My Plan B (Middlemarch Shifters Book 11)

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My Plan B (Middlemarch Shifters Book 11) Page 13

by Shelley Munro

  “We have condoms now,” she murmured. “Why don’t you let me explore you first?” She crawled toward the middle of the bed where Jacey reclined and ran her fingers across one hip, over the ridges of his abs. Hard muscles. Her gaze skimmed his erection. All the man was hard, and she’d never seen a man this in shape since Charlie. Most of the men she’d dated after Charlie were businessmen or retired sportsmen who ate as if they were still in training.

  Unable to resist, she reached out and traced a light finger along the length of his engorged cock. His hips jerked upward and into her touch.

  “Want a little more pressure?”

  “Yes.” His eyes glittered with challenge.

  She nodded and straddled his hips, flushing when his focus went straight to the juncture of her thighs.

  “I enjoy your blushes.”

  “How do you know I’m blushing?”

  “Your gasp. It’s a tell with you.”

  “Never,” she said. “I didn’t gasp.”

  “Yep.” He regarded her, a teasing light in his gaze, and she melted inside.

  When he looked at her that way she felt as if she was the most important thing in his life. Crazy, really, since three days ago, they’d been strangers.

  “Now that I’m at your disposal, what did you intend to do with me?”

  Without warning velvet tension swirled through the bedroom. Their gazes connected and heat flared in her. “Why, I thought I’d explore. I told you that.”

  “Still waiting.”

  We’ll see about that. She leaned over and rasped her tongue over one flat nipple. His swift intake of air brought satisfaction and a desire for a repeat of the sound. She rubbed her fingers over his other nipple. Back and forth. Back and forth.

  Jacey stroked her hip, and she lifted her head to wag her finger at him. “Hands at your sides, palms flat on the mattress,” she said in a stern voice.

  The corners of his mouth turned up a fraction as he obeyed her orders.

  “Much better.”

  His mouth quirked higher at her comment, and she bit down her own laughter.

  During their lovemaking to date, she hadn’t taken the time to explore his big body and the faint dusting of hair on his spectacular chest. Her fingers trailed over the hard planes, testing the muscles.

  “How do you keep in such great shape?”

  “I run,” he said.

  She flicked his nipple and grinned when he jumped. His cock jerked against her backside. “And your job? What exactly do you do?”

  “Computer security plus whatever Henry and Gerard need help with. Sometimes I’m a security guard or I fit alarm systems.”

  Still didn’t explain his peak physical condition. “Have you always done security work?”

  “I was in the military for a while.”

  Ding. Ding. “A while ago?”

  “Until Moira became sick.”

  She bit her lip, sorry that she’d raised the subject. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. Moira and Charlie will always be a part of us. It’s natural.” He lifted one hand and tweaked her nose. “Seems you have a thing for military guys. Ms. Saxon, do you have an army bias?”

  She pinched his nipple, and a dark sound rasped from his throat, his eyes going that amber blue she liked. Very much.

  Megan lifted her body and moved toward his feet. Her fingers gripped his cock, and she caught the flare of desire in his eyes. Then, a thought roared through her like a bullet from a gun. Hello. Naked. Body on display with the lights on. Horror layered on top of the want in her, almost buried her for an instant. What was she thinking? Putting herself on display.

  “Is that all you will do?” he asked in a gritty voice that pierced her tumultuous thoughts.

  She gasped in air. His scent, her scent, wove around her senses, calming her panic.


  “What would you like?” Somehow she got the words out, hoarse and sharp-edged, past the gravel in her throat.

  “Give me your mouth, woman. Your smooth, warm hands. And get that look off your pretty face. I know when a woman is worried about her body.”

  Her head fell forward, her chin to her chest. Her heart thundered, a rush in her ears that almost overcame good sense.

  “Megan?” This time her name was a sharp slap through the pregnant silence.

  Every sense seemed to magnify. Her hearing. The smells in the room. And when she glanced up, her sight seemed sharper, despite the film of tears in her eyes. She found Jacey staring at her, arrested and focused. There was a growling buzz inside her head that just wouldn’t shut up.

