Farseek_Lietenant's Mate

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Farseek_Lietenant's Mate Page 3

by T. J. Quinn

  She smiled at me. “I hope you can make that happen,” she said softly. “Can I take a raincheck on the whole mating thing? I just want to know you better and get used to the idea that life as I knew it is over.”

  “What is rain check?” I asked.

  She laughed. “It’s what we call an idiom. Bottom line, I’m not ready to be your mate, but I’m not saying no, either. I feel there is a special connection between us. This is just a lot to take in after all I’ve been through.”

  “Then you will tell me when you want this rain check?” I asked her. “Females always have the right of choice.”

  It would be hard to accept if Scarlet chose not to be my mate, but honor would demand that I respect that choice. Something in her eyes told me that wasn’t going to happen. It had only been a few days since we pulled the women out of the slave auction house on Ursaga.

  “I am off duty tomorrow,” I said, after a moment. “We can watch a story on the holo-viewer if you like. We could have some tea without the stimulant.

  “That would be great,” she smiled seeming genuinely glad to stay in my company.

  I was making progress.

  I extended the holo-vid arm, so it was centered between us then I sat beside her on the sofa and put my arm around her. She leaned her head on my shoulder, and we watched a couple stories. She said they were like what they called movies on her world. I helped her understand some of the idioms as she called them that her language chip didn’t translate.

  “Commander Maktu said that if we stay with the company, they will fund custom language chips for us,” she said. “That should solve our language glitches.”

  “And are you going to stay with the company?” I asked. She already knew I wanted her to.

  “All four of us from Earth are staying. Harper mated with the Commander, so she is staying. I was a soldier back home, so I figured I might as well stay aside from the fact that Harper’s my new best friend.” She turned and smiled at me and added, “And I would like the chance to know you much better.”

  I couldn’t help smiling back at her. “I am certainly glad to hear that.” I leaned over and brushed her lips with mine, relieved to know I would have the time I needed to win her. I was riding on a wave of euphoria that I had found my solmatu, and she was so beautiful. I was just happy to have her there beside me.

  I don’t remember what we were going to watch next. We were only a few minutes into the third story when she drifted to sleep in my arms. Once I realized she was completely asleep, I stopped the story and carried her into my bed. It was a double berth set in its own little alcove, enclosed on three sides. I laid her on the bed in the back close to the bulkhead and covered her with the sheet.

  I shed my uniform and put it into the cleaning locker and pulled on a pair of short night pants. I didn’t want her sleeping on the floor in the conference room while I slept in a comfortable bed. She could argue the point when she woke up, but I had a feeling she wouldn’t. I thought it would be hard to fall asleep with her next to me, but I had no trouble at all.



  It took me a moment to figure out where I was when I woke up. There was warm body next to me, and I was in bed. I raised up on my arm and leaned over. It was Pyrr. Did I? Did we? I frowned as I sorted it out in my mind. Nope. I must have fallen asleep while we were watching ‘stories.' I know I was really tired. I’m not even sure what woke me up.

  I didn’t think I moved enough to disturb Pyrr, but he turned to face me. I could see him smile faintly in the soft bluish light of the bedroom. He caressed my face and smoothed my hair with his hand.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said.

  “I am very sensitive to your needs,” he murmured. “It’s close to the time that I normally wake up in the morning.”

  “You’re like me, you wake up early even on off-duty days.” I smiled at him, just enjoy the sight of his exotically handsome face. It was hard to breathe. My whole body seemed to be clamoring to press against his and take him inside me. The more time I spent with him, the stronger those feelings became. Looking at his face and into his gorgeous violet eyes, I realized I wanted him to be mine.

  I don’t know whether it was the circumstance of being ripped from my home with no way back or if this solmatu phenomenon was making him give off “love” pheromones that were making me feel that way. Put all that on top of the fact that he was plain adorable, I was hard-pressed to find a reason to resist my attraction to him, except for the fact that I really needed a shower and some mouthwash.

