Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)

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Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1) Page 15

by Magenta Phoenix

  When he turned to leave the bathroom, she called after him in haste. “Don’t bother; I’m not staying to talk to you. I’m leaving right now.” she said with a stubborn lift of her chin. Pausing just outside the bathroom, Eric turned at the waist to look back at her. To her astonishment, he was chuckling with amusement; his head shook gently at her words. When his amused expression didn’t waver, she glared back at him in response; crossing her arms over her breasts.

  When his laughter dwindled, he sighed, rubbing a large hand over his jaw. “How do you think you can go home? It’s at least a two hour walk back to town.”

  “I don’t care. I’ll walk all night if I have to. Maybe I will get lucky and someone will see me in my streetwalker clothes and will give me a lift.” She didn’t know what possessed her to say the last of her words, but it gave her a small thrill to see Eric’s eyes flash with anger.

  “Don’t put that image in my head, Rebecca.” He warned. His voice hard and tight as every ounce of his previous amusement was gone. “Why were you in that bar like this?” he asked taking a step closer to her.

  Knowing that Eric’s question that would lead her down a long road that she didn’t want to travel, she bit her tongue to prevent from speaking. Pressing her lips together stubbornly, she moved toward the door. Moving to walk past him, she prayed that he would do what he normally did when he became frustrated with her stubbornness and just storm off.

  Instead of doing as she’d hoped, his hand reached out and gripped her arm, jerking her to a halt. Turning her to face him, Eric pressed her against the doorway of the bathroom, his eyes burning over her face. Rebecca found her body trembling and her mouth going dry as he pressing into her personal space. He was so close to her that the flavor of his skin was practically on her tongue.

  “Answer me.” He bit out slowly. “Did you really go there looking for a lover? Were you on the hunt for someone to give you what only I can and will?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” She hissed out, pushing at his chest in effort to put some space between them. “My personal life is none of your business.”

  Not acknowledging her words, he went on. “Do you really think that you can erase what happened between us by taking someone else to your bed?”

  “If I’m lucky.” She whispered musingly looking away from him. Shaking his head, he tucked a finger beneath her chin, forcing her eyes to meet him.

  “This between us will not go away, and certainly not with another touching you. Why do you fight this?” he asked perplexed.

  “Let me leave, Eric.” She whispered, refusing to acknowledge his question.

  His gaze softened, his hand falling away from her face. “Why do you fear this or is it me you fear?”

  “Because you’re a ticking time bomb.” He visibly flinched at her words, but she forced herself to ignore it. “If I let my guard down with you, one day; whatever this attraction thing is, it will destroy everything. There are things about me that you don’t know, Eric and I want to keep it that way. What is between us is a simple addiction and addictions can be beaten if the will is strong enough.”

  “I don’t want to beat it.” he growled out. “I want you, Rebecca.” He breathed against her lips just before he covered her parted ones. At the brush of his lips, heat instantly bloomed in her stomach, spreading like licking flames to her womanhood. She fought against melting against his seducing mouth, but with a small moan, Rebecca found herself leaning against his mouth, begging for more. Her hands tightened on his bare chest, clutching him tighter to her.

  Spearing his hand through her hair, pulling the silky strands free from their confines, Eric held her immobile as his lips slid from her lips to trail to her jaw. His lips parted and caressed the underside of her jaw. Nipping and sucking, he moved further down her neck as his free hand slid up her skirt from behind. Her channel clenched with delight as his hand brushed against the curve of her buttocks before his hand gripped her ass tightly.

  Unwillingly her hips bucked against him with need. Desire heating her blood, she found it impossible not to touch him, not to need him. She wanted him inside her, his body covering hers, possessing hers. But could she withstand the price that she would be paying? At the thought, dazed eyes opened as she panted with need. Inwardly she cried with despair that she couldn’t give up her control to him. Even for just a short time, it would lead to disaster if she didn’t do something. She had to stop him.

