The Reef

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The Reef Page 28

by Lois Kay

  “Good boy” Little Steven grinned and looked very pleased with himself. “I knew I could count on you.”


  “Mm, what do I smell in here? Are you baking something? It smells really nice.”

  Megan strolled into the kitchen and deposited her purse nonchalantly on one of the kitchen chairs. She walked over to Sarah and put her hands on her shoulders, pressing her cheek against her thick, auburn hair.

  “Chocolate chip cookies,” Sarah answered. She didn’t give into the distraction Megan was providing, but kept an eye on the batch of cookies on the sheet in front of her.

  Megan nodded and gently squeezed the shoulders underneath her hands. “Care to share?” she asked, pressing a kiss on Sarah’s cheek.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” Megan drawled, carefully choosing her words. “Judging by the amount of batter, you're either making cookies for every scout group in the area, or there's something bothering you. So, what is it, love?”

  Sarah let out a heartfelt sigh and finally gave into the urge to turn around and seek refuge into a pair of welcoming arms. Megan didn't press the issue, but patiently waited for an explanation. She knew the way Sarah dealt with problems and if there was anything she had learned through the years, it was leaving her partner be, until she was ready to share what was bothering her.

  “It's the situation with Jody and Sam,” Sarah finally answered. The arms around her tightened, but Megan remained silent.

  “Jody called about an hour ago. They ‘re in the hospital. Brian, one of the receptionists and the one who is replacing Jody as assistant-manager was shot this morning by one of those guys who have been chasing Jody and almost abducted Fiona the other day.”

  “What?” Megan looked into Sarah's eyes. “He was shot? Did he.... I mean.... Is he?”

  “He's okay now,” Sarah quickly answered. “They were able to stop the bleeding. Apparently, his spleen was shot to pieces and he lost a lot of blood. But according to the surgeon he's going to be fine. But Megs, this is so getting out of hand. Those blokes are ruthless. It's clear they’re willing to kill to get what they want.”

  Megan’s eyes searched Sarah’s distressed face. Her anxiety and sadness were almost palpable. She swallowed and braced herself to ask the question that was playing through her mind. “Do you think we shouldn't let them stay here anymore? Do you think it's getting too dangerous?”

  Sarah's head jerked up and a pair of grey, very indignant eyes looked at Megan with an astonished expression. “No.” She shook her head. “No, no! That's not what I mean. Of course, they’re still welcome here. I’d never turn my back on Jody. Never. It's just that I’m so angry about what happened and I feel so helpless. I wish we could do more.” Sarah paused for a moment. “I decided to get the gun out of the safe. This is our property and they are our friends. I want to be able to protect them, and us.”

  Despite the seriousness of the situation, Megan threw her head back and laughed out loud. “You little spitfire.” She kissed Sarah soundly on the lips. “Mama tiger, huh?”

  “You bet,” Sarah answered. “My ancestors were real troublemakers. They weren't shipped out of England for nothing. They were outlaws and you know what their motto was: ‘first shoot, then ask questions.’ If I find one of those goons trespassing on our property, I will make sure—”

  “Alright, sweetheart, alright,” Megan interrupted with a grin. “You’ve made yourself crystal clear. They'd better stay away.” Megan laughed and pulled Sarah closer, finally feeling the tense, warm body in her arms relax. “I love you,” she said, kissing her gently. Her heart was filled with gratitude and tenderness for the woman in her arms. The batch of not yet baked chocolate chip cookies stood forgotten on the kitchen counter.

  * * *

  Jody stared across the room looking at the slender form of Brian's Asian-Australian partner. Chris was about the same age and height as Jody, but his eyes were dark brown and his straight, black hair was cropped close, which made him look younger than he was. Despite his timid appearance, Jody sensed a strength that was almost palpable. During the last few hours Chris had proved himself to be calm and strong. Jody knew that if it had been Sam who had been shot she would have been a mess.

