His to Take

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His to Take Page 5

by Kallista Dane

  Loki stirred, shaking a dusting of snow off his coat. The movement woke Selena.

  “Haldor! It’s really you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing. “I thought I’d die out here without ever seeing you again. Then I dreamed that Loki came and brought you to me.” Her hand stroked his cheek. “But it wasn’t a dream. You’re really here.”

  Haldor’s arms tightened around her. “It’s only by the goodness of the gods that you’re alive. That—and love.”

  He turned to Loki. “Take us home, boy.”

  Picking Selena up in his arms, he took off through the woods, following in the tracks of the hound.

  * * *

  Hours later, they’d both had hot tea, hot baths, and a long rest. They were huddled beneath the covers in the enormous bed facing the fire.

  “I’m so sorry, Haldor,” she repeated for the twentieth time. “I had no idea I’d be putting everyone in danger that way. I hope Kylar and the rest of the men made it home safely.”

  Haldor got out of bed naked and faced the fire, his back to her. “I sent a messenger from the stables out on horseback to find Kylar as I was leaving. I told him to gather the others and go home, that Loki and I would find you. Kylar knows my hound. He’d know that Loki stood a better chance than any of them to track you down.”

  He went on, still careful not to look at her. “I’ve scarcely slept in the hours since we got home. It’s time we both faced the truth. This isn’t working out—for either of us. I know you haven’t been happy here. It’s cold and dark all the time and you have nothing to do. I can’t always be around and I know you’re lonely, so far from the palace and all the womenfolk. I worry about you constantly and sometimes that makes me short-tempered. You haven’t adapted to our climate. You don’t understand our ways and I know you hate my rules. I told you not to leave the palace until I came to get you. But you refused to obey me. You put the lives of so many warriors at risk—and it almost killed you.”

  He turned to look at her, his expression unreadable. “I’m well now and I have no more need of your nursing. I think you must return to Earth, Selena. As soon as you pack your things, I’ll deliver you to the palace to say your goodbyes, then escort you to the Portal.”

  Chapter Five

  Her heart sank. He was through with her. She’d exhausted his patience, endangered his friends, refused to submit to his control once too often.

  “Please don’t send me away,” she pleaded. “I know I’ve done things wrong. But I can change. You’ll see. I’m doing it already. I’ve been working with Ingrid while you were gone and thanks to her, I feel useful again. She’s teaching me about Gadolinean medicine. Ingrid is getting old and no matter how much all of us hate to face it, one day your people will need a healer to take her place.”

  Selena went on, choking back the tears. “I care about the people here. And thanks to Ingrid, I’m learning how to care for them. Heal their souls as well as their bodies.

  “But more important than all of that is how I feel about you. I love you, Haldor, even though I haven’t shown it lately. Ingrid made me see that I’ve been thinking only of my wants, my needs. I haven’t been asking myself ‘What can I give to Haldor?’”

  She looked up at him. “I left the palace to surprise you. I planned to come here, light a fire, and cook your favorite meal to welcome you home. But I disobeyed your rules. I was foolish and thoughtless and I put other people in danger. And that outweighed what I was trying to give.”

  She swallowed and got out of bed to kneel before him, naked as well, with her head bowed.

  “I understand now why you have all those rules. I deserve to be punished, my lord. But I beg you—don’t send me away. Spank me, whip me with your belt. I’ll even kneel at your feet in front of the entire palace so you can spank me again in front of the whole council, since I put all their lives at risk. And I swear that in the future I’ll show my love by giving you my obedience before all else.”

  She got up and bent over the side of the bed, head pillowed on her arms, ass uplifted.

  Haldor sighed heavily. “Get up, Selena. That’s not going to do any good. I’ve made up my mind.”

  She didn’t move. “I need to prove to you I’m ready to yield to your mastery. Willingly. But I’m not doing this just for you, or for our relationship. I’m doing it for myself. It’s only fair. Even if you can’t forgive me and you still want to send me away afterwards, I deserve to be punished… so I can begin to forgive myself.”

