Harem Nights Online

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Harem Nights Online Page 14

by Mark Summer

  "I'm not, I just didn't think I would look so different"

  Chris hops off the table and walks over at the mirror and sees his full body in the dusty mirror.

  "So I'm guessing I'm a good swimmer"

  Henry shrugs

  "You are going to have to ask your new family about that"

  Chris turns to Henry

  "My new family"

  "Yes, the three bodies represent the three races of Fairy Land"

  "What about Fairies"

  "They rule this land and you can not choose to be them"

  "Why not"

  Henry grunts

  "Because them the rules, now I got to read these rules to you, sit down over there"

  Chris takes a seat next to the bodies which made him queasy, Henry stands over him

  "My name is Henry and I'm the moderator for the council and like you I'm the only other human controlled player that we know of"

  "That you know of"

  "Don't interrupt"

  Henry continued

  "Fairyland is a complete full-immersion virtual reality, the non-player units in the game are not alive but definitely think they are. They can cause you damage and they can let pain but you can never die. Understand so far"

  Chris nods

  "The goal of the game is when you choose a race you must then go to that race's homeland and find the ruler of that tribe. "Since you picked Mermaids, you must travel to the islands of Veniremen."

  "When do I meet my brother"

  Henry looked at Chris strangely

  "I don't know what you mean"

  "I was sent here because the council needs me to find my brother, there is glitch or something"

  "Wait for your not a glitch slayer are you"

  "I don't know what that is"

  "If you are a glitch slayer then, wait to hold on"

  Henry sits down and then pushes his forehead and his eyes turn inside out

  "Jesus, what the hell is going on"

  Henry then came back

  "I'm sorry, I thought you were just a regular a player this changes everything it is so nice to meet you, sir"

  Henry's change of personality puts Chris on the edge

  "IT's alright, I guess it's alright"

  "Can I get you anything, are you hungry thirsty"

  "Now that you mention it my mouth is really dry"

  Chris falls backward and passes out


  Chapter One

  Ace couldn't wait to see her, his hands dunked into the warm water. Grabbing the clean dishes and placing them on the drying rack. He wanted to touch her soft skin and brush her long dark hair. Carnal thoughts raced through his mind like crazed puppies in a large backyard. They moved and hit each other as the images became clearer and clearer. What he would do to her and how he would do it. The thoughts of a young woman are vast and complex but for Ace it was simple, he wanted simply because the world was far from simple.

  Ace worked at the B.c. Hotel the most expensive and exclusive hotel in Angel bay.

  It took him several months to get the job, every other day was one horrible background check after another. They only hired two grays a year and Ace was competing against a seventy-year-old man. It broke his heart to see the man every day sitting next to him. Breathing heavily and touching his heart Ace thought the old bugger was going to fall down right before him. He never did, but he also never got the job. Ace saw him on occasion at the soup lines two blocks from the Hotel.

  The hotel was exclusive only to the royal purple class. They treated the place like their toilet though. The bathrooms were the worse and Ace felt bad for the woman who had to clean them daily. The clients came for miles to stay at the hotel because it was the only place where they could get a ride on Bliss.

  Bliss was a walking pleasure city that traveled the planet. It was built by the purple class after the third war. They figured that the planet was no longer for them.

  And they did have a point since the earth was covered in a fine black dust, it was from the weapons that blasted the planet and almost sent humanity back to the stone age.

  After the war, five wealthy families created the caste system. They, of course, were the royals who would rule over the world. The next was red and they were the scientists and engineers who would create a new society for the purples. And to make it clear the caste system wasn't based on race it was purely based on class.

  The Greens were the artists and athletes who would entertain the purples. And the rest were the Grays who did what the robots could not yet do.

  This leads us to the invention of the cyborg, an invention of a very gifted Red named Jung Die.

  Jung was obsessed with robotics and like most men, he was obsessed with beautiful women.

  So obsessed that he created the most advanced Cyborg its name was Tina. Kind of a dumb name but he was not a green. Jung and Tina toured the planet winning over support from the royal families. Until when he got a strange request from a high-level Purple.

  This guy was named Frank Sterling and Frank was not like his weak fellow purples. He had fought in the war and he knew a thing or two about what real life was about.

  He had Jung come to his office and speak to him, and their meeting was short but Frank wanted to buy Tina.

  Jung was helpless he couldn't say no, it would be treason frank wanted to us Tina as a prototype for something darker.

  Jung eventually sold Tina and the rights and went to live on an island somewhere.

  So what does this have to do with a young dishwasher working at an expensive hotel?

  Well everything, because Ace is the hero of the future a man who will over through the power-crazed royals. How you may ask, well because Ace is the only one who has the override code.

  The override code to what you may ask?

  When Frank Sterling took over the cyborg project he created an army of clones and became the ruler of the planet. Yes, he made himself king with the help of his crazy army of hot beautiful cyborgs.

