A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1)

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A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1) Page 5

by Diana McKinley

  Cole’s eyes grew moist, much to his shame, and he looked away. “You must think I’m a fool for hangin’ on like I have. How can you want a man like that?”

  Everest cupped Cole’s face in both his hands and turned him, so they faced one another again. “I can, and I do with every breath I take,” Everest whispered vehemently. “Hear what I’m sayin’ to you and know how precious you are to me, Cole Gentry. There ain’t another man on this earth that I want like I want you.”

  Cole met Everest’s impassioned words and stare head-on, refusing to look away again. Everest wasn’t judging him in any way, and Cole had to put his embarrassment aside so he could acknowledge that. Slowly, he nodded against Everest’s palms.

  “I want what you want,” Everest said. “I want a partner who’ll stand beside me through thick and thin and be my best friend no matter what. I want a man who’ll put me before himself because that’s what I’ll offer him in return. And I want someone to grow old with. Someone to raise children with who’ll make an honorable father alongside me so we can pass this land on to them when our time is done. And of all the men I’ve ever met, there’s only been one who’s lodged himself deeply enough in my heart to be that partner for me – and that’s you, Cole. It’s you I want, and it’s you I mean to have.”

  “This is me laying it all on the line for you, Cole. So tell me, honey – do you want what I’m offerin’ ya? Will you take my hand and let me lead us into something new and better than what we have now – something permanent and lasting?”

  Cole exhaled a shaky breath and recognized what a life-changing moment this was for him and for Everest. That what he said and did in the next few minutes had the potential to forever change their lives for better or for worse. Remarkably, unlike most decisions he made where he had to take the time to hash out all of the ramifications before he acted, Cole knew what his heart wanted, and there was no denying it.

  He really would be a fool of a man to turn Everest Cooper away when Everest was offering up his heart to Cole on a proverbial platter. Cole marveled at the bravery it took to do such a thing. All Cole had to do was be courageous enough in return to take the leap of a lifetime with the man who was his best friend and who apparently hungered for Cole unlike any other he’d ever met.

  “Everest,” he began, leaning away slightly so that one of Everest’s hands fell away from his face. It gave Cole the opening he needed to reciprocate the move and reach for Everest. Ever-so-slowly, Cole settled his palm over Everest’s left cheek and smiled when Everest’s late night stubble tickled his skin. “Time for me to be truthful now.”

  “I’m all ears, honey,” Everest rumbled and winked at Cole.

  Cole chuckled. He couldn’t help himself.

  He quickly sobered and said, “You were right when you said Robbie made a clean break of things with me today. It was long past time for both of us, and I want you to know that ever since I got his text, I’ve been doing nothin’ but soul-searching, trying to figure out where I was goin’ from here and what would make me happy.”

  Everest nodded and then he turned his head and kissed the inside of Cole’s palm. Cole felt him actually lick his skin before Everest turned back to face him. Cole jolted at the sensation and almost asked Everest to do it again.

  “Go on,” Everest prompted, his voice laced with want.

  Cole sucked in a deep breath, trying to regain his footing. If one, solitary lick could derail him that badly, then what would happen to his train of thought if Everest really took him into his arms and held him like a lover, Cole wondered?

  “Cole,” Everest urged, reaching up and taking Cole’s hand from his face. He threaded their fingers together there on the table between them and sat just a hairsbreadth from Cole, waiting and watching.

  “Sorry,” Cole said softly.

  “Don’t be. Just talk to me and give me your answer.”

  “My answer,” he murmured. “My answer is this, Everest. Tonight, I accepted responsibility for the clusterfuck that was my time with Robbie. I had no right holding on to him when he moved to Chicago, even though it was what we both told ourselves we wanted at the time. Tonight, I also realized that I’m alone because of my choices and my actions, and I’m the only one who can change that. And tonight I recognized that if I was ever gonna have the kind of partnership that my parents had with each other, then I was gonna have to be brave and walk openly with that man, danger and obstacles be damned.”

  Cole gave Everest’s fingers a squeeze, and he smiled as he scooted right to the edge of his chair so that he was directly in Everest’s space now.

