Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fire Me Up [Merricks, Montana 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by McKinlay Thomson

  “Well I have little steak cutlets and some Caesar cups. As well as offering some fine beer samples from local brewers.”

  “Sounds good,” Brock said and picked up a toothpick with a small sample of grilled steak. The steak would be sourced locally, as most of the products were. It was what the festival was about. Brock offered the sample to Kate, and Pierson watched as her delicate lips wrapped around the morsel and she pulled it from the stick.

  Her moan of delight had his cock going hard in an instant. He wanted to hear that noise when he made love to her. Maybe he’d involve a little food play in the bedroom. She closed her eyes as she chewed, savoring the flavor. Would she worship his cock with as much enthusiasm as she did the steak?

  Grayson passed her a cup of beer, and they thanked Michael and wandered toward the next stall. It was Silk Ties’s stall. Wolf MacBain was holding fort with three of the single subs from the club. They were dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and jackets that held the Silk Ties logo. The stall was selling promotional material, like blindfolds with the logo printed on it and key rings and such.

  It also had the sign-up sheet for the singles auction. Pierson wondered if he or his brothers signed up, would Kate bid for them or would she leave them hanging. Better not try his luck. They said hello to Wolf and the girls and introduced Kate, then kept on walking.

  Next was the fish and tackle shop, followed by the bakery. They stopped at the bakery and ate some samples and introduced Kate to the owner, Emily. She was an excellent baker, and all three brothers could be found haunting her bakery a couple of times a week. Kate and Emily got on like a house on fire, and when they finally dragged her away, she had made a new friend.

  After they browsed the bookshop and Kate picked up a couple of secondhand books, they got samples from the day spa. Kate gravitated toward lavender scents and Pierson filed that info away for later.

  It wasn’t long before they were headed over to the old part of town. It was over the Mushy Creek Bridge on the opposite side from the new part of town. Town folk often referred to them as new town and old town.

  New town had all the shops, the bakery, Stephie’s Bar and Grill, and Silk Ties. Old town was where the post office, general store, police and fire stations, school, and library were located.

  “Oh wow, it’s like stepping back in time,” Kate said. Her eyes held wonder and awe as she looked at the general store and post office. They were the original buildings from the when the town was settled in the late 1800s.

  “Did you want to go into the general store?” Brock asked. He didn’t wait for her answer, when he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the door.

  They wandered around the store, and Pierson watched as Grayson followed her around like a puppy. Every time something caught her attention and she gasped or smiled, Grayson would smile, too. His brother had it bad and didn’t even know it. Poor Grayson was doomed. Pierson had been worried about Brock losing his heart and getting hurt, but it looked like it was going to be Grayson.

  Pierson smiled as they exited the store. Who was he to talk? He was lost, too. She was amazing and beautiful. Smart and funny. He would soon be following her like a little lost puppy, too. He might not be ready to say the L-word, but she was working her fiery little way into his heart. She made his cock hard just looking at her, and that meant something in his book.

  They had set out to woo her into their beds. Now it looked like their plans were going to change and they were going to try to keep her. It would be harder than the first plan, but he was willing to risk it if it meant a life with her.

  They walked toward the firehouse, and Pierson took her hand again. He wanted the other firefighters to know that she was his woman. He was staking a claim in public. That would let the other men know she was taken and to watch out for their woman, and she was theirs, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter Six

  Brock wrapped his arm around Kate as they made their way to the school grounds. Out of the three brothers, he had spent the least amount of time talking to her. The few times he had, she had gotten mad and tried to dismiss him, so he had backed off.

  He was trying to be light and flirty. Being pursued by three dominant men was enough to send an experienced sub running for the hills. For someone who knew little to nothing about the lifestyle, it could be plain scary.

  It wasn’t working though. Brock had just ended up sounding crude and disrespectful. He wanted to have a relationship with Kate, but between him and Grayson they were lucky she had agreed to go on this date with them, let alone another.

