Red Hunted_An MFM Ménage Romance

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Red Hunted_An MFM Ménage Romance Page 10

by Allyson Lindt

  Parker kept up a light monologue for his viewers until the performance was over. As the singing faded, applause broke out around the plaza. “Looks like everyone is a fan,” Parker said. “Including Mister Big Bad Wolf, who I won’t show you, because he insisted.”

  Fiona glanced toward Wyatt, who was clapping along with everyone else. He met her gaze and winked, and she turned away with a shy smile. Seriously, what was her deal?

  “Excuse me.” An unfamiliar voice broke into her thoughts. A man from the flash mob stood in front of her, a rose in hand. “A lovely flower for the lovely hostess.”

  “Thanks.” She took the gift with a tentative smile.

  “That’s a bit off-theme, don’t you think?” Parker asked.

  Fiona thought about snapping at him for ruining the moment, but she agreed. On top of the odd gesture, everyone else had dispersed, while the stranger was watching her, unblinking.

  “You’re amazing. I’m so glad you decided to go live.” He grabbed Fiona’s free hand.

  She tried to be polite about pulling away. “Thanks.”

  “I mean it. You’re so gorgeous, and really, you put this guy to shame. Am I right?” He chuckled and nodded at Parker.

  “Yeah. I’m a real putz.” Irritation crept into Parker’s voice. “We’re going to get back to our coffee now.”

  “Sure. Of course. I mean, I didn’t want to interrupt. I can’t believe I got to meet you.” The stranger grabbed Fiona’s hand again, his grip tight and his skin clammy.

  She wasn’t as kind about wrenching from his grasp this time, and she wiped her palm on her jeans.

  Wyatt seemed to materialize from nowhere as he stepped up next to the stranger and clapped him on the shoulder. “My friends are too polite to say it, but they want you to leave.”

  “Fuck off, assh...” The stranger’s retort died when he turned to face Wyatt.

  “Don’t make this more cliché than it already is.” Wyatt’s voice was firm.

  The stranger gave Fiona one last look. “We’ll talk again soon. I promise.” He turned and left.

  Fiona’s heart was in her stomach as she tried to wrap her brain around what just happened.

  “And that, dear viewers, is the Big Bad Wolf,” Parker said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Wyatt clenched his teeth when Parker introduced him to YouTube-land. That nickname was going to haunt Wyatt for a while, apparently. And he’d been hoping to avoid getting caught on camera so early on. Now the clock was ticking down toward someone recognizing him. How long until that information got back to Fiona? Her brother knew who he was. Was he watching every second of video?

  Wyatt hadn’t been able to help himself, though. The stranger with the rose set off all his warning bells. While he understood Parker and Fiona’s desire to be polite, especially during a live display, some people shouldn’t be encouraged with things like kindness.

  At least Parker had the good grace to turn away the camera within moments of Wyatt stepping into the shot.

  Wyatt grabbed an empty seat, spun it, and straddled it so he could rest his arms on the back and face the pair. He nodded at Parker’s camera and the flashing red Record light. “Is that thing still on?”

  Parker looked at the lens. “We’ve gotta cut and run, folks. Hope you enjoyed the show. I’ll be back later. Eat Grammie’s cookies.”

  A quiet snicker slipped from Fiona, and Wyatt couldn’t hide his smirk.

  He waited a heartbeat after the recording light turned off. “That sounds so dirty if you take it out of context.”

  Parker rolled his eyes.

  “Thank you for stepping in,” Fiona said.

  “I’d say, Anyone would have done the same, but...” Wyatt let the thought hang there. “Anyway. I’m not going to imitate your creepy admirer. I’ll leave you two be.”

  “We’re fine. Go ahead and stay.” There was a sarcastic sneer to Parker’s words.

  Wyatt didn’t know if the attitude was related to that first night of drinking, or if Parker’s irritation had been renewed after Fiona’s night out. He also wasn’t sure it mattered.

  Fiona’s, “Please. We’d enjoy the company,” was too sweet to ignore.

