Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5)

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Starlight (The Dragonian Series Book 5) Page 29

by Adrienne Woods

  “They would’ve seen that something was wrong.”

  “Elena, you could’ve sorted your differences out. Talk about what happened that night. What you walked in on. He is your Dent.”

  “He is also the Rubicon. Which means that just maybe the Dent is different for him.”

  She nodded. “I think it’s more powerful, sweetheart. Not weaker.”

  “Then why did he run? Why didn’t he fight?”

  “It’s not how they are built, Elena.”

  “I don’t believe that. He fought with me when he was training me so hard to get me ready.”

  “To protect you, yes, it’s a completely different thing.” She sighed. “I had this talk with Becky too when George frustrated her so much in the beginning. We will never know what it is they feel, Elena. All I know is that he would die for you, and anyone that is willing to die for another, deserves a chance to tell their side of the story, and for the other one to hear and listen with an open mind.”

  She touched my face softly, winked and got up from the bed, and just like that she walked out of my room.

  She made it sound so easy, but to forgive and forget for the greater good was not as easy as that. But she was right; I needed that arrogant ass at my side if I wanted to win this war.

  How we could without Areeth’s help was a mystery.

  I was secretly hoping for thousandths of dragons from the other side to return, but there weren’t many.

  I remembered then Blake’s book that Mr. Dalton had given me to give to him. I’d brought it with me and opened the drawer.

  It was just lying there, securely inside the suede parchment.

  I took it out and opened it.

  It wasn’t a book, it was a leather journal with his name burned into the leather. It had a beautiful silver dragon on top and I stroked the front.

  I immediately opened it, only to realize it didn’t want to open.

  No matter how hard I tried, the thing stayed shut.

  There was no lock on it that I could tell, and there was no buckle keeping it shut. Then why the hell didn’t it want to open?

  Magic jumped into my head, and I smiled as I realized it belonged to Blake. Of course he would take measures.

  I put the parchment over it again and chucked it back into my drawer.

  He didn’t want anyone to find out what was written on the pages and I knew I shouldn’t pry either.

  I tried to fall asleep, which was hard because of that stupid journal. It was as if I’d found Pandora’s box, and it didn’t matter how many warning labels were written on there, I had to know what was inside of it.

  I hated this so much, but I knew it was no use.

  The next day, I was exhausted and I had my last radio interview.

  Breakfast was served early since we had to leave for the morning show.

  Lucille didn’t say a word and around five, Jenna and her team arrived.

  We took the SUV to the radio station and met with DJ Blackwell who ran one of Paegeia’s biggest radio stations.

  It started off great. He greeted me and we went through all the questions he would ask and then we were on air.

  Everything was perfect until the first caller dialed in.

  “I want to know where the hell is Blake? Why isn’t he doing this with you Princess? And why I would ask any of my sons to help and fight to free Etan when the Rubicon and his rider don’t even know how to lead?”

  She sounded pissed off and to be honest I had nothing to tell her.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way. I am telling the truth that Blake is…”

  “I don’t want to hear it. He is one of the fiercest dragons and he doesn’t need Dragon League training. You have no idea who your father or mother was, and it’s a pity you will never. Now for them, I would fight myself. Give us a reason to follow you and we will.” She put down the phone.

  “Okay that was a bit hefty, but all good questions, Princess,” DJ Blackwell said.

  “Yes, just a pity that my dragon doesn’t have her confidence in himself.” I tried to make a joke and he laughed.

  “Seriously, where is the big guy?”

  “He is really at the Dragon League.”

  “But if you need him, he will drop the Dragon League and come flying back?”

  Lie Elena, just lie. “In a heartbeat,” I said.

  He answered a few more calls, some were gentle, making up for all the nasty things that the tabloids said and speaking about who I was, whose blood flowed through my veins and that I was King Albert and Queen Catherine’s daughter and that alone should be enough reason for them to fight.

  A couple of other callers were just as mad as the first caller though.

  Finally the interview ended and I shook DJ Blackwell’s hand and thanked him for the opportunity once he announced where to go if anybody wanted to join this fight.

  “Brilliant darling, brilliant,” Jenna said as I exited the cubical of the recording station.

  “That woman was horrible.”

  “Of course she was, but you handled it with poise and with your chin held high.”

  I laughed at her accent, but she was really trying her best to rebuild my confidence that had been broken in Areeth.

  “Tonight is the event for all the dragons that have come back from the other side. The number we hoped for is not there yet, but the authorities have told us that they are still trying to locate more dragons. So we need to be a little bit more patient, okay?”

  “Did any of the people of Areeth signed on?”

  “Let’s not worry about Areeth. That one we will leave for Blake to deal with. I doubt they will throw a stone at him.”

  I sucked in my lips at the way she’d said it. When we exited, Raymond and his team were waiting for us to get safely back into the SUV. He looked so different wearing a black suit with one of those earpieces he used to communicate with all his team members.

  Jenna dropped us off at the house.

