The Dying Art of Magic

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The Dying Art of Magic Page 17

by Natalie Gibson

  “What do you mean, the Guardians aren’t men?”

  And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

  The revelation was too much for Maeve and she began to faint. All three Guardians moved quickly. Nathalia caught Maeve’s limp body. Harith lunged toward where Nathalia had been, but Eiran moved to intercept. Both men now had swords where their right arms had been before. Nathalia felt certain that Harith would have spilled her blood if not for the proximity to the One.

  Peace brothers. Harith, if the One is to be your mate then you will need to accept the Daughters of Women as allies. We need them. I need them. Certain secrets cannot be kept if the Nephilim want to choose from their ranks.

  With her eyes closed, Maeve said, “Sorry to pull a fast one, but if you wouldn’t let me hug you I had to make you come to me. I knew you couldn’t resist a Maeve squeeze.”

  Nathalia smiled at her attempt at a joke in such a moment. Nathalia’s touch was obviously causing Maeve some discomfort, so she laid her friend, the new Abbess, on the couch. Both Guardians, their arms now back to normal, took their places beside the two women.

  “Perhaps it would be better if the men left us alone to talk.” Maeve suggested. She choked on the word “men.”

  Definitely. Nathalia broadcasted to the Guardians only, wanting Maeve to feel she was in control of this meeting. Why don’t you both go and take nourishment in the sunlight together on the roof?

  Harith remained in place and looked toward Eiran. He, in turn, shook his head no. Neither would leave if the other was staying and Eiran was hesitant to leave her side. They were certainly not going anywhere together. Certainly not at suggestion only.

  Maeve doesn’t know you and you’re troubling her. Nathalia directed this at her own Guardian.

  “I’m ordering you both out. This is my office, my chapter, my decision. You, to the roof and you, if you prefer, may stay close to Nathalia, but on the other side of that door.”

  That’s my girl, Nathalia thought. Take charge. She followed Maeve’s order with one of her own. Do as she says, my love.

  Eiran couldn’t defy a direct order from Nathalia. Seeing that Eiran was going, Harith followed. Both men bowed to the ladies and made their exits, never letting the other out of their sights. Nathalia closed the door behind him.

  “Ugh!” Maeve exclaimed as soon as they were alone. “That one’s been attached to me every second since Jolie’s wedding and Aaron’s no different. Being pregnant may feel empowering to some, but it imprisons me.”

  Your daughter is of great importance to all men and Guardians alike. Some don’t know it, but those who do, are bereft to think she might come to some harm during their watch.

  “We don’t know it’s a girl. The sonogram was inconclusive.”

  She will be called Sarvamata and Yamina Prima as she will be mother to all proper and suitable love to everyone who lays eyes upon her. She will be the true mother of peace and take the throne of her ancestor and will reign over Earth forever; Her kingdom will never end.

  Nathalia had already begun to move before there the scream in the hall just outside the door. Maeve got up too, but was much slower than the former Abbess.

  “Guards! Guards!” the screaming voice shouted from the hall.

  The door slammed open, crashing into the wall behind it and tearing off at least one set of hinges. Eiran jumped in the air, flew into the room with a back flip and landed at his mate’s feet. He made apologies that only Nathalia could hear, I am sorry, my love. I was focused on you and did not sense the Iudex. She touched me. He looked up at her as if something had just occurred to him.

  Elle, looking pale and shaken, followed quickly. Not seeing Nathalia, and looking only to Maeve, she said, “I read him and he’s pure evil. Every thought in his head’s about killing, consuming flesh and drinking blood.”

  And here I thought that having sex with me was your only thought. Nathalia smiled down at Eiran. She would make this right. She would be the Nephilim’s bridge to humanity.

  Elle pleaded with Maeve’s Guardian, who had appeared out of thin air, “Grab him before he kills us.” Elle shook violently. Never had she seen such a mind so filled with thoughts of the pleasures of violence and cannibalism. She struggled to keep her lunch down.

  Peace to all. Nathalia broadcast to everyone in the room. No one is to make a move toward us. He’s no danger to anyone who doesn’t harbor evil in his heart.

