Pursuing The Madam 2

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Pursuing The Madam 2 Page 10

by Charmanie Saquea

  Kaiah snatched away from Natalia and calmly walked up the stairs to the Casha’s room. She started snatching clothes out of the closet and walking out to the hallway and throwing them over the stair railing. She threw about five armfuls before she called out to Casha.

  “Bitch, come get yo shit and get the fuck out my shit!” she said as she walked back to the room and grabbed some more clothes.

  She pulled out her phone and called one of the guards. “Emilio, come in and help one of the girls get her shit out my house. She is to leave nothing behind, be out of here tonight, and never to be on the premises ever again.” She hung up without even waiting for him to respond.

  Since all the girls were standing there in shock. She stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at them. “Anyone else tired of being here? You can feel free to leave right along with her because you know I’m not forcing none of y’all asses to be here.”

  Everyone shook their heads no and backed away from Casha who was left standing there looking stupid with a swollen lip. Kaiah walked back to her office and slammed the door. She felt like everything in her life right now was going wrong or falling apart. A vacation for her was long overdue.


  Kaiah was finishing up the packing for her one-woman trip to the Dominican Republic when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed down the stairs to open it. She smiled when she saw Synai and Deonte standing on the other side.

  “What’s up?” she asked.

  “Kay Kay, please don’t leave me, take me with you,” Synai said.

  Kaiah smiled. “Aw baby,” she cooed as she pulled Synai into her arms. “Next trip I take, I will definitely take you with me.”

  “Why can’t I go on this one? We can make it a family trip,” Synai said.

  “Because my flights leaves in two hours and the plan is already booked,” she said, ignoring the family comment. She directed her attention to Deonte who was looking around her house like he was looking for something. “Uhh, hi,” she said.

  “Oh, you talking to me?” he asked with an attitude. He had been real salty with Kaiah lately. He didn’t like the fact that she had been ignoring him and acting like he didn’t exist. No matter how mad at him she was, he was still her husband and he thought that she should act like it.

  “Anyways, Synai come upstairs and help me finish packing.” She rolled her eyes. She didn’t have time for Deonte to be in his feelings right now.

  “How long are you going to be gone?” Synai asked as she plopped down on Kaiah’s bed.

  “Just five days,” Kaiah said. “I can’t be gone for too long.”

  Something to the left of Synai caught her attention. She got up and walked over to Kaiah’s dresser where the picture of her ultrasound was stuck into a picture frame of her and Kaison.

  “Whose baby?” Synai asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Kaiah rushed over to Synai and snatched the ultrasound out of her hands. “Act like you didn’t see that please.”

  “Oh my gosh Imma be—“ Kaiah cut Synai off by putting her hand over her mouth.

  “Shh, girl be quiet,” she said as she ran over to the door and locked it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me, how far along are you?” Synai asked excitedly.

  “I’ll be three months next week and please don’t say anything to anyone, Synai. The only people that know are you, me and my mom,” Kaiah begged.

  “You know I can keep a secret. I promise I won’t say anything,” Synai said as she held up her right hand like she was in court.

  “Thank you. I’ll tell your brother when I get back, but right now is not the time,” Kaiah said as she zipped up her suitcase.

  Synai was trying to contain her excitement but she couldn’t. She let out a little squeal and jumped up and down. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Girl,” Kaiah laughed, “remember, this stays between us.” She reminded her as she opened the door to find Deonte standing there.

  “What stays between y’all?” he asked as he caught the end of their conversation.

  “Kaiah’s running off to the DR to get married again,” Synai laughed.

  “She wouldn’t make it back alive and he would be dead before they could even say I do,” he said seriously.

  “Can you move out my way so I can leave?” Kaiah asked.

  “Give me a kiss and I’ll move.” He smiled.

  Kaiah looked him up and down before stepping up in his face, she got up close to his lips then said, “Nigga please,” before punching him in his stomach.

  “That was foul,” he said rubbing his stomach as he and Synai followed her down the stairs. “Let me at least carry your bags for you,” he said as he took her bags from her and walked them to the car. Deonte called himself being a gentlemen and dropping Kaiah off at the airport for her. He was hoping that this trip would help her clear her mind of all the bullshit so she could come back home where she belonged.

  * * *

  Kaiah was three days into her trip and was loving it. It was so peaceful and beautiful in the Dominican Republic. Her Uncle Kasey owned a couple of houses down there and a whole resort, so he said he would put her in whichever one she wanted to stay in for her visit. Kaiah didn’t want to be around that many people so she decided to stay in one of his houses.

  She was sitting on the on the patio watching the sun set and thinking about her life. She smiled and rub her stomach as she thought about the life she was carrying inside her. She was going to make the announcement when she got back to Miami. Never in a million years did Kaiah ever think she would be someone’s mother.

  She thought that her having an ectopic pregnancy was a sign that she didn’t need kids, especially after her past with her past and her alcohol problems. She thought about her problems that she had with her mom and how they overcame the obstacle that was keeping them from being close.

  She understood why Dolly felt like she failed, her but she didn’t want her to feel like that anymore. Everyone made mistakes and they were the victims of the same pain inflicted by the same person. She knew that she would never fail her baby and would do whatever she had to do to protect them.