  Haldor’s voice was flat. “A whipping with my belt isn’t like the other spankings you’ve gotten. And once I begin, I’ll continue until I decide you’ve had enough. Do you still want me to punish you?”

  She took a deep breath. “Yes, my lord.”

  “Very well. Keep your arms folded under your head. If you move, I’ll tie you down—and then go on.”

  Fear coursed through her. She’d been spanked by him many times, but never with his belt. She heard him cross the room, watched him walk back slowly, clasping the buckle in his hand and wrapping the leather around his palm a few turns. He raised his arm and she closed her eyes, tensing all over.

  Swish! Crack!

  The two sounds came so close together she scarcely had time to register either one before the blast of pain hit. Selena gasped, rising up on her toes. It took every bit of willpower she had to return to her position. He brought the belt down a second time and she bit off a scream. Fire lashed her tender backside. She fisted the bedclothes in her hands and forced herself to breathe. He struck her again, laying this one on a fresh spot. She bit her lip, trying not to howl.

  He continued, never speaking, swinging the belt over and over, until every inch of her backside was aflame. Soon she’d lost all semblance of control. She let the tears flow, sobbing uncontrollably, but never moving.

  Finally Haldor tossed the belt across the room. He sat down on the side of the bed and gathered her into his arms, letting her cry. “Sssh. It’s over now. I never want to do that again. I hate bringing you pain. But I hate even more the thought of losing you forever. When I was out in the storm, I prayed to the gods that I would find you before it was too late. If I send you home, at least I know you’ll be alive and safe.”

  She curled up against him, as the storm of tears gradually subsided. “Safe, yes,” she whispered. “But alive? No. I never felt as alive on Earth as I do here. You’ve awakened feelings in me I never knew existed. Breathless passion. But laughter as well. Joy. Contentment. You’ve awakened my soul to love. If you send me away, there will be other feelings, ones I don’t think I could bear. Pain. Sorrow. Grief.”

  She reached up, turning his face to hers and looking into his eyes. “Where you are is home to me now. Please, I beg you. Forgive me. Spank me every day if you must, but don’t send me away.”

  He groaned and tightened his arms around her. “Spank you every day? I swear I will! I’m still so angry with you. You frightened me to death! When I saw you lying there in the snow, cold and still… it tore my heart out. I thought I’d gotten to you too late.”

  “I’m so sorry. Sorry I caused you such pain. I promise I’ll never disobey you again.”

  He gave her a wry grin. “Don’t add lying to your other offenses. Of course, you’ll disobey me again. Maybe not in something as big next time. But I don’t expect perfection of you. Besides…” He slid one hand down to cup her burning bottom. “If you’re always good, I’ll have no reason to bring that rosy blush I love to these sweet cheeks.”

  He stroked her gently, sending a wave of heat flowing from her aching bottom to her core. Tentatively she wriggled on his lap and felt an answering stirring from his naked cock.

  Coming so close to losing him made her bold. “I have one more request, my lord,” she murmured. “Will you take me, make me yours in that one last way? Will you…” She stopped, suddenly too embarrassed to go on.

  Haldor lifted her chin, making her meet his eyes. “What are you asking of me, my love?”
r />   “Will you take me there, in my bottom?

  “You want me to fuck you in the ass.”

  Selena blushed. Hearing her shameful desire put into such coarse terms was almost enough to make her withdraw the request. But at the same time, a shocking thrill rocked her body. She’d fantasized about it, dreamed about it. Now it was time to show Haldor she was ready to accept his mastery in every way.

  “Yes, my Lord. I want you to take my ass… make me yours.”

  She felt his cock surge beneath her, instantly stiffening.

  “Get up on the bed. On your hands and knees—and spread your legs wide for me.”

  Shivering with a mixture of dread and desire, she got into position. Her bottom sore and burning, and a different kind of ache deep inside her. A fire only he could quench.