  “Tonight, Everest, I realized how much your guidance and ingenuity have helped to prepare me for this day. My ranch won’t go under when I come out, even if the whole town and my neighbors ostracize me. My hands and employees won’t lose their livelihoods if they choose to stay on after they realize I’m building a life with another man. Most importantly, tonight I decided that I was ready to move on and find a partner, so this isn’t some case of rebound for me. And when I envisioned my perfect partner tonight, Everest, do you know who I wished he could be like? Hmm?”

  Now it was Everest who swallowed hard. “Who?” he said in a gruff tone that vibrated with emotion.

  Cole grinned as he felt an unknown weight he’d carried for years literally lift from his shoulders, making him feel freer than he ever had before. Was this what falling in love felt like, Cole wondered?

  “You,” he whispered. “I wished that I could find someone just like you to be my own. Only I had no clue that you wanted me, too, or that you’d even tolerate my advances. I’d say I’m a mighty blessed man to have caught your eye, Everest Cooper. And if you say you want me, then I’ll gladly be yours, in all that entails. It’s not every day that a man gets the opportunity to walk through life with his best friend at his side, now is it?”

  “That was a yes, wasn’t it?” Everest said, slowly rising from his chair and pulling Cole up beside him. Everest wrapped one arm around Cole’s waist, and with his other, he cupped Cole’s face again.

  Cole didn’t hold back his wide grin. It lit up his face and his green eyes, making him look even younger to Everest.

  “It was most definitely a yes and a thank you, too.”


  “For being patient enough to let me become the man I am today and for not giving up hope.”

  “I’ll never give up on you, honey. You’re it for me, Cole. And unless you have any reservations, I’m gonna take you to your bedroom now and show you how much I care.”

  Cole’s eyebrows rose high on his forehead, but he found himself nodding, thinking nothing could be better than giving himself over to Everest’s care. With Robbie, he had always been in charge of their pleasure, because that’s what Robbie had wanted, preferring to be the passive partner. But somehow Cole just knew it wouldn’t be like that with Everest. With Everest, he would be an equal, and there would be a balanced give and take, even in the bedroom.

  “Give me the words, Cole, and I’ll make you mine,” Everest said, even as he leaned in and his lips hovered over Cole’s, his warm breath caressing the tender flesh.

  “Yes, Everest. I’m yours.”

  Chapter 6

  Everest wasted no more time after hearing the words that meant his entire world had just been set to rights after years of wishing, hoping and praying that Cole would be his. He pulled Cole’s body flush with his and settled his lips on the younger man’s, angling his head to delve inside and savor Cole’s unique flavor. Past the steak and potatoes, past the salad and tea, Everest discovered the warm, heady taste that was all Cole, and he moaned as his tongue brushed against Cole’s, reveling in the freedom Cole had granted him to do so.

  He felt Cole clutch at his back and rock their pelvises together, their bodies swaying as if dancing in perfect unison. Everest let Cole lead for a few seconds, their tongues dueling as their shafts hardened and aligned behind the barrier of their clothes. Soon, though, Everest
growled and took over again, starting to back Cole out of the dining area and toward the short hall that led to his bedroom.

  Their hands roamed over one another’s bodies, and Everest paused just past the den to push Cole up against the wall so he could part Cole’s legs with one of his thighs and slip his hands under Cole’s t-shirt. Ever since Cole had answered his door that evening in nothing more than his thin pajama bottoms, Everest had been desperate to rake his hands over every inch of Cole’s sleek skin.

  Everest’s hands were everywhere, touching Cole’s hairless torso and worshiping the dips and curves carved out from years of manual labor. “Need to see you, Cole,” he rasped and snagged the bottom of the t-shirt Cole wore. He whipped it over Cole’s head and gave it a toss over his shoulder, not caring where it landed.

  “Jesus, look at you! So beautiful,” he praised and bent, trailing his lips down Cole’s corded neck to his collarbone and then on to his right nipple. Everest circled the dusky skin with the tip of his tongue a few times before he teasingly pulled the erect flesh between his teeth and gave Cole a gentle bite.

