by Vicki Grant
You know, that long cord thing. Sort of like a TV remote for picture-taking except it’s attached to the camera.
Maybe you don’t. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to know exactly what it looked like. It was just the thing that made Bitsie’s eyes move. His eye mec.
Depending how you squeezed it, you could make his eyes blink or move side to side or up and down. My left hand is pretty klutzy for starters, so I was already thinking I’d never be able to do this. Then Bitsie made me hold the rods that move his arms with my left hand too.
According to Bitsie, “all I had to do” now was read the lines on the script stuck to the wall, move his mouth in time to the words and make him wave goodbye to his “friends at home.” It was “easy.” I just had to watch Bitsie on the monitor. I could see everything I was doing as I did it. I’d get used to it in no time.
Yeah, right.
Have you ever seen a video of baby giraffes? They try to stand up right after they’re born, but their legs can’t hold them so they keep doing the splits. Then they manage to get their bum up in the air, but their head’s too heavy so their neck bounces around like they just lost a big prize-fight or something.
That’s what Bitsie looked like.
No. Not quite. It was more like a cross between that and Frankenstein’s monster. A very drunk monster.
With a limp.
And a broken jaw.
It was terrible. Scary, in fact. Can you imagine if Bitsie ever went on TV like that? All his little “friends at home” would be screaming for their mummies to call 9-1-1.
After a while I managed to get Bitsie’s mouth flapping, but he didn’t really look like he was talking. What he looked like was Grammie trying to chew without her false teeth in.
I tried to get his eyes moving too. Most of the time nothing would happen at all; then suddenly one eye would twitch and you’d start to think that maybe Bitsie had a violent streak you didn’t know about.
I felt like such a klutz at first. I couldn’t even figure out how to read the script and watch the monitor at the same time, let alone move the puppet too.
But after a while I seemed to be getting the hang of it.
Bitsie’s mouth started to move in sync with the words, his eyes looked left and right and I actually got him to walk across the set without looking like he was recovering from a serious car accident.
I felt so proud of myself.
It was only when Bitsie started doing a perfect version of the Macarena that I realized I wasn’t such a brilliant puppeteer after all. He’d been pulling my leg. He’d been doing everything for me!
It was pretty funny. Even I had to laugh.12 I mean, who did I think I was? Some puppet prodigy or something?
We realized the security guy was going to be by on his rounds any minute, so we had to stop right in the middle of Bitsie’s hip-hop routine. We rushed around and got everything turned off and ourselves back under the set just seconds before the guard opened the door, poked his head in, closed the door and left. (Gee, some security.)
We just lay under the set for a while. I was tired, but Bitsie was still going strong. He could do the wickedest imitations of people. His one of Kathleen completely cracked me up.
I know it’s hard to believe, considering he was only a meter high and had big bulgy eyes and a nose like a beak, but Bitsie actually managed to look like Kathleen when he did it. It’s probably because he had her walk down perfectly.
I thought I was going to wet my pants, I was laughing so hard.
In fact, I realized that if I didn’t find a bathroom soon that’s exactly what I’d do. Luckily, Bitsie had stolen one of the computer cards that unlocks the studio door. (He’d also stolen keys to the storage room so he could let himself in and out, keys to the control room so he could watch TV whenever he wanted and keys to Mel’s car just to bug him.)
I’d just crawled out from under the set when I heard Nick’s voice going, “Oh, good, exactly what I was looking for!” I thought it was Bitsie imitating him. (I had made the mistake of admitting that I thought Nick was cute.) I was just about to say something smart back like “Nick, darling, I thought you’d never get here!” when I heard footsteps. Good thing I kept my mouth shut.
It’s times like that when you realize your mother is right about a lot of things. Like not wiping your mouth on your T-shirt after you’ve had chocolate chip cookies, for instance. It leaves these really gross stains.
They were probably the first thing Nick noticed about me.
11 Ewwww…
12 Though not as hard as Bitsie did, of course. I was worried about his heart for a while there.
1. “Tally?!?”
2. “You’re still here?!…Ha-ha. I guess that’s pretty obvious. I’m just a little surprised ’cause Kathleen left an hour ago to go out for dinner…How are you getting home?”
3. “You know, come to think of it, I bet she wanted me to take you. I’ve got a key. Yeah. I’m pretty sure of it. She’s been so busy, you know, with the way Bitsie ’n’ Bytesie is so far over budget and her trying to develop another series and all that. She must have just forgotten. Not forgotten you. Ha-ha. I mean, she must have just forgotten to remind me to take you home. I hope you weren’t waiting long.”(Adorable smile)
4. “Just let me get these scripts for tomorrow. Here—want to read one?”
5. “That’s my car over there.”
6 “Mind if I take this call?” [“Hello…Oh, hi!…Un-huh …Un-huh…Yup…I’m just taking Tally home… Kathleen’s niece…Sure. Red or White?…Okay…Yeah. Me, too…”(Cute little laugh) “Bye.”]
7. “So whaddya think? The TV business is pretty neat, eh?”
