Pursuing The Madam 2

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Pursuing The Madam 2 Page 5

by Charmanie Saquea

  His mother started getting high, Dolly was crying all day and night, and Uncle Percy started making more visit than he had before. When his dad was alive, Percy never came around because he wasn't allowed to. Sammy never understood why until he snuck his nasty ass into Sammy's bedroom one night.

  Percy molested Sammy from the age of ten up until he turned fourteen. That's when Sammy turned it around and started doing it to his sister. He didn't like the fact that he had been corrupted, so he wanted to do the same to Dolly since nothing ever seemed to happen to her little perfect ass.

  Sammy hated it when Senior came and saved Dolly. He had nobody to take his frustrations out on. It took years for him to get in contact with her again after she got with Senior; he had forbidden her from having contact with him. That was until he had made up a bullshit ass story about how he went to rehab and had gotten help. Once he saw how Kaiah was starting to develop, he knew he had found his next target. Maybe there were a couple of screws loose in his head but that wasn't his fault, he blamed that in his trifling ass uncle.

  Sammy was so busy fantasizing while sitting down the street from Kaiah’s house that he never noticed Senior and Sneaky pulling up behind him until it was too late.

  “Move and I’ll blow ya fucking brains out right here,” Senior said, as he held the gun up to his head.

  Sammy just smiled. He had been in this position with Senior too many times and still made it out alive. He was seriously thinking about calling his bluff until Kasey hit him in the head with the gun. “Move yo ass over to the passenger’s side bitch!”

  Sammy did as he was told and moved over. Kasey hopped in the driver’s seat and pulled off with Senior following behind him. The sun had just set, which was perfect for what they had in mind for him. Kasey killed his headlights and pulled up in an abandoned parking lot where a store used to be.

  Senior got out, popped his trunk and grabbed a gas can before walking over to where his brother was standing with his gun on Sammy.

  “Remember, no talking. Just shoot this bitch and get it over with,” Kasey said. He knew his older brother wasn’t like him. Like most siblings, they took different walks in life. While Senior chose to be a pimp, Kasey chose the drug route where he had to bust his gun more times that he would even care to remember.

  Senior took the gun from Kasey and walked over to the passenger side to get a better shot. He aimed right for Sammy’s head while he wore a smile, thinking Senior wasn’t going to do shit.

  “The silencer’s on so no one will hear it,” Kasey said.

  Without saying a word, Senior pulled the trigger and shot Sammy right between the eyes. That’s ones for Dolly, he thought as he pulled the trigger again. That one’s for Kaiah.

  Senior poured gas all over the car and Sammy’s body while Kasey lit up a cigarette and threw it on the car. They both stood there and watched the car as it went up in flames before hopping back in Senior’s car and pulling away from the crime scene.

  * * *

  Kaily and Kaiah were on their way to an 'emergency meeting' that their dad had called. They both were kind of nervous because there was no telling what he wanted to talk about.

  "I gotta stop by the gas station," Kaiah said as she pulled into the nearest one.

  "You always riding around with an empty tank," Kaily laughed.

  "Shut up." Kaiah playfully rolled her eyes.

  "I'm about to grab me some chips, you want me to pump for you?"

  "No I got it," Kaiah answered. Kaily headed inside the gas station while Kaiah went for the gas pump. She swiped her card and put the nozzle in the tank. She was looking down at her phone when a car pulled up behind her. She wasn't paying it any mind until she heard a familiar voice.

  "I know that ain't my tater tot."

  She froze up because there was only one person who called her that. She looked up and smiled. "Orlando!" she said excitedly as he walked over and hugged her. "Oh my gosh, look at you."

  "Nah look at you. I see you still short as hell, my tater tot gon always be little." Orlando laughed.

  "Shut up fool," Kaiah laughed. "Where the hell you been?"

  "I had to get out of dodge for a little. You know shit was hot here," Orlando said.