  She got on all fours and spread her knees apart, then jerked when she felt his tongue tracing a path along the tracks his belt had laid down. Licking each one, dropping kisses everywhere. At the same time his fingers roamed, dipping between her legs to find her already wet. He made a rough sound and rammed two fingers deep inside her pussy.

  She moaned and ground herself back against his hand. He ran his tongue down the crack between her bottom cheeks. Hot. Wet. Probing her tight rear entrance. His fingers moved insistently, stroking the spot on the inner walls of her pussy that set the waves building inside her.

  He pulled his fingers out. She let out a little whimper of need, only to have it turn into a gasp when those same fingers replaced his tongue. Spreading the wetness from her pussy to her tight rear entrance. Teasing. Tantalizing. Probing her bottom hole until she found herself rocking back against him, taking his fingers in. He used his other hand on her clit, capturing it between two fingers and stroking back and forth until it hardened into a tight, throbbing nub.

  He pulled back and she felt the heat of his cock replacing his fingers at the entrance to her rear passage. She tensed, suddenly afraid. He moved his hand from her clit to her pussy, slipping a finger deep inside, turning her fear into frantic need. She rocked back, then gasped as she felt his cock pressing its way into her. So big. So thick.

  Selena threw her head back. “No, please! It’s too much!”

  “Open yourself to me. Let me in. You asked for this.”

  His hand moved back and forth, massaging her clit, then dipping into her pussy. “Relax, my love. I swear I won’t hurt you. Trust your body. Let yourself feel the pleasure. Push back against me.”

  Carried along by the hypnotic sound of his voice along with the rising tide of need building inside her, Selena shoved her hips back. The head of his cock slipped in. She bit off a sharp cry. He pushed in then stopped, letting her get used to the feeling, letting her body accept him. All the while his hand between her legs built her hunger, stoking the fire raging inside.

  She shuddered and he slid deeper. So hot. Filling her, yet making her crave even more. “Aaah, yes,” she hissed.

  He grabbed her hips with both hands and thrust in, as if he’d been waiting for just that signal. His fingers dug into her punished bottom, but the sting only fed the flames of her desire. She ground her burning ass against him as he fucked her, working in deeper with every stroke.

  Savage need built inside her, driven higher by his hoarse cries. When she felt his hot seed spurting into her, she exploded. The orgasm poured through her whole body, shocking her to the core. He always saw that she was satisfied first before allowing himself to let go. She’d never known that feeling him come inside her could send her over the edge. Never before realized that giving herself completely to her lover would trigger her own release, leave her completely satisfied.

  She collapsed onto the bed with him still lodged deep inside her. His heart thudded against her back and he rolled over onto his side, taking her with him. Holding her close even as their bodies came apart.

  “You’re my woman now, in every way.” His words were barely a breath against her ear. “You belong to me—and I to you. Forever.”

  Chapter Six

  “When can I open my eyes?”

  “Just a little longer.”

  Selena shivered as she made her way hesitantly through the ankle-deep snow that had fallen during the night. Haldor had both her hands in his as he led her down the path.

  “Remember—if you open your eyes before I say you can, you’ll get another spanking.” Teasing this time, his voice warm.

  She responded the same way. “Oooh. What kind of spanking? Will it be another one of those that I have to beg you for?”

  “Those are for the times when you’ve been especially good. Peeking now would be naughty.”

  “I won’t peek,” she assured him. “I’ve never celebrated Valentine’s Day before. I don’t even care what the surprise is. I love it already—just because you’ve gone to all this effort to do something special.”

  “You can thank Ingrid for that. She told me all about the holiday. An entire day dedicated to showing love to those who mean the most to us. She’s been nagging Kylar about it, ever since she heard about the custom from one of the first Earthers who came here through the Portal a few years ago. Wants him to adopt it as one of our traditions here on Gadolinium. He wasn’t interested before, but now that he has Talia, I think he may change his mind. Careful here.” He stopped and she heard the scrape. A door against a stone floor?

