Devlin's Descendant

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Devlin's Descendant Page 2

by Felicia Tatum


  Someone was staring at me. The cold bore of icy eyes sliced into my skin, seeping down to my bones and chilling my spine. My body ached from the too thin mattress and the restless sleep I had. I turned my head, trying my best to appear fast asleep. My senses were heightened, making me wonder if I had my eyesight back.

  “I know you’re awake, Vessel,” he said, his voice laced with hatred.

  “What do you want?” I questioned, daring to open one eye. Light flooded in, shocking my system and forcing my lid back down. I allowed the white spots to dim before trying again.

  “Sit up,” he commanded.

  I glanced at him, arching my brow, and slowly and deliberately moved my hands to behind my head, resting lazily on them. I inhaled deeply, then said, “No.”

  His eyes narrowed into tiny slits, his lips pursed tightly together. His eyes were gray, dark and cloudy. Something was different about him, he wasn’t being as sarcastic, and he stood with a more confident air to him. Wait a minute, I thought, aren’t his eyes brown?

  “Listen up, Vessel,” he snarled, “I’m not playing games. I have to make sure you are stable and fit enough for me to take your body back over. Now, do as I said and sit up,” he enunciated the words, spitting as they escaped his lips.

  “Wait a minute…you’re the spirit that took me over, aren’t you?” I questioned as it dawned on me. “You took years away from me,” I exclaimed, bouncing to my feet.

  He smirked, folding his arms across his chest as he assessed me. “I needed a body, yours worked for the time. I had to get to the girl.”

  “Why do you want her? What are you going to do?” My heart pounded loudly in my ears. He was talking about Olivia. I had to keep her and the rest of them safe.

  He cocked a half grin, raising his brow. “Oh? Do you care about the half breed?”

  “Don’t call her that,” I growled.

  He laughed, an evil, heart wrenching sound. “She’s one of a kind. She’s bound to have a multitude of powers within her. I need to use her to my advantage,” he started explaining, walking across the room. “Originally, I wanted to destroy her. I was convinced she wouldn’t go through the change…I mean, she was seventeen when it finally happened! But when it did…when I saw that white aura…” he said dreamily.

  His eyes filled with a hunger, a hunger for power. They snapped back to reality, staring at me coolly. “I knew I had to have her for a mate. Imagine how quickly we could take over the council and all those other petty little groups everyone has formed. I didn’t anticipate the sorcerer being in love with her…but what a lovely advantage that his brother was so willing to help me,” he snickered, glancing down his body and opening his arms wide.

  “You’re Scott’s brother?” I choked out. “I knew you looked familiar,” the tiniest of whispers came from my mouth.

  “The vessel I’m in is his brother, yes, but I don’t think he has his family in mind with the things he does,” he laughed. “But it doesn’t matter. I need your body back, it’s the only way to get close to her.”

  I shook my head in disgust. “They’ll know it’s not me. They’ll destroy you, once and for all.”

  The corners of his mouth slowly spread wide, “Now, will they? Because they can’t destroy me without killing you.” His head turned to the side, his eyes watched as understanding hit me.

  He would be able to do this. He would succeed. It didn’t matter if Scott hated me to the moon and back, Olivia would never let him harm me. He would win.


  The rooms were empty, just like we had a feeling they would be. Aiden was gone, again, and my sister and Livvie were desperate to find him. As much as it coiled my stomach to admit, the guy didn’t actually deserve this. I mean, we weren’t best friends or anything, but I hardly wanted him to die, especially at the hands of The Crimson Calamitous. Grandma circled around the hallway, shaking her head at me when we both heard a sound below. I snapped my head, leaning partially forward to see if I saw anything down the stairs. Grandma hissed beside me, placing her fingers to her lips in the “shh” motion and started down the stairs. She moved swiftly and silently, gliding down the steps. I followed with much the same stealth.

  The sounds stopped. Grandma looked back, her eyes wide, and shrugged. She moved a few inches forward, glancing around for any signs of intrusion. It could be a cat for all I knew, but I didn’t want to take any chances. I let the power in me flow to my palms, ready to attack if the situation arose. Grandma moved again, turning a corner when screams erupted all around me.