  “Eric…” she began in effort to stop him. The unspoken words in Rebecca's mind vanished as Eric's hand beneath her skirt was ripped away. Before disappointment could settle over her, his hand returned only to move between their bodies and slid into the front of her panties. Gasping, her head fell back against the door jamb as his calloused fingers stroked over her clit and slid through the folds of her sex. All rational thought left her in that moment, leaving only him and the hunger that only he could sate.

  Panting heavily, Eric lifted his face from her neck to press his forehead against hers; never did his stroking fingers slow their delicious movements. “Tonight,” he began in a husky voice. “Give me tonight. I promise that nothing will harm you afterwards. I will be here with you. Let me show you how it can be between us.” He pleaded with heavy pants.

  Fighting against the desire coursing through her body, she comprehended his words. A pang of realization hit her like a punch to the gut. Any hope and certainty that she’d had that she could keep Eric at bay fell. Eric would never leave her alone and in that moment, she was done fighting. Either way, she would have to leave Ravenwillow. Eric was too stubborn not to leave her alone and if Damon could discover her secret, how long would it be before Eric did as well?

  Like a steel door of a bank vault slamming shut, her decision was made. She would give this one night to herself. She would claim this moment with Eric for herself to remember in the years to come. She would hold him to her and give her body over to this insatiable need. But tomorrow she would leave and forever vanish from his life.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Eric’s wolf growled with victory the moment he saw acceptance fill Rebecca’s gaze. But it wasn’t enough. He had to hear her say it. Swirling his thumb around her swollen clit, his growl vibrated his chest against hers as a gasp of pleasure escaped her.

  Teasing her bottom lip with his teeth, he whispered against her lips. “What’s your answer?” Her nails bit into his arms as she gripped him tightly in effort to anchor herself to something as her climax began to build. Gasping for air, her eyes closed as she nodded her head quickly. When she didn’t open her eyes to look at him; let alone voice her answer, Eric’s stroking fingers slowed along her dewy petals, barely moving at all. Her eyes flashed open; her expression was one of need, a need that he was holding out of reach for her.

  Satisfaction filled him. Good. He liked that only he was able to give her this, but he wanted her to finally acknowledge it. Because after tonight, there would be no going back to the way things were. Eric didn’t full accept what Rebecca may or may not be to him, but he would be damned if he let her slip through his fingers.

  “Eric…” she groaned out almost in pain.

  “Say it. Tell me you want me, want this.” his tone was firm, giving her no room to deny what was happening. She would tell him and when she did, there would be no way for her to pretend that nothing happened.

  “I do. I want this and I want you, just don’t stop.” She moaned, driving against his fingers in effort to seek release.

  The words had barely left her lips before Eric was jerking his hands from her. Bending, he swept her up into his arms like she was a precious possession of his. Never taking his eyes from hers, he walked to the bed, gently lowering her onto the wrinkled comforter. Immediately, his body blanketed hers, his hips settling into the warm cradle of her thighs as they fell open on either side of him. Bracing his weight on his arms that he rested on either side of her head, he leaned closer; the sight of her parted lips was too much of a temptation to ignore. With his
movement, Rebecca seemed to attempt to sink further into the mattress beneath her the closer his lips came. Slowing his decent, he smirked at her.

  The action was both laughable and adorable. How had he not noticed this about her before? That was the past. From this moment, he vowed to discover all that he could about his human. He would protect her from his pack and keep her away from the eager eyes of others—including Damon. Choosing to ignore the wave of jealousy that rose up in him, he shifted his focus back to tasting her tempting lips.

  Descending once more until his nose brushed hers, a tremble danced through her body as he threaded his hand in her waves of hair. He’d yet to kiss her and already she was trembling with need. Her eyes were on his, watching him with…fear? Reaching his senses out to her, he scented her desire for him, but beneath her heady scent calling to him was something he’d not noticed before. Fear. Fear of him?

  His wolf whined at this realization. Unsure how to get rid of the bitter scent of fear that distracted him from everything else, he withdrew his clutching fingers from her tresses to stroke the back of his fingers down her cheek.

