Aether's Mark

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Aether's Mark Page 1

by Rachael Slate

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  She guides the paths of others

  Minthe of the Asteriae, star nymphs, possesses the power to light the paths of lost souls. The only future she can’t navigate is her own. After being imprisoned by the ruthless Lapith King, she’s instructed to aid her rescuer—an enticing stranger from a faraway land who desperately needs her clarity. Yet his haunting past and the nebulous future before him are both so uncertain, helping him threatens to extinguish her own light.

  His mark is written in the stars

  Eagle shifter and Master of the Aether, Lord Rhoetus lives in the in-between. As the rightful King to the centaur throne of Krete, he knows his destiny and his path, until a fiery nymph challenges him with another future. On the verge of an unforgivable act of betrayal, he’ll have to choose between his mate and his Kingdom, because he can never have both.

  Trapped in the starlight of their fates

  War descends and even the light of their love might not be enough. When Rhoetus and Minthe fall victim to the darkness lurking inside them, saving their world means first saving each other.

  Aether’s Mark

  Lords of Krete #5

  Rachael Slate


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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  Meet Rachael

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  Also by Rachael Slate

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 by Rachael Slate

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  First Edition December 2017

  Edited by Kelley Heckart

  Cover design by NovelArt Designs

  Tribal Artwork by Alyssa Renae White

  Formatting by NovelArt Designs

  Epub: ISBN 978-1-988396-30-9

  Kindle: ISBN 978-1-988396-29-3


  When the Olympian gods overthrew the Titans, they divided the rule of the world. Zeus proclaimed himself Supreme Ruler and governed the skies. Poseidon claimed the oceans. The Underworld, and the souls of the dead, fell to Hades. All were content with the arrangement.

  Until Hades met Persephone.

  Their forbidden love blasted through Mt. Olympus, initiating a cataclysmic rift between the gods. The imbalance in the heavens nearly shattered the fragile human world below. In punishment, Zeus cursed Persephone. Nine months of each year, she would remain by her mother’s side, tending to the human harvests. The other three months were hers to spend with her husband, Hades, in the Underworld.

  The arrangement pleased none.

  Centuries have passed. As humans turn their devotion to Science, the powers of the Olympian gods diminish. In an attempt to regenerate their divinity, the gods have procreated, breeding new species of being—such as centaurs, winged ones, and mermaydes. With the unique strengths of their individual godly parents, these descendants have thrived in their own worlds, alongside humans but hidden from view.

  The rift in Olympus widens as each god gains new strength. When the Fates intervene with a damning wager, these descendants become the answer to Persephone’s curse. Hades and Persephone’s quest to reclaim their love will pit god against god, in a tournament unmatched since time began. Victory will lie in the union of warriors—exceptional females who control the elements and the males whose love makes them strong.

  If they succeed, love will be theirs to claim.

  But if they fail, their love will fall to ruin.

  It is the eve of war, and the battle for the power of Starlight begins now.

  Chapter 1

  Lapith lands, Thessaly

  Year 1 of the reign of King Philaeus

  Rhoetus, Commander of the Aether, Lord of Krete, and rightful heir to the centaur throne, closed his eyes, savoring the soon-to-come success. Everything was working out precisely as he’d been promised. For the first time in a century, hope dangled before him. Hope in the form of this dagger he clenched within his fist. With the weapon, he’d seize control of the centaur army of Thessaly.

  Soon, those brutal warriors would fall under his command. And long-awaited victory would be his at last. Aye, he could almost taste the honeysuckle mead his father always poured in celebration. Luscious, ambrosial, and…

  Minthe. Bloody hell. Ever since he’d met that strange nymph, Ekho, last week, he hadn’t been able to get her daughter’s name out of his head. Minthe. From her cell in King Philaeus’s prison, Ekho had pleaded with him to aid her daughter, had sworn he’d not regret it. Ha. The future he’d long awaited was so damn close. Rescuing a nymph was a distraction he simply couldn’t chance. Not when victory was within his grasp.

  He flashed open his eyes and sniffed the air. A moment earlier, these tunnels beneath King Philaeus’s dungeon had been stale, rank, and reeking with damp earthiness. But now, he inhaled pure sweetness. Thin beams of light slashed through fragmented cracks in the stone walls, not wide enough to let in fresh air, so from whence did this honeyed scent originate?

  He’d been heading deeper into the maze, memorizing every inch in anticipation of the Amazon rescue, but this sugary perfume drifted from the right, so he headed in that direction, tracing this part of the dungeon instead.

  Rhoetus cocked his head, sniffing intently, and likely looking a fool, as he treaded cautiously through the narrow corridor. There. The scent, heavy and thick in the air, stemmed from the occupant of the cell on the far right. He shuffled his hooves. Did he truly wish to venture to that chamber? Most assuredly, disaster would await him if he did.