8. “I love it. Especially since I get to work for your aunt. She’s pretty amazing, you know. I’ve learned a lot from her. I’ve got a series I’m hoping to get going myself one day, so this experience has been invaluable.”
9. “Well, here we are!…You going to be okay until she gets back?”
10. “Look, ah, here’s my cell-phone number. Just call if you need anything. And take this too. Kathleen never has anything in the fridge. C’mon. Take it. I’ve got a feeling you like chocolate.” (Another cute little laugh) “See you tomorrow, Tally.”
1. “Actually, it’s ‘Telly.’ My big sister couldn’t say Teresa. In fact, nobody in Beach Meadows could say it—the way my mother wanted them to anyway. The Italian way: Tare-ray-sa. So Telly just kind of stuck.”
2. “I thought I’d just take a limo—as usual.”
3. “Oh, no. Not at all. It’s given me a chance to study the sets.”
4. “I’d love to. I’m a bit of a writer myself, you know.”
5. “Whoa! Nice set of wheels!”
6. “Please do. I know what it’s like to be waiting for an important call.”
7. “Isn’t that funny? ‘Neat’ is exactly the word I’d use for it too!”
8. “You have an idea for a series! Why, you’re obviously extremely talented.”
9. “Ha-ha-ha! Of course! You’ve probably noticed that I’m actually very…mature…for my age.”
10. “You know, I like ‘Tally’ better than ‘Telly’ myself.”
1. “Yes.”
2. “Ahh…”
3. “Oh.”
4. “Okay.”
5. “Oh.”
6. “No.”
7. “Un-huh.”
8. (I couldn’t think of anything to say.)
9. “Un-huh.”
10. “Okaythankyoubye.”
I couldn’t believe it. He gave me a
My favorite bar.
And I’m not saying that just because Nick touched the wrapper. I always really liked them, even before I started thinking that he might have bought it on purpose just to give to me.
Or that he got it for himself because it was his favorite bar too.
Or that he really, really wanted to eat it until he realized that he wanted to give it to me even more.
I stood there in Kathleen’s empty condo and just stared at it in “utter disbelief.”13 I pledged right then that Nick’s Choc-o-rama would never leave my side.
Suddenly, I was so thankful that Bess had stolen that bus.
The family counselor was right. Sometimes the really bad things are what make the really good things possible.14
And what could be better than this?: “See you tomorrow, Tally!”15
That was the most amazing day of my life. A drive home with gorgeous Nick Singh, a script he selected specifically for me, and a commemorative chocolate bar of the event to keep for all time.
Right then, I couldn’t think of anything else. Stupid, eh?
I mean, which is more amazing to you? Spending fifteen minutes with some good-looking grown-up old enough to be your gym teacher? Or making a new best friend who just happens to be a puppet and the funniest person alive?
(Okay, he’s not a person and who knows if he’s alive, but you get my point.)
I had to laugh at myself. It was all so great. Suddenly my life was full of happy stuff. Nick. Bitsie. Zola. Not to mention the all-you-can-eat junk food buffet. No doubt about it, things were definitely looking up.
I brushed my teeth, which is a really messy thing to do when you can’t stop smiling, and I went to bed. I wasn’t even scared to be by myself at night in an empty apartment in a big city. It was as if that chocolate bar would protect me.
(And if you tell anyone I said that, I’ll kill you.)
13 That’s what Mum always says when the Mayor lets someone tear down a historic building, or the neighbors toss their recyclables out with the garbage or Bess puts firecrackers in the wood stove and “forgets” to tell Dad until he throws a match in and they start exploding all over the place. I always thought it was a bad thing until I realized that “utter disbelief” is also what you feel when it looks as if something good is actually going to happen to you for the first time in your life.
14 Kind of like putting manure on your garden to make your flowers grow or something.
15 It’s even better than “See you tomorrow, Telly.” It was like he had his own private name for me.
I just don’t get why anyone would want to see the future.
That would be even worse than those movie previews that show you all the good parts before you even get to see the movie.
It’d ruin everything.
Take the day after Nick drove me home, for instance. Hey, take the whole next three weeks. If I knew what Bitsie was going to do or how many laws I was going to have to break and how many friends I was going to have to betray—etc. etc. etc.—I wouldn’t have been happy.
Even if I knew for a fact that it was all going to turn out okay, I still wouldn’t have been happy.
That would have been like knowing you’ve got a big test the day after March break. Instead of having fun while I could, I’d be worried the whole time that I was going to fail the stupid thing. Even though I never do.
Anyway, lucky for me, I had no idea what was coming. I had this crazy idea that bad things were what used to happen to me and good things were what were going to happen to me from then on.
For a while there, it even looked that way.