  “I really want to kiss you,” Pyrr whispered, “but I think I need to rinse my mouth first.”

  “Me, too,” I said. “Do you think I could use your shower and maybe borrow a clean shirt while mine gets cleaned.”

  “Sure, we can take turns. I’ll show you how it works, but first…” He pulled me into his arms, so our bodies were pressed tightly together. Instead of kissing me on the mouth, he kissed my cheek and planted kisses on along my jawline to my earlobe which he then started to nibble. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped me with the sensations he sent crashing through my body.

  “Oh, that’s not fair,” I groaned.

  “You, want me to stop?” He stopped nibbling and tickling my earlobe and neck.

  “No,” I said and sucked in a breath. “I want you to share sex with you.”

  He drew back and looked me in the eyes. “We can do that.” He grinned and kissed my cheek. Then he rolled out of bed so I could get out and led the way to the bathroom, pausing to open a small door in the wall to take out a clean shirt that matched the one I was wearing. He also took out what looked like a little tube, “For the oral washer,” he explained. “I’ll show you.”

  Instead of a toothbrush, they used a small wand that used a fine water jet to clean their teeth and freshen their mouths with a pleasant tasting water based rinse that tasted like mouthwash. The shower was wonderful after days of going without. I didn’t dawdle under the water spray because I knew we were in a closed environment. Anyway, I learned to be in and out of the shower in minutes when I was in the service.

  The shirt that Pyrr lent me was the same size as the dirty one. It fit me like a dress, which meant it was probably a size 3x. So far, I hadn’t seen any of these guys who were less than six feet tall. Most were probably six and a half feet with muscles like bodybuilders. The women were pretty tall as well. I’m just a little taller than average at 5’7” and not exactly slender. Though I had lost some weight in the weeks, we were on the slave ship. They didn’t feed us one morsel more than they believed was needed to keep us alive.

  But the way Pyrr looked at me made me feel beautiful. He believed I was his soulmate, the love of his life. Although I knew it was my choice whether to accept him as my mate, I felt like crying at the thought of rejecting him. I wanted him---more than just a sex partner. I was already caring for him, feeling like I needed to be with him. In my heart, I knew he wasn’t just playing a game to get laid. He only wanted me. Maybe it wasn’t the best time or circumstance to start a new relationship, but one doesn’t always get to choose.

  Now I fully understood why Harper hooked up with the commander. I owed Harper an apology for blurting out in front of everybody that she was fucking Commander Maktu. He was one gorgeous hunk of man. Who could blame her? I was jealous even though she had quickly become my new best friend. I was over that as soon as I met Pyrr.

  The Farseekans were very much like us in that they had lost everything they had known and loved. The four of us from Earth had been stolen from everything and everyone we had known and loved. Somehow the universe had brought us together.

  They chose their mates differently than we did. Our way seems like trial and error. Whatever happened, I knew then and there, I wanted to be with Pyrr.

  I finished in the bathroom in about ten minutes and dressed so Pyrr could have a turn. I imagined we would be sharing soon. Meanwhile, I was pacing back and forth
in his cabin’s tiny sitting area, nervous but anticipating what would happen next.

  When Pyrr emerged from the bathroom wear just a towel, the look he gave me was dark and hungry. My body reacted immediately to the desire that burned in those violet eyes. He looked scrumptious. He moved with a cat-like grace and took me into his arms for a long slow kiss. I gave myself into it. His lips were warm and pliable and his tongue demanding as he used it to stake his claim on the inner recesses of my mouth.

  I swirled my tongue around his and pressed my sensitive breasts against the wall of his hard, muscular chest as he squeezed me tight against him. We came up for air long enough to move into the bedroom to continue our foreplay. We then kissed and caressed until we were both breathing fast and shallow and trembling with desire.

  When the kiss ended, we paused in front of the bed. Facing each other, our eyes met and held for several moments. Pyrr let the towel fall to the floor. His hard cock sprang up ready for action, and it was impressively large like his whole magnificent body.