  Technically they had browbeaten her into it, but now that they had her with them, he was going to drop the flirty act and be himself. Pierson was the only one making any headway with her, and that was because he was being his usual charming self. Grayson was being himself, too, and that was an overbearing dominant man that hated to lose an argument.

  If Kate were their sub, there would be no back talk. Yes, they liked her no-shit attitude, but a bratty sub got punished, and that was just what Grayson was dying to do. Brock could see it every time she sassed him. Grayson’s back would straighten and his nostrils would flare. He had threatened to spank her on more than one occasion. It was fun to watch the two butt heads, but with Kate on such tender hooks, they couldn’t afford to drive her away, and that was what they were doing.

  They reached the school grounds as dusk fell. It painted the sky with reds, oranges, and purples, and the temperature plummeted. Brock pulled Kate closer to his side when she shivered.

  “We need to run back to the car for the coats. Kate is cold,” Brock told his brothers.

  “I’m fine. It’s not too cold. I don’t want to be a bother,” Kate jumped in.

  “You are not a bother, Kate. You never could be,” Grayson said and then turned to Brock. “You stay here with Kate, and we will go and get the coats.”

  Grayson was giving him some alone time with Kate, and Brock was going to use it to show her that he wasn’t the sex-crazed dullard he had been so far.

  His brothers departed and he walked Kate over to a nearby tree. The spot provided a view of the grounds, which held all the rides. As the darkness had descended, all carnival rides had lit up like a Christmas display, and if it weren’t for the backdrop of screaming people on the rides, it would have been quite romantic.

  Brock sat down and leaned his back against the tree. He pulled Kate down to sit in between his legs and rest her back against his front. She rested her head on his shoulder, and he was flooded with relief. He had expected her to pull away and try to sit next to him. He was glad she hadn’t.

  Brock froze as she shifted around to get comfortable. His cock grew in his pants when she rubbed her ass against him. He had to grab onto her hips to hold her still before she felt his hard length pressing into her lower back.

  “How are you enjoying the day, darling?” He needed to distract them both.

  “It’s lovely,” she replied. “I’ve never been to anything like it. The stalls were great, and I can see what attracts my sister to your library.”

  “Would you like to go on any of the rides?” He hated rides, but he would suffer through it if she wanted to go.

  “No, I’m not much of a ride girl. Maybe the Ferris wheel if there’s one?” Kate lifted up and swiveled to face him.

  “Sure, there’s one. We can get some fairy floss, too, if you like.” Brock watched as a smile spread across her delicate features. She was a beautiful woman. Her big green eyes looked back at him with longing, for what he wasn’t sure. Her plump lips were begging to be kissed, and her brown hair was tousled and windblown.

  Brock felt himself getting hard again as they looked into each other’s eyes. He couldn’t wait another second to touch her. Cupping her face in his large hands, he drew her forward and placed his lips on hers. They were soft and compliant under his searching mouth. He deepened the kiss and opened his mouth against hers. When she followed his lead, Brock plunged his tongue into hers and
tangled their tongues together.

  The kiss grew hot and needy as he drew her body closer to his. Brock shifted his back and lay down. Kate was practically lying on top of him. He moved his hands from her face and ran them down her back to grasp her plump, full ass.

  Her big breasts flattened against his broad chest, and Brock used his hands on her ass to grind their hips together. He was so lost in the kiss that anyone could have walked by and he wouldn’t have noticed. She was stealing his soul through one kiss, and he didn’t know if he’d ever get it back.

  His brothers had said not to lose his heart to this woman, but Brock feared it was too late. He would just have to make sure she was his forever. He would have to make sure he stole her heart every bit as much as she was stealing his.

  His insides screamed at him to take her, not caring that they were in public and that anyone could see. If they were at the club, it wouldn’t have mattered, he would have been balls deep in minutes, but he had more respect for her than to take her on the ground. That and she would probably punch him for trying.

