The Valancourt Book of Horror Stories

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The Valancourt Book of Horror Stories Page 28

by Michael McDowell

Foster stopped.

  ‘Why, what is it?’

  ‘What’s what?’

  ‘You laughed.’

  ‘Something amused me.’

  Foster slipped his arm through Fenwick’s.

  ‘It is jolly to be walking along together like this, arm in arm, friends. I’m a sentimental man. I won’t deny it. What I say is that life is short and one must love one’s fellow-­beings, or where is one? You live too much alone, old man.’ He squeezed Fenwick’s arm. ‘That’s the truth of it.’

  It was torture, exquisite, heavenly torture. It was wonderful to feel that thin, bony arm pressing against his. Almost you could hear the beating of that other heart. Wonderful to feel that arm and the temptation to take it in your hands and to bend it and twist it and then to hear the bones crack . . . crack . . . crack. . . . Wonderful to feel that temptation rise through one’s body like boiling water and yet not to yield to it. For a moment Fenwick’s hand touched Foster’s. Then he drew himself apart.

  ‘We’re at the village. This is the hotel where they all come in the summer. We turn off at the right here. I’ll show you my tarn.’


  ‘Your tarn?’ asked Foster. ‘Forgive my ignorance, but what is a tarn exactly?’

  ‘A tarn is a miniature lake, a pool of water lying in the lap of the hill. Very quiet, lovely, silent. Some of them are immensely deep.’

  ‘I should like to see that.’

  ‘It is some little distance – up a rough road. Do you mind?’

  ‘Not a bit. I have long legs.’

  ‘Some of them are immensely deep – unfathomable – nobody touched the bottom – but quiet, like glass, with shadows only – ’

  ‘Do you know, Fenwick, I have always been afraid of water – I’ve never learnt to swim. I’m afraid to go out of my depth. Isn’t that ridiculous? But it is all because at my private school, years ago, when I was a small boy, some big fellows took me and held me with my head under the water and nearly drowned me. They did indeed. They went farther than they meant to. I can see their faces.’

  Fenwick considered this. The picture leapt to his mind. He could see the boys – large, strong fellows, probably – and this skinny thing like a frog, their thick hands about his throat, his legs like grey sticks kicking out of the water, their laughter, their sudden sense that something was wrong, the skinny body all flaccid and still –

  He drew a deep breath.

  Foster was walking beside him now, not ahead of him, as though he were a little afraid and needed reassurance. Indeed, the scene had changed. Before and behind them stretched the uphill path, loose with shale and stones. On their right, on a ridge at the foot of the hill, were some quarries, almost deserted, but the more melancholy in the fading afternoon because a little work still continued there; faint sounds came from the gaunt listening chimneys, a stream of water ran and tumbled angrily into a pool below, once and again a black silhouette, like a question-­mark, appeared against the darkening hill.

  It was a little steep here, and Foster puffed and blew.

  Fenwick hated him the more for that. So thin and spare and still he could not keep in condition! They stumbled, keeping below the quarry, on the edge of the running water, now green, now a dirty white-­grey, pushing their way along the side of the hill.

  Their faces were set now towards Helvellyn. It rounded the cup of hills, closing in the base and then sprawling to the right.

  ‘There’s the tarn!’ Fenwick exclaimed; and then added, ‘The sun’s not lasting as long as I had expected. It’s growing dark already.’

  Foster stumbled and caught Fenwick’s arm.

  ‘This twilight makes the hills look strange – like living men. I can scarcely see my way.’

  ‘We’re alone here,’ Fenwick answered. ‘Don’t you feel the stillness? The men will have left the quarry now and gone home. There is no one in all this place but ourselves. If you watch you will see a strange green light steal down over the hills. It lasts for but a moment and then it is dark.

  ‘Ah, here is my tarn. Do you know how I love this place, Foster? It seems to belong especially to me, just as much as all your work and your glory and fame and success seem to belong to you. I have this and you have that. Perhaps in the end we are even, after all. Yes. . . .

  ‘But I feel as though that piece of water belonged to me and I to it, and as though we should never be separated – yes. . . . Isn’t it black?