  Shauntez had just walked in the house from being out all night. He was walking past the bathroom when he noticed the door was slightly cracked and the tub was overflowing and the floor was flooded. He pushed the door open to find Synai slumped down in the tub.

  “WHAT THE FUCK!” he yelled as he ran over to her and grabbed her out the water.

  He grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it before grabbing his phone out his pocket and calling 911. He put the phone on speaker and put the phone on the sink before doing CRP on her.

  “911 what’s your emergency?” the operator asked.

  “I need an ambulance now! My sister tried to drown herself in the tub,” Shauntez said as he pushed down on her chest before giving her mouth to mouth.

  “C’mon lil bit, don’t do this to me, please!” Shauntez said as he tried to fight back his tears. He had tuned out everything and didn’t even hear the operator on the phone until Deonte walked into the past the bathroom.

  “What the fuck?” he yelled.

  Ignoring him, Shauntez continued to give his sister CPR to get her to cough up the water out her lungs. “Dammit Synai, don’t do this shit to me!” he yelled.

  There was a loud knock at the door so Deonte rushed to answer it. He let the paramedics in and led them to the bathroom just as Synai started coughing. They asked Shauntez to move back so they could get to Synai. Deonte ran to her room and got some clothes for her to throw on.

  Deonte handed the clothes to one of the paramedics then went to find Shauntez. He was confused on what the hell happened. He had woke Synai up and told her to get ready for school and she seemed fine.

  “What the fuck happened Tez?”

  “I don’t even know, I was going to ask you the same thing,” Shauntez said. “I walked past the bathroom and noticed that the tub was overflowing so I pushe
d the door open to see what was wrong and I found her like that. I didn’t know what the fuck to do,” Shauntez expressed, no longer holding back his tears.

  He didn’t know what the hell he would have done if he didn’t make to her in time. His sister was his fucking world, he knew that they hadn’t been kicking it like they used to because he was never really home like that, but he still loved her.

  Deonte was feeling like shit because he wasn’t even paying attention to how long the water had been running. If he had been paying attention he probably could have prevented it all from happening. Truth be told, since he had started back hitting the streets, he hadn’t been home too much either. He had just walked in the house two hours ago.

  * * *

  Since Kalise was doing worse, Kaison would wake up early every morning and drive to her house to take Keymani to school. He didn’t really want to leave Angel alone because she was now five months and had been having real bad Braxton Hicks and it was making him nervous so he wanted to stay with her, but she insisted that he go. He was just about to leave when his phone rang. “What’s up Mama Mona? I’m on my way to Lise’s house now.”

  “She’s gone Kaison, my baby is gone,” Mona cried into the phone.

  Kaison was frozen with doubt and fear. He didn’t want to believe what he was hearing. He had just talked to Kalise last night to confirm that he was picking Keymani up. “What you mean Ma, please don’t play like that,” he said barely above a whisper.

  “I wouldn’t play about something like that baby, she’s gone. I was just calling to let you know that I have Keymani and we’re up here at the hospital. She’s not doing too well right now. She keeps crying for her mommy,” Mona said.

  “I’m on my way to get her, I need to be around my baby girl right now,” Kaison said before hanging up. He didn’t mean to hang up on Mona but his mind was all over the place. Kalise was more than just his first love, she was his best friend. They would tell each other everything, had been through a lot together, and she gave him his firstborn. They had so many memories together that it was crazy. He honestly just lost a part of himself that he knew he would never be able to get back.

  Angel had only heard one part of the conversation but she could tell by Kaison’s part of the conversation that it wasn’t good. Her stomach dropped as she feared the worst. She walked over to Kaison and looked him in his eyes and saw the tears welling up. Without even opening up her mouth, she asked him was she gone and he nodded his head. She gasped before taking him into her arms. As soon as she wrapped her arms around him, he broke down crying.

  Angel just rubbed his back and let him cry it out, she knew that this wasn’t easy for him to go through right now. She knew all about their history, so she felt his pain. Whenever he hurt, she hurt because she hated to see him in pain. She had been around Kalise for a while and they were so close that even her heart was hurting right now.

  Kalise was cool as hell, down to earth, sweet and very outgoing. When she had found about Kaison and Angel, she was really rooting for them. She told Angel that she wanted Kaison to be happy and she could tell that when he was with Mesha, he was far from it, but when he got with her he was a different man.

  Angel had never had to experience death since she hadn’t seen or been around her family since she was sixteen. When Kaiah took her in, her family became Angel’s family and now Kaison was the love of her life. She refused to let him go through this by himself so she was going to be by his side every step of the way.


  Kaiah had rushed home after she got that dreadful phone call from her daddy. Two tragedies had happened in the four days she had been gone and she was hurt. Both of them had caught her by surprise because she didn’t even know Kalise had cancer and she never thought of Synai as the type to try to commit suicide.

  Her first stop when she got home was to see her brother. She didn’t care how mad she was at him or what they had going on. There was no way in hell she was not going to be there for him in his time of need, plus she and Kalise were like sisters and that was her niece’s mother. She pulled up to his house and knocked on the door. Angle opened the door and smiled. She pulled Kaiah into a hug and squeezed her tightly.