  She took another step and felt the hard, smooth surface underfoot. Warmth flooded through her. The scent of wood smoke filled the air and she could hear the unmistakable crackle of fire in a hearth. They’d taken the wagon a long way into the woods before he made her close her eyes for the last part of the journey. Had he brought her to a country inn? There were no other voices. No sounds at all. She had the sense that they were completely alone.

  He led her a few more steps, then stopped.

  “All right. You can open your eyes now.”

  She knew him so well by now that she detected a note of something different in his voice. Nervousness? Uncertainty? It was so unusual that she was almost afraid to open her eyes. Whatever he had in store was obviously very important to him. She reminded herself to act thrilled even if he’d brought her to see a new cooking pot he’d had made for her.

  Slowly she opened her eyes.

  A large empty room, shrouded in darkness. Obviously still under construction. Light from the fire in the massive hearth at one end of the room barely reached the farthest corners. She turned in a circle, taking it all in. Stone walls, wooden rafters overhead. Large window openings covered with rough boards. The floor beneath laid with smooth blocks of stone.

  She came all the way around, face to face with Haldor.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s… it’s huge.”

  He beamed. “Yes. And it’s going to be even bigger. This is only the great room. We can sleep here at first, over in that corner. And there’s plenty of room for a table in the middle, big enough to share a meal with friends. In the evening, we can pull up our chairs close to the fire. I’m going to work on it while we live here. Add on over time. Bedrooms. First one for us. Then…” He stopped and this time there was no mistaking his nervousness. “There’s plenty of space to build more rooms—for little ones.”

  Her heart sank. He meant for them to live here. All alone. Out in the middle of the forest, miles from town. In this big dark stone fortress.

  He went to the far end of the room and threw open the shutters covering a pair of wide windows. The winter suns sat low in the sky, flooding the room with their rays.

  “You can see the meadow from here. In the spring it will be filled with wildflowers.” He talked faster, wanting her to see it as he did. Wanting her to share his excitement. “The creek flows through it all year long, coming down from the mountains. There’s a doe that brings her twin fawns here to drink. Every evening at dusk. I’ve seen them through the window while I was working on the place.”

  “So this is where you’ve been. All those days when you
said you’d been hunting, yet came home with only a single hare to show for it.” She frowned. “And all those times when you said you were meeting in council all day or playing cards with your friends?”

  He nodded. “It’s been hard to keep it from you. Kylar, Heinrik, all the others. They’ve been here with me, working hard. We didn’t dare tell any of the women for fear they’d let something slip to you and spoil the surprise. They probably all think their husbands have been out drinking honey mead and gambling away the hours. I promised the men we’d have everyone here for a feast as soon as we’ve moved in. Music. Dancing. And a whole pig roasting on the hearth for hours. It’s the least I can do to thank them all.”

  She took another look around. Rays of sun lit up the stone pavers, revealing streaks of honey gold and peach and ivory. He’d obviously chosen them with care. The view out the windows was lovely. A pristine blanket of snow covered the meadow, magnifying the pale winter sunlight to a bright glow. Even from here, she could hear the creek bubbling over the rocks as it flowed through the open field.

  Once she hung a few tapestries, the stone walls wouldn’t look so bare and harsh. She thought of Ingrid’s room, made cozy with splashes of dazzling color. Maybe she’d add some bright curtains at the windows, drawn at night to cover the wooden shutters and add a soft touch. She turned to Haldor. His eyes held such hopefulness.

  She smiled. “It’s beautiful. Spacious without being cold and grand, like some of the rooms in the palace. And the floor—where did you find these stones? They’re lovely. The colors…”

  He beamed. “Do you like them? I hoped you would. I chose each one. You should have heard Kylar when he helped me lay them. He complained that I sounded like Ingrid fussing over which dress Astrid should wear for a state dinner when we were young. ‘No, no, no. Not that one. Find one with more pink.’ But once he saw what I was trying to do, even he took to examining each one. Holding it in the light, flipping it over and over looking for the best side. You’d be surprised,” he went on, “how a stone can look cold and dark on one side yet have so much warmth and intensity underneath.”


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