  Nathalia didn’t think it was possible, but Elle went even whiter.

  “Is that you?” Elle asked. “We thought you were dead.”

  Perhaps the short and easy answer would be better here than the whole truth. Yes, Elle. It’s me. I’m alive. Nathalia tugged her cloak neckline down to show the room her jaggedly scared jugular. Because of him. I gave up my life and he gave me a new one. I lost my voice and he replaced it.

  “Nathalia or not, Maeve’s acting Abbess. Maeve, you’ve never questioned me before and I’m telling you he’s beyond dangerous. At least banish him!”

  Maeve turned to Nathalia now and asked, “How much do you really know about him, Nathalia?” Clearly Elle’s entreaty had some effect on her; Elle was never wrong.

  I know everything about him, Maeve. We are one and the same: He’s my beloved, my twin, my husband, my own. Eiran straightened to his full height, given strength by his wife’s pride. She took his hand, in a more tender display than anyone expected, and they stood before the others, unified.

  Nathalia gave them all a moment for that comment to sink in. That she was married to a man was no doubt a shock to them. Elle, the thoughts you saw are not his own, but those of the ones he keeps prisoner for the safety of mankind. They torment him and attempt to seduce him into acting out their desired violence. He’s devoted his life to withstanding them and has never failed to do so.

  The couple turned slightly to Maeve. Now I must come to the reason for our visit. We’re here to ask for the Daughters help. An Evil one has been released into the world. He has renewed strength and the fervor of purpose to match. We must find him and the weapon capable of destroying this invincible ageless foe. He will come for all of us if we cannot.

  Nathalia didn’t tell her that the us she was speaking of were Nephilim. His thoughts were about the weapon, getting more Nephilim blood, hers specifically, tempting as many of his brethren to join him as possible and then destroying the Igigi. Maeve had the One inside her. That baby would become a woman Maeve would care very much for, a woman that would be Sinnis just as Nathalia was. That woman would be a target, however much in the future that was, Nathalia needed to use it to get Maeve’s allegiance.

  Maeve had to sit back down. “First you come back from the dead and now you tell me an evil creature, hell bent on killing, was released and we have to find a weapon to kill this invincible thing?! Who released it?”

  Nathalia looked into Eiran’s cool opal eyes and found the strength she needed there to tell the truth.

  I did.

  OF COURSE Maeve had given her permission for Alisha to use her power to help them find the weapon. Nathalia had known she would. In her heart, Maeve would always feel that Nathalia ran this place. If Nathalia needed something that the Daughters of Women could provide, they would. Alisha prepared.

  Sunshine and children filled the courtyard already packed with Guardians. They all looked hungry to Nathalia. Their eyes darted around to the face of each girl child playing. Searching. Nathalia knew an uncorrupted Nephilim would never hurt a child, but how far could desperation push them?

  News traveled. They all knew that the first had been converted. One of their own had a mate, someone who could satiate their hunger, travel in their special way, and live as long as they could.

  Nathalia sent out two compulsions. One to the children that it was time to go inside, and one to the Nephilim: they must stay. Eiran and Nathalia, cloaked from their view, walked out to the middle once th
e children had vacated that space. Nathalia reached down to pet a fat lazy cat laying in the grass. She thought it looked at her, but the cat jumped at her touch. A very sharply armed paw slashed through her skin, leaving a set of scratches. They quickly downgraded to whelps, but not quickly enough. The feline ran off with a hiss but the damage was already done.

  Every Nephilim smelled her blood. It called out to them. Even their thousands of years of practice resisting temptation didn’t prepare them for a female Nephilim. They inhaled deeply and involuntarily stepped forward as one. In the anonymity that their camouflage afforded them, Nathalia called out to the great mother earth, Ki, asking her to hold her sons.

  The earth reached up and wrapping her flesh around their legs; Ki held them fast. Nathalia ordered Eiran to drop their camouflage. Nathalia donned her warriors garb. They all recognized her and the threat she represented. Some of their eyes held fear, others defiance.