  It was rumored that Orlando was the number one suspect in the shooting and killing of an officer four years ago. He claimed he wasn't the shooter even though he was at the scene of the crime. He left town on the run because he refused to do life for a crime he knew he didn't commit. Apparently, someone secretly videotaped the incident and gave the evidence over to the police which proved Orlando's innocence, but he stayed away because he didn't want to take any chances.

  "I'm happy you're back dude, and you came back just in time for your little sister’s birthday," Kaiah smiled.

  "You know I ain't forgot about you. As a matter of fact, put your number in my phone," he said, handing her his cell phone.

  Kaiah put her number in and was about to say something until she heard Kaily.

  "Girl can you believe they didn't have any hot Cheetos? I got you some..." Kaily's voice trailed off when she noticed Orlando. "Orlando?" she whispered.

  "Hey Kaily," he said nervously. He didn't know how Kaily would react to seeing him.

  "You look good," she complemented as she looked him from head to toe. Hell, good is an understatement. The True Religion shorts he had on were slightly baggy, revealing he had on polo boxers, and the matching True shirt he had on was fitting just right. His green eyes were glistening in the sun and his wavy hair was braided down his back.

  “Thank you,” he smiled.

  Kaily shook her head and hurried to get back in the car. She didn’t want to be around him or even look at him after all these years with him looking like that. She still wanted to hate him for hurting her, she wanted to be mad at him, and she wanted to make him feel the same pain she felt.

  “Just give her some time, she’s still a little hurt,” Kaiah said.

  “I understand.” Orlando nodded his head.

  “But look, I’m celebrating my birthday starting tomorrow. Daddy’s having a little shindig at his house for us so you should come through. I would love for you to show your tater tot some love.” Kaiah smiled.

  “You think that would be a good idea?” he asked.

  “Why wouldn’t it be? Daddy always liked you, so why not?” Kaiah shrugged.

  “I’m pretty sure she has a man and I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”

  Kaiah was about to say something until she thought about how Carlos brought Sherae around and blindsided her. She was going to show him exactly how she felt. Two can play that game. “So, you’re going to be there for me. Plus, I’m pretty sure Kaison would like to see his homeboy,” she said with a devilish grin.

  “What you up to girl?” Orlando asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Nothing, nothing at all. Just think about it.”

  “Alright, I got you.” He shook his head before giving her one last hug and hopping back in his car.

  * * *

  Kaison was racking his brain trying to figure out why his dad wanted to see him. He knew that whatever the reason, it was something serious because he had a no-nonsense tone when he called him up. He made it to the house before Kaiah and Kaily so he was trying to get his dad to give him a heads up about what the problem was, but he wouldn't budge.

  "I already told you Kaison Junior, we'll talk when the girls get here." Senior shook his head.

  "Alright Pops, but just tell me this then; who did it? Who in trouble?" Kaison smiled. Whenever Senior called a family meeting when they were little, Kaison always asked that question.

  "You will be if you don't stop asking so many questions," he laughed.

  "What you gon do old man?" Kaison joked as he stood in a boxing position.

  "I got yo old man, nigga." Father and son started air boxing each other. Even though Senior was in his early forties, he was still fit.

  "The princess is here!" they heard after
the front door shut.

  "Well it's about damn time," Senior laughed.

  "It was all Kaiah's fault, Poppa," Kaily said as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.

  "I should have known."

  "Good, now you can get down to business,” Kaison said as he sat on the couch ready to get this meeting over with.

  "Why are you in such a rush? We're still waiting on somebody," Senior said.

  "Who?" the trio asked. No sooner than the words left their mouths, the doorbell rang. Senior went to answer it and Kaily was confused when she saw Stacy walk through the door. At that exact moment, Dolly was walking through the door.

  "Hey Stacy, what are you doing here?" asked Kaily.

  Before she could answer, Senior spoke up. "Now we can get down to business. Everyone to the table please," he said as he led the way to the dining room.

  Everyone sat at the table, quietly wondering where this was going to lead to. Even Stacy didn't know why she was invited. Senior had called her up and said that he needed to talk to her in person, so she came right on over.

