The Way of the Outcast (Mirror World Book #3) LitRPG series

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The Way of the Outcast (Mirror World Book #3) LitRPG series Page 14

by Alexey Osadchuk

  Judging by the logs, the scarab gave as much as he got. He'd already dealt the Mama rat another ramming blow. He'd now pinned her against the wall and was busy methodically sinking his mandibles into her gray flank time and time again. Doubtful she had one whole rib left by now.

  Within the next two minutes, I'd fired all the remaining beads into her. Her Life was deep in the red. Blood gushed from her mauled abdomen. The scarab didn't look much better. His Durability was at 5%. Half his legs were ripped off, with more rats hanging onto those still attached. Unlike their boss, they were brimming with Health and Energy. Even if the scarab's Self-Destruction stripped them of some, we'd still have three higher-level enemies to tackle.

  What could we do? I was more than sure Boris could handle them. But at what price? They might hurt him real bad. They'd made quick work of the scarab, and he was made of steel. Should I mount Boris and shoot the mobs from the safety of the wall, maybe? Not really.

  I was beginning to think I'd been overenthusiastic in coming here. Had it not been for my new skill, Boris would have had to die repeatedly before we completed the instance.

  Oh well. The only way out was to build the last scarab and try to make him last the two remaining locations.

  This one was about to explode.

  But what if...

  I jumped onto Boris' back and ordered him to climb to the ceiling. Prankster didn't leave my side.

  In two powerful bounds, Boris managed to hang upside down over the fight scene.

  Explosion. A crit. A powerful blast wave threw the squeaking gray bodies a good ten feet away from the epicenter.

  You've killed the location boss: level 25 Matriarch of the Pack!

  Left without a leader, her pack bids a hasty retreat!

  You've received Experience!

  You've received a new level!

  Current level: 21

  Reward: +10 to Knowledge

  Current Knowledge: 75/90

  Congratulations! You've single-handedly defeated the Fort's second Guardian!

  You've received a reward upgrade!

  New reward based on your character's class:

  The Gauntlets of a Fort Guardian

  Quest reward: a Rune Key

  Squealing their indignation, the rats scattered in all directions. My quick thinking had just saved us an unnecessary scrap.

  It might have happened, of course, that the rats were bound to this particular place — in which case we would have needed to build a new scarab and accept the fight before the Rats restored their Life stats. Still, it had all worked out just fine.

  I waited a little more, then told Boris to come down. I needed to check the loot.

  Another item for my Fort Guardian kit — excellent! The Ghoul had been more generous, though.

  The gauntlets had similar stats — and unfortunately, the same restrictions. Never mind. Another nine levels and I could finally wear them.

  The first rat I'd killed dropped a Rat Skin and some fangs. Utterly useless. I might see if I could find a taker for them at auction.

  I looked around myself long and hard but found no stashes here. It was probably because we'd failed to mop it up completely.

  In which case, we could move on.

  What did we have next? The barracks, followed by the main hall with the Fort's Boss.

  I placed the rune key in the keyhole and began turning it. The rusty lock rattled and clanged. I pushed the door. It gave with unexpected ease, creaking its protest.

  We found ourselves in a rather large room with another door in the opposite wall about thirty feet away.

  There were two sentries posted at it. Both zombies, level 23. They differed considerably from the skeletons. Both had halberds in their hands — and they looked as if they knew how to use them, too. They wore leather cuirasses, greaves and bracers. Peaked helmets topped their heads. The gear was old and worn but it didn't make them any easier to handle.

  They noticed us when we were about five paces away from the door. Both waved their halberds in our direction. As far as zombies went, their reaction times were quite decent. Not good enough to tackle a Hugger, though.

  By the time they shuffled their crumbling boots to take a step forward, Boris was already on the ceiling right above their heads.

  He kicked off, throwing his lithe body right at them. The undead guards collapsed in two heaps, rattling their bones. Boris didn't give them the chance to scramble back to their feet. His lightning attacks and powerful beak left not a hope in hell for the hapless zombies.

  I was on my eighth bead when the system reported our victory. Still, I had nothing to celebrate loot-wise. As if mocking my efforts, all that the sentries had dropped were their halberds — while I'd had high hopes for their leather cuirasses or at least the bracers. Oh well. Never mind.

  But once I studied our trophies, they didn't seem so hopeless. They might actually be worth something. The halberd's tip was a combination of a ribbed spear head and a battle axe blade with a sharp hook at its rear. The halberds' shafts were enveloped in steel to the half of their length. They even looked heavy. One had 11 pt. Durability and the other, 13. Virtually no rust; slightly porous but not obviously so. The metal was much better quality than what my bag was stuffed with. All I had to do was get myself more of those pokers.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had taken us six hours to mop up the barracks. This time we'd had to deal with level-26 Zombie Guards. They hadn't been too numerous but had had to be handled individually because of their high levels. Thank God they didn't have a boss! Had they attacked us all at once like the rats had, we wouldn't have enjoyed it.