  ‘It is one of the deep ones. No one has ever sounded it. Only Helvellyn knows, and one day I fancy that it will take me, too, into its confidence, will whisper its secrets – ’

  Foster sneezed.

  ‘Very nice. Very beautiful, Fenwick. I like your tarn. Charming. And now let’s turn back. That is a difficult walk beneath the quarry. It’s chilly, too.’

  ‘Do you see that little jetty there?’ Fenwick led Foster by the arm. ‘Someone built that out into the water. He had a boat there, I suppose. Come and look down. From the end of the little jetty it looks so deep and the mountains seem to close round.’

  Fenwick took Foster’s arm and led him to the end of the jetty. Indeed, the water looked deep here. Deep and very black. Foster peered down, then he looked up at the hills that did indeed seem to have gathered close around him. He sneezed again.

  ‘I’ve caught a cold, I am afraid. Let’s turn homewards, Fenwick, or we shall never find our way.’

  ‘Home, then,’ said Fenwick, and his hands closed about the thin, scraggy neck. For the instant the head half turned, and two startled, strangely childish eyes stared; then, with a push that was ludicrously simple, the body was impelled forward, there was a sharp cry, a splash, a stir of something white against the swiftly gathering dusk, again and then again, then far-­spreading ripples, then silence.


  The silence extended. Having enwrapped the tarn, it spread as though with finger on lip to the already quiescent hills. Fenwick shared in the silence. He luxuriated in it. He did not move at all. He stood there looking upon the inky water of the tarn, his arms folded, a man lost in intensest thought. But he was not thinking. He was only conscious of a warm, luxurious relief, a sensuous feeling that was not thought at all.

  Foster was gone – that tiresome, prating, conceited, self-­­satisfied fool! Gone, never to return. The tarn assured him of that. It stared back into Fenwick’s face approvingly as though it said: ‘You have done well – a clean and necessary job. We have done it together, you and I. I am proud of you.’

  He was proud of himself. At last he had done something definite with his life. Thought, eager, active thought, was beginning now to flood his brain. For all these years he had hung around in this place doing nothing but cherish grievances, weak, backboneless – now at last there was action. He drew himself up and looked at the hills. He was proud – and he was cold. He was shivering. He turned up the collar of his coat. Yes, there was that faint green light that always lingered in the shadows of the hills for a brief moment before darkness came. It was growing late. He had better return.

  Shivering now so that his teeth chattered, he started off down the path, and then was aware that he did not wish to leave the tarn. The tarn was friendly – the only friend he had in all the world. As he stumbled along in the dark this sense of loneliness grew. He was going home to an empty house. There had been a guest in it last night. Who was it? Why, Foster, of course – Foster with his silly laugh and amiable, mediocre eyes. Well, Foster would not be there now. No, he never would be there again.

  And suddenly Fenwick started to run. He did not know why, except that, now that he had left the tarn, he was lonely. He wished that he could have stayed there all night, but because it was cold he could not, and so now he was running so that he might be at home with the lights and the familiar furniture – and all the things that he knew to reassure him.

  As he ran the shale and stones scattered beneath his feet. They made a tit-­tattering noise under him, and someone else seemed to be running too. He stopped, and
the other runner also stopped. He breathed in the silence. He was hot now. The perspiration was trickling down his cheeks. He could feel a dribble of it down his back inside his shirt. His knees were pounding. His heart was thumping. And all around him the hills were so amazingly silent, now like india-­rubber clouds that you could push in or pull out as you do those india-­rubber faces, grey against the night sky of a crystal purple, upon whose surface, like the twinkling eyes of boats at sea, stars were now appearing.

  His knees steadied, his heart beat less fiercely, and he began to run again. Suddenly he had turned the corner and was out at the hotel. Its lamps were kindly and reassuring. He walked then quietly along the lake-­side path, and had it not been for the certainty that someone was treading behind him he would have been comfortable and at his ease. He stopped once or twice and looked back, and once he stopped and called out, ‘Who’s there?’ Only the rustling trees answered.