  He heard Cole’s head thud as it hit the wall and a deep groan rumbled up from Cole’s broad chest. Everest moved his attention to Cole’s other nipple and repeated the touch, grinning when Cole all but whimpered as he threaded his strong fingers through Everest’s hair, holding him in place.

  “Like that, honey?” he asked, glancing up at Cole, though he already knew the answer. Everest was well-rewarded by the heat he saw in his lover’s eyes and the need, too. Yeah, he’d known Cole was touch-starved, but he wouldn’t be any longer. Not with Everest in charge of his pleasure.

  “God, yes!” Cole panted. “Bed. W-we need a bed.”

  Everest licked his way back up Cole’s chest until he nuzzled him just under his ear. He found that the whole-body shiver working its way through Cole was a perfect indicator that he’d found another hotspot. Everest began to work the area with his lips and teeth until he knew he was leaving a mark. It was gonna be the first of many that night.

  “Everest!” Cole pleaded, arching up into his hold as though he couldn’t take much more. “Gonna come if you don’t slow down.”

  Everest lifted his head and pushed Cole’s hair from his forehead, gazing down at the man who owned his heart and body. “Oh, you’re gonna come many times tonight, Cole, before I’m through loving on you. But I agree that we need a bed. I want you comfortable and spread out before me while I watch you coming apart from what we’re sharin’.”

  Cole moaned and dove into another passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around Everest’s neck and holding him close. Everest had just enough presence of mind to slowly pull Cole a few more steps down the hall until they were at the entrance to Cole’s bedroom. Once there, he turned and backed his way inside, leading Cole every step of the way until he felt the mattress hit the back of his legs.

  Angling his body and using his full strength, Everest pivoted slowly and lowered Cole to the bed, which was no small feat because Cole wasn’t a petite man by any means. It spoke to the depth of trust Cole already had in Everest that he’d so willingly let Everest take control over his body in such a way, knowing Everest wouldn’t let him fall. Everest found he was profoundly pleased to witness that on their first night together as lovers.

  Once he had Cole on the bed, pushed to the middle with his head on a pillow, Everest crawled up over him and settled his body on his elbows and knees, not yet settling all of his weight on the other man. Ever so slowly, he framed Cole’s face with his hands and smiled down at him, glad that the lamp on the bedside table was switched on so he could clearly see Cole in his arms.

  “Hello,” he whispered and peppered kisses across Cole’s face, taking the time to kiss Cole’s soft eyelids with his sinfully long eyelashes, the strong bridge of his straight nose, and the tiny cleft in his stubbled chin. All features which had made Everest’s mouth water over the years.

  “Hey.” Cole grinned in return and ran his hands up Everest’s back until he came to Everest’s shoulders. Then he began working the buttons of Everest’s shirt open, revealing his slightly hairy chest. Cole tugged until Everest was free of the garment and then his hands roamed over and down the planes of Everest’s torso.

  Cole groaned. “You’re the one who’s beautiful, Everest. Damn, but look at you!”

  “I’ve got nothin’ on you, honey. Trust me.” Everest lowered his head again and nuzzled Cole’s neck, searching for other spots that made his lover flinch and quake. He found one on the left, just under Cole’s chin, and set to working it as he had the skin behind Cole’s ear. “You smell so good, Cole,” he mumbled. “Like home.”

  “Fuck!” Cole wrapped his arms around Everest and kept him close as soft moans spilled from his lips one after the other. “So do you. God, don’t stop, Everest! Don’t stop.”

  “I’ve wanted to taste you for years, Cole. Not stoppin’ until I’ve kissed every inch of your amazing body.”

  Cole arched up and rolled his pelvis against Everest’s, their trapped cocks nestling together and making both men groan. Everest sat up and began working the loose jeans off of Cole, and once he had those tossed aside, he stood and made quick work of his own boots, socks, jeans and briefs, desperate to feel their skin sliding together with nothing between them. Cole rose up on his knees and helped with the effort, doing a fair job of distracting Everest with his hands, lips, and teeth as each part of his body was revealed.