  My hand flew up, ready to defend us, when I saw Livvie wide eyed and terrified clasping Sadie’s hand close to her heart. “Livvie! Sadie,” I growled, glaring at her.

  “We wanted to help,” she shrugged, acting like the fact that I almost hit them with a burst of power was nothing out of the ordinary.

  “I told you to stay at Grandma’s,” I scolded.

  “Since when do I listen? And besides, it was Liv’s idea,” she said, nodding towards the redhead beauty who held my heart.

  “Livvie?” I quizzed.

  “I have to help Aiden. I know you don’t like him, but I know you would save him for me. I can’t just let you go alone. I’m helping. I’m not defenseless, Scott. I can help.” Her green gems for eyes glowed as she gave her argument.

  I couldn’t stop the flutter in my chest as she stared me down, determined and eager to fight for the people she cared about. I allowed the energy to sink back into me, reaching for her once it was safe to touch. I held her close, and she wrapped her arms lazily behind my back. “Stay right with me,” I urged.

  “Fine,” she giggled with an eye roll. “We both know you are probably the one who needs protecting, though.”

  Sadie snickered beside her, and I gave her a menacing glare. She bit her lip, holding in laughter, and turned to Grandma. “He’s not here, right?”

  Grandma shook her head, “Just as we suspected. The captor has taken Aiden somewhere we don’t know about…or somewhere we won’t think to look. I suggest we go back and try to scry for his location. Maybe it wasn’t as thought out or perhaps it won’t be as obvious we will be searching this time, since Olivia is safe.” She nodded in her direction and Livvie’s fingers gripped me tightly.

  “I think I know another way,” she whispered, chewing her bottom lip furiously.

  “How?” I questioned, putting her body at arm’s lengths so I could get a good look at her full expression.

  “I’ll dream walk,” she stated. She let her bottom lip loose, and it popped back into place, plump and red from her teeth.

  “No,” My head moved back and forth so fast objects started spinning. “It’s too dangerous. If The Crimson Calamitous senses you he could hurt you or come for you. The possibilities are endless. You aren’t doing it.”

  “You can’t stop me, Scott. If it’ll make you feel better, you can go with me,” she said gently.

  I knew I couldn’t, and wouldn’t stop her. Fear enveloped me like a warm blanket, seeping into my bones and chilling my soul. I nodded in agreement, glancing around the room to the shocked faces of my loved ones. My lips were tight and the outlook was grim, but what else could we do? We had to save Aiden, and like it or not, we would have to confront The Crimson Calamitous at some point.


  We left Kyle with Anna and Sadie. They’d been getting to know each other more since he came back to town, so I didn’t think it was as awkward for him anymore. I decided Sadie was the best person to break the news about Sebastian to Anna. I was dreading telling Scott, but he needed to hear it from me. We arrived at his apartment, and the gnawing in my stomach grew. My fingers trembled as I slid them through my locks, my legs bounced anxiously.

  “Livvie?” Scott questioned as he loosened his grip.

  “I have to tell you something. You aren’t going to like it.” My nostrils flared as I inhaled deeply, letting the rise and fall of my chest calm my nerves.

nervously asked, “What is it?”

  “It’s about the captor…I know who it is.”

  His eyes widened and he clenched his fists. “Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known?” His voice shook with anger.

  I hesitated, unsure of how to continue. “Well…you know him….” I twisted my fingers together in a knot.

  He paled, and his eyes pleaded with mine. “Who?” he asked, barely a whisper.

  “Your brother,” I solemnly admitted. The tears I held back fought to break free.

  “Sebastian,” he growled, his face distorting with the anger he felt. Every emotion showed on his face, the anger, the denial, the betrayal, pain and sadness. “I knew he was up to something,” he spat, then sighed deeply and ran his long fingers through his hair, tangling it and making the ends stand.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, feeling lame. Sorry was hardly appropriate to finding out your brother was working with a psychotic, evil spirit, but no other word seemed to fit, either.

  He shook his head, appearing to shake the realization from his mind. “I knew…that he was up to something. Sadie suspected…I didn’t want to…how do you know?” his words flowed unevenly from his mouth, showing his confusion and discomfort.