  I tore my gaze from his fine phallus and met his eyes with a faint smile on my lips. He showed me his, so it was time for me to show him mine. I reached down to the hem of the shirt and whipped it off almost as quickly as his towel had hit the floor. He looked me up and down, the same as I had him and he smiled appreciatively. There was a bit more than average to appreciate.

  My breasts were large and firm with taut erect nipples that seemed to get firmer under his gaze. My waist narrowed sufficiently to enhance the extra width of my “child-bearing” hips. I had lost the little pouch on my abdomen so that was as good as I would look naked.

  I thought Pyrr would have liked me however I looked, judging by the smile he gave me after a quick perusal. He stepped forward and slid his arms around me, and I leaned against him. It felt even more delicious to be pressed against him naked. I slid my hands up over the muscles of his arms and shoulders and hooked them behind his neck. Looking up at him I parted my lips, craving his kiss and he gave it.

  Then we were caught up in a haze of passion giving and receiving kisses and caresses. Eventually, we moved into the bed. Once we were horizontal Pyrr turned his attention to my breasts, first kneading them with his large hands then sucking on my nipples in turn while pinching the other with his fingers, while I sighed and moaned as the sensations surged to make my core making it throb for attention. I caressed his head and shoulders wherever I could reach until he began blazing a trail down over my stomach toward my navel tasting and kissing his way over my skin.

  My pussy clenched as he moved lower toward that sensitive bud. I watched as he tongued my navel and sighed at the sensations that kept my core pulsing with need. Slowly he moved lower and lower. I was panting in anticipation as he parted the hair on my mons and inhaled the evidence of my desire. I moaned and clawed at the bed covers as he swiped his tongue over my clit.

  He slipped one then two fingers into my entrance as he licked and gently sucked my clit. I was lost in a haze of sexual pleasure and surging endorphins. I couldn’t say how much time passed from when he started working my clit. It seemed that I hovered for endless moments on the brink of orgasm.

  Pyrr took me to the brink and held back so I couldn’t come and then started again, holding me still while I tried to buck and squirm. It was maddening and excruciating and so hot! Then when I did come I let out a yell that I feared they would hear all the way to the bridge. I writhed and bucked my hips, moaning as he took another swipe over the sensitive bud when it seemed I was finished.

  He seemed to sense when I was completely sated, and he laid his cheek lovingly against my mound and squeezed my hips in kind of a hug. I reached down and stroked his face and hair with my fingers. I adored that he delayed his own pleasure to give me pure ecstasy. It made me want to give him as good as I had got from him.

  Not that I was all that experienced, I had never found such exquisite sexual pleasure with any man before him, and we weren’t even finished. We lay there for a brief time, then Pyrr reached up to a little shelf above his bed and pulled down a little silver packet and tore it open. It was a condom---made from a very sheer filmy substance that fit his cock like a second skin.

  He knelt between my legs looking down at me with his long thick cock hard and ready to do business. Despite the whopping orgasm he’d just given me, I was wet and ready for him to fill me to the hilt. I wanted him inside me like I had never wanted a man before.



  From the moment, she first stood naked before me, I admired her beautiful body---large full breasts and curved hips and long shapely legs. Her short-cropped hair drew attention to her beautiful face and large green eyes. I was so hard for her as I knelt between her parted thighs and looked down, drinking in the sight of her, open and ready for me to take her.

  She smiled up at me, licked her soft, full lips, and held her arms up invitingly. I lowered myself on all fours and leaned down to kiss her lovely lips. She didn’t seem to mind that I tasted of her juices.

  “I’m ready,” she whispered.

  “Me, too,” I whispered and lowered my cock to her entrance, sliding easily inside. It was a tight fit, but she was so wet there was little resistance. I started to fuck her slowly and gently, trying to make it last. I couldn’t hold back. Without conscious thought, I was ramming my cock deep into her hard and faster.

  “Oh, God, yes!” she cried out and gripped my buttocks like she was trying to pull me in deeper.