  “What is wrong, Rebecca?” He asked softly. Closing the small space between their faces, he brushed his lips against hers. His kiss was gentle, coaxing and calming. Beneath him he felt her tense and gasp against his mouth.

  His hardened cock pulsed through his pants with need. Her scent was affecting him more every second that passed. He had to have her. He would have her, but first he felt a stronger need rise up in him; the need to protect and reassure her. Easing back, he felt pride fill his chest as some of her apprehension in her eyes had faded in response to his kiss. The warm brown color now shimmered with a glazed look of desire—only desire.

  Breathing heavily, Rebecca’s hands rose to touch him, but at the last instant her delicate hands curled into small fists before lowering to her sides at the bed. Was she afraid to touch him? Closing her eyes, she appeared to be gathering courage to say something to him. He waited until her eyes slowly lifted to his again and she spoke.

  “I’ve…never…I mean…” with a groan she covered her face with her hands. Eric concentrated on following and deciphering what she was trying to say to him. With realization, he felt his beast grow ten times stronger within his chest. She was…a virgin?

  Only ours! We are her first and last forever. Claim her now!

  Shaking off the possessive thoughts of his wolf, he shared down at her uncertain gaze. “You’ve never been with anybody? Even at your age?” Eric didn’t really know how old Rebecca was in fact, but he knew enough to know that she was old enough to have had several lovers. So why hadn’t she?

  Shaking her head as heat flooded her face; Rebecca’s next words answered his unspoken question. “I never really wanted to, until tonight or…” her worlds trailed off as her cheeks heated further.

  “Until me.” Eric finished, pride filling his voice.

  Biting down on her bottom lip, Rebecca nodded slowly. “I want to know what I have been missing out on, Eric. Will you show me?”

  Eric nearly groaned aloud at her sweet, innocent plea. It was all he could do to not fall upon her, shredding the offending skirt and blouse and claim her body for his own. At the thought, his wolf rose up faster and stronger than ever before. Grappling for control, his eyes squeezed closed as his hands curled tightly into the bedspread at the sides of her face.

  “Eric?” Rebecca’s soft voice echoed in his ears as he fought against not only his need of her, but his wolf’s as well.

  Snarling with defeat once Eric’s strong will overcame his inner beast, Eric felt his wolf sink back into the dark corners of his mind, relinquishing control. Once he was certain that his wolf was contained, his eyes snapped open. Not about to give her an opportunity to change her mind, his lips covered hers so abruptly that he stole the air from her lungs.

  Groaning against her lips, he hands dipped beneath her skirt, following the warm skin of her thighs until her firm buttocks filled his hands. Squeezing the globes in his hands, he lifted her off the mattress to hold her loins against his throbbing shaft. The material of his pants did nothing to hide his need of her, but only served to irritate him that he couldn’t feel her skin against his own.

  Almost against his will, his hips bucked, thrusting his shaft against the soft apex of her thighs. With this action, Rebecca gasped against his lips, her hands rising up to clutch at the back of his neck. The moment her lips parted beneath his, he took advantage. Sweeping his tongue forward, he explored her mouth. The taste of her exploded among all his sense, nearly taking him over the edge. Everything that he’d denied himself of her no longer mattered. He couldn’t—he wouldn’t wait for her a second longer.

  Breaking the kiss, they both stared at each other, both of them struggling to draw in enough air for a single breath. Unable to stand not feeling her soft skin against his own, Eric swiftly ripped his shirt over his head before tossing it across the room. “I can’t decide what to do to you first.” He breathed out roughly against her lips. Moving his hands from their possessive hold of her buttocks, he slid them down to cover her outer thighs, smoothing and shaping the warm, silky skin with reverent strokes.

  “My mouth waters with the thought of putting my mouth here.” His hand cupped her sex causing Rebecca to arch into his hand. “You want me to taste you, don’t you? You want to feel my mouth on there; sucking and licking you until you can’t stand it. But your sweet sex isn’t the only place I plan on tasting tonight. There is so much I want and plan to do to you tonight.” Leaning back, he grinned wickedly down at her. If it were possible, her delicious scent intensified and filled the air everywhere. Closing his eyes with pleasure, he deeply inhaled. Gods, she was like a fucking drug. He wanted to be surrounded by that scent every damn day.