  You know me. I am Ereshkigal, chosen warrior of the Igigi.

  One of them called out, “You do not have the weapon.”

  Today is not the day of reckoning. I kill no one.

  The same Nephilim challenged, “Then why do you have the mother hold us?”

  I only want to speak to you and give you a chance to get accustomed to my scent.

  Nathalia turned as she spoke, looking in each of their eyes, making sure each saw her honesty. I need sisters. Fellow Sinnis must be made who will help me in my quest. I will allow any who have withstood temptation, as my mate has, to live and to search for your beloved. I know that is why you have gathered here.

  The old prophecy, which had failed to fall short of absolute truth, said “from wince the first comes, so shall the others.” Most family lines had at least one branch in the good old US of A, because of its immigrant origins. Texas was indeed the “heart of independent land” that the same prophetic woman spoke of before such a place even existed.

  Another yelled out, “How? How is it done, converting a woman to be darisam baltutu?”

  We are uncertain. It happened for me by accident. I was on the brink of death, brought by my own hand. I don’t know if that is crucial or trivial to the conversion. I do know there is a blood exchange and tabalu involved.

  “Feeding a human our blood leads to abomination.”

  The law stands true. You must never allow a human to feed on your blood. The blood exchange I mean is you will feed on her blood and use your own to heal a wound. We don’t know how serious that wound must be for your own blood to take over her body and make the change.

  The unknown is great. That is why I will add a new law. None may try a conversion without first gaining my permission. It doesn’t matter if the woman gives her consent or not. Any found to have attempted and failed, killing a woman, will himself be put to death.

  Also, a Sumerian girl of thirteen was old enough to be a mother, but not so now. Their bodies may be ready, but their minds are not. The human race has evolved beyond just procreation and continuation of the species. The young are children for longer than they used to be. We will have no child brides. None below the age of eighteen years will be tasted, touched, taken, or tabalu’d. This is Ereshkigal’s Law.

  “This is Ereshkigal’s Law.” The Nephilim repeated in unison.

  If possible, you should allow a man, human, to deflower your intended. A great ruckus, the rise of rebellion, sounded from the Nephilim trapped here at the thought of allowing another to lay with their beloved. Nathalia defended her statement. You all remember what hold you had over the women who took your virginity? If you are the one to take her maidenhood, she will have absolute ability to command you. It could hinder you in battle. It is your choice and hers. That is why I don’t make a law, just a suggestion.

  Nathalia waved her hand and said her prayer, releasing the Nephilim from Ki’s hold. The earth settled herself. The instant they were freed, most pulled toward Nathalia.

  Eiran wrapped his arms around her and took them away, leaving the Nephilim looking at a pile of black cape. Nathalia’s last words rang in each of their minds, Never forget you have a choice in all things.

  Alisha had always needed an extra firm hand when Nathalia was Abbess and, from what Maeve said, still did. Alisha thought she should lead this chapter of the Daughters of Women. She had been giving Maeve trouble and causing discord between her little circle of followers and the others who rallied behind Maeve. Nathalia was going to do whatever was in her power to make sure that stopped.


  Nathalia had Maeve gather Alisha and her followers. She instructed them to prepare for another astral projection. Alisha had not yet fully recovered from her last attempt to find Nathalia, but she would never admit the shortcomings of her talent while she vied for the position of Abbess.

  Her closest friends prepared her for her trip and resuscitation when Nathalia entered the room with Eiran close behind her. There was a mix of gasps and whispers of Nathalia’s name from the girls, but only Alisha felt entitled to speak directly to her.

  “Nathalia! I knew you weren’t killed. Thank the Ancestress! The Sisterhood has been floundering without its Abbess.”

  I am no longer Abbess.

  “You’re the new Council Representative, aren’t you?” She looked around to see Eiran and babbled on, “Your own Guardian too! I heard a rumor that a new Voice would visit today to declare the Council’s decision on the new Abbess.” Feigned surprise crossed her face and she put her hand to her chest, “Oh my Ancestress, they’ve decided on me, haven’t they?”

