. Xia inhaled sharply when she observed the dragon, breathing in the piquant scent of the cave.

  It was magnificent, its abrasive body was charcoal-black with blood-red finlike projections protruding from the back; its massive tail stretched across the dirt and its sharp, pointed claws scraped the floor with its finely honed fangs adding to its fearsome appearance. Xia hunkered down as she studied the dragon, strangely feeling calm as she stared into his golden flecked, ruby-red eyes.

  “Annoxonum step out of the shadows” said the dragon in an icy whisper “show your-self to Solhaven.”

  Xia casually walked forward, her sword still clutched behind her back and her mouth quivering. “Greetings Mr. Solhaven, I come in peace,” said Xia as she subconsciously rolled her eyes at her lame greeting.

  “So you say” said the dragon, its eyes twinkling “what have you come for?”

  Quite civilized for a beast and as I hoped he got straight to the point, she thought. “I have come for the firestone” answered Xia, clearly pronouncing the last word.

  “The stone I see. I shall let you pass Annoxonum. Be warned though, any treachery will result in your untimely death.” said Solhaven as it grinned, showing an array of unpleasant colours. Xia thanked him and walked after Raven while the dragon mumbled sleepily, finally heavily falling on the ground in a deep slumber.

  After a second set of dark maze, Xia and Raven emerged into a chamber. Xia was stunned by its magnificent splendor. The walls were milky white with swirls of a silver glittery pattern and the ceiling held huge chandeliers which emitted beams of golden-yellow light. In the centre of the chamber stood a triangular monument with an oval shaped, marble object balanced at the tip. Xia approached it and found its smooth, silver surface very cool to touch. Ching had told her about the ‘Annox Monument’ which held the firestone and the enchantment to open it. The spell was only known to the Annoxonum dynasties and its revelation was forbidden. Raven was perched silently on an overhanging rod and watched Xia excitedly.

  Xia removed a sachet of black sporangium powder from her belt and held a little in her fist. She clutched her charm for fortuity and then chanted the spell in a foreign Latin language:

  “I, the Annoxonum, have come to remove the firestone

  I advise you to trust me as I shall protect it from evil

  Open now Annox Sphere!”

  Xia threw the dust on the Sphere and felt a magical tingle of energy rush across her body when she touched it. The room dimmed and a blinding flash of white light spread around, illuminating every feature in that area. Xia stumbled back and rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the surroundings. Slowly she advanced towards the monument and peered inside for the firestone.

  Xia screamed and fell back. Every muscle in her body tensed and she was rooted to the spot. Disorientation and trepidation enfolded her from all sides as she remained petrified.

  Raven, observing the situation, screeched loudly in a deafening tone as he swooped down and circled the monument. Every screech increased in intensity until realization dawned on them both. Both knew now that this was no nightmare that caused so much terror in their hearts, reality was before them, glaring at them harshly.

  Xia whimpered along with Raven’s low-pitched shriek and both sounds held one monotonous tone, the tone of dread for the velvet insides of the sphere were empty.

  The firestone had been removed.

  It had been stolen!

  This is the end of the first bOOK


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