A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1)

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A Cowboy's Dance (White Oak Ranch Book 1) Page 12

by Diana McKinley

  “I can do that.” Robbie opened the driver’s door, and then he paused to look Cole over from head to toe one more time. “I’m going to miss you, Cole. And someday soon it’s probably going to hit me like a ton of bricks that I let you go when I should have held on to you with everything I had.”

  Cole shook his head. “I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t make someone love you. You might have tried to hold on to me here at the end, Robbie, but that wouldn’t have worked for either of us. My heart lies elsewhere now.”

  “Then I hope he’s good to you, Cole,” Robbie whispered brokenly. “And I hope he realizes what he’s got.”

  Before Cole could say another word, Robbie slid into the car and closed the door. He stepped back as Robbie started the car, and Cole stood watching as Robbie drove away from him, never once looking back or slowing down.

  He sighed, knowing it really had been for the best that Robbie had come to see him so they could each have closure, but Cole knew he was coming out of their failed, so-called relationship the winner by far. He had Everest waiting to hold him and love him, and Cole knew that Robbie had no one who would have his best interests at heart to do the same for him. His heart ached for his friend, and he prayed that Robbie would find his way and know some peace.

  “Maybe in time he will,” Cole murmured to himself.

  “He will what, honey?” Everest asked, coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around Cole’s waist. Everest rested his chin on Cole’s shoulder and pulled him in closer so there was no space between them.

  “Find what I’ve found with you.” Cole smiled as he stood there, just soaking up the warmth coming off of Everest’s big body and the affection spilling over in his embrace.

  Everest hummed. “Maybe.” He kissed the side of Cole’s neck, making him shiver. “I’m so proud of you, Cole. Proud that you’re mine.”


  “Mmm-hmm.” Everest’s hands began to leisurely roam over his abdomen. “You could have handled that so differently. Really let Robbie have it for all that’s happened between you, not just this weekend, but over the years. But you didn’t. You sent him on his way with forgiveness and grace. Once again you’ve shown me what a remarkable man you truly are.”

  Slowly, Cole turned around in Everest’s arms and smiled.

  Everest smiled in return and palmed the side of Cole’s neck. “What?”

  “Will you come with me to my house? There’s somethin’ I need to say to you, and I don’t wanna do it out here.”

  Everest’s gray eyes searched his and then he nodded. “I’ll follow you anywhere, Cole.”

  “As I will you.” Cole leaned in and brushed his lips against Everest’s in a soft but brief kiss. He drew away before it could deepen and become something more, knowing that what he wanted to share with Everest could only happen behind closed doors.

  With that thought in mind, he wrapped his hand around Everest’s and walked with him back to the barn. He saw Mike and Walter standing with Everest’s brothers, talking and looking their way.

  “You all right there, Cole?” Mike asked and eyed him closely.

  Cole nodded. “Yep. Just had to say a few things that needed sayin’ between Robbie and me. Time will tell about the rest.”

  Mike continued to study him, and then he looked away and glanced at Everest.

  Everest grinned and lifted Cole’s hand to his lips, brushing a kiss against his knuckles.

  Mike snorted out a laugh.

  “I’m gonna go home with Cole,” Everest said, looking to his brothers. “Thank you for comin’ over here with me on such short notice.”

  Lyle stepped forward and gave Everest a one-armed hug. “That’s what family is for. You don’t have to thank us.”

  “Not that I’m not glad to see you guys, but why did y’all come over tonight?” Cole asked.

  Burke and David chuckled, and it was Burke, the eldest of the four, who stepped forward and shook his head. “Cole, you are a part of our family now too. So that means we needed to check in with you and make sure your announcement went as smoothly as Everest’s did. Sorry that we didn’t think to get here sooner, so you weren’t standing by yourself.”

  “I wasn’t.” Cole nodded toward Mike. “I had Mike by my side, and I quickly realized I had the rest of my hands, too. Not one of them turned against me.”

  “And that’s as it should be,” Mike stated, a bit of pride heard clearly in his tone.

  “But I thank you guys for comin’,” Cole added. “Means a lot.”

  “Anytime, Cole,” Lyle said. “You’ve got three brothers you can call on now, too.”