  “He and Keymani are in the den,” Angel said when she let Kaiah go.

  “How are they doing?” Kaiah asked.

  “Keymani has her moments and Kaison is doing his best to keep it together for her,” Angle said. Kaiah nodded her head letting her know she understood as they walked to the den. Keymani jumped up and ran over to her auntie when she saw her walk into the room.

  “Hey pumpkin, how are you?” she asked before kissing her cheek.

  “I’m good, I missed you,” Keymani said as she hugged her auntie tightly.

  “I missed you too, baby.”

  “Auntie, my mommy is with the angels and God in heaven,” Keymani said.

  “Yes, she is and she up there watching over you, so never forget that,” Kaiah said.

  “I won’t.” Keymani smiled.

  “Mani, why don’t you go help Angel finish picking out stuff for you baby sister?” Kaison said.

  “Okay daddy,” Keymani said as she jumped out of Kaiah’s arms and grabbed Angel’s hands. When they left, Kaiah walked over to the couch and sat next to Kaison. She laid her head on his shoulder and interlocked her hands with his. She used to do that all the time when she was younger.

  “I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time. That caused them both to laugh, they both knew that no matter what happened between them, they would be there for each other no matter what. Kaiah wanted to lift his spirits some more.

  “Hey Duke, guess what?” Kaiah said.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “I love you, Kaison Andreas,” she said.

  “I love you too, Kaiah Andrea, better known as my knucklehead.” He smiled.

  “Guess what else?” She laughed.

  “What?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Kaiah took his hand and put it on her stomach. “You, sir, are going to be an uncle.”

  Kaison’s mouth flew open as he felt around Kaiah’s stomach. “Shut the fuck up!” He smiled. “I knew you were getting a little chunky, but I didn’t want to say anything.”

  Kaiah slapped his arm and laughed. “Shut up punk, I’m barely showing. I will be three months in two days.” She smiled brightly.

  “I’m happy for you girl, I really am,” said Kaison. “I just spoke to D-Boy and he didn’t say anything about it.”

  “That’s because he doesn’t know yet,” Kaiah said.

  “Oh shit Kaiah, you gotta tell him,” Kaison said.

  “I know, I am. I planned on doing it today. But the other thing I wanted to tell him will have to wait considering that his already messed up over Synai.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re getting rid of it,” Kaison begged.

  “What? No, I wasn’t talking about that. I meant the divorce papers I’m on my way to pick up,” she said.

  Kaison just looked at his sister in shock. He didn’t expect her to say anything about a divorce. He knew they were having their little problems but he didn’t think it was on a divorce level. “Are you sure about this?” Kaison asked.

  “I’m positive. I’m not only thinking about me anymore, I have a child that I need to think about now and I don’t have time for Deonte and his little games he likes to play. Especially with Sherae sniffing up behind his ass.”

  “Well, you know whatever decision you make, I’m behind it a hundred percent,” Kaison said.

  “I’m happy to know that.” Kaiah smiled. “But enough about me. What’s up with you and my baby?” she asked, referring to Angel.

  “We’re good, actually, we’re great. I have this surprise for her that I want you to help me set up after the funeral and everything.” Kaison smiled. He had been working on something for Angel that he knew she would be sure to love and he knew his sister would help him perfect it.

  “Say no mo
re, I’m down.” Kaiah smiled. “But I’ll be back to check on y’all later, I need to go see what’s up with Synai.”

  * * *

  After stopping by Keith’s office and picking up the divorce papers, Kaiah headed to the hospital to check on her baby. Couldn’t nobody tell Kaiah that she and Synai weren’t blood sisters because that’s just how much she loved her. She was hurt that Synai would go that route instead of just coming to talk to her like they always did.

  When she made it to Synai’s room, she was shocked to see Sherae there all hugged up on Deonte like they were the perfect couple. When Deonte noticed her, he jumped up and rushed over there to Kaiah. He tried to hug her but she sidestepped him and walked over to Synai’s bed.

  “You have a lot of explaining to do, baby girl,” Kaiah said as she kissed Synai’s forehead.

  “I’m sorry, Kay Kay,” Synai said. She hated the fact that this hospital had her in here on suicide watch and the doctor was talking about she would have to go through some counseling and other stuff that she wasn’t too thrilled about. She was thinking that Shauntez should have just left her where she was.

  “You don’t have to apologize to me,” Kaiah said as she sat on her bed. She turned her attention to Deonte. “And you couldn’t call me? You didn’t think this was something that I needed to know about?” she asked with an attitude.

  “I meant to, I was just busy and my mind was all over the place,” he said, feeling stupid. He had let Sherae catch him slipping during his time of weakness and she had been by his side ever since Synai had been in the hospital.

  She looked over at Sherae with her nosed turned up like she smelled something foul. “I bet.”

  “Umm, you need to leave because I need to talk to my sister and brother about something,” Synai said. She didn’t really know Sherae like that because she was a baby when they were together but she knew she didn’t like her and she let it be known through her actions. She knew where her loyalty lay and it was with Kaiah.


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