  It was far more than just sharing sex. I kept thinking of Scarlett as mine even though I was not claiming her---yet. Fucking a woman never felt so good. I wanted it to go on and on, but she took me to that summit of exquisite pleasure, and we sailed into bliss as her inner walls contracted around my cock in her orgasmic rhythm. I throbbed inside her, and her walls squeezed me in response.

  I kissed her mouth and slid my tongue between her lips to lay claim to it as well. She caressed my back and pressed me to her, rubbing her breasts against my chest as if to claim me as well. Ah, yes, she would be mine. It would just be a matter of time.

  It felt so good to be on her and in her with her arms around me. I raised myself up on my forearms so I could look into her eyes. She reached up and stroked my cheek with the backs of her fingers, her eyes shone with tenderness.

  “No one ever made me feel as good as you just did, Pyrr, you are awesome,” she said.

  “We are solmatu,” I told her. “We are meant to be mated. Can’t you feel the connection between us?” I stared into her eyes willing her to feel the same force I felt drawing me to her.

  “I’m beginning to,” she murmured. “I feel a connection with you that I’ve never felt with anyone before not even my fiancé.”

  “Your mate who was killed?”

  “Yes, but we weren’t mated yet in the sense you mean. We were committed to becoming mates. We call it marriage.”

  “Courting?” I thought I understood what she meant. “Will you accept my courting you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered and kissed me lightly on the mouth, “only you.”

  I kissed her back with renewed passion, and she hummed her pleasure, arching her back to rub her breasts again my chest. I was getting hard again, so I started thrusting in and out of her slowly. Scarlet made a soft sound of approval in her throat and raised her hips to meet my thrusts, hugging my cock with her inner walls. Gods, she felt good.

  After sharing sex again, we dressed and went to the mess hall for second meal as we had missed first meal. While we were eating, two of Scarlet’s Earth friends stopped to speak with her. They teased her that she hadn’t gone “home” last night.

  “Well, I shouldn’t have mocked Harper about hooking up with the commander,” she said and laughed. “Pyrr and I have discovered that we are solmatu. We are courting now so don’t expect me tonight, either.”

  “I guess this means you’re staying with the company,” Nora remarked. “I guess if you and Harper are staying, I am too.
Halor sounds nice and all, but there are no Earth people there---no humans.”

  “And these guys are more like us than some of the others. They seem nice enough, but I don’t think we would fit in that well on Halor,” Zoey added.

  “Maybe, Pyrr has some friends he could introduce to us,” Nora said, looking at me.

  I smiled at her. She and Zoey were certainly attractive though a bit smaller than most Uatu women. Our people favored solmatu mates. “You haven’t met all of our company yet, I will tell them they should come meet you.”

  “We’d like that,” Zoey said. “We’re getting bored just hanging out in the conference room. It’s crowded, and there is no privacy.”

  “That’s only for a couple more weeks until we get to Halor. Most of the females will be staying there at least until they can get passage back to their homeworlds,” I explained. “The commander thinks we have enough empty cabins so you and the others who are staying can each have one.”

  “Unless we find a nice soldier like you to share one with?” Zoey said.

  “Yes, but they will only share if you are solmatu,” I added.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Zoey frowned. “I’m not going to hook up with just anyone. It’s gotta be serious.”

  “Most of our men and women have never mated because we have been at war. Those who have are solmatu. Some of our kind never find their soul mate. They may choose a mate for procreation, but some never do and have vowed not to.”

  “It sounds like there won’t be any procreating any time soon,” said Nora.

  “Not with what we have ahead of us. A warship is no place for children. Only solmatu can have their mates with them here. They must leave the company if they are procreating.”

  “There is not going to be any procreating for this girl anytime soon---solmatu or not,” Zoey asserted.

  “Anyway, the commander said if we stay, we have to learn a skill to help support your mission,” Nora said. “I am a nurse. Once we get proper language implants, I can start learning current medical practices.”


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