Crystal Warriors

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Crystal Warriors Page 34

by William R. Forstchen

  No one knew what had happened to Sarnak; he seemed to have vanished from the face of Haven.

  Kochanski was still in Asmara with Jartan, and Mark had talked with him several times via crystal. He seemed to be hard at work doing some kind of research but would not elaborate, saying that Jartan preferred to keep it a secret for the time being. Mark knew that of them all, Kochanski was the happiest, although upon further reflection Mark had to admit that he had never been happier either. It was just that Kochanski had managed to avoid the depression and exhaustion that followed the nightmare of extended conflict.

  Ikawa noticed something in the early morning light, and gesturing to Mark, they began a shallow dive. Seconds later they were flying over one of Allic's other sorcerers who was assisting a large group of Sarnak's ex-soldiers as they tore down a guardhouse and retaining wall. They exchanged cheerful waves, although Mark noticed the POWs looking on sullenly.

  "Have you noticed that the people still don't like us?" he commented as they regained altitude, continuing their patrol.

  "Hardly the oppressed and ravaged land one would expect when dealing with Sarnak," Ikawa agreed. "I would be proud to call this land my own: river valleys, terraced mountains, and a loyal populace. It seems a well-ordered place. Somehow it doesn't quite match with the monster who slaughtered thousands, and even betrayed his own son."

  "Damned if I know," Mark replied. "There's still one hell of a lot we don't understand about Haven. But all things considered, we haven't done badly. We've got our powers, there's Leti and Storm, and Allic's promise that we'll soon have border marches of our own. For the moment I'll not complain."

  Ikawa grinned and matched Mark's victory roll with one of his own.

  * * * *

  The sun was halfway up the morning sky as they came into the courtyard of Dirk's refurnished fortress. Allic had made it his center of operations for the conquest and assimilation of Sarnak's realm.

  Saito happened to be on duty when they landed. "Anything happen on patrol worth reporting?"

  "Not a thing," Ikawa replied. "Valdez and his team are still going through Sarnak's castle room by room, and Pina has finally finished exploring the complex of tunnels. We've brought back a map of the entire maze."

  Mark shook his head. "I don't know what the hell Allic's going to do with those tunnels. What good are they to him?"

  "You can ask him yourself," Saito replied. "He flew in from Landra last night. Seems the rebuilding is coming along ahead of schedule. He's got those captured sorcerers and demons busting their asses night and day."

  Ikawa was silent. Mark remembered Ikawa's theory that Allic's rare trips back to Landra were the result of his enormous guilt over the devastation of his city.

  Mark gave Saito a friendly poke in the stomach.

  "Looks like you're getting a little fat and lazy to me, Saito. What say we drag him along with us tomorrow, Ikawa?"

  Laughing, they left the old sergeant and headed into the central keep. Turning into Allic's audience chamber, Mark was nearly swept off his feet by the impetuous rush of Storm.

  Laughing, Mark returned her hug. "When did you get in?"

  "Just a short time ago," she replied, smiling at Ikawa over Mark's shoulder.

  Ikawa bowed and started to turn away when from around the corner came Leti, followed by Allic and his jester, Varma.

  Losing the battle of self-control, a grin of delight lit Ikawa's features. He rushed forward into Leti's embrace.

  "Some of Allic's men have set up a buffet for us," Leti said, and then looked over towards Mark and Storm. "Come on, you two, get a little food first, you'll need your strength."

  Allic exchanged a mischievous smile with Varma as Mark and Ikawa talked with their companions.

  "Didn't my schedule call for a month-long patrol for Mark and Ikawa once they got back?" Allic said evenly, looking to Varma.

  Mark and Ikawa looked up, flustered.

  "Don't even start," Leti retorted, fixing Allic with a chilling stare.

  Storm was even more graphic.

  Allic laughed and motioned them away. "Go ahead with breakfast, I'll join you in a moment."

  Still chuckling, Allic turned to Varma as the others left the room.

  "Such insolence, my lord," Varma joked. "How dare they take such liberties with you?"

  "Why don't you go and explain the breach of etiquette to them. I'm sure my sisters will be quick to comply with your command."

  Varma looked back at Allic as if he were mad.

  "Are you going to tell them?" Varma asked, changing the subject.

  Allic was silent, studying his diminutive friend and advisor.

  "The bitter mixed with the sweet." Allic watched the two couples walk up the corridor together. "Would they really be happy if they knew Jartan might have found a way for them to get home? Let them enjoy this respite for a while. There will be time enough to tell them later."

  He paused for a moment. "Strictly speaking, they still owe me over two years service. But I owe them for saving my realm and my life. I plan to give them border marches and titles as reward, but I'm still not sure about releasing them before they've tasted all there is of Haven." Varma was silent, a sad smile crossing his face, and then he walked over to the sideboard where he pulled out a flask and two goblets.

  "Little early in the day for that, isn't it?" Allic asked. "You should watch out for your health, my friend."

  "After what we've been through the last several months, dying from a morning drink is the last of my worries," Varma said, laughing.

  Their guffaws echoed up the corridor so that the two couples turned and looked back at the demigod and his jester, arm in arm raising their goblets in salute.

  The couples stopped for a moment, as if debating whether they should return, but the debate only lasted a few seconds. With a cheery wave they turned and disappeared from view.

  "It looks like it's going to be a stormy day, my lord," Varma said ruefully.

  "Better pour out another drink, my friend," Allic said, a whimsical smile lighting his features. "I think we're going to need it."




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