  He had the strangest fancy, but his brain was throbbing so fiercely that he could not think, that it was the tarn that was following him, the tarn slipping, sliding along the road, being with him so that he should not be lonely. He could almost hear the tarn whisper in his ear: ‘We did that together, and so I do not wish you to bear all the responsibility yourself. I will stay with you, so that you are not lonely.’

  He climbed down the road towards home, and there were the lights of his house. He heard the gate click behind him as though it were shutting him in. He went into the sitting-­room, lighted and ready. There were the books that Foster had admired.

  The old woman who looked after him appeared.

  ‘Will you be having some tea, sir?’

  ‘No, thank you, Annie.’

  ‘Will the other gentleman be wanting any?’

  ‘No; the other gentleman is away for the night.’

  ‘Then there will be only one for supper?’

  ‘Yes, only one for supper.’

  He sat in the corner of the sofa and fell instantly into a deep slumber.


  He woke when the old woman tapped him on the shoulder and told him that supper was served. The room was dark save for the jumping light of two uncertain candles. Those two red candle­sticks – how he hated them up there on the mantelpiece! He had always hated them, and now they seemed to him to have something of the quality of Foster’s voice – that thin, reedy, piping tone.

  He was expecting at every moment that Foster would enter, and yet he knew that he would not. He continued to turn his head towards the door, but it was so dark there that you could not see. The whole room was dark except just there by the fireplace, where the two candlesticks went whining with their miser­able twinkling plaint.

  He went into the dining-­room and sat down to his meal. But he could not eat anything. It was odd – that place by the table where Foster’s chair should be. Odd, naked, and made a man feel lonely.

  He got up once from the table and went to the window, opened it and looked out. He listened for something. A trickle as of running water, a stir, through the silence, as though some deep pool were filling to the brim. A rustle in the trees, perhaps. An owl hooted. Sharply, as though someone had spoken unexpectedly behind his shoulder, he closed the windows and looked back, peering under his dark eyebrows into the room.

  Later on he went up to his bed.


  Had he been sleeping, or had he been lying lazily, as one does, half-­dozing, half-­luxuriously not ­thinking? He was wide awake now, utterly awake, and his heart was beating with apprehension. It was as though someone had called him by name. He slept always with his window a little open and the blind up. To-­night the moonlight shadowed in sickly fashion the objects in his room. It was not a flood of light nor yet a sharp splash, silvering a square, a circle, throwing the rest into ebony darkness. The light was dim, a little green, perhaps, like the shadow that comes over the hills just before dark.

  He stared at the window, and it seemed to him that something moved there. Within, or rather against, the green-­grey light, something silver-­tinted glistened. Fenwick stared. It had the look, exactly, of slipping water.

  Slipping water! He listened, his head up, and it seemed to him that from beyond the window he caught the stir of water, not running, but rather welling up and up, gurgling with satisfaction as it filled and filled.

  He sat up higher in bed, and then saw that down the wall­paper beneath the window water was undoubtedly trickling. He could see it lurch to the projecting wood of the sill, pause, and then slip, slither down the incline. The odd thing was that it fell so silently.

  Beyond the window there was that odd gurgle, but in the room itself absolute silence. Whence could it come? He saw the line of silver rise and fall as the stream on the window-­ledge ebbed and flowed.

  He must get up and close the window. He drew his legs above the sheets and blankets and looked down.

  He shrieked. The floor was covered with a shining film of water. It was rising. As he looked it had covered half the short stumpy legs of the bed. It rose without a wink, a bubble, a break! Over the sill it poured now in a steady flow, but soundless. Fenwick sat up in the bed, the clothes gathered up to his chin, his eyes blinking, the Adam’s apple throbbing like a throttle in his throat.

  But he must do something, he must stop this. The water was now level with the seats of the chairs, but still was soundless. Could he but reach the door!

  He put down his naked foot, then cried again. The water was icy cold. Suddenly, leaning, staring at its dark, unbroken sheen, something seemed to push him forward. He fell. His head, his face was under the icy liquid; it seemed adhesive and, in the heart of its ice, hot like melting wax. He struggled to his feet. The water was breast-­high. He screamed again and again. He could see the looking-­glass, the row of books, the picture of Dürer’s ‘Horse’, aloof, impervious. He beat at the water, and flakes of it seemed to cling to him like scales of fish, clammy to his touch. He struggled, ploughing his way towards the door.