  Cole bent and nibbled on Everest’s hip and the indentation of muscle there, and all Everest could do was hold on to Cole’s head for balance as the younger man worked up a mark all his own. He loved that Cole wanted to stake his claim, too. But when Everest felt his balls tingle, heralding his impending orgasm, he knew he needed to take back control, lest he spill his seed too quickly. He wanted – no – he needed to bring Cole pleasure first before he took his own.

  Everest used his hold on Cole’s hair to tip his head back. He bent and devoured the other man’s mouth until Cole was once again pliant in his grasp. With care not to pull the incredibly thick, soft locks, Everest urged Cole down on his back, and he settled over him as he had before. Everest set about fulfilling his promise to worship every inch of the stunning cowboy who was now his and only his.

  With deft hands and purposeful strokes, Everest stoked a fire deep within Cole that promised to consume them both. Moans and soft whimpers fell over his ears as he kissed, licked and nibbled a random path across Cole’s chest, and Everest delighted in each sound he wrung from Cole. He teased Cole’s flat nipples until they were red and swollen and then Everest worked his way down Cole’s stunning abs, finding that his lover was slightly ticklish there when he traced the contours with the tip of his tongue.

  Everest felt the prize he sought tapping his chin as he neared Cole’s groin and so he wrapped one hand around the thick shaft that was standing at attention and weeping pre-cum across Cole’s lower abdomen. Everest slowly pumped Cole’s impressive, cut cock, testing its weight and girth.

  “Mmm,” he moaned and swiped his tongue up the underside of Cole’s dick until he came to the wide head, following a pulsing vein that beat in time with Cole’s heart. “You’re thick and long, honey. And taste so fuckin’ good. I knew you would.” Everest wrapped his lips around the glans and sucked, humming when Cole’s butt left the bed, sending his cock further into Everest’s mouth. He increased his suction and moved in time with the slow thrusts Cole seemed incapable of stopping.

  “Everest!” Cole panted in warning, his thighs trembling. “I’m so close again. So fuckin’ close.”

  Everest grinned as he looked up the length of Cole’s body and saw his lover looking back at him, hungry for what Everest was about to do, yet still warning him should Everest decide to pull away. Everest was going to do no such thing. He desperately wanted to taste Cole’s seed, and he had no intention of denying that long-held desire.

  He lifted off long enough to say, “Come in my mouth, honey. Wann
a taste you so bad.”

  Everest watched Cole’s eyes widen as he dropped his mouth back over Cole’s cock, knowing it wasn’t going to be long from that reaction. Cole clutched Everest’s head, not pulling, but holding on as Everest slid his hands under Cole’s ass and urged him on. Cole gave in and pumped his dick deep into Everest’s throat several more times, shouting out Everest’s name as his balls emptied and cum erupted from his shaft.

  Everest purposefully backed off a bit so he could catch some of Cole’s seed on his tongue. He moaned as he savored the thick, salty liquid, knowing he could taste Cole’s cum every day now and never grow tired of it. Cole’s soft whimper had him pulling off and moving back up Cole’s body to reclaim his lips. He smiled into their kiss when Cole groaned at tasting himself on Everest’s tongue.

  The kiss went on, building and then waning like a powerful wave until Everest’s cock was throbbing with his need to be buried balls deep in Cole’s body. First, though, he had to find out if that was something Cole would welcome during their first night of lovemaking. If not, then Everest had no problem offering up his ass to Cole. He wanted to feel Cole inside him almost as badly as he wanted to be the one filling Cole.

  Everest lifted his head and threaded his fingers through Cole’s hair, finding it was something he wanted to do constantly. He loved the feel of all that thick, silky hair trailing through his fingers. And he’d observed that Cole seemed to really like being touched there, too.

  “Want inside you, Cole,” he murmured. “Want to take you and claim you. Mark you inside and out as mine. But only if that’s something you’re comfortable with, honey. If not, then tonight my ass is yours.” He ran his hands through Cole’s hair again, massaging his scalp as their bodies rolled and undulated together. He could feel Cole’s dick perking back up again, and he knew the younger man would be fully hard in no time at all.


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