  As it was, we'd used the already tested scheme: Prankster pulling them one by one, Boris and myself handling them. Take a breather, rinse and repeat. Now too, as we readied ourselves to face the Bone Golem — one of the two remaining bosses — I announced a break. We needed to restore and arrange a couple of things.

  I'd managed to do another level. Both Boris and Prank were 19. There they were, snoring their heads off. They were tired, poor things. No wonder. We'd been walking around this fortress for the last forty-eight hours.

  I had no time for sleep. I reached into my bag, pulling out the hammer and the one remaining halberd. Gingerly I hit its shaft with the hammer.

  Warning! You're trying to alter an item's nature without possessing the necessary skills, recipes or blueprints!

  Probability of ruining the item: 99%.

  Yes, I know, I know.

  Warning! You've destroyed an item: the Rusty Halberd of a Fort Sentry!

  Reward: +2 to Knowledge

  Current Knowledge: 40/40

  My Knowledge bar was full. Excellent. I made a mental note to check the Pocket Book of Blueprints at my first convenience.

  This was the fifth halberd I'd destroyed — not counting five cudgels, six spears, three poleaxes and five swords. This should be enough to build two scarabs if necessary, plus an additional 40% Lame one if the going got really tough. If you added to this the metal I'd already loaded into the Fix Box, it was three and a half scarabs in total.

  We'd have to tackle the Golem between the four of us. This little went without saying. Now that we could afford it, a steely tank would considerably increase our chances of success.

  I rearranged a leather bracer on my forearm and threw the hammer back into the bag. I'd indeed managed to get myself some gear off the guards. I now wore a thick padded gambeson — not exactly armor but it had come with some Protection points. Also a right-arm bracer and a leather knee protector. Plus a few iron rings and a bone charm. All of it utter junk but it had done my stats some good. Not that it really mattered. Once I got myself a full Fort Guardian's kit, we'd see who was the noob here.

  The Pocket Book of Blueprints glowed green.

  "Excellent," I whispered, pulling it out.

  The third page wasn't dimmed anymore.

  Name: A Swarm of Fleas Blueprint

  Access requirements:
  Knowledge, 90 pt.

  Would you like to study the blueprint?

  As if! One thing I really needed was some fleas!

  I pressed Yes, anyway. The Knowledge bar promptly emptied.

  Congratulations! You can now build a Swarm of Fleas!

  A new icon appeared in the right bottom corner.

  A Swarm of Fleas is a group of the simplest mechanical beings, Master Brolgerd's unique invention. Initially created to aid mine diggers fight underground monsters by transmitting deadly diseases, they were later adapted for military purposes.


  Long Jump


  Venomous Bite


  The quality and numbers of the materials used in the Fleas' construction directly affect their following properties:




  The colony's numbers

  A Flea's body is 98% metal and 2% toxic liquid

  The Swarm's constructor should be prepared to share some of his Energy with it.

  Tools required:

  The Fix Box

  Materials required:


  Toxic Liquid

  Oh wow. No wonder they'd decided to discontinue the Ennans! If these were the "simplest mechanisms", I dreaded to think what they might have invented at a later date.

  A new tag appeared on the Fix Box panel: Swarm of Fleas. Apparently, each mechanical toy had its own stable.

  And I'd forgotten all about the Swamp Monk's Venom, hadn't I? I had seven vials of the wretched stuff! All of them highly concentrated Blue-class items. Would that be enough to meet their 2% requirement?

  Excellent. One vial was plenty. This stuff could go a long way.

  Now the metal.

  Even better! Three pieces of scrap steel were enough to meet their requirements. It was a drop in the ocean compared to the building of a scarab. Still, for a flea it was quite a lot, I suppose.

  The quality of source materials was almost at 17%. That was a first! The venom's high concentration levels must have played their part.

  I was impatient to check it all out but unfortunately, I couldn't. I had to save the new scarab for the battle.

  I stepped into the opposite corner, away from my pets. This looked like a good spot. I gave it a closer inspection. Yes, definitely.

  I activated the skill.

  A big hulk of steel materialized next to me.

  This scarab turned out to be level 10. Someone might say he was just as ugly as his forerunners. Not for me though. As far as I was concerned, he was a beauty. His stats had visibly improved and he looked considerably better. True, the unavoidable rust was still there but that was irrelevant. Just look at his Damage and Protection! They were a sight for sore eyes.

  * * *

  An hour's break was over before I knew it. Our Energy was back up. We could move on.

  We left the barracks without further ado. An empty corridor lay before us, followed by a rather narrow spiral staircase leading down four flights. I was a bit worried if my scarab could climb it, but he managed.

  We kept walking without meeting anyone on our way. We did find two stashes though: one in the corridor and the other under one of the stairs. In total, they gave us fifteen elixirs of moderate strength: five of Life, the rest of Energy.

  The staircase brought us into the guardroom. A large double door in the opposite wall led into the main hall. A big heap of bones barricaded its entrance.

  Intent on entering, a reckless player might have thought it just another pile of bones and step casually over it. But I knew this was the Fort's third Guardian: the Bone Golem. Who happened to have two very nasty abilities: Trap and Bone Shield.