  It sent a surge of need through Wyatt, growling to hear her beg for more. All in good time. The desire was compounded by the fact that every time Parker unleashed the attitude, Wyatt wanted to break him. In the most tantalizing way possible.

  For now, he settled for waving down his waitress. “I’m moving tables. Will you bring my drink here when it’s ready?”

  “Sure.” The woman gave him a warm smile and walked away.

  He turned to Fiona. Path of least resistance. “Are you enjoying the city and all its hidden wonders?”

  “We haven’t had much of a chance to go sightseeing yet.”

  “We were planning on getting some of that in later tonight,” Parker said.

  “I can give you a tour if you’re interested.” Wyatt was pretty certain of what Parker’s answer would be, but he’d be remiss if he didn’t offer.

  Fiona leaned in, chin resting on her palm. “Last night was a lot of fun. I wouldn’t mind seeing more like that.”

  “I’d be happy to show you a few spots,” Wyatt offered.

  “Sure. Sounds great. Maybe another time.” Parker clipped off the words.

  They weren’t making eye contact with each other. Interesting.

  The waitress brought them all their coffees at the same time, and set a muffin in front of Fiona, who picked a few crumbs and nibbled at them.

  Parker slide the sleeve around his cup up and down.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but the dynamic has shifted between the two of you,” Wyatt said. It might be due to their interaction with the ex’s sister, but that seemed like the kind of thing they could talk through. It could be a result of Fiona’s staying out all night with Wyatt, but that shouldn’t matter unless she’d lied to Parker about what happened between her and Wyatt. And the biggest reason for her to do that would be to make Parker jealous...

  Then again, Fiona called Wyatt in the first place. Pieces clicked in his head, and he understood her comment from last night. I can’t use you.

  “Same dynamic as always.” The end of Parker’s statement was muffled when he took a long sip of coffee.

  Fiona glared at Parker.

  “You fucked, didn’t you?” Wyatt assembled the rest of the puzzle. “As in, each other.”

  “I’m not sure how that’s any of your business,” Parker said.

  Fiona’s flush darkened.

  That answered that. “What’s the big deal?” Wyatt asked.

  Parker looked at Fiona. “Do you want to get out of here?”

  She turned to Wyatt. “We’re taking off, if you still want to keep us company.”

  “I was thinking we’d head back to the hotel.” Parker spoke between clenched teeth.

  Wyatt sipped his drink, watching the tennis match.

  “Perfect.” The sweetness was back in Fiona’s voice. “Our hotel, right? Because things always get weird when we go back to his room.” She nodded at Wyatt.

  While he was entertained by the exchange, the tension was getting heavy. Leave these two be, or watch the drama unfold?

  Parker’s expression went blank, and then a casual smile slid in that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Come with us. We’re going to hang out. Be boring. If that’s your thing.”

  “I’d love to.” Wyatt wasn’t passing up an offer like that, as disingenuous as it might be. He left enough cash on the table for all three of their orders, plus a tip.

  Parker said, “You don’t have to—”

  “I don’t. But it’s no problem.” Wyatt stood when they did, and fell into step beside them as they strolled down the street.

  “It makes things awkward. That’s what the big deal is,” Fiona said. She was talking about Wyatt’s earlier question.

  “It’s really not a deal.” Parker’s tone had evened out. The way he’d f
lipped the switch was fascinating and eerie. “We don’t have that kind of relationship.”

  “The kind with sex?” Wyatt was going to prod this for all he was worth. He walked next to Fiona, his arm occasionally brushing hers, Parker on her other side.

  “The romantic kind.” Parker sounded like he was trying to shrug off the topic.

  Wyatt side-stepped for someone walking in the other direction. The evening sun warmed his face, and a cool breeze slid over his skin. “You fucked, right? It wasn’t a confession of love.”

  “Sounds right.” Fiona’s response was flat.

  “Did it suck?” Wyatt knew the question would cause some bristling.

  “No.” Parker’s response came quickly.

  Fiona shook her head. “Definitely not.”

  This was a simple conversation. Wyatt didn’t understand what their hang-up was. “So... let yourself admit you enjoyed it, and move on.”

  “That would suit your purposes, wouldn’t it?” Parker maintained his even tone, despite the accusation.