  Chris’ eyes lifted and locked his gaze on Jody’s. She sent him a warm smile. “I’m sorry, Chris,” she apologized. “I didn't mean to stare at you, but I was wondering where you get the strength to be so calm. If I were you I'm sure I’d be kicking and screaming by now.”

  “Do you think that would help?” was his soft reply. He smiled again, a sad smile this time and he leaned forward, his hands loosely resting on his knees. “The last thing Brian needs right now is me falling apart. He needs me to be there for him,” Chris said. “Don't get me wrong, I might not look it, but I am angry. Very angry and very capable of hurting the one who did this to him. But right now, I need to stay focused. Brian will need me when he wakes up. We can deal with the rest later, together. Right now, the most important thing is that he recovers. I need him.”

  The intensity in his voice brought tears Jody’s eyes and she didn't try to hide them. “I can tell how much you love him.”

  Chris nodded. “I do. Brian has always been there for me. He’s the most generous, caring person I know. He stood by me when my family disowned me for who I am, for loving him. Whenever I had to vent my frustration and hurt, he was the one who took the heat. He never complained, just accepted all the crap I dumped on him and never stopped loving me.”

  Jody’s vision had gone blurry and she blinked away the tears. She jumped up, crossed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around Chris. “How can I ever repay Brian for protecting my sister the way he did?” Her voice cracked.

  Chris smiled and hugged Jody back. “Accept things the way they are. Brian acted in the only way he knows. He would have never forgiven himself if he had not tried. My honey is a hero,” he gently joked. “I accepted that a long time ago.”

  Jody nodded and pulled away from Chris so she could look into his eyes. “As long as you know that I’ll be forever grateful and if there's anything I can do, ever—”

  “I know, Jody,” Chris said. “I guess I’d feel the same. But tell Brian when he’s awake. Okay? I’m just the concerned, significant other.”

  Jody smiled and glanced at her watch.

  “Are you worried about Sam?” Chris asked.

  Sam had left some time ago to make sure that Lucy and her mother were properly taken care of. She had spoken with Megan, who had insisted that Lucy and Joan McDonnell would be added to their growing lists of guests, telling Sam that their house was so disgustingly big it would be a waste not to use all the space. Sam had accepted her offer, realizing that it was easier to keep an eye on everybody if they would all be together, even though it would be harder for their pursuers to find any of them if they would all be scattered around town. But Inspector Wong had come through, promising Sam there would be two police officers guarding Sarah's and Megan’s property around the clock, until the danger was gone.

  “I’m sure she'll be back soon,” Jody said with a hint of hope in her voice. “Knowing Sam, she wants to make sure that my family has arrived at our friends' place safely. She's got quite the protective streak.”

  “When did you two meet?” Chris asked with genuine interest. “I’ve known you for quite a while, but never heard you mention Sam before.”

  “Oh, ages ago.” Jody tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “We first met almost ten years ago, and immediately became good friends.” She let out a soft laugh. “That became something more pretty fast, but then…something happened and we…lost contact. We just reconnected after having been apart for eight years. Somehow, though, it feels like those years never existed. It feels like we’ve always been together. I know that may sound strange.”

  Chris shook his head. “No, it doesn’t. When I look at the two of you, I see two people who belong together. Like yin and yang.” He smiled. �
��Do you believe in soulmates?”

  “If you refer to someone you have a bond with that is unbreakable, then, yes, I think I’ve recently become a believer,” Jody said. “When Sam came back into my life it felt like the pieces of the puzzle slid into place and my heart knew what had been missing. Things clicked and it felt so right.” Jody paused for a moment. “When I look back, I think that from the very first time we met, Sam had my heart. All of it. In the years we’ve been apart I once thought I loved someone else, but I didn't. And then Sam came back into my life and it was like, somewhere, a light went on, inside of me. It was so warm and comfortable, like it was meant to be that way.”

  “That sounds like soulmates to me,” Chris said with a smile. “To me it's meeting a twin soul. The pieces fit together perfectly. Brian once wrote a poem for me and it made things so clear to me.