  So how did Ace come across the override code? Well, let's just say he was given the code by a very angry man, by the name of Jung.

  Chapter Two

  The royal's don't pay for anything, they just use their I.D. and they get whatever they want. The problem with the system is that it is easily hackable well easy for someone like Ace. With the codes to several IDs in his pocket and desire to see beautiful cyborgs again.

  Ace works with the shades drawn and music blaring into his headphones.

  He puts the codes through the nano-net and it then creates a new ID with Ace's face and info on it.

  The system Ace uses is custom built himself spits out the card in less than a minute.

  Ace holds the card up to the light, He smiles placing the ID in his back pocket. He opens the door to his bedroom but there standing with her arms folded, Jackie.

  "Mom what are you doing up"

  "It's still my house young man"

  "Right, but what did the doctor tell you about walking around"

  "The doctor knows shit, what are you doing in there all night"

  "Nothing, I'm just studying"

  'studying for what"

  "I told you I want to be an engineer on Bliss"

  "Right, you are using an awful lot of electricity we can't pay it"

  "Don't worry I'll handle it"

  "Will you"

  "Yes I promise"

  Jackie coughs and looks at her son with sad eyes

  "Whatever your doing just be safe"

  "I will mom"

  Ace walks past his mom and towards the door

  "Don't lie to me, my son"

  "I won't"

  Chapter Three

  The harem was in the King warehouse district, on the outside it looked like an ordinary warehouse. If you didn't know where to look you would pass right by it. Ace walked up to the metal door and placed his ID against the card reader to the side. The blue light encircled the card and the door unlo
cked, Ace opened it.

  Inside the place was like a Roman bathhouse. A center large pool and tables on either side. The purples ate delicious food and drink expensive wine, while beautiful artificial females served their every desire. Ace walked through the bathhouse, no one asked him for anything it was in poor taste. He was just presumed to be a purple like the rest.

  He made his way to a black table where he sat down. Tina made her presence known, on the small platform. She stood on it her beautiful body on full display, a beat comes over the speakers it was tribal and very sexual.

  She began to dance, the other royals ran up to the platform their tongues out like dogs. Tina teased them dancing close to

  them, swaying, her belly alive for them, with the jangling metal

  pieces, the anklets clashing on her soft above her soft feet.

  Tina wore bracelets they slid down her arms as she raised them in the air.

  The dog-like royals attempted to seize Tina, but she drew back, backing away,

  with a swirl of beads, away from them.

  She then picked one man after another out of the audience, seeming to

  dance her beauty meaningfully to him. Several began to keep the time

  with their hands, clapping them


  “marvelous isn't she,” said a man

  Ace nodded and continued to watch trying to ignore the man who sat closer.

  "You want her"

  "I don't want to be rude but I came to watch"

  "You are not like the others"

  Ace turned to the man who was at least twenty years older than him.

  "What do you mean"

  "I mean I know about you, Ace Black"

  "How do you know my name"

  "After she is done, Meet me in the back alley in ten minutes"

  Chapter Four

  Ace opened the door and walked out to the small alley. A black car pulls up and the door unlocked. The window slides down, the man from earlier is inside

  "Get inside"

  "tell me what this about first"

  "Listen you want to do this the easy way or hard way"

  "What's the hard way"

  "take a look behind you"

  Tina grabbed Ace by the neck lifting him a foot above the ground.

  "Her hand has enough power bend a steel pipe in two think what it can do to your neck"

  "What do you want from me" Ace moaned

  "I want you to step inside and stop asking questions"

  "Fine, just get her to stop"

  Tina's grip loosened and Ace fell to the ground, Tina stepped over him and opened The car door. Ace got up and entered the car and sat next to the man.

  Tina got into the driver's seat and the car drove. Ace rubbed his neck as the man pulled out a business card and handed it to Ace

  "My name is Jung"

  "Like the Carl Jung"

  "Yes, like that Carl Jung"

  "OK, mister Jung what do you want from me"

  "I have a question, do you enjoy your life"

  "I don't know"

  "It's a simple question young man do you enjoy your life"

  "Not really"

  "Why not"

  Ace shrugged

  "Maybe the reason you hate it has to do with the end of the nation-state, or the emergence of the royal government"

  "I guess so"

  "And you feel disenfranchised"

  "What does disenfranchised mean"

  "It means you hate the status, Quo"

  "Right sure I mean the royals suck"

  "Why do they suck"

  "Because they are greedy and immoral"

  "so you steal from them"

  'How do you know that"

  "I already told you I know a lot of about you, don't worry I'm not the police"

  "Then who are you"

  "Think of me as a friend to the people"

  "Look I just want to have fun, they separate us grays by gender, so I just you know"

  "You wanted to get laid, listen I get it and it's normal"

  Ace sat back

  "But I do know that it takes a very special mind to hack those IDs"

  "That's nothing"

  "No, it's not, Ace I want you to join me"