  She pressed her fingers to her temple. “I’m sorry. You’re seeing the worst of me this weekend. I’ve cried. I’ve tried seduction. I’ve embarrassed myself. And now it appears I learned nothing because I’m rinsing and repeating!”

  Jacey moved so quickly, she didn’t even see the intent telegraphed in his expression. She found herself wrapped in his embrace, his heart beating against her breast. He ran a hand down her back, soothing and stroking, as if she were a wild beast. In her mind, she chortled like a mad woman at the thought. But the thing was—his touch soothed her, pushed away the fears that prowled her mind.

  He kissed her cheek, her chin, her nose, and the fears settled like content dogs, fading away the more he touched her.

  “You don’t need to apologize. Everything in your world tilted upside down after you learned about the job. You’re off-balance and it’s understandable.”

  “I’m an idiot.”

  “Maybe,” he said and there was a smile in the word. “But tonight you’re my idiot.”

  The pleasuring stroke of his fingers continued. His mouth trailed down her neck, then she shivered beneath the roughly sensual bite and play of his teeth. Sweet agony flared to life at his touch, the stirrings of arousal driving off the last of her anxiety.

  He rolled her and cupped a breast, splayed his fingers over her stomach. Craving kicked in her belly, a primitive throb jolting through her veins. His mouth sought hers again with tiny kisses, tantalizing but brief. A muscular thigh slid between hers as he took her lips with more passion, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She moaned and stretched against him in an insistent rock for more.

  “That’s my girl,” he whispered in approval.

  He pushed her onto her back and parted her legs again before leaning over to grab a condom from the open box they’d left on the bedside cabinet. Competent hands stroked his shaft and rolled on the protection.

  Megan tensed, knowing she’d need more foreplay. The older she got… She opened her mouth and found him smiling.

  “Hey, I’m not a brute. Trust me, okay?”

  His gentle, understanding tone flustered her. He patted her outer thigh and reached over to slide open the drawer. Curious, she glimpsed a small bottle, but he moved in that lightning quick way of his. He parted her legs and lifted her to his mouth. Before she could marshal her thoughts, he had his mouth on her. A sensuous lick stole her breath, caused a tightening sensation deep in her womb. She swallowed, her mouth dry, her heart thudding and a body that flared with sensual flames.

  His breath misted against her clit while the stubble on his jaw rasped against her delicate inner thighs. Raw need pulled at her as his tongue circled her entrance and a finger teased her nub. Unbidden, her hands dug into his hair and her hips jerked upward. The man played her body, pushed the right switches to drive her arousal.

  A finger pushed into her channel, and despite her fears, she took him easily. A second finger joined the first, the easy plunge and retreat vibrating internal pleasure points. How had she coped before Jacey? The man took such care with her, treated her like a treasure and that, in return, seduced her.

  When he withdrew his fingers, she moaned in complaint.


  He straightened and picked up the discarded item he’d taken from the drawer. A slim black container. With a wink in her direction, he took off the lid and squirted som
ething into the palm of his hand before placing the container aside again.

  “Close your eyes.”

  Her eyelids felt like weights anyway, so it was easy to obey. Immediately, her other senses stepped up to broadcast information. The bedclothes rustled beneath Jacey as he shifted his weight while his addictive scent—that wild outdoors scent full of trees and freshness—pulled at something deep inside her.

  A blast of chill against her clit jolted her, the icy shot morphing to heat that swirled through her, swamping body and mind with pleasure. The delicate stroke of his finger against her nub followed by a light pinch sent an exquisite shot to her sweet spot. She gasped, and the sequence repeated. Chill. Heat. Pleasure. Chill. Heat. Sultry promise. The third time caused flutters in her channel. Sweet, sweet, tension.

  “Jacey,” she cried.

  “Perfect,” he whispered. “I wish you could see yourself as I do. Your beautiful breasts.” He pinched one at the same time as he ran a finger round her clit. “Your swollen clit poking from its hood, the deep pink folds of your pussy.” He chuckled at the wet sound of arousal. “The matching roses in your cheeks. I think you’re ready for my cock now.”