  In the tapestry of time

  A hand weaved our strings

  Together, unbreakable.

  With my eyes shut tight,

  My heart sought you out.

  Like the movement of the sea,

  Unstoppable and eternal

  Our souls entwined and fused.

  And I finally came home.”

  When Chris finished speaking, Jody realized she had been holding her breath and slowly she let it out. She was touched deeply by Chris' willingness to share those words with her. “You’re right,” she finally said. “That's exactly what it feels like.”

  “It does,” a husky voice sounded and Jody and Chris simultaneously looked up to see Sam casually leaning against the door. Her normally clear eyes were dark with emotion. “That was beautiful, Chris, thank you for sharing.”

  “Don't thank me,” Chris replied. “Thank Brian. He’s the poet of the family. He definitely has a way with words.”

  Sam took a seat next to Jody and extended her legs. The muscles in her right leg tightened and she tried not to wince. When she saw the expression Jody's face, she knew she had failed miserably.

  “That bad, huh?” Jody’s voice was slightly trembling. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Sam shook her head and tried to smile reassuringly. “Nothing a hot bath and some rest can't fix. Believe me, I have been through this before. Aren't you curious about what the Inspector had to say?”

  “You’re as subtle in changing a subject as Fiona is,” Jody said. “Alright. What happened at the police station? Anything interesting? Like, how many people did Lucy manage to upset today?

  “As a matter of fact, Lucy did great.” Sam smiled. “According to Senior Sergeant Waters, she was able to identify the man who shot Brian.”

  Chris' head shot up and there was a grim expression on his face. “So, they know who he is?”

  “They have a pretty good idea,” Sam answered. “Lucy could give the police a vague description and when they showed her some photo's, she recognized him. I saw the pic and I'm sure it was the same guy we ran into when your apartment was ransacked. The video from the security cameras confirm it’s the same guy.”

  “Does he have a name?” Jody asked. She looked very pale.

  “Steven Hayes. He goes by Little Steven. Does that ring a bell?”

  Both Jody and Chris shook their heads.

  “I didn't really expect you to know him. Trishia Waters didn't really tell me anything about him, but apparently, he's no stranger to the law.”

  Chapter 20

  “I swear to God, Joe. I didn't have a choice. They guy was trying to take me out. It was him or me.” Little Steven held his cellphone away from his ear and Fred, who was sitting next to him in the car, could hear their boss scream.


  There was moment of silence and Little Steven could hear his boss gasping for air. Then a deceptively calm voice continued. “Alright, this is the deal. You go out there, keep your eyes open and STAY AWAY FROM THE POLICE. I only want to see you and that little PISSANT again when you do have some results. And I mean POSITIVE results. If I happen to see you before.... you’d better make peace with your maker, because I will send you straight to HELL.”

  Little Steven stared at the phone in his hand and tried to wrap his mind around the serious threat his boss had just uttered. He knew there was only one way left to save his life. “Damnit.” Furious he threw the cellphone on the backseat of the car, not worried if it would be able to stand such abuse. He turned to Fred and grabbed his shoulder in a vice like grip. “This is getting serious,” he almost growled. And for the first[LK1] time, Fred saw fear in his companion's eyes. “Deadly serious. From now on, you’ll do exactly what I tell you to. EXACTLY! Because if you don't, it won't be Joe who's going to waste your sorry ass, it will be me!”

  After those words, Little Steven angrily started the car’s engine and sped away into the darkness, preoccupied with only one thing: surviving.

  * * *

  It was way past midnight when Sam and Jody finally made it back to the house. Throughout the evening, Sam had called Lucy to keep everybody informed of their whereabouts and of Brian's situation. When they had finally left the hospital, Brian's condition was stable and his doctor was expecting a complete recovery. “He’s lost quite some blood, but he’s young, and he’s very fit. Luckily the main damage was done only to the spleen. I don't see any reason why Brian shouldn't make a quick recovery.”