  "Join you in what"

  "In revolution"

  Ace laughed and put his hand over his mouth

  "What's funny"

  "Revolution is impossible, the Royals control the cyborgs they are impossible to defeat"

  "What if I told you that I know a way to take back that control"


  "The cyborgs are machines nothing more and as you know machines are hackable"

  "You want to hack the cyborgs"

  "This will take time yes since the cyborgs each have their own system but they are all hooked up to the main server"

  "I didn't know this"

  "And I want you to help me in hacking the server"

  "You gotta be joking the server must be protected by layer upon layer of nano security"

  "The server believe or not is made of the same code as the IDs you stole"

  Ace stopped smiling and leaned forward

  "What if I say no"

  "Nothing, you are free to do so, just know that when the revolution comes you will need friends, powerful friends"

  "Friends with an army of cyborgs"

  "That's right"

  "But if you fail you then revolution is over"

  "The fight will continue, I'm merely a part of a much larger collective"

  "I have to think about this"

  "Time is not something I can offer but since you were nice enough to hear my words I want you to have something"

  The car stopped and Jung pulled out a small flash drive and handed it to Ace

  "What is this"

  "That is Tina"

  Ace looked at Tina in the front seat her long tanned neck and perfect face made his manhood swell.

  "You are giving me Tina"

  "That will give you control over her and you may do what you will with her"

  Ace got out of the car and found himself back at his apartment. Tina opened the door and got out.

  "Hello Ace, I will accompany you from now on"

  Ace smiled but Jung pulled down the window

  "I give you her as a present but the time will come when I will require your assistance"

  Ace nodded

  "I don't know how I can help you"

  "You will know when the time is right, the powers that be are coming for you as well, no one is safe from his or her wrath"

  With that, the car switched to auto mode and drove off leaving Ace with his six-foot-tall sexy cyborg.

  Chapter Five

  Ace worked from six in the morning till seven at night. He had just a few minutes to spare to pick up his mother's medicine. It came from the pharmacy at the end of the street. The place was always packed with hundreds of sick Grays, the pharmacy acted almost like a second home for the grays since most were homeless or living in the tunnels under the city. Angel bay was founded on the ruins of Los Angeles and most of the subway system was still intact. But no subway runs anymore instead it's dark corridors were home to thousands of grays living in them.

  Ace arrived at the pharmacy and he showed the guard at the entrance his BC badge and the guard moved aside. Grays with jobs got priority over others and were allowed to cut in line to receive their medicine. Ace felt the dagger stares of the other desperate people in line waiting for their number to be called. At first, this disturbed him but after the hundredth visit, he no longer felt anything at all.

  The pharmacist was a red named Keven Smart, Kevin always had a grin as big as the grand canyon.

  "How are you this evening Ace"

  "Thank you, I'm fine to Thank you"

  "Picking up your mother's medicine are we"

  "You got it, right"

  Ace never understood why Kevin had a grin on his face while the people literally died
in his lobby.

  Kevin pulled out a white bag and slid it under the clear plastic shield. The shield had bullet holes in it and one was right in the center in front of Kevin's head.

  Ace figured Kevin had upset a customer somehow. The young man nodded taking the bag and quickly left.

  Outside he took a look at his watch he still had forty minutes to go, he could take his time now.

  He walked the city, his head down like the others shuffling this way and that. The city streets covered in black, the once white sidewalks now darkened. On the sidewalks huddled people. Their arms and hands stretched for food, for anything really.

  Ace passed a face that he thought was his best friend Hank but he did not stop to see if he was right.

  Hank was dead, at least that's what his mother had said last summer. Hank had died at work while on the assembly line. One of the robots went haywire and destroyed the warehouse leaving Hank and the other human works to defend for themselves against a 600-ton machine.

  They didn't survive, no one survived at least that was what Ace heard. He turned his attention to the screen blasting the news.

  "Breaking news Jung the inventor of the cyborg program arrested today with ties to a terrorist organization bent on overthrowing the government.

  "That crazy son of a bitch tried it"

  A man stood next to Ace that made him jump back

  "Ace is that you"

  He turned to see the man now standing, in a long black robe his face hidden under the cloth.

  Ace walked up to him

  "Hank is it really you"

  The man smiled but didn't look Ace in the eyes

  "How are you, buddy"

  "I thought you were dead"

  "Is that what you thought, really dead"

  "Yes your mother"

  "Please don't speak of her in my presence"

  "What happened"

  "I got out of the warehouse, that is true but when the company refused to pay for my bills so I was sent home"

  "Over time I didn't know what I would do, I started to take all type of drugs just to ease the pain, then the crazy part is"

  Hank looked over his shoulder

  "Ace I can't speak here"

  Ace then took Hank by the shoulder and led him away from the street out a secluded alleyway

  "Tell me, Hank"

  "They sent men to kill me Ace, terrible men"


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