  Senior stood up and looked around the table. "I'm a man and I can admit to my mistakes. I've done some things in this world that I regret but what I don't regret is my children, either one of y'all. Kaily," he said as he turned to her, "Stacy informed me that you two had a chance to talk. I don't ever want you to feel like you were just a baby that popped up from a fling and you were unwanted. I loved Stacy just as much as I loved Dolly."

  Dolly rolled her eyes and shifted in her seat when Senior said that. She was ready to slap the shit out of him at any moment if he kept this foolery up.

  "I was young at the time and thought it was cool to have two women. I was happy as hell when I found out she was pregnant with you, but as you can guess, Dolly wasn't. You were only a week old when Dolly walked through the door holding you in her arms. I was confused as hell and tried to find your mom but she had already disappeared."

  "So everything is my fault, Kaison?" Dolly asked with an attitude.

  "How did you make this about you?" Kaiah asked. It had been a while since she had actually spoken to her mom because she was still a little salty about their last encounter.

  "Another thing," Senior said. "You two are mother and daughter and it's about damn time y'all start acting like it. This shit has been going on for far too damn long and that's my fault for allowing it to; but today, the shit comes to an end. I don't care how y'all solve it but all I know is the shit better get done," Senior said in a tone to let them know that he wasn’t playing.

  "Daddy, that's her. She's the one who hates me for some shit her brother did to me. For all I know, she's the one who told him where and how to find me," Kaiah accused.

  "Dammit Kaiah!" Dolly yelled as she slammed her hands on the table. "You don't think I feel bad about what happened to you? You don't think I spent plenty of nights crying and hating myself for letting it happen? I felt so bad that I said and did stuff to make you hate me. I didn't want you to think I was the best mom in the world or anything like that. I let my brother fool me into thinking he was a changed man. Who do you think he used to rape when we slept under the same roof? Every damn night he snuck into my bed. If it wasn't for your daddy, I would have been worse off than you! He came back around claiming he got help but that was obviously a lie. I'm sorry Kaiah, okay? I've been your position, so don't think I don't understand how you felt or feel," Dolly cried.

  Everyone was stuck, especially Kaiah. No one in that room except for Senior knew that Sammy used to rape Dolly. Kaiah tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. Suddenly the tears started falling. She was only raped once so she couldn't begin to imagine how her mom felt being forced to actually live with him. She got out of her chair and walked over to Dolly. She wrapped her arms around her and they both broke down crying.

  "I'm so sorry Kaiah. I know you hate me, I would too."

  "Shhh...It’s okay. It's done and over with. There's nothing we can do about it. I don't hate you," Kaiah said.

  Senior was smiling on the inside. His wife and daughter reconciling had been a long time coming. He was so relieved that they would actually be able to get along and they could probably help each other heal. “Well, he’ll never be able to hurt anyone else, ever,” he announced.

  No one said anything because they knew exactly what he was talking about. It was a big weight off of everyone’s shoulders.

  Kaison was stuck on stupid. To find out that the same nigga that hurt and raped your sister is the same dirty muthafucka that hurt and raped your mother is a hard pill to swallow. He wanted Sammy dead, even if he had to do it himself. He cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, he wanted to get something off his chest. “Umm Kay Kay, I owe you an apology,” Kaison said with his head down.

  “For what?” she asked as she wiped her eyes.

  “For not telling you about D-Boy and Naomi.”

  Senior shook his head, it was the only thing he could to keep from reaching over and punching the shit out of his son. He just killed a very joyous moment with some bullshit that should have stayed in the past. Kaily sat there with her mouth open, she knew that Carlos was aware of the situation but she had no idea that Kaison was up on game.

  “Come again?” Kaiah said, not wanting to believe that she heard him right.

  “Well, that’s my cue to leave,” Stacy said as she got up. She knew this was a family matter that she didn’t want to present for. Kaily got up to walk her to the door.