  “How so?” Wyatt asked.

  “You’ve been eying Fiona since that first night in the bar. I’d bet my subscriber list you’ll say whatever it takes to fuck her.”

  Fiona ducked her head and fell back a few steps. Wyatt slowed his pace to match hers, and Parker followed suit. No reason to hide that intention. “You’re not wrong. I’d do the same for you.”

  Parker faltered, but he recovered quickly. They reached the hotel, and he held the front door for them, following when Wyatt was through. They headed toward the elevators. “Telling the truth doesn’t make it any less manipulative,” Parker said. “Sometimes truth is the biggest deception.”

  Wyatt wasn’t surprised Parker’s facade slip, and he wanted to back Parker into a corner on this. They stepped into the elevator, and Wyatt was impressed Parker was keeping up the charade of being okay with all three of them heading up.

  “You’d know, wouldn’t you?” Wyatt said.

  Parker’s back stiffened. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  “I care about you Red. You’re my best friend. I’d do anything for you.” Wyatt deepened his voice, mimicking Parker.

  Fiona crossed her arms over her chest. That wouldn’t do.

  “That’s not a deception.” A growl ran through Parker’s voice.

  The elevator slid to a stop, and they stepped off. “No?” Wyatt was about to take a stab in the dark, but he knew people and these two were transparent. “You ever follow that up with, And I know what’s best for you?”

  Fiona let out a tiny cough and paused in front of a room to unlock it and push inside.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Parker’s aggravation was growing.

  Wyatt held his hands up in surrender. “All right. I don’t know what I’m talking about. It was just sex. It wasn’t a big deal. I’m running my mouth.”

  “Exactly.” Fiona rolled her eyes and moved further into the room.

  The tension was back, but it held a different current this time. It was lined with lust and repressed desire and self-deception. And God, Wyatt wanted a taste. “Good.” He turned to Parker. “Because I don’t want the obstacle of a relationship.”

  He was stunned when Parker grabbed his tie and met his gaze, eyes hard and angry. Parker crushed his mouth to Wyatt’s, and lust raked through Wyatt’s nerves, lighting his senses up with need. Fury and desire and irritation spilled through the connection.

  Parker let go and stepped back, never dropping his gaze. “Is that what you’re after?”

  It was a fascinating contrast. Where Fiona was innocence and temptation, Parker was barely contained chaos, sprinkled with fire.

  Wyatt shook the thought away, to focus on keeping control of the discussion. His approach was working. “Let’s call it a favorable step in the right direction.” He pressed closer to Parker, feeling the other man’s frame hard and unyielding against his own, until Parker was backed against the wall.

  Parker raised his brows but didn’t pull away.

  “I want to taste you.” Wyatt let a rumble slide through his words. He was intensely aware of Fiona’s attention, and that amplified his desire to play the game this way. He shifted his weight, pressing his erection against Parker and noting the flicker of satisfaction he received in return. “To take you in my mouth and suck your dick until your balls are blue, while Red watches, enjoying every agonizing minute,” Wyatt said.

  The room was so still, it was as if the walls held their breath.

  Parker didn’t flinch.

  “And you’re not going to come.” Wyatt let the captive audience fuel him. “Not while I’m licking your cock. Because I want you both, and I think you’d like to watch and stroke yourself raw, while Fiona and I fuck. Because—God—I want to feel what it’s like to be buried inside her.”

  Parker stared him down, jaw clenched. Wyatt was two seconds from either getting decked or laid.

  “Is that an empty promise, or are you two going to get to it?” Fiona’s voice, sweet but with an edge, added to the heavy air, rather than slicing it.

  “Do you live on that pedestal you’ve placed yourself on?” Parker asked. “Because that’s got to be a mighty fall, when you misstep.”

  Wyatt smirked. “I take my bruises and learn from my mistakes. And I don’t make promises I’m not prepared to back up.” He kissed Parker again, and Parker kissed back, his tongue dancing with Wyatt’s and groans filling the air.