  “Yeah and speakin’ of calling,” Burke said with a devilish gleam in his eyes, “where’s your phone, Cole?”

  “My phone?” Cole asked in bewilderment. He looked down and slipped it from his pocket where he always kept it. Cole realized quickly that the battery had completely run down over the course of the day. He grimaced.

  “Let me guess,” said Lyle, grinning like a loon. “Battery dead?”

  “As a doornail,” Cole supplied. “I usually charge it every night, but I was kinda… um… distracted Sunday night and I forgot,” he admitted as his skin flamed with his embarrassment.

  “And on that note,” Everest said, turning his gray eyes Cole’s way, “you guys go on back home. I’m gonna spend the night here at Cole’s place, and I’ll get him to bring me back in the morning, bright and early.”

  Cole smiled, unable to look away from the heat in Everest’s gaze, despite his pink skin. “Come on,” he murmured and started to lead Everest toward his old truck.

  “See ya in the mornin’, boss!” Andre called from just inside the barn. “Don’t do nothin’ I wouldn’t do!”

  Everest looked back to see who had said such a thing, but Cole tugged him on toward his truck. The other men were laughing, all except for Mike.

  “Andre!” Mike barked and strode back inside the barn. “You’re gonna be muckin’ out stalls for a month, kid!”

  “Don’t hurt him, Mike!” Cole called over his shoulder, laughing as he pulled a bewildered looking Everest along.

  “Do I even want to know?” Everest chuckled, looking more bemused now than shocked as he stepped into the front passenger seat.

  Cole slid in behind the wheel, tossed his hat in the back seat, and started up the truck. He grinned over at Everest as he put the vehicle in gear and pulled away from the barn.

  “My youngest ranch hand seems to think you cut a fine figure, Mr. Cooper.”

  “Oh does he now?” Everest’s grin grew to match Cole’s.

  “Mmm-hmm. Seems to think you are… How did he put it?” Cole pretended to search his memory. “Oh, yeah. Said you were sex on a stick and you have one of the finest asses he’s ever seen.”

  Everest burst into laughter and shot Cole an incredulous look. “He did not!”

  “Oh, yes he did.” Cole just shook his head. “You never know what’s gonna come out of Andre’s mouth. And since he’s gonna be workin’ for both of us, know that he’s a damn hard worker and a really good guy too. Andre outed himself today right after I did in a show of solidarity. He didn’t have to do that, but he proclaimed it proudly.”

  “Wow,” Everest murmured. “I’ll never be able to take issue with him if he stuck with you like that.”

  “Well, Andre did go on to say that if I weren’t his boss, then he’d be all over me too.”

  Everest snorted. “Damn. Kid’s got some balls, doesn’t he?”

  “I would assume so, but I’m never gonna personally find out. And neither are you.” Cole shot Everest a stern look of warning, loving the playful banter after so much tension that evening.

  “You’ve got nothin’ to worry about on that front, honey.”

  “I know.” Cole reached over and took Everest’s hand. “Believe me, I know.”

  Everest smiled warmly and settled their conjoined hands on the console between them.

  Cole refocused o
n driving them the short distance to his house, thinking of all he wanted to say and share with Everest that night. There was so much welling in his heart for the man beside him that Cole hoped he could find the words to fully express the depth of what he was feeling. He smiled, knowing that there were at least three words he could say. Three words that he’d been dancing around, but no longer. Everest deserved to hear them, and Cole was finally ready to offer them.

  Chapter 12

  Everest remained quiet for the rest of the short drive to Cole’s home and gave Cole his support by simply holding his lover’s hand. He could easily see that his partner had a great deal on his mind and Everest could hardly blame Cole for needing a few minutes to process everything that had happened that day. It certainly had not ended the way they’d thought it would.

  For Everest, arriving at Cole’s ranch in time to see him talking with none other than Robbie Paschal had been one hell of a shock. Everest could only imagine what Cole had experienced when he realized it was Robbie driving up to his barn. Yet, as stressful and emotional as coming face to face with Robbie must have been for Cole, Everest was bowled over by the uncommon grace and gentle kindness he had displayed with Robbie.