  And yet… He quirked his lips and strode forward. He’d been cursed for a long time, nearly his entire existence. Nothing made him back down, and certainly not such a lovely fragrance. Besides, these cells held nymphs. What possible harm could they cause him?

  A whistle low on his lips, he sauntered in front of the bars and peered inside.

  In the far corner, a blaze of fiery locks whipped in the air as a maiden whirled about. “Who are you?” her sultry voice demanded from the shadows.

  His mouth dry, words clogged in his throat. He could barely even see her, and yet she’d dumbfounded him. The nymphs imprisoned by King Philaeus were being d
rained of their unique gifts. Was this her special power, stealing speech?

  Forcefully, he cleared his throat. “Well,” he coughed, then deepened his voice, “I could be your knight, fair maiden.” A dashing wink sealed his success. Many of the nymphs had begged him to free them. Surely, she would do the same. And be oh-so-grateful afterward. He grinned, intoxicated by her sweet scent.

  “No, thank you.” Her reply was curt, her tone cold enough to freeze the desire straight out of his bones.

  “Pray pardon, lass?” He squinted, trying to assess her properly. The maid was a prisoner of a fiendish King. Why wouldn’t she wish to be freed?

  “If you’re quite finished leering at me, please take your leave.” She glided toward him, a shadowed figure with hands perched on hips.

  The saucy wench. How dare she refuse his aid? “Mayhap you’ve been stuck in this prison a little too long, love, because I’ve just offered you freedom. Have you forgotten what that is?”

  “Indeed, I have not. You will kindly leave me alone. Now.”

  Indignation and confusion blasted through him, and he gritted his teeth. “Fine. Rot in here, if you like. When the Amazons come, I’ll be sure to pass along your wishes to them, too.”

  “Amazons?” She rushed forward, close enough for him to assess.

  Sweet Zeus. Straightening, he pushed back his shoulders, and clamped his jaw to prevent it from dropping to the ground.

  She wore a flowing blue gown but he caught glimpses of her curvaceous figure, which only made his mouth dry once more. Hair like a river of cherry-red lava cascaded across her lithe, petite form, framing skin as creamy and smooth as pure marble. Blue pools sparkled bright with intelligence from within a lovely pixie face. Lips the hue of ripe berries rounded and fine brows drew together as she studied him in keen interest.

  Her delicate face tilted toward him, she inched nearer, and the closer she came, the lower the realization sank in, down into the depths of his soul.

  He hadn’t been wrong about her leading him into temptation—and likely damnation, too. Because the beauteous creature before him wasn’t just an imprisoned nymph he’d like to rescue.

  She was Minthe.

  Minthe frowned at the gawking centaur who wouldn’t stop ogling her. What was wrong with him? Even more curious, what was he doing here?

  Despite his offer of aid, she didn’t wish to be rescued. Certainly not by a male who obviously desired only one form of gratitude. Mmm. Tempting. As a nymph, her nature allowed her to detect arousal in others, even to control it. Perhaps if she dampened his, he might recover his ability to speak. Indeed. She closed her eyes once, seized onto the tendrils of lust winding about his aura, and dispersed them.

  The male blinked, opened and closed his mouth, then charged the bars and glared at her with a penetrating scrutiny.

  Dear gods. Her throat tightened and she had to rein in her own sparks of passion. The hue of his horse hide and his unruly long locks gleamed a burnished mahogany that glinted whenever it caught the flickers of light. Through the bars, his mismatched depths—one dark like his locks and one a vivid blue—perused her. Not only were his eyes striking, but his formidable presence daunted her. Wild, unrefined, and unpredictable. This massive centaur towered above her height, his human upper body flexing at the crossing of his arms. Pectorals and biceps bulged beneath metal arm bracers. An embroidered leather strap slung across his chest and one shoulder, leaving bare his ropy muscles chiseled from solid bronzed flesh. The lower portion of his carved abdomen blended into a formidable beastly half, bigger than any horse she’d ever seen. One enormous front hoof stomped and the thud vibrated beneath her feet, making her quiver. His nostrils flaring, he snorted and veered away from her.

  His step was commanding, taking possession of every inch of ground he strode upon. Even as he marched from her cell. “Suit yourself…Minthe.” He winked over his shoulder and vanished into the air. She gaped after him, a saucy retort on her tongue that he’d missed.

  Arghn. How does he know my name?

  Minthe folded her arms and paced the confines of her prison. The male was infinitely puzzling. His presence had stirred yearnings deep within her. There was something alluring about him, about more than his physical form. How in Hades had he disappeared into nothingness?