  “Look Kaiah, I know I should have told you but—“

  “But you let him do your sister dirty and turned your head like you didn’t give a fuck.” Kaiah rolled her eyes as she grabbed her purse. She wasn’t about to stay around and listen to this bullshit. She couldn’t believe her own twin brother would allow some shit like this to go down and not even let her know.

  “Where you going?” Kaison asked.

  Kaiah ignored him and walked to the front door while Kaily was walking back. “What’s wrong? Where you going?” Kaily asked.

  “Home. So if you want a ride back home, you better come on,” she said without slowing down or turning around. Kaily rushed to the dining room and grabbed her purse. She gave Kaison the side eye before rushing back out the door.

  The ride to Kaily’s was quiet one until she decided to speak her mind. “Kaiah, you know I love you right?”

  “I never doubted it,” answered Kaiah.

  “I hope you’re not about to go home and bring this situation up to Deonte.”

  “Girl, we are way past that. I’m just upset with Kaison because I expected him to at least have my back and tell Deonte to chill the fuck out or something. Ain’t no way in hell I would sit back and let Angel play him without checking that bitch then putting him up on game so he’d know,” Kaiah said.

  The one person that she had expected to have her back no matter what was acting like he had more loyalty to his homeboy than he did his sister, and that didn’t quite sit too well with her.


  It had been a minute since Carlos and Deonte had a minute to kick it so since Kaily, Kaiah and Synai went out for a girl’s day, he decided to kick it with his best friend. They were battling each other in NBA 2k14 and talking shit to each other. Carlos was playing with the Heat and Deonte had the Bulls.

  "I told Kaiah about Sherae," Deonte said out of nowhere.

  Carlos paused the game and looked Deonte over. "You ain't got no bullet or stab wounds? You must have told her while y'all was fucking."

  "You stupid dude. But no, I told her the night we crashed the girls’ night."

  "Oh you definitely ain't getting no pussy now nigga." Carlos laughed.

  "Now? Nigga, I ain't been getting none period! She think I'm about to use a condom and I let her know that shit is not about to happen," Deonte said.

  "Man, she's just scared. At least that's what Kaily told me."

  "Yea, after she lost the baby, she freaked out and started making me use condoms. I wen
t along with it for a minute but now I'm like fuck that shit. I refuse to use a condom when I'm sliding up in my own wife."

  Carlos was about to say something until the front door came open and in walked Sherae. Deonte rolled his eyes in the back of his head. He didn't feel like dealing with this shit right now.

  "What y'all doing?" she asked as she sat on couch across from them.

  "Shit," answered Carlos.

  "Ummm, hi D-Boy. It won't kill you to speak," Sherae said as she eyed him.

  "It just might," mumbled Carlos.

  Deonte's phone started ringing and he was happy when he saw Kaiah's picture pop up. Saved by the bell, he thought before he answered. "Talk to me baby."

  "What you doing, Daddy?" Kaiah asked.

  "Chilling with Carlos. Why, what's up?"

  "Because Synai is coming home with Kaily, Shauntez is with one of his girls, Uncle Sneaky is staying a few day with Daddy and I'm at home, by myself. With barely anything on, ready for you to come take it off," she said sexily into the phone.

  Deonte shifted in his seat and licked his lips. Just the way she was talking was making him hard. "Is that right?"

  "Very right."

  "Shit, I'm on my way now." He jumped up.

  "Hurry," she cooed before hanging up. Kaily and Synai were walking through the door as he was getting ready to leave.

  "Alright y'all I'm gone, Synai please don't come for a couple of days. I'm about to go home and make you an auntie." He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

  "Y'all are disgusting." She laughed.

  * * *

  When Deonte got home, the house was dark and the only light was coming from candles. He followed the candles that led up to their bedroom. When he reached the bedroom, “It Won't Stop” by Sevyn Streeter was playing softly, there were rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart and massage oil on the dresser with whip cream and strawberries. Kaiah was nowhere in sight, so he started looking around for her.


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