  Everest had meant the compliment he’d given Cole as he held him after Robbie drove away. Not many men, nor women he knew for that matter, would have accepted partial responsibility for a relationship crumbling and then promised to still stand by their ex as a friend for life as Cole had – if Robbie would have him. Cole was certainly a gift, and Everest planned on telling him and showing him every day just how much he was valued and appreciated. Good thing he had a lifetime to express how much he respected and cared for Cole because suddenly even that amount of time didn’t seem like enough to convey how deep his feelings ran.

  Cole soon parked on the left side of his small cottage and draped his arm loosely over the steering wheel as he angled his body toward Everest. A small smile lifted the corner of his lips as he reached out with his other hand and cupped Everest’s face. A look of utter devotion swam in Cole’s green eyes, and it took Everest’s breath away to see that directed at him after waiting so long for Cole to be his.

  “I want to lead us tonight, Everest,” Cole said in a low, husky voice that did all kinds of pleasant things to Everest’s body. “Will you let me?”

  Everest slowly inclined his head, wondering what Cole had in store for him, but knowing it didn’t really matter so long as he was with Cole in some manner.

  “Remember… I’ll follow you anywhere, Cole.”

  Cole visibly relaxed, and he gave Everest’s cheek a gentle squeeze. “Then wait right there for me.”

  Everest turned his face and kissed the inside of Cole’s palm, watching Cole’s eyes carefully. He couldn’t resist slipping his tongue out and taking a quick taste of Cole’s skin, and he was well rewarded by the instantaneous flare of heat in Cole’s gaze. Cole made a low, rumbling sound in his chest and then he pulled away and stepped out of the truck. Everest watched him as Cole rounded the hood and came to his door, opening it for him and extending his hand.

  Everest didn’t think twice about taking Cole’s outstretched palm. He grinned as he exited the truck, holding tight to his lover, and walked with Cole to the front of the cottage. Cole opened the door and, once inside, he led Everest into the kitchen.

  “I started a roast in the crockpot after you left this morning,” Cole said and gestured to the counter by the sink, “so I need to check on it, and then I wanna take you to the shower, Everest. Clean us both up from the day’s grime before we do anything else.”

  Everest stepped up close and wrapped his hands around Cole’s hips. He swept his thumbs over the defined muscles there, loving the way Cole’s body was cut from his years of manual labor. He knew Cole had never seen the inside of a gym, but his body was a work of art which Everest was glad he could now touch and explore to his heart’s content.

  “You made us dinner?” He grinned as he watched Cole dip his chin.

  “I knew neither one of us would feel like cookin’ after the day we had ahead of us, so I got it all ready this morning.” Cole shrugged and appeared to battle his innate shyness that surfaced when his guard was truly down, as he made his admission.

  “Thank you, Cole.” Everest leaned in and brushed his lips against his partner’s, sipping and teasing, knowing so much more was ahead of them that night. Everest wanted to stoke the fires just a bit and let them simmer so they could bask in the rising heat building between them. Sometimes, patience was well-rewarded – as he knew firsthand.

  Cole chuckled as Everest lifted his head. Everest arched an eyebrow in question, wondering what had set Cole off.

  “Let me lead us,” Cole whispered, his warm breath fanning over Everest’s moist lips. “At least for a little while.”

  Everest smiled. “Got carried away, didn’t I?”

  Cole nodded, grinning. “I kinda understand why, though. I feel the same way every time I look at you.” Cole pressed his lips together and cast a warm look at Everest.

  “Feeling’s more than mutual, huh?” Everest said gruffly.

  Cole chuckled again. “I’d say.” Cole ran his palm over Everest’s stubbled cheek and up into his hair, keeping his touches light as he gently caressed Everest’s scalp. “Let me check on dinner now,” Cole said softly. “You want somethin’ to drink before we shower?”

  What he wanted was to lean in and take another kiss, but Everest could sense how important it was for Cole to take the reins that evening. He was certain the need stemmed from Cole’s encounter with Robbie, which had, no doubt, reminded Cole of all the times he’d let Robbie dictate the path they trod and put his own hopes and dreams aside. Now, what his lover seemed to need most from Everest was his trust that Cole could lead and provide for them. So, Everest gave it to Cole without further delay.