  Almost like my starlight.

  She jolted at the sound of footsteps coming down the hallway. He’s come back. A smug curve on her lips, she leapt toward the cell door, but reared at the sight of filthy, burly human guards. Oh, curse them.

  One opened her cell door while the other waved for her to extend her arms to be secured with manacles. “Ho, nymph. You know what to do.”

  Most unfortunately, she did. Ever since they’d captured her two months earlier, it was the same ritual. Be taken to the sacrificial altar and drained of her powers.

  If not for them weakening her, she might have devised a way to escape. That was, if she could determine where her mother was being held first. She refused to leave this place without Ekho.

  Minthe hung her head and did as the guards beckoned, flinching beneath the cold metal enclosing her wrists. Even if they didn’t bind her, there was no fighting back against this. Nymphs were incapable of acts of violence, and those who struggled found worse torment awaiting them.

  An hour later, they returned her to her cell, even weaker than before. She plopped onto the hard wooden bench and slumped forward. How much longer until there was nothing left of her to drain?

  The pitiful stares of her nymph sisters had haunted her through the bars of their cells as they’d passed them. Sadly, she had no way to aid them. Yet, the arrogant and mysterious centaur had mentioned something about a rescue. Dare she hope to trust him?

  “Truly? You would rather undergo torment than accept my aid?” a masculine voice droned from the darkness in the shadows across from her cell.

  Her body weary, she managed to lift her head. “Were you watching the entire time? Did it entertain you?”

  “Easy, lass.” He treaded forward, emerging into the thin cracks of light. Empathy softened his expression. “I’m a friend of nymphs, not an enemy. What I told you is true. The Amazons are planning your rescue.”

  She staggered to the bars and crossed her arms. “Is that how you know my name? How long have you been spying upon me?”

  “Nay, not spying.” His eyes flashed wickedly. “Reconnaissance.”

  Her mind circled to the supposed rescue. “Are you aiding the Amazons or hindering them?”

  “Truly, your lack of faith in me wounds.” He clutched a hand to his chest, wincing.

  She scoffed at his playfulness. “Well, what is your name then?”

  “Lord Rhoetus, from the Isle of Krete.” He slipped into a low bow, one front hoof elegantly tucked beneath him. “At your service, milady.” Rising, he set his hand on the lock. “Will you allow me to free you?”

  Krete? How odd, but she shoved her questions aside for later. “No, I can’t go with you. I’m not leaving here without my mother.”

  “Ekho, right,” he purred.

  Her jaw dropped. “How would you know who she is?”

  A lopsided grin curved his lips. “Because your mother sent me to rescue you.” He tapped the side of his head. “I hear her voice, inside. Thought I might have gone mad, but clearly, I have not.” Puzzlement crossed his features as he fixed his scrutiny upon her. “Your mother, heh.”

  “Is she well?” Minthe wrung her fingers. “I’ve been so worried about her.”

  “As far as I could tell, aye.”

  She regarded him, tilting her chin. “I will accept your aid in rescuing me. Lead the way, centaur.”

  He turned his head to the side, as though listening to something only he could detect. Then he hedged a glance at her. “Though greatly that does please me, I have one slight obligation I must tend to first. Wait here, nymph. I’ll be back.”

  She wrapped her hands around the bars and scowled at him. “You can’t be serious. You’
ve promised to free me, and suddenly, you’ve changed your mind?”

  “Can’t take you with me, so you’ll have to wait here for my return. Pray pardon, Asteri.” Star. He casually lifted and dropped one shoulder. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Curse you, Rhoetus.” She thrashed against the bars and glowered at his retreating form. “Don’t you dare leave me in here.”

  Chapter 2

  Rolling his shoulders, Rhoetus relieved the tension in his neck. Since he’d seen to the safety of his nymph sister, Cyane, he was free to indulge in the remainder of his plans. Cyane had assured him she’d set sail for Krete directly. He hadn’t wished to employ his sister in these plans, but, as she was a nymph, he’d required her blood for entry into this blasted prison.

  Everything was playing out precisely as he’d been instructed. Cyane’s capture. His admittance into the Amazon confidence. The reconnaissance he’d collected for them, thus solidifying their trust. And now, this nymph rescue. With his own sister as prisoner, the Amazons had been quick to believe him. He’d offered them detailed plans of this dungeon, which he’d patrolled nearly every inch of, so there’d be no surprises for them. Their rescue ought to go off exactly as planned.

  Now, where was Minthe? He scratched his jaw and squinted through the dim passageway. Damn, but he shouldn’t be concerned with her rescue. Besides, she was tenacious. He’d observed as much when he’d watched those disgraceful humans drain her of her powers. Surely, she didn’t require his aid, right?


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