  “Get some rest. I will come back later with all your dresses. Tonight I want you on your best behavior. Refreshed and glowing. So I suggest go get some sleep.”

  I nodded my head and the SUV drove off fast.

  “I want you refreshed and glowing,” Becky mimicked Jenna and we all laughed.

  “She’s not that bad. C’mon. She has been doing a brilliant job.”

  “They pay her a lot of money to be brilliant, Elena.”

  “Well, I like her, bad accent and all.”

  “Let’s go and get some rest.” Becky did another impression of Jenna and we followed her laughing into her mom’s house.

  TRUE TO HER word, Jenna came with beautiful cocktail dresses at four.

  An entire makeup and hair team came with her and bombarded me.

  Two hours of hair pulling and tucking, eyebrow tweaking and make up brushes in my face, turned me into a beautiful swan again wearing the whitest dress I’d ever seen.

  I did not think it was a good idea, as I hated white. I never knew how to keep it clean which meant I wouldn’t be eating or drinking anything tonight.

  We left at six and arrived at one of the most beautiful event halls in Tith.

  The place was stunning and it looked as if guests should be witnessing a wedding instead of partying.

  Arianna was there with Heico and his father.

  I was introduced to so many dragons that had come from the other side, and even though the numbers didn’t wow Jenna, I was impressed.

  The night went by slowly and if it hadn’t been for Becky and Sammy’s company I would’ve actually spoken to Arianna tonight.

  I had to make another speech too, on behalf of Blake. It was hard but I tried to make it as sincere as possible. The funny part was that what Emanual had written would’ve been something I was sure Blake would’ve said. It sounded just like him, the jokes, everything.

  Then the party started.

  I begged Jenna to let me leave, but she was as stubborn as an ox and didn’t want to hear any
thing about it.

  So Becky, Sammy and I hid in the corner, until Jenna found me and dragged me to another important dragon she needed me to get acquainted with.

  I caught Emanual’s bald head and begged him with my eyes, which only made him smile as he carried on speaking to another dragon.

  She pushed me right in front of a dragon with red hair, who reminded me so much of Brian. He wanted to know everything about Paegeia, what had changed, etc. I tried to fill him in on everything I knew, but eventually that dried up and once he discovered that I also came from the other side, the conversation changed to where I’d lived.

  More dragons joined and Emanual’s voice was close by. He was speaking to a couple of gentlemen in the group next to me.

  “Emanual, you came from the Dragon League right?”

  He what?

  “Yes, I go there from time to time.”

  “Is it true that the Rubicon is there? We really wanted to meet him tonight. See what kind of man he grew into.”

  Oh I can tell you in what kind of scumbag he grew into.

  “Yes, he is actually doing extremely well, giving his father a run at his record.”

  What record?

  All of them laughed and it was hard to keep tabs on the conversation I was part of and the one that Emanual was having.

  “Nobody’s ever broken Sir Robert’s record yet?”

  “Nobody, but Blake’s team is extremely close to it.”

  “Well, it’s not a fair fight with all those abilities of his.”

  They laughed again as one of the men in my conversation was waiting for my answer.

  “Excuse me,” I cleared my throat. “I must have missed what you asked, sorry.”

  They all laughed.

  “You look dead on your feet, Princess.”

  I laughed. “How can you blame me with these killer heels?”

  The men laughed again as I excused myself and went to the bar. I was thirsty as hell and didn’t care if I was wearing white. Maybe Jenna would freak out if I spilled on the dress and send us home. One could hope.

  “Nice comeback, Elena.” Emanual’s made me jump.

  “I don’t have the slightest idea what you are talking about.”

  “If you want to know how he is doing, you can just ask me and I will tell you that he is seriously cut out for the Dragon League. His team is first in his class and with the way he plans his every move, he is going to be a great dragon one day. Definitely giving me a run for the title.”

  I laughed. “So you are Paegeia’s best dragon?”

  “Of course I am.”

  “So he is doing well, I’m happy for him.”

  “Only when he is busy, he is miserable as hell at night when he thinks no one is watching.”


  “Elena, when is this going to stop?”

  “Emanual, I like you, so please don’t try to change that. And I really didn’t need an update.”

  I grabbed my drink and went back to the corner where Sammy and Becky were waiting.

  “Just like that?”

  “Conversation is over. Goodnight, Emanual.”

  He laughed and went over to another group of dragons to join their conversation.

  “What was that about?”

  “Nothing,” I answered Becky.

  I had to admit, I felt bad that George felt the need to prove a point as Becky was missing him like crazy. She didn’t even want to party without him, and had declined so many hands that wanted to dance with her.

  It was sad to watch my friend not enjoy herself.

  I knew she’d tried to phone him a couple of times but his phone was completely off. Her insecurities had even started again, which was seriously frustrating me because I just didn’t relate anymore.

  Besides I knew George loved her, he would never ever leave her. It was different for them.

  Finally, Jenna gave us the famous head nod that meant we were free to leave, after we said goodbye to a couple of important dragons. All of them were important in my eyes.

