The Dying Art of Magic

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The Dying Art of Magic Page 12

by Natalie Gibson

  I need to shower first.

  No. You can bathe after. I will not have you wash away your sweet scent.

  He slid his other palm over the curve of her hip and onto her flat belly. It drifted up across her ribcage, sending shivers up her spine. His thumb brushed the underside of her breast and she made a quick exhale and slow inhale. He set her on fire. It drifted low, his pinkie finger barely brushing the top of the soft curly hair there. He used that hand to draw her back against his much bigger body.

  He continued to kiss her neck, moving around to the side and working on her earlobe. “Turn,” he whispered into her ear. He commanded her in such a way that she wasn’t sure if she turned or if he turned her. Either way she faced him now.

  Your eyes! His pupils were made of flame now. They sparked and shone in a way that made Nathalia think they could glow in the dark.

  “Yes, they reflect the hunger.” Eiran kept his own hunger and Nathalia’s within him and it was becoming quite an accomplishment. They were both growing exponentially with desire. He was literally burning up inside for her.

  He kissed her.

  Great Mother Earth could he kiss. As he deepened the kiss, pushing more of himself into her mouth and taking more of her in his, Nathalia thought that she had never really been kissed before. Whatever she and past lovers had done didn’t compare to this.

  His hands moved up and down her sides, tracing her fit, but still feminine, form. They moved down to trace the line where her buttocks met her legs. Nathalia arched her back, resting her shoulders on the glass window behind her. She made an offering of her breasts and Eiran accepted. He kissed a trail down her neck and chest, flicking his tongue over one and then the other nipple. He took the soft smooth skin of her areola into his mouth, running his rough tongue over the ever-hardening tip.

  It made her suddenly aware of where that rough touch was about to be. She felt a rush of excitement course from the present location of his mouth, through her belly to the future location of his pleasure giving orifice. The area between her legs answered her thoughts with a surge of molten need.

  Eiran must have felt her desire, because he dropped to his knees in front of Nathalia. He sat back on his feet and looked up at her. His eyes flashed. If Nathalia hadn’t been caught up in the rush of the moment she might have been frightened. When he saw that she wasn’t, that she only had desire in her heart, he moved quickly.

  In one motion he moved his hands between her legs, parted them, lifting her up so that the inside of her knees rested on his shoulders. Now her womanhood was right in front of him. He inhaled her scent deeply and then dipped his head to her. At first he only lapped at her labia, running his raspy tongue over every crevasse and crease. Then he expertly parted her inner lips in an upward motion, lastly drawing his tongue up over her increasingly swollen clitoris.

  Yes, please, Eiran. She had trouble forming even those simple words in her mind, but he understood her.

  He pressed her even tighter against his mouth, keeping her in place with one hand on the small of her back. His other hand reached around and back over her leg. He used it to pull her folds open so that he could get better access to her. His fingers held up her hood so that more of those nerve endings were exposed. He began using his teeth to gently pull and her pearl slipped between them over and over.

  Just as she felt a climax coming, he would roughly press against her, squeezing that nodule between his mouth and her own pelvic bone. It sent the gathering energy back out through her body. Her every cell was vibrating when he started the dance again.

  This time, when the warmth started in her arms and chest and worked its way to her core, he did not stop. She thought she might die if he did. The tingling power continued to pull from her extremities and concentrate itself there where he worked so hard. She closed her eyes and could see the orgasm forming inside her. It looked like hundreds of fireworks exploding in reverse. When they formed into a tightly packed ball, she started to gasp for air. That ball got heavier and heavier, taking more and more weight from the rest of her body, until she felt she was made of air.

  Then it happened. He let it happen. He made it happen. The ball exploded carrying tingling pieces of Nathalia to every corner of the universe. When she became aware of her physical form again as a whole solid thing, her muscles were contracting quickly and Eiran was feasting, his mouth over her opening.