Kathleen never forgot me in the morning anymore, mostly because by the time she figured out which black jacket she was going to wear, I’d already packed my Choc-o-rama and was waiting to go to the studio and see Nick again. After work, it didn’t matter. I could get home on my own. Mum was always going on about how responsible I was. I guess that’s why Kathleen gave me a key to the condo and a bunch of taxi vouchers and pretty much let me just come and go as I pleased.16
Of course that meant Nick didn’t have to drive me home anymore, but I still got to see him about as much as my heart could stand. He used to come around to Zola’s workstation just to talk to me and see how I was doing. I’d read all the scripts and I’d always figured out at least one good thing to say about them. (That was harder than it sounds.)
Of course that was a lot of thinking for nothing. I never did say much to Nick about the scripts.
Or anything for that matter.
But that was okay too. I talked to him a lot in my head. In real life, he’d say, “How you doin’, Tally?” or “Havin’ fun?” and I’d spend the rest of the day in my own little mental conversation with him. (When I wasn’t working, that is. I couldn’t just zone out the whole day.) I’d tell him jokes, talk to him about ideas I had for the show, sometimes I’d even have arguments with him—which would upset us both of course.
At least in my head.
I didn’t say much to Zola either, but that didn’t make any difference. She was “in touch with other people’s feelings.”17 It was kind of nice being around someone who didn’t need a constant “blah-blah-blah” going just to prove you were friends. And anyway, we were too busy to talk most of the time.
I’m not pretending I was a real puppet wrangler or anything, but I did do a lot of stuff. For starters, Zola and I went to the read-through every morning. That’s when everyone sits around a big table and the puppeteers read the script out loud. It’s kind of like a rehearsal.
Someone sat there with a stopwatch making sure the episode wasn’t a second too long. (Okay, maybe not a second, but if it was a minute too long everyone went hysterical and started throwing out whole pages of the script.) The director listened to it all like he was Steven Spielberg or something.
He was always saying things like “Can you try that with a smile in your voice this time?”
Kathleen’s job seemed to be cutting any lines that actually got a laugh. As I understand it, in little kids’ TV, if a joke is funny, it’s got to come out. Otherwise, someone might get “offended.” I could tell this really made the writer mad. She hardly ever got a laugh, so chopping a good one must have killed her. She tried not to show it, but there wasn’t much she could do about that big vein on the side of her head that would start throbbing like some alien life-form whenever a line got cut.18 I guess she really needed the job.
Zola and I went to the read-through so we’d know which puppets and which costumes had to be ready for which scenes. (It wasn’t like we didn’t know already—but we went just to be on the safe side. You would too. Make one little mistake and Mel would go hairy.)
As soon as the read-through was over, we had to start shooting. We only had a day to do a whole fifteen-minute episode. At first I thought, A day?! To do a fifteen-minute show?! Like, What are you, lazy or something?
But that’s just because I didn’t know.
It takes for-ev-er to get anything done. You see some little goofball puppet pick up a banana on TV and it’s like, big deal. You don’t realize that:
a. It took the puppeteer seven takes just to pick the banana up with those little foam rubber hands and then
b. he kept dropping it so
c. they had to reshoot the first half of the scene (the part before he picked up the banana),
d. stop the camera,
e. get the puppet wrangler to tape the banana onto the puppet’s hand and
f. shoot the rest of the scene as if it all went together, but then
g. someone up in the control room noticed that you could see a teensy bit of tape so
h. the floor director went nuts and
i. the puppet wrangler had to race back up and take off some of the tape—but not too much or the banana would fall off again—and then
j. they had to res
hoot the scene, only now
k. someone else noticed a little itty-bitty flick of the puppeteer’s arm coming out the puppet’s behind so
l. they had to shoot the scene again, but this time, by mistake, instead of saying, “This is the best banana,” the puppeteer said, “This is the breast banana”, and
m. everybody started laughing (except the floor director who was screaming, “Cut! Cut! Cut!” and “Can we stop acting like bleeding children?”) so
n. they had to shoot the scene again, except by now the banana had gone all brown and gross so
o. they had to untape it,
p. tape on a new banana (that looked exactly the same as the old one used to look because it had to match the first part of the scene) and then
q. start all over again.
(I’m not making any of this up. I mean, working on a TV show could be really fun, but it could be really boring too. I was just lucky to have Nick in my head, always anxious to steal a few precious moments alone with me. Ha-ha.)
What I’m saying is that after the read-through we had to boot it for the rest of the day. Everyone else got an hour off for lunch, but we usually just had to woof back some muffins (or in Zola’s case this health food “snack” that looked a lot like something I used to feed my guinea pig19) and keep going. We were either trying to prepare for the next scene or get a head start on another episode.
I didn’t mind. I liked it. I did a lot of the running around for Zola—you know, racing over to the organic grocery to buy herbal cigarettes so we could blow smoke out Bytesie’s ears when he got mad. Or tracking down some old Styrofoam packing to stuff inside Ram the day his head kept caving in. (It’s a long story.) Or finding a little sailor hat for Amanda when she got to be captain of the Friend Ship. (Get it?) That kind of thing.
I hardly ever did anything with the real puppets. Which is just as well. Can you imagine me trying to keep a straight face dressing Bitsie up as a stupid little cosmic cowpoke or something?