  We just crashed in my room when Jenna dropped us off. I was so glad that this campaign was almost at its end.

  I still had one more TV interview and Just Kev to do, and then I was free.

  We fell asleep in our dresses and I slept like I hadn’t slept in a long time.

  THE NEXT DAY the only thing I could think about was ways to open that stupid journal of Blake’s. All because of that stupid conversation I’d kept tabs on.

  Why had I even been listening to it? And then Emanual just had to say that he was miserable. Whatever.

  I was finally having a couple of Jenna free days, so we spent them beside the pool.

  My mind was going crazy as I pretended to tan on one of the long deck chairs that were stationed next to Lucille’s pool.

  I knew I should’ve never investigated what the book was about after Lucille talked to me about forgiving and forgetting.

  The worst part was that I couldn’t even bring it with me to the pool as Sammy would know that it was her brothers.

  Why do I even want to read it?

  The day crept past slowly and after dinner I told everyone goodnight, that I was tired and needed my sleep.

  “Elena, we need to speak about your birthday.”

  “Later,” I grunted at Becky.

  “Queen Margerite’s event coordinator needs to know.”

  “Just as long as it’s not on the actual day. That day I want to spend with my loved ones.”

  I slouched up the stairs. I hated my birthday. I couldn’t believe that I was almost nineteen.

  I opened my door and locked it behind me.

  I rushed over to my side stand and took out Blake’s journal again.

  This was so wrong, but I couldn’t live like this anymore. I would just never tell him the truth. I’d lie and say that I had no idea what was written inside it when I returned it to him.

  I tried all the spells I could think of.

  None of them worked.

  What would work? My mind was crazy with wanting to know what he’d written in it and then sealed it off with something that nobody could open but him.

  And then I got it. The man had told me last night, his abilities.

  What ability does Blake own that no other dragon has?

  His pink fire.

  I hesitated a little, knowing we could do it, and praying that he was in his dragon form. After all, it was called the Dragon League.

  Still, a bit of pain might just make me feel better, and the best part was, I wouldn’t be there if he was withering in pain.

  It could make him end up on my balcony, but then I could lie and tell him he was dreaming.

  Screw it, I would only tell him that I was practicing. I closed my eyes and wished for the pink kiss.

  My palm lit up faster than I thought.

  Blake must be in his dragon form, and I stroked it gently over the book.

  It jumped open and my heart was beating like crazy when I saw the first page.

  The journal of Blake Leaf. The Rubicon.

  I stared dumbly at the handwriting and grabbed my notes.

  I read the first page of my notes and looked at the first page of Blake’s journal.

  It was the same handwriting. Emanual had never written any of these notes. It had been Blake.

  Anger rushed through me.

  Emanual would always choose his side no matter what an ass Blake was.

  I took a deep breath and pushed the thought that it was Blake who had helped me with this campaign to the back of my head.

  I read his name again and I rolled my eyes at that last statement. Everyone knew that he was the Rubicon, he didn’t need to write it down. He was so egotistic.

  I turned the page and realized immediately what this was.

  It wasn’t a journal; it was filled with his poems. I kept turning the pages without reading them, came to the last one and then it stopped. It was just pages and pages of nothing. Pages that
still needed to be filled with poems.

  I went back to the beginning and start reading it.

  Darkness coiled up deep inside

  The monster inside no longer under the bed

  He's always lived inside my head

  Screaming and aching to be set free

  The temptation so strong won’t let me be

  A hope so light appear to shine

  A bond so promising but yet not mine

  Good and evil both I know

  Which is friend and which is foe?

  He must have been really fighting with his evil side. I read another.

  Daylight descend into night,

  The beast inside always fight.

  Raging hate appear to shine,

  Untold anger always mine.

  Helpless stranger at wits’ end

  Blood on my hands I couldn’t prevent.

  Unexpected thrill stained by red

  Soulless eyes, dark dirt bed.

  Inside laughter fills my core.

  My darkest demons consuming roar.

  The hair on my skin crawled. Did he kill someone? And love it?

  The next poem was even worse.

  He spoke about killing again, another innocent and how the beast inside him rejoiced, he wanted more. The good inside him tried to reason and I knew it was his human form battling with his Dragon form.

  He wrote there below, never again. No matter how hard it was to resist, he couldn’t take another life again.

  Still it didn’t stop, he had poems after poems of how dark he was. How insane and deranged he was. He even wrote a poem about Tabitha, calling her his snow queen.

  It angered me again.

  I came upon a poem that was so dark, speaking about loins and fresh kills. It was another human, how old I didn’t know, and I closed the book and chucked it into the drawer again.

  He was so evil. So dark. A psychopath and I had to be the one he Dented with.

  I used to feel safe with Blake, but now, I was really scared and just wanted to stay as far as possible away from him.

  I struggled to sleep, and couldn’t stop thinking about what I’d read.

  I prayed that I wouldn’t dream about it, otherwise the idiot was going to know what I’d been reading


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