  The way he lapped at her made Nathalia feel like she was melting. Without her prompting, Eiran carefully spread his wings out again and wrapped her in them. Their position hadn’t changed, but she relaxed in the support he made for her. She trembled with aftershocks of her orgasm, as if she could use such a common word to describe what he had given her. It had been so much more than that.

  Yes, it was more. You felt more detail, more layers of your climax than you as a human could ever have felt. We have more senses than sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Orgasm is the height of physical experience. Through it comes awareness. It clears the boundaries and shows that separateness is an illusion. Do you know what happened to the women in this area when you climaxed?

  Oh, Great Mother! I forced my feelings out. I made them orgasm, didn’t I?

  No. You orgasmed as every woman. You experienced oneness with the female race. I only held your hunger from you. I did not filter anything else out.

  He held the majority of her weight, but she couldn’t stay upright any longer. I have to lay down.

  Eiran did not answer her, but immediately moved them toward the bedroom. He lay her on the bed, gently caressing her with his silky wings as he did. He stepped back and let her legs slide from his shoulders. She lay there, limp, with her eyes closed for a scarce five seconds before she felt him moving between her knees.

  Her eyes shot open and she tried to sit up. No, Eiran. I can’t come again.

  Yes, you can. Her muscles wouldn’t co-operate, but even if they would, Eiran held her pressed against the bed. His wings made a canopy over them both, but their tips massaged her shoulders. They were a little more prehensile than she had realized. Softly, but firmly, they held her in place as he used his hands to push her knees apart.

  It’s too sensitive.

  Instead of explaining or discussing, he showed her that there was more than one way, more than one hot spot, that could bring her to orgasm. He opened her legs wide, pressing her thighs against the bed with his palms, and put his mouth against her. He was careful to avoid both the over sensitive clit and the easily broken hymen, but he slowly slipped his tongue inside her.

  He rubbed against the slightly swollen tissue of her G-spot with his thin, elongated tongue. Nathalia, completely unfamiliar with this type of stimulation, bucked. Or tried to, rather. Her body was like stone and getting heavier with every stroke.

  Eiran lifted her arms up with his wings and held them cinched together on the bed over her head. Holding them there with only one wing was effortless when Nathalia was in such a weakened state so he used his other to fondle her breasts. They were so silky soft and smooth and felt so good touching her there.

  Her climax was on her faster this time. It was as different from the other she’d had as night was from day. Before she’d felt like air and fireworks. Now she felt like lead, heavy and immovable like the earth herself. Now that she thought about it, that was exactly what she felt like. She was the earth and there was a river of prana flowing through her. Eiran built a dam and the pressure built. She started to tremble when she felt the first crack in the dam. When it shattered, pleasure flooded her hardened body, filling it with life. Wave after wave washed through her.

  When her sight and feeling came back she found herself grasping Eiran’s head, still between her thighs. She stroked his hair as he drank from her. He continued to look into her eyes and she realized his eyes had changed yet again. They were like coals; dark and smoldering embers with flashes of sparks moving across them. The fire had died down a bit, but the heat was still there.

  Before she co
uld blink, Eiran was on top of her. His knees held her thighs open and he pressed his sex against hers. It was hot, in more ways than one. He put his arms around her, one under her shoulders and the other between the mattress and the small of her back. He bent her to his will, smashing their bodies together. His head was in the small of her neck and his thoughts were in her head.

  You are a miracle, my love. You have more prana in you than any other woman I have ever been with. I would gladly give up Ki and Ud to have you beneath me for eternity. You taste delicious, and though I feel like I will never be truly hungry again, I want more of you. Eiran used her hair to tug Nathalia’s head to the side, completely exposing her jugular to his exploring mouth. His teeth scraped along her vein and his tongue reached out and lapped at her pulse. The beast in me wishes to know if your blood is as sweet.

  His sudden aggression, where before he had only been loving, sent a tingle down her spine. It made her sex plump and she thought that if he bit her, she might experience yet another kind of orgasm. She had a heavy emptiness deep inside her that, though she had never experienced it, would be filled only by him pushing himself into her. Unable to control herself, Nathalia rocked her hips forward, trying to angle for his entry.