  Her followers clapped and started congratulations. Alisha was busy thanking them.


  The single syllable was enough to shut everyone up.

  Vinculum Primo Maeve is the new Abbess Primo. She is also the Great Holy Mother of the promised One.

  “But, but, she doesn’t even want it. She’s not suited for leadership like I am.”

  You are wrong. The very fact that she does not desire the power makes her the perfect woman to take on the responsibilities. You have been evaluated and found lacking. You will never rise above your current station.

  “What’s gotten into you, Nathalia? You never talked to me like this before.”

  I never knew how power hungry you were before. Stubborn, yes, but I would never have guessed that you would cause such trouble for my successor. You always showed the proper respect to me when I was Abbess.

  “Why Maeve? There are other women who’ve been here longer and have abilities more desirable for the position. Maeve and her cronies are the ones who kept us all from searching for you. She said you were dead!”

  She is right. Nathalia was killed. Nathalia moved faster than should have been possible and grabbed hold of Alisha’s upper arms. Does my touch feel like Nathalia’s?

  A Guardian’s touch felt like slight electrocution to human skin. Alisha struggled to maintain composure under the discomfort. She shook her head.

  Look into my eyes. Do you see your friend behind them?

  Alisha started to cry when she did as instructed and found a stranger looking out at her. Nathalia released her and Alisha rubbed her arms where the female Guardian had held her. She knelt in front of the new Voice of the Council of Esteemed Elders. “What does the council ask of me?”

  We are looking for a weapon. It was taken from me on my day of execution in the twenty-fifth year of Sarrum Eitan by the very same. It can kill even invincible foes and I must find it before he can. If I put its image into your mind, could you search for it?

  Alisha nodded. “As always, I am here to serve the Daughters.”

  Then prepare yourself.

  As Alisha got into the bed and her friends hooked her up to the medical machines, Nathalia fed her the weapon’s image and last known location. Several candles were lit around the room; a scent that would attract Alisha’s ethereal self back should she get distracted. Alisha looked ashen.

  When she spoke it was barely a whisper, “What makes you think I can find
something I’ve never seen before when I couldn’t even find my beloved Sister Superior? Surely there’s a stronger Peregrinus than me.”

  Nathalia knew that she had gone too far, been too rebuking. She had taken Alisha’s confidence away. Nathalia easily pushed a bit of reassurance toward Alisha and then added kind words. You are talented. You could not find me because I did not want to be found, not because you aren’t good enough. Just because you shouldn’t be Abbess doesn’t mean you are not a useful and integral asset to the cause.

  Alisha looked better instantly. She laid back, resting on the pile of pillows. “If I can, I’ll use my power to redeem myself.” She sat up suddenly. “I can’t affect things physically in my ethereal state.”

  I know. Just locate it. Quickly. And then get back here to tell me where it is.

  Alisha closed her eyes and the rest of the room knew she was traveling when the external pacemaker began its rhythmic beeping. It had sensed her heart stop and used an electrical pulse to force it to beat. A small tube down her trachea forced oxygen into her lungs.

  Nathalia, of course, had seen this many times, but there was something new to be witnessed. As she watched on, Alisha’s body drained of its prana. Every drop of life gathered in a glowing silver ball and sped off.

  Nathalia spoke to Eiran only, Do you see that? She took a step toward Alisha’s inanimate body.

  Yes, my love. I have seen it before. The body is dead. The life fled to do our bidding.

  A small thin silver thread held tight to Alisha’s brain and spanned the distance between it and Alisha’s life.

  Something about it called out to Nathalia or maybe it called out to Ereshkigal. Either way her birthmark necklace called back. It hummed like Eiran had touched it. She looked down to find it glowing. Great Mother! What was happening with Alisha, she thought to herself.

  At the mention of Alisha’s name, even in silence, her thread of life curved, making an almost bend in its path. It tried to connect with the birthmark. The hollow of Nathalia’s neck where the necklace had sunk into her flesh and the back of her head grew very warm and tingly. She felt an unrecognizable spell forming there.


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