  After a quick visit with Brian, who was still very sleepy, and saying goodbye to a grateful Chris, a very tired Jody and Sam left the hospital and drove home. There were beyond relief to know that Brian would recover, but were worried about the gunman on the loose.

  “It looks like they’re all off to bed,” Jody noticed, when she parked her car alongside Lucy's. The house was dark, except for a light on the veranda.

  “I can't blame them,” Sam mumbled, cautiously exiting the car, careful not to jar her still hurting leg. She tried not to limp and was pleasantly surprised when she felt a strong arm around her waist, giving her support.

  “Don't try to be the tough chick, sweetheart,” Jody chided her. “It's me, you know. It's okay to say it hurts.”

  “You use any excuse to touch me,” Sam joked, her arm slipped around Jody's shoulders. She gently squeezed and felt Jody's warm body pressing against her side.

  “Of course,” Jody answered, not denying the playful accusation. “It's been a long day and I can't even remember the last time I kissed you today.”

  They had reached the veranda. Sam turned to Jody and without warning pulled her into her arms. She buried her face in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. Gradually, the tension that had been present all day, slipped away.

  Jody groaned in pleasure and rubbed her cheek against Sam’s shoulder. “I needed this,” she whispered.

  “I thought you wanted a kiss?” Sam teased, playfully blowing some warm air in her Jody’s ear, almost making her jump.

  “I do,” Jody admitted. “But right now, I’m so comfortable it has to be a really good kiss to make me give up this comfy spot.”

  “Is that a challenge?” Sam asked with a laugh.

  “I don't know.” Jody peeked up from her position and smiled when she saw Sam's eyes watching her warily. “Do you feel challenged?”

  The answer was the pressure of a pair of soft, warm lips and Jody whimpered softly when Sam pulled her even closer, deepening the kiss. She kissed her slowly and thoroughly. The kiss was playful, passionate, and loving. Jody was very aware of her body’s reaction and the thundering heartbeat in her chest when a pair of insistent hands pulled her shirt out of the slacks it had been tucked in. “Sam,” she finally managed to whisper. “Sam, we're outside, on the veranda.”

  “We are?” Sam mumbled between kissing Jody's neck and gently biting her earlobe. She let her hands slide down to the small of her Jody’s back, slip underneath her shirt and feel their way up again.

  “What if we run into my mom? Or Lucy? We’ll never live that
down, Sam,” Jody breathed.

  “Let's get inside then, see if we can find our bedroom in the dark,” Sam said in a low voice.

  “Sam,” Jody responded with difficulty. “If you keep touching me like this I don’t think I’ll make it inside.”

  Sam didn't answer, but Jody could feel the chuckle and she playfully slapped her.

  “You’re doing this on purpose, you little—”

  “Little?” Sam echoed. “Who's the midget here, my love? I thought that—”

  Sam's mock protest was efficiently silenced by Jody's lips and she immediately lost her train of thought. Quickly, her world was spinning out of control. Jody’s kisses turned her knees into jelly and caused her heart to almost pound out of her chest.

  “Let's find that bed, honey,” Jody whispered. “There are some things I have to take care of. Right now.”

  Sam could only nod and let herself led inside, too occupied with the raging storm inside to notice anything but the soft, warm hand that was holding hers. The darkness hid Jody’s amused smile.

  * * *

  Halfway up the driveway leading to Sarah's and Megan's house, a dark-colored, unmarked car was hidden from view by the surrounding bushes. Not even the bright light from the moon could reflect off the vehicle’s metal. The two occupants were relaxed, but very alert. Two pair of eyes constantly surveyed the area, looking for anything out of place. The rolled down windows made sure that any sound that was out of the ordinary would quickly be identified. They were determined not to let anything surprise them. Every now and then, the distinctive grunts of koalas that were living in the trees around the property broke the silence. Sometimes a soft rustling of leaves gave away the presence of a wallaby or pademelon, but although they could be heard, they stayed out of sight. The small nocturnal animals of the forest were minding their own business, ignoring the sleek car that was intruding their habitat.


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