  Eiran tightened his grip on her, “Do not, Ereshkigal.” His command simple, but his voice complex. It was strange that he sounded so alien to her. Nathalia found it impossible to move after that. Her body actually obeyed him.

  For a moment Nathalia thought he might lose whatever internal struggle was going on. She wanted him to bite her and screw her, both of which were forbidden. She wanted him to break those laws. But then, exhausted, Eiran rolled off her and on to bed next to Nathalia. They lay close, but not touching. His head turned to the left, hers to the right so they could continue visual connection. “I would normally, after feeding, be quite relieved, my thirst quenched, but, though I am quite satisfied, your hunger still beats at me. You will find Nephilim mating is somewhat different than humans’.”

  You can say that again!

  “You will find Nephilim mating is somewhat different than humans’.” Eiran looked at her with a crooked smile when her laughter rang out inside his head. “Our fulfillment comes from the pleasure of our partner, not our own.”

  So, if we stop now, you’re completely satisfied without me doing anything for you?

  “You have already given me all that I need but I cannot be satisfied, because you are hungry. I will have more control over the beast once your needs are filled.”

  Nathalia took a deep breath and sat up, turning on the bed so that she was sitting back on her knees with her feet under her. She avoided looking at his cock, but only directly. It was hard to miss in his current state. She was more than a little nervous about it.

  “I am releasing the hunger slowly.”

  As soon as he said it, she felt it rising. It was more gentle this time, but Nathalia got a feeling that it was every bit as ferocious as before. Maybe more so. Eiran just had a tight leash. Feeding gave him the strength to hold it.

  Eiran laid on his back; his wings tucked below him as well as they could be. He reclined; his head on his arms crossed behind it, his elbows resting on the carpal joints at the highest part of his wings. Eiran was fit and tan. His smooth skin was taut over his stomach and chest muscles. What little body hair he did have made an arrow. The fletching feathered in from between his nipples, focusing into a thin trail joining his chest hair to his arrowhead of pubic hair, pointing directly to his cock.

  She knee walked down the bed a bit so that when she leaned forward her head was at the right level. She slid her thumb and forefinger from the tip down to the base and was amazed at Eiran’s size. She immediately lost her resolve.

  I can’t do this. I don’t know what I’m doing. And you…you’re too big.

  Eiran didn’t answer, but she felt the hunger rising again. He’d let the leash go a little further. Just like a wild dog, the further it got struggling against its bonds, the more fiercely it fought to get free. Nathalia felt her incisors lengthen and then immediately retract. Eiran was watching her closely and adjusting her “dose” of hunger.

  He could feel her desire mingled with her fear. It was a strong aphrodisiac. He had never hoped to enjoy the shy touch of an innocent again. He struggled to resist the beast within him that howled to be released. It wanted to pin her to the bed and thrust into her tight virgin sheath.

  It roared.

  “Nathalia, I am losing control over the hunger beast.”

  Maybe that’s what I need. Can you help me lose control a little? She had never taken her hand from his shaft and began to move his foreskin up and down. A growl came from inside his chest.

  He spoke in her mind as if he did not trust his voice. I cannot unfurl the hunger for you more, unless I take control. Is that is what you want?

  Not completely understanding his plan, Nathalia nodded. She heard Eiran in her head speaking Sumerian and instantly her body was not her own. She could feel him moving inside her mind. He did have control. Absolute control.

  Before she knew it, her tongue was out and she was bending over him. Her right breast dipped onto his upper thigh and her nipple immediately went hard. She froze millimeters away and stared at her hand stroking the length of him. A tiny pearlescent drop appeared on his head and she wanted it. She tried to stretch her tongue out and get it, but he had control. “Look at me, my love.”

  Her gaze tore away from her mouths goal and locked eyes with him. The flames were gone from his, but she could feel them in her own. Hunger was a blazing fire. He had fully released it to her, since he retained control over her body and could dictate the terms of her feeding.