  When Kate moaned and started to thrust her pussy onto his hard jean-covered length, he knew it was time to end the kiss. She was just as lost as he was, if not more. He slowly drew away, placing small nippy kisses to her lips, before lifting his head.

  He lay there in the grass, his chest rising and falling rapidly with Kate panting above him. Brock stared into her wonder-filled eyes as she looked back at him. Her lips were bee stung, and she had the looked of a woman well-kissed. His chest filled with pride that he could make this amazing woman lose control of her senses.

  “Wow, that was…” she mumbled and then buried her face in his neck. She was embarrassed. Brock couldn’t believe it. His gorgeous quick-to-temper woman was embarrassed. He snickered to himself and nibbled on her ear and down her neck.

  “I’d say it was better than wow, gorgeous. That kiss rocked my world.” Brock rolled them until her back was on the grass and he was looming over her. “You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. I hope you will let my brothers and me get to know you better. Kate, I want you to be mine.”

  “Brock, I…It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that there are three of you and I will have to go home soon.” She looked up at his face and his heart sank. She was going to push them away.

  “This is Merricks, darling. It doesn’t matter that all three of us want you. Ménage relationships are the norm in these parts.” He nuzzled his nose into her neck and tried to rekindle their earlier spark.

  “But it’s not the norm for me, Brock. God that feels good. Please, you’re distracting me and I’m trying to explain.”

  “Don’t you like us?” He kissed down her neck and along her collarbone. Maybe if he distracted her enough she’d agree to give them a chance.

  “Of course I do. Well, Grayson drives me mental. Why does he do that?”

  “Do what, gorgeous?” He moved down her body and lifted her T-shirt to places wet kisses on her belly.

  “Oh please, I have no idea. What was I saying?” Kate shifted and wiggled beneath him.

  “Something about Grayson.” He swirled his tongue around her belly button and up to the underside of her breasts. He kept her T-shirt over her bra. They were in public, after all.

  “Um yes, Grayson. Well he…he…um.”

  “Yes, baby. What about me?” Grayson’s voice broke through his sensual fog, and Brock couldn’t help but wonder at Grayson’s timing. Hadn’t Brock and Pierson interrupted Grayson and Kate in a similar position?

  Kate pulled her T-shirt down and pushed Brock away. She sat up and then got to her feet and brushed the dirt from her ass with big slaps.

  “Let me do that for you, baby,” Grayson said and then brushed off her backside with one big hand.

  “Thank you. You have been dying to get your hands on my ass, haven’t you.” Kate’s voice was teasing, as opposed to mad, and Brock took that as a good sign.

  “More than you know, baby.” Grayson smiled as he continued to remove dirt and leaves from Kate. At least their bantering was friendly this time. Pierson stood to the side, saying nothing, but his smirk was telling. They had timed their entry to perfection.

  Brock picked himself off the ground and cleaned himself up, too. His cock was still hard, and he had to rearrange his jeans for comfort. He was glad that Grayson had interrupted him when he did. Her reasons for not wanting a relationship could wait. Forever if Brock had his way.

  He grabbed her hand in his and moved her toward the rides.

  “Where are you going?” Pierson called out. Brock moved back to his brother’s side and took Kate’s coat from his hand.

  “Kate wanted to go on the Ferris wheel.” His brother’s laugh followed him as he moved back to Kate. They were a fair distance away from Pierson and Grayson when his brother called out.

  “But you hate the Ferris wheel.” And more laughter erupted.

  * * * *

  Pierson laughed at the disgruntled look his brother shot him and then slowly followed the pair. He didn’t wait to see if Grayson followed. Pierson was now the only one who hadn’t kissed her yet and he had been the one to piss her off the least. He shook his head and sped up. He wanted to catch up to Kate. He couldn’t let Brock have all the fun.

  He caught up to them just as they were lining up at the wheel. It was a big one all right, and Pierson let out a chuckle at the look Brock was sending it. He had always hated rides of any kind, even as a boy. Grayson and Pierson had spent their childhood tearing up the streets on their bike and later in their cars, but Brock had stayed home and played on his damned computer.