  Still clutching at his neck, Rebecca’s small nails dug into his skin at his words. “Eric…” she gasped as his hand between her thighs began to slide back and forth against the front of her panties. “Please…”

  “But first,” he began, pulling his hand from beneath her skirt. “I want to see you—all of you.” With those whispered words, Eric slid his hands from her thighs to her hips and to her blouse. Starting from the bottom, he slipped one black button free at a time. The silky material of her blouse parted to reveal her the curve of her stomach and more creamy skin as he went.


  Fear crept over her chest like a spear of ice at Eric’s whispered words. Her wide eyes watched with tribulation as his hands began flicking each button of her blouse open from the bottom. Already the labels of her scarlet blouse had fallen open to display the plump flesh of her stomach. If he undid two more buttons he would see her scars. If Eric saw her scars he would know the truth. This couldn’t be happen! She had to stop him.

  Fighting against the delicious heat that pooled in her loins, her hands gripped his wrists with surprising speed, attempting to halt his movements. Eric’s eyes leapt to hers with surprise.

  She shook her head. “Stop…” the single word emerged with a soft gasp. “Not that.”

  Confused, Eric quirked an eyebrow at her as his hands stilled on the fourth button. “Why not?” Releasing his wrists, Rebecca’s hands lifted to the top of her blouse, fisting the material over her heaving breasts almost protectively.

  “I’m not comfortable…” her words trailed off when Eric’s weight shifted away from her as he suddenly moved to lie beside her. With his large, powerful arm curling around the top of her head on the mattress, he leaned closer. His expression wasn’t angry or even put out like she’d expected. Instead he looked down at her with a soft expression.

  “I want you to be comfortable, Rebecca. With me and with what’s about to happen between us. I’ve wanted this too badly to fuck it up now. But you have to trust me at some point.”

  Biting her lip, Rebecca looked away from him, before reluctantly nodding. “Just...not tonight?” she pleaded. It wouldn’t matter anyway. There would be no other time after tonig
ht. But she didn’t’ want to worry about her secretive scars or fear of discovery. She wasn’t to be blinded to everything around her tonight except for Eric.

  Nodding, Eric reached up to cover one of her heavy breasts in his large palm, instantly her nipples hardened, pushing at the thin material of her bra and blouse to stab at his hand. Finding the hard bud straining forward, he flicked the hard nub with his thumb as he covered her lips with a gentle touch. His lips, tongue and teeth lavished attention on her mouth as his hand slid from her breast to slide along the warm slope of her stomach before traveling upward and disappearing beneath her blouse.

  At the feel of his hot hand against her stomach, Rebecca jumped, startled; she broke away from his lips. “Eric! You agreed—”

  “I agreed to keep it on and I agree not to look. I never said that I wouldn’t get your soft breasts into my hands though.” To prove his point, Eric’s hands slid up further. The closer his hand moved toward her breasts, she shivered as gooseflesh with heated awareness slid over her skin following the trail of his burning hand. Air left her lungs the moment that Eric’s hand met the thin material of her bra. Shoving the lacy cups out of his way, Rebecca found herself engulfed by his scorching hands. The moment his hand closed over her uncovered breast, her womb clenched and her hips flexed beneath him at his touch.

  “Eric…” she gasped as he kneaded her soft flesh before his touch became teasing and his attention turned on her aroused nipple.

  Using his thumb as forefinger, he teased the hard peak with plucking strokes. Without warning, his head lowered toward her covered chest. Before she could guess his intent, his hot mouth found her other breast through the thin material of her blouse. Finding her nipple straining against the silk fabric, he drew it into the burning cavern of his mouth, silk and all. Flames licked at her insides at the feel of his mouth on her breast as his hand and fingers caressed and teased her other. The wet silk of her blouse slid back and forth over her nipple like a teasing caress while Eric mouth began drawing hard.


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