  His dirty talking threw her, yet she loved the way he told her what he wanted to do, what he saw.

  “Jacey.” His name was a plea.

  “Do you want me to fuck you now, Megan?”


  “Tell me what you want, sweet pea.”

  Oh heck. He wrecked her when he called her sweet pea in that tone. The combination of desire and command. “I want you to put your cock in me.”

  “Sweet pea, it will be my pleasure.”

  No, she suspected it would be her pleasure first, because the man wasn’t a selfish lover. Her breath came in ragged bursts, her eyes still shut.

  His touch disappeared for an instant, and her pulse thrummed in urgency.

  “I want your eyes open this time.”

  She obeyed before she voiced the question. “Why?”

  “I want to see your eyes as I fill you.” His cock surged into her, thick and hard, his gaze intent on her.

  Another series of chills and heat sparkled across her flesh, and she realized he’d coated his condom-covered erection with whatever was in the container.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered in a hoarse voice.

  Clawing tension pushed and pulled at her. A rumble of a growl filled her mind, and his quick grin told her she’d issued the sound. He pulled back and surged into her again, the width of him stretching her inner walls. Goose bumps prickled over her but not from the cold. Blistering waves of heat delighted her while the clawing tensing growing in her lower belly frustrated her. Each of her muscles jumped at his touch, and the unbearable friction just kept growing and growing.

  He paused, fully seated, to kiss her with just the right amount of pressure. A harsh sound of animal enjoyment rippled from her, and he laughed against her lips.

  He fucked her harder, faster, surging into her wet core. The tendons of his neck stood in stark relief, as if he was holding part of himself back.

  “Yes,” she insisted, moving her hips to meet his thrusts.

  He gave a feral smile and snapped his hips, plunging his cock into her heat, driving her pleasure up, making her fly. With a cry of surrender, she convulsed around his cock. He growled, raw and guttural, as the clawing tension snapped into a thing of raunchy beauty.

  His lips crushed hers in a statement of intent, of ownership even, and her channel clenched around his cock in a smaller series of spasms. He gave a rough and raw growl, and his cock pulsed. He slid in to the root and stayed, a hard jolt deep inside her sending another series of spasms through her. His teeth nipped at her throat, the sensual bite sending a sharp spasm through her channel.

  Jacey’s heart thundered against hers, and he sought her lips even as she smiled at the jolts of his cock deep in her body.

  Pleasure still writhed through her, and even though Jacey’s bulk bore down on her, the last thing she wanted was to move. This seemed right. Her life leveled out when she was in Jacey’s arms.

  Her eyelids lowered and her mind drifted.

  “You okay?” Jacey whispered.


  He whispered. “Me too.”

  For an instant, she thought a trace of worry wove through his words, then she consigned that thought to the trash because he kissed her, a soft lover’s kiss.

  She sighed and yawned, tiredness fogging her mind.

  A long time later, Jacey separated their bodies. She thought she heard him curse, but no, that couldn’t be right because he kissed her shoulder again. Megan liked his kisses. She liked Jacey Anderson very much.

  Chapter Ten

  Shock rippled through Jacey as he pulled free of Megan. That hadn’t happened before. Of course, rumors circulated, but it had never happened with Moira. He pulled off the condom—the ripped condom—and stared at Megan. Her cheeks still flushed from their lovemaking, her hair mussed and she’d never looked more beautiful to him. She stirred, but it was obvious if she wasn’t fully asleep, she would be soon.

  With caution, he prodded the end of his cock, the wolf’s barb still protruding enough for notice. He winced at the tenderness and groaned. What the fuck was he going to tell Megan?

  The truth. The rapid thought came through in the soft cadence of Moira’s Irish accent. How did he tell Megan that his wolf had claimed her? The loutish brute.

  Jacey sighed, not unhappy with the situation, but confused and out of sorts with the suddenness of his wolf’s pounce and his inability to halt the action. He’d already known he and Megan were compatible on a cellular level. Her scent and his over-the-top attraction, his responses to her had informed him of that, but he’d hoped for time. Not…not this ambush by his wolf.