  The water now was at his neck. Then something had caught him by the ankle. Something held him. He struggled, crying: ‘Let me go! Let me go! I tell you to let me go! I hate you! I hate you! I will not come down to you! I will not – ’

  The water covered his mouth. He felt that someone pushed in his eyeballs with bare knuckles. A cold hand reached up and caught his naked thigh.


  In the morning the little maid knocked and, receiving no answer, came in, as was her wont, with his shaving-­water. What she saw made her scream. She ran for the gardener.

  They took the body with its staring, protruding eyes, its tongue sticking out between the clenched teeth, and laid it on the bed.

  The only sign of disorder was an overturned water-­jug. A small pool of water stained the carpet.

  It was a lovely morning. A twig of ivy idly, in the little breeze, tapped the pane.


  The case of Gerald Kersh (1911-1968) is another example of the fickleness of authorial reputations. At one time, Kersh was ubiquitous – not only in bookshops, where some thirty-five volumes of his fiction were on sale over the years – but also in magazines: hundreds of his stories appeared everywhere from Playboy to The Saturday Evening Post to Harper’s and dozens of others. His most famous novel, Night and the City (1938), a noir classic, has been filmed twice, and his fiction has been championed by, among others, Angela Carter, Harlan Ellison, Ian Fleming, and Michael Moorcock. Yet today Kersh is too little known, which is unfortunate, since his best short stories, tales like ‘The Brighton Monster’ and ‘Men Without Bones’, are both brilliantly original and undeniably horrific. ‘The Gentleman All in Black’, which features Kersh’s trademark blend of humor and horror, is taken from his collection Neither Man Nor Dog (1946), one of six Kersh volumes available from Valancourt.

  There is a crazy old fellow who lives – or used to live, in 1937 – in a crazy old skylight room in Paris, and was known as Le Borgne. He squint
ed horribly, and was well known for his avarice. Although he was reputed to have a large sum of money put by, he shuffled about in the ragged remains of a respectable black suit and tried to earn a few coppers doing odd jobs in cafés. He was not above begging . . . a very unsightly, disreputable, ill-­tempered old man. And this is the story he told me one evening when he was trying to get two francs out of me.

  ‘You needn’t look down on me,’ he said. (He adopted a querulous, bullying tone even when asking a favor.) ‘I have been as well-­dressed as you. I’m eighty years old, too. Ah yes, I have seen life, I have. Why, I used to be clerk to one of the greatest financiers in the world, no less a man than Mahler. That was before your time. That was fifty years ago. Mahler handled millions. I used to receive the highest of the high, the greatest of the great, in his office. There was no staff but me. Mahler worked alone, with me to write the letters. All his business was finished by three in the afternoon. He was a big man, and I was his right hand. I have met royalty in the office of Mahler. Why, once, yes, I even met the Devil.’

  And when I laughed at him, Le Borgne went on, with great vehemence:

  Mahler died rich. And yet it is I who can tell you that a week before his death things went wrong and Mahler was nearly twenty million francs in debt. In English money, a million pounds, let us say. I was in his confidence. He had lost everything and, gambling in a mining speculation, had lost twenty million francs which were not his to lose. He said to me – it was on the 19th, or the 20th of April, 1887 – ‘Well, Charles, it looks as if we are finished. I have nothing left except my immortal soul; and I’d sell that if I could get the worth of it.’ And then he went into his office.

  I was copying a letter to the Bank, about five minutes later, when a tall, thin gentleman dressed all in black came into my room and asked to see Monsieur Mahler. He was a strange, foreign-­looking gentleman, in a frock-­coat of the latest cut and a big black cravat which hid his shirt. All his clothes were brand new, and there was a fine black pearl in his tie. Even his gloves were black. Yet he did not look as if he was in mourning. There was a power about him. I could not tell him that Mahler could not be disturbed. I asked him what name, and he replied, with a sweet smile: ‘Say – a gentleman.’ I had no time to announce him; I opened Mahler’s door and this stranger walked straight in and shut the door behind him.


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