  When they had dragged him out of the house and to the local fairs in Denver, Brock had tried to avoid going on any of the rides. When they had managed to drag him on, he had gotten sick. After one ride, he had passed out.

  Pierson smiled at the memories. His brother might be all grown up and a big bad Dom, but he was still scared of the rides. It was saying something if he was willing to go on one for Kate. He just wasn’t sure if she knew how telling it was.

  “Hey, little darling,” Pierson said. “Are you going on any other rides?” Pierson joined the line and took her hand in his. He didn’t care that Brock was holding her other hand, and he doubted anyone else would either. The festival was filled with multiple partner families.

  “No,” she replied. “I’m not a big fan of rides, but I do like the Ferris wheel. Are you coming on, too?”

  “No, I’ll leave you two alone and go and get you something for when you get off. Are you hungry?” Pierson turned her to face him, forcing her to let go of Brock’s hand.

  “No, but I’d love a drink, please.”

  “Sure, sweet thing.” Pierson drew her closer and lowered his head to hers. He was grabbing the chance to kiss her, too. His lips met hers, and he crushed her to him, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her close to his body.

  His lips moved demandingly over her soft and supple ones, and he drank from her lips like a thirsty man who had just found water. Pierson felt his whole body go stiff as he deepened the kiss.

  She opened her mouth to gasp, and Pierson thrust his tongue between her lips. She tasted like heaven, and Pierson didn’t want the moment to end. He rubbed his tongue along hers before drawing it into his mouth to suck on.

  Moving his hand down her body, he grasped her ass in his hand and lifted her higher against him. She was a short little thing, full of curves and all soft. She was woman all over, and he was falling under her sensual spell.

  A cough sounded behind them, breaking into their intimate moment. He lifted his head and smiled as Kate swayed. She wore a dazed look, and Pierson’s chest puffed up. He had put that look on her face and the glazed look in her eyes.

  He turned her back to Brock, who pulled her onto the ride. He smiled at the couple that had interrupted them, as he backed out of the line and watched as the Ferris wheel started to move. Kate was watching him when the bucket started to swing

  Pierson winked at her and turned on his heel to fetch her drink. Grayson was standing off to the side waiting for him. He walked over to his brother and smiled.

  “She is one hot lady,” Pierson told his brother. “My dick is so hard I could pound nails.” He wasn’t one to sugarcoat things.

  “Yes,” Grayson replied. “But from her talk earlier, she is going to be harder to make ours than we first thought.” Grayson and Pierson moved off toward the food trailers. He thought about her earlier discussion with Brock.

  Kate wasn’t used to the idea of a ménage relationship, but that hadn’t stopped her sister. Maybe they needed to recruit Sarah to their cause. She might be able to talk her sister around. Otherwise it was up to them to show her the benefits of having more than one man in her life and in her bed.

  That was even before they discussed the whole D/s scenario. Grayson wouldn’t settle for someone that wasn’t willing to give the lifestyle a try, and though he thought Brock might be able to put that part of himself aside, Pierson didn’t. It was more than play for him and Grayson. It was who they were. Being a Dom and being in control was important to them.

  They stood in line and watched the Ferris wheel go round and round. It would stop every so often to let people on and off, and the buckets would swing back and forth. Pierson wondered if Brock had turned green yet.

  “I don’t want her to leave. Not now, not ever.” Pierson looked at his brother to gauge his reaction. His face was a mask and rarely showed emotion. He wondered why he bothered.

  “I don’t either,” Grayson finally replied. “We will have to figure a way to get her to stay. Even if it is for just an extended holiday. It will give us time to convince her that she belongs here, with us. In our hearts and in our beds.”

  “How do we do that?” he asked. Pierson was going to let his older brother take the lead. He would put his trust in Grayson and hope for the best.

  “By spending time with her. Showing her what she will be missing and spoiling her rotten. We will have to ease her into the lifestyle, we can’t rush her.”


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