  He padded to the en suite to discard the condom and wash up. He should wake Megan and confess—at least about the broken condom. No, she’d only worry. Morning was soon enough. They could visit Gavin, the feline doctor and local vet, to get a morning-after pill, if that was what Megan wanted. He sighed. Something else to explain—why they would visit a vet for a medical crisis. Perhaps he should call Gavin, explain the situation and the hovering press, ask if he could make a house call. Yeah, that would work.

  God, he needed a drink. About time he got in some supplies. He’d have to brave the communal kitchen, and he wasn’t sure he was in a state to chitchat. Another glance at Megan told him she would sleep for a while and wouldn’t notice his absence. Stealthily, he pulled on his jeans and left his suite.

  The kitchen and dining area lay in darkness, but one sniff told him he wasn’t alone.

  “Henry, why aren’t you sleeping?” He slid onto the barstool beside his son. Hell, he had to talk to someone. It looked as if Henry was it.

  “Why aren’t you in your bed? You have a sexy woman to keep you entertained.”

  “She’s asleep.” Jacey heard the sharp note in his tone and cursed under his breath. “Sorry.” Jacey climbed off his stool and headed for the booze. “Want one?”

  “Can’t have the old man drinking alone.”

  Jacey snorted. “Not so much of the old.” He sloshed a healthy measure of whisky into two glasses and carried them back to where Henry sat.

  They sipped in silence, which should’ve been restful. Jacey’s mind churned like a concrete mixer. He sensed Henry’s gaze on him, adult somber, and so unlike the kid he remembered.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Yes. No.” Jacey’s shoulders slumped. “I don’t know.”

  Henry groaned. “Bloody hell. You have a sex problem. You’re right. I’m the kid. I don’t need to learn about my father’s sex life.”

  Jacey spluttered out a laugh. “You weren’t that keen when I was trying to explain sex to you either. You got over that.”

  Henry sipped his whisky.

  “I can’t talk to anyone else. It’s a wolf thing.”

  Henry’s glass rose again, but
he held it in front of his face instead of drinking. Yeah, he had the kid’s attention now.

  No easy way to say this. No matter how he did it, he’d be off-balance, a touch mortified.

  “You’ve heard rumors of some wolves having cock barbs?”

  Henry stilled and twisted on his stool to goggle at him.

  “Hell,” he muttered. “Now I feel like prey.”

  “Go on,” Henry said.

  “I always thought they were just that—rumors and gossip to titillate. Turns out the tales are true. My barb ripped off the end of the condom and dug deep into Megan. My wolf just took over, and I had no control. No disrespect to your mother, but the sex was incredible.”

  “What did Megan say? Is she upset?”

  “I don’t know,” Jacey confessed. “The intensity of the sex seemed to knock her out, and she was half asleep even before the barb released.”

  “So she could be pregnant?”

  “If the stories are true.”

  “Hopefully she’s in the wrong part of her cycle.”

  Jacey’s hand trembled as he lifted the glass to his mouth. “My wolf doesn’t think so.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know, but I can’t lie to her about the condom. Once she’s conscious, she’s likely to realize something isn’t right. I could have woken her, but there was no point worrying her. There is the morning-after pill. I’m hoping Gavin will do a home visit.”

  “Gavin has studied more about wolves since I arrived,” Henry said. “He might have come across something in his research.”


  “You could always ask her to marry you.”

  Jacey shook his head. “It’s too soon. We’ve known each other for mere days. She has her job in Auckland and travels for her work. I’m committed to staying in Middlemarch.”

  “You could always go with her to Auckland.”

  “My wolf hates cities. We do much better if we can shift on a regular basis and run. Being moon-called is a pain in the arse during these modern times.”

  “True,” Henry said. “It’s a luxury avoiding the forced shift at full moon. I mean, mostly I still shift then because I can, but the odd time I can’t it doesn’t matter because my wolf is satisfied with the regular shifts.”


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