  “I saw a picture at Anna’s,” I confessed. “I hadn’t been in that room before, and I guess there just aren’t any in the other rooms? I don’t know. I don’t know how Aiden didn’t see it since he’s been staying there,” I admitted. I was still trying to figure that one out.

  He stared at me like I had grown five heads. “There are pictures of the twins everywhere,” he lamented. His head dropped, chin touching chest, and his saddened eyes closed. “He knew we’d find you. He’s hidden them somehow.”

  “How would he do that?” I gasped.

  “We’re sorcerers, Livvie. He has ways. How none of us felt the pull of his shield, I don’t know,” he groaned, lifting his head. “There’s no telling what else he’s capable of. You have to stay with us. Kyle, too.”

  I nodded in agreement. “We need to stay safe. He said he saw one of those cars drive by yesterday, anyways. It’s probably for the best.”

  “We have to go talk to my parents. I think we all--them, us, Sadie, Santos, and Grandma--need to be in the same location,” he glanced at me, “And Aiden once we find him.”

  My heart soared, but I knew it would be short lived. He would flip once he found out Aiden kissed me, though it was nothing. I couldn’t tell him now, not after finding out about his brother’s betrayal.

  “Thank you, Scott. I know you two have…issues, but he’s really not as bad as we thought. He’s just as much as of a victim the rest of us. I appreciate you at least trying,” I grinned, taking two large steps to stand at his chest.

  He reached for me, his warmth enveloping me. “I’ll do anything that makes you happy, love. And I was hard on him, but it’s just as difficult to forget what happened at the dance.” His chin rested on my head. I heard the deep inhale of his breath seconds before he said, "You smell so good.”

  I inched my head up, nudging him with my nose. My lips parted, desperate to feel his on them. His breathe grew hot the closer he got, his eyes dark and heavy with desire.

  “Livvie,” he growled, his strong hands gripping my waist.

  Twisting his shirt in my hands, I pulled his face closer until our lips sizzled against each other. My mind fuzzed as he drowned me in his kiss. His lips devoured mine, his tongue dancing within my mouth. Shivers ran up and down my spine as I sunk into him. We finally broke free, both panting for our breath, bodies quivering. Our foreheads locked and he gently kissed the top of my nose.

  I giggled, “I like when you do that.”

  “It’s a cute nose.”

  I rolled my eyes playfully, smirking at him. “If you say so.”

  “I do. Now, let’s go find my parents.” He held his hand out.

  I nervously placed mine in it, my stomach clenching at the thought of meeting the people responsible for his being in this world. “Ok,” I said, voice shaking.

  His fingers squeezed me in reassurance, and he grinned widely before we disappeared.


  “I can’t believe your brother, my grandson, is capable of such evil and destruction,” Grandma mumbled for at least the third time since I broke the news.

  “I know. I suspected he was up to something, but Liv confirmed when she saw the picture. How did Aiden not?”

  Her eyes narrowed, her hand finding its way to her head, holding it as if it may explode from all the information. “I don’t know. I can’t believe he did this. He’s had to have hidden it somehow. Under my own roof. I have equal pictures of you all,” she explained.

  I nodded, desperate for her to calm down. “I know. It’s ok. None of us knew.”

  “Does Scottie know?”

  “Olivia is telling him now. We found out seconds before we came to help you,” I declared.

  She sighed heavily, motioning for me to follow to her secret library. “Let’s try and track Aiden. He’s going to need our help.”

  My breath was practically a whisper, “I hope we get to him in time.”

  “What?” She turned, startling me.

  “I said, maybe we should try to find Sebastian, too,” I lied.

  “Oh,” she nodded, absent mindedly. “Good idea, Sadie.” She looked at me, I mean, really looked at me. “I forget you’re only fifteen sometimes. You’re years wiser.”

  I blushed, “I’m almost sixteen,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, dear. You are. We mustn’t forget to celebrate in all this craziness,” she smiled lovingly, pulling me to her. Her arm encircled my shoulders, guiding me to the room. “I’m proud of the woman you’re becoming, Sadie.”