  “I would love a beer,” he said and let his hands slide away from Cole’s hips rather than sweep Cole into a heated embrace.

  Thankfully, Cole pressed their lips together, though it was for far too short a time for Everest’s liking, before drawing back. Cole motioned with his head for Everest to sit on a barstool by the island. Everest sank down on one as Cole snagged two cold beers from the refrigerator and twisted off their caps with practiced ease. He offered the first to Everest, letting his fingers graze across Everest’s knuckles during the transfer. Everest smiled at Cole’s constant need for contact because he had the same desire.

  Everest watched Cole move around the kitchen for a few minutes, his cowboy’s hips rolling fluidly as Cole inspected the roast and retrieved a loaf of bread from a breadbox on the far counter nearest the sink. When Cole took a sip from his bottle, Everest had the strongest urge to walk over and lick his way up Cole’s corded neck. But he didn’t. Everest remained right where he was until Cole rounded the island and once again extended his hand to Everest.

  With a gentle tug, Cole pulled him to his feet, took another kiss and then began to lead Everest to his bedroom. Everest didn’t bother getting undressed when Cole brought him into the master bathroom and released Everest’s hand long enough to adjust the warm water in the shower. Instead, he stood patiently by, though he couldn’t resist reaching out and running his palm over Cole’s back while Cole leaned into the stall.

  He felt the vibrations of Cole’s soft laughter under his hand, and Everest flexed his fingers, caught up in the temptation to feel more of the amazing sensation.

  “Love the way you touch me,” Cole murmured as he straightened away from the shower and turned to face Everest again. Cole reached out and snagged one of Everest’s belt loops and slowly reeled him in closer.

  Everest stepped forward, happy to be snared. “I love your touch too, Cole.”

  “Good thing we find ourselves so compatible, huh?” Cole teased.

  Everest chuckled and let his eyes roam over his stunning cowboy’s face. Rugged, yet beautiful, Cole was simply perfect for him. Inside and out, and every delectable in
ch in between. God, but it was going to take him the rest of his life to fully explore Cole Gentry and learn all the ways to make him feel replete and cherished. Everest couldn’t wait.

  “And to think we’re just discovering how much,” Everest murmured, giving in to temptation and leaning closer to nip at Cole’s chin.

  “Damn, but do you make me want you!” Cole groaned and angled his head, taking Everest’s mouth in a kiss meant to stake his claim and let Everest know without a doubt to whom he belonged.

  Everest let his eyes fall closed, and he gave himself over to Cole’s commanding touch. He had never surrendered to another like he was to Cole, and Everest found it hotter than hell to feel all of that strength and power aimed solely at pleasing him. It made all his years of yearning and waiting worthwhile.

  Moaning into the kiss, Everest caressed Cole’s arms as Cole’s nimble fingers began to rapidly work his shirt open. Everest felt his belt go next and then his jeans were slipped open and off. He looked down as Cole knelt and began working his boots and socks off, pausing only to look up at Everest while Cole mouthed his way across Everest’s briefs, paying special attention to the encased head of Everest’s weeping cock.

  The temptation to touch was too much, and Everest reached out, threading his fingers through Cole’s soft locks. Cole paused and nuzzled into Everest’s caress.

  “I think I want you to keep your hair a bit long like this,” he confessed. “Don’t cut it too short anytime soon, okay?”

  Cole grinned up at him and gave Everest a slow nod. “It feels good when you touch it.” He pinked a bit. “Always have liked getting my scalp rubbed.”

  “Then I’ll do it often.” Everest lightly drug his blunt nails through Cole’s rich, chestnut hair, wondering if any other man he’d ever known had had such thick, luscious tresses.

  Cole hummed and refocused on Everest’s covered dick, grazing the head with his teeth through the cotton and drawing out a few more moans from deep in Everest’s chest. He took his time removing Everest’s briefs, making it a tantalizing prelude to what was sure to come for them that night. And when Cole stood and let Everest help him disrobe, it was all Everest could do not to reciprocate and sink to his knees. Only he wanted to swallow Cole’s thick shaft down and milk it until Cole was coming and shouting his name, though Everest knew that wasn’t in Cole’s plan at present.


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