  Eiran held her there, savoring this view. She looked beautiful with her hair spilling around her face, her eyes glowing with desire staring into his, her breast grazing the hair of his thigh, her mouth open, so close, her hand moving slowly up and down his length keeping him hard and ready. He sent the image to her mind and she gasped at the sensuality of it.

  She sent him images of her head moving down, her mouth encasing his member. In an instant, his hands bunched in her hair, fisting great handfuls, pushing her down closer. She couldn’t move her eyes from his face, but he provided a picture of how she looked as she inched toward her first feeding of this manner.

  Her tongue was on his tip now and she had her first taste. Indescribably delicious. It was every good thing she had ever experienced in a drop. A sweet high that incapacitated her. It must be how cold water felt to a man trapped in the desert. More than she expected, more than she hoped for.

  Eiran waited until the first wave subsided before moving her onward. He did not want her to miss any part of this first. When the focus came back in her eyes, he eased her head down slowly. He kept her soft full lips sealed around his shaft. As he did, she could feel him sliding further and further in. It slid along her tongue until it pushed against the back of her throat.

  Nathalia panicked. If he pushed himself all the way in, she wouldn’t be able to breath. Eiran allowed her to explore his shaft with the tip of her tongue as he explained, “We do not have to breathe. We can live for years beneath the water or earth. We enjoy breathing, like we enjoy eating, but it is unnecessary. It is a leftover fear you’re feeling.”

  Eiran smiled at her as he angled her head and thrust into her throat as far as it could. Her eyes went wide as those muscles tightened around him, swallowing him inch by delicious inch. As he pulled out and then pushed back in, she realized she liked it. There was something tremendously sexy about being totally in his control. He used her throat and she liked it.

  When she told him as much, a scary thought went across his face. Her throat spasmed a little, trying to stretch to accommodate his great size and that pleased him very much.

  He pulled back slowly, enjoying the feel of her trying to swallow him. When he was out he told her, “If you want more, you will have to ask for it.”

  Please, Eiran.

  “Please what, my love. What exactly do you want me to do?” Eiran positioned her exactly as he had before, and held them there until she told him.

  Push your cock into my throat. Use me to make yourself come. I want to taste it.

  Eiran compelled her down, pressing himself inside her deeper and deeper. He began to thrust faster and harder and her thoughts assured him that is what she wanted him to do.

  Eiran’s wings stretched wide and every muscle of his body tensed. Pulling out of her throat and into her mouth, he released his orgasm, sending hot prana against her tongue. Nathalia drank it down in great gulps.

  The sensation was too intense, too delicious. She had always been grossed out by the thought of swallowing; completely turned off by the very idea of blowjobs. No longer. This was how happiness tasted. His or hers, she didn’t know where one ended and the next began.

  Somewhere between the deliciously satisfying flavor of him and the pleasure of her own surprise orgasm, Nathalia lost herself. Her body sunk into the bed and streamed into the sky. The high was unimaginable and she felt both weakened and strengthened by it.

  Eiran knew what she was feeling because he felt it too. Never before had such a thing happened to their kind. He found a woman capable of tabalu, capable of becoming one of them and not just a Lilitu. If this was any indication, having sex with his wife might very well be what ended up killing him, the indestructible immortal, Eiran Kafziel, Keeper of the Betrayers.

  Alisha looked calm as she lay in Maeve and Aaron’s bed while everyone around her was in a huff. She insisted that her magic would be easier if she did it in a place ‘saturated’ by Nathalia.

  There were few Peregrinus that lived past the age of consent. Alisha almost died herself when she traveled for the first time. She left her body at the moment of her first climax. She was so fascinated with the experience that she took too long to come back. When in this separated state, it was hard to feel any emotions whatsoever. She only lived because the man she was with was a paramedic. She’d calmly watched from floating above as Steven performed CPR and tried to resuscitate her lifeless body.


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