  I smiled, my heart soaring at her words. Grandma knew how to cheer me up, better than anyone besides Scott. Our parents were fabulous, but they’d always showed more interest in the twins. Grandma had taken me under her wing immediately, immensely excited to finally have a granddaughter. No one had really stopped her, so we’d grown insanely close. It helped that we shared a lot of the same powers, and she was able to train me in areas my father couldn’t. My mother was human when they fell in love, so she never had the pleasure of knowing how spectacular it was to feel sorcerer powers flow through your blood, pumping your body full of energy. I felt a little pity for her, sometimes. We all knew, we all possessed these powers and could do things she couldn’t. I didn’t want to imagine how jealous she was of it.

  I looked at Grandma, smiling brightly, “Thanks, Grandma.”


  Kyle lounged in the kitchen, munching on an apple and sipping water. I stepped around him, feeling awkward being alone with him. I hadn’t really spoken to him before, and now here we were. “Would you like me to cook you something?” I questioned politely.

  His eyes widened at hearing my voice and he shook his head. “Nah. Don’t worry about it. This is fine,” he claimed, holding the half eaten red delicious up.

  “Ok. I’m going to make Grandma and me some sandwiches, I don’t mind to make one for you,” I elaborated, wanting him to feel welcome. The story with him still had holes in it, but since Liv let him stay, I figured I should be nice.

  “Are you sure?” he inquired, eyeing the bread and supplies I was gathering.

  “Positive,” I smiled. “Turkey or ham?”

  “Turkey, please.”

  I nodded, turning to get plates down. “So, everything ok?”

  He knew what I spoke of. “I dunno. I’ve been watching. I don’t think they know I’m here…”

  I knew what word he left out. Yet. We could be raided by The Destroyers at any moment. The Crimson Calamitous was obviously back to power, and who knew who else was going to be coming for us. It was more than any of us bargained for. “Hopefully they won’t. Grandma is pretty good at hiding everyone when needed.”

  “She seems handy,” he smirked.

  I chuckled, “That she is.” I placed the
cheese on his sandwich, leaving he top off for him to dress it. “Here you go,” I said, pointing to the mayo, tomatoes, and other toppings to my left. “Have at it,” I instructed.

  His eyes widened and he rubbed his stomach. “This looks delicious. Thank you, Sadie.”

  “You’re welcome,” I grinned. I finished our lunch, cleaning my mess and grabbing some napkins and drinks to take back to Grandma. I glanced back, seeing Kyle stuffing half of his lunch in his mouth. How boys ate like that, I would never know. “We’re in the back; go through the library, if you need anything or get lonely. If there’s an emergency, just yell loudly. We’ll hear you.”

  He nodded, his cheeks plump like a chipmunk.

  I stifled my laughter, heading back to Grandma.


  He hadn’t come back in an hour or two. It worried me. Knowing Scott’s brother consciously allowed that evil being into his soul unsettled me. My eyes took in my surroundings, trying once again to figure out where I was located. It wasn’t the same as before, this place was nicer. The walls were a pristine white, reminding me of a cold hospital room. The furniture wasn’t that great, but it could be worse. He’d even left a book for me on the table beside the door. I stood, shuffling around the enclosed space, looking for any loose boards or something to use as a weapon. Of course, he was smarter than that, and nothing here could work. The table was even made of metal, and bound to the floor, so there was no possibility of me using it.

  Two door knobs taunted me, not three feet apart. One was the exit, the one on the right, but the other…I hadn’t really noticed it before. I gripped my hand around it, allowing the coldness to seep into me. The surge of hope was short lived when all that was behind the door was a small bathroom and a pile of clothes. I scoffed, staring angrily at the bucket Scott’s so-called brother gave me to relieve myself in. He probably laughed about his deception every time he thought about it. I wanted to throw it at him.

  After disposing of it, and leaving the bucket right inside the door in hopes he’d trip over it on the way in, I shuffled through the clothing. There were enough clothes here to last a month or more. Dread settled in my stomach, coursing through me like the blood in my veins. I was destined to be here for a while, living in this little space until he deemed it necessary to take over my body again in order to reenter my friends’ lives…only to destroy them.


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