  We stepped forward, entering his aggro zone. I ordered the others to stop and wait for my command. The idea was to act in synch, fast and without hesitation.


  Don't move.

  Yes! That innocuous-looking heap of bones shifted, transforming, activating the Golem's first skill.

  The Trap closed.

  Had I been less diligent in perusing my manuals, I would now have been lodged in the local boss' belly.

  The Bone Golem. Level 27. Fifteen foot tall, breathing magic. The last stand before the final combat.

  On my command, the scarab darted forward. With a deafening snap, the Golem lost his only leg and collapsed. A crit!

  We couldn't allow him to transform: the moment that happened, he'd activate the Bone Shield. Then we'd be stuck in this hall until the cows come home. We could die even.

  "Boris, attack! Steely Guts, move it! Turn round and give him another ramming, quick! That's right! Don't let him get back to his feet! See what I mean? Another crit, great! Boris, hit him on the head, that's a good boy! Three crits! Thirty percent Life down!"

  In less than ten minutes, it was all over. We hadn't given the golem a chance to get back to his feet, let alone transform. That's team work for you. And reading manuals. Thank you, the unknown guide writers, whoever you are!

  If you tackled the golem right, this awesome enemy became easy prey. The most important thing was never to switch to the defensive, otherwise you were toast.

  The Bone Shield was a powerful spell indeed. Breaching it would have taken us a long time, all the while fighting off the golem who wasn't going to just stand there watching us.

  You've killed a level 27 Bone Golem!

  You've received Experience!

  Congratulations! You've received a new level!

  Congratulations! You've received a new level!

  Congratulations! You've received a new level!

  Current level: 25.

  Reward: +20 to Knowledge

  Current Knowledge: 20/90

  Bonus points: 5

  Available points: 15

  Congratulations! You've single-handedly defeated the Fort's third Guardian!

  You've received a reward upgrade!

  New reward based on your character's class:

  The Armor of a Fort Guardian

  The Bracers of a Fort Guardian

  Quest Reward: a Rune Key

  Congratulations! You've received Achievement: Liberator of the Bone Golem's Soul!

  Reward: +5% to Energy Regeneration

  The triumphant scream of an eagle shattered the room. Instinctively I covered my ears. What was going on here?

  One look at the hero of the day told me we had another cause for celebration. Boris had just made level 23. Which could only mean one thing: he finally got himself another skill. I wouldn't be surprised if he had just demonstrated it to us.

  Boris hurried to my side.

  "Good boy!" I whispered, smiling and hugging him. A boy? His chest was already level with my head! Powerful muscles rippled under his skin as he moved. A silent question filled his aquiline eyes: So how do you like me?

  Prankster was prancing around happily next to him. Oh wow. Hadn't he grown! He was already the size of an adult lynx. Bet Master Adkhur would be surprised!

  Hah! I'd been right after all:

  Name of skill: The Triumphant Crow of a Night Hunter I

  Effect: Stuns your opponent.

  Duration: 10 sec

  * * *

  "So you're here, O mortal! Finally!" the Lich's nasty hissing voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.

  He was dead right. We were there, after all. This was the Fort's main hall complete with its boss — the Fort's new owner, as large as life and twice as ugly.

  It wasn't very impressive, I had to admit. I'd expected to see something more, er, gory. But this... a stock fantasy toon in a black hooded cloak, holding a long staff made of bone and crowned with some sort of animal skull.

  The only scary thing about him was his level 30. I'd leveled up too fast, failing to meet their requirements. No wonder. Had I been part of a group, I'd still be level 19 at the most. Not even, considering my meager Damage.

  So, Sir Olge
rd, you're about to get your ass kicked big time.

  Apart from the two stock spells, Weakness and Exhaustion, a level-30 boss received two more: Fury and Self Heal. Basically, I was deep in it.

  Never mind. We weren't finished yet.

  Besides, there was always Plan B. We could make a group. Then he'd be easy prey. But in that case, I could forget the full Guardian kit.

  "I have to admit, O mortal, that you surprised me," the Lich moved slowly to the center of the room.

  His hissing sent shivers down my spine. "Did I?"

  "Oh yes," the undead wizard said, approaching slowly. "Firstly, you've survived. Judging by your, ahem, clothes, you should have died even before you entered the Fort. Secondly, you're crafty."

  "Am I? How did you work that out?"

  "By the ways in which you killed my soldiers. Only a very crafty warrior could do that. But that's not important. What amazes me is that you managed to pull it off on your own."

  "Thanks," I mumbled as I warily watched his movements. He was a mere fifteen paces away from me now.

  "Mortal, you know what? I think I'm gonna keep your soul. We'll find you a new body. You can stay here and serve me."

  "You know what we say back where I come from? Don't sell the bear's skin before you catch him!"

  "We say! What a stupid notion," he emitted a nasty giggle. "After you're dead, the only thing that will matter to you is what I say!"

  He finally stopped some ten paces away. His arms flew into the air like black wings.


  "Boris, scream! Steely Guts, attack! Prankie, cast the Shield!"

  Boris' Triumphant Crow assaulted our eardrums. The wizard froze on the spot like a black statue.

  One second.



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