  Wyatt dropped his hand to stroke Parker’s cock through denim, enjoying the jolt every time Parker bucked against his hand. He thought he heard Fiona whimper, but his pulse pounding in his ears made it difficult to be certain.

  Without breaking contact, he nudged Parker toward a chair. One of them stumbled, or maybe it was both, but they caught themselves. Parker dropped into the seat, and Wyatt unzipped his jeans, still enmeshed in the kiss. He was used to being yielded to. With Parker it was push and pull, and that was a new flavor of delicious.

  Parker tilted his head back with a groan when Wyatt worked his shaft free.

  Wyatt knelt at his feet and trailed his thumb over the head of Parker’s cock, smearing away a drop of precum. He watched Parker, enjoying the visual as much as the sounds, as he licked along Parker’s shaft before taking him in his mouth.

  “Oh fuck.” That was Fiona, barely audible, and it was kindling on the need raging inside Wyatt.

  He stroked while he licked. Parker knotted his fingers in Wyatt’s hair, setting the pace and pushing him down until Wyatt almost gagged.

  Wyatt listened to the cues, paid attention to the thrusting against his face, and caressed Parker’s sac until it tightened. Then he pulled away and stood.

  Parker let out a strained chuckle. “I didn’t think you were serious.”

  “Always, when it comes to getting laid.” Wyatt turned to Fiona, who stood near the bed, her lips flushed and swollen. He grinned, trying to decide where to start. “Why are you still dressed, Red?”

  She worked her jaw up and down, but no sound came out.

  “Shirt off, or tell me no,” Wyatt said.

  She hesitated, and he raised an eyebrow. She pulled her T-shirt off, then grabbed one arm with the other hand, as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Her bra was light blue, and perfect on her pale skin. The submissive posture drove straight to his erection, threatening to pop his zipper.

  He wanted to glance at Parker, see if he was enjoying this as much as Wyatt was, but he didn’t want to miss the display.

  “Jeans next,” he ordered.

  She kicked off her sneakers, toed off her socks, and moved to her jeans, shoving them down her legs, and then bending at the waist to pick them up and set them aside. Yellow cotton panties. Jesus, she was fun.

  He dragged his gaze over her body, enjoying the way a flush of pink spread over her skin everywhere he looked.

  “Promises were made.” Her teasing tone drew his attention back to her face a
nd the smirk playing on her lips.

  His dick roared with the need to drive inside her. “Slide your fingers between your legs. Tell me if you’re wet.”

  Parker let out a slow hiss when she complied.

  Fiona nodded.

  “I didn’t hear that.” Wyatt couldn’t keep up the teasing much longer.

  “I’m soaked,” Fiona said.

  He stalked closer, and she gasped but stood her ground. He drew her hand up, so he could suck her fingers clean, taking his time with each one. Her taste almost broke his rein on control. He gripped her hair, eliciting a moan, and tugged her head back.

  Another kiss—this one sunshine and flowers and dandelion dreams, compared to Parker’s chaos. Wyatt didn’t press into her. He forced his tongue into her mouth, massaging and owning and claiming. She reached for him, and he grabbed her wrist, holding her hand captive. He swallowed her groans like they were candy.

  She pushed her body to his, until she was grinding against his leg.

  Wyatt broke away, and she watched him with her bottom lip caught between her teeth.

  There was no way she didn’t know what she was doing to him. “You get to pick,” he said. “I’m going to fuck you until you scream, unless you want Parker.”

  “Do I have to choose?”

  Fuck. That single question, deviance wrapped in innocence, almost made him come. Someone needed to let her off her leash a long time ago. Or put one on her. Wyatt wasn't sure which she'd enjoy more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Do I have to choose?”

  This wasn’t what Fiona expected when she invited Wyatt up to their room. That little spiteful bit of her wanted to see how Parker would react, but it also felt safer, having both of them around. The encounter with the rose-guy shook her.

  The way Wyatt and Parker watched her now chased that away and left a far more primal feeling singing through her.

  “You want to ease into something like anal. Your guy isn’t a starter toy.” Wyatt wasn’t one to mince words. She liked that. It helped wipe away her inhibitions.

  Parker twisted his mouth. “I think I should be offended.”


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