Pregnancy Plan

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Pregnancy Plan Page 21

by Tina Gayle

  She slumped back against the counter, her hands resting beside her hips. “Then if I wanted to snag him for his money, I must be doing it all wrong.”

  “But if you weren’t after his money, why lie?” Michael questioned.

  “Maybe because I knew we were committed to each other. Otherwise, he’d never have claimed that we were married. I couldn’t let him down.” She swiped at her tears.

  “That’s no reason.” Her brother pushed, “Mom and Dad always taught us that no matter what you tell the truth.”

  “Okay, you tell me. What choice did I have?” She walked behind the counter and leaned forward. “Derek was injured in a foreign country, and claimed we were married. I didn’t know what had happened to him so I went along with it.”

  He watched her. He tried to focus on her words so he could understand, but resentment bubbled inside him. Did she think he was so deranged that he needed her to take care of him?

  “Then, when he got home, all of you started pushing to keep us apart. I couldn’t let that happen either. So I decided that I wouldn’t let the fact that we didn’t have a marriage license stop me from taking my place at his side.” She dropped her head and stared at her hands, defeated. “Don’t you see? I couldn’t let him down. I just did what I had to do to get him back.”

  “But why haven’t you told me the truth since I’ve been home?”

  She stared at him, her eyes begging him to understand. “How could I have done that? Just blurted it out over dinner one night? Oh, by the way Derek, we’re not married.”

  He glared at her without answering. This was the woman he was in love with. Couldn’t she have found a way?

  “How did you expect to ever get away with it?” Jason asked.

  “Get away with what? If Derek is committed to me and I’m committed to him, what is there to get away with?” Her hands lay spread out in front of her.

  “But aren’t their some legal issues involved?” Kelly suggested.

  “Like what? When Derek and I bought this house, we were just two people buying a house together. I still use my maiden name on my driver’s license and credit cards.” Jillian answered as if presenting her case before a judge. He couldn’t help but feel pride at the way she’d thought this all out but...

  “According to the state of Texas, if we pass the three-prong test, we’re married. We pass all three.” she stated.

  Karen Ann joined her behind the counter. “Look we understand why you did it, but there’s no reason you can’t get married now.” She peered down at Jillian’s stomach.

  “It’s not like I don’t want to get married. I just couldn’t think of a way to tell everyone.”

  Karen Ann wrapped her arms around his wife…no. “Don’t worry, Jillian. We’ll work it out.”

  Derek heard the argument, knew the facts, but he couldn’t come to terms with the betrayal. Pushing to his feet, he headed for the back door.


  The slamming of the door vibrated through Jillian’s body. Derek, a man of honor, wasn’t going to overlook her lie. No matter what the reason.

  “The only problem now is whether he’s still willing to marry me.” She felt bruised and battered.

  Jason stood. “I’ll go talk to him.”

  “No. This is my fault. I’ll go talk to him.” Jillian rushed toward the door before Jason could leave the table.

  “Why don’t you guys finish your dinner? We’ll be back in a little while.” She closed the door quietly behind her and heard the door to his workshop slam shut.

  He had a right to be upset. Hell, she’d be upset too. But he’d have to get over it. She’d worked too hard to make their marriage come together. She wasn’t going to give up on it now.

  Her heart beat like a drum as she stood outside the door of the workshop. With a cleansing breath, she knocked and opened the door.

  Looking around the room, she found him in the middle of the room, sawing a piece of wood.

  “Can I come in?” Jillian stepped inside, closed the door, locked it, and then leaned back against it.

  “It looks like you already have.” He didn’t bother to look up.

  She watched the muscles in his arms and back bunch. His good looks called to her as much now as they did when she’d first met him. His hair, which was longer now, still curved at the ends. Energy flowed through him like electricity and it hummed a rhythm she couldn’t ignore. She wanted, needed, and loved him with all her heart. He had to forgive her.

  He continued with the chore of sawing the wood and never looked her way. She glanced around the room, noting the small changes he’d made. Tools were placed back where they belonged. No dust lay on the counters.

  She circled the room, touching tools and gliding her hand over the smooth surface of the cabinets. Tiring of the silence, she voiced the first words that entered her head. “Okay, go ahead. Tell me you’re leaving.”

  “What?” Derek peered up, his eyes burning with resentment.

  “Well, isn’t that what you’re planning to say? After all, how can you live with a liar?”

  She watched him gather his control. He set down the saw and spoke very calmly, too calmly. The man was furious with her. “Jillian, I’m trying really hard not to get mad here. Let’s leave it alone.”

  Rage poured from every cell of his body. Who was he kidding? There was no way he’d get over this if he didn’t let it out.

  “Why don’t you want to get mad?”

  His dark eyes pinned her in place, screaming his temper. “Because I don’t want to say or do something I might regret. My anger seems to cause terrible things to happen.”

  She studied her fingernails, playing for time, trying to calm her own racing pulse. Could she handle his wrath?

  “If you hold it inside it will only cause you problems, but if you let it go I think we can work through it.” She danced on the balls of her feet like a boxer. “Your anger won’t kill me. Go ahead. Let's have it.”

  Fists clamped, face red, Derek barked, “Damn it, Jillian, you lied to me.”

  Still across the room from him, she spoke conversationally. “Did I?” Her hands fell.

  He stalked toward her, his eyes inflamed. “You know damn well you did.”

  Toe-to-toe with him, she glanced up. “Then I guess you lied too.” With his attention centered on her, she had no intention of letting him back away.


  “I said you lied too. Who was it that told everyone we were married in the first place?” Jillian shoved her finger into the center of his chest.

  “You can't blame me for that one. I was half out of my head with worry about who was going to take care of you and the baby if I died.”

  “Well, it didn’t stop you from leaving,” Jillian yelled. How she’d begged him not to go on his last assignment. Yet, he hadn’t listen, instead he’d walked out the door, not even bothering to kiss her goodbye.

  His hands tightened over her shoulders. “Don’t start with that. You know I felt guilty about leaving you. I didn’t want to go.”

  “Then why did you?” she yelled in his face.

  His furious eyes dared her to argue his point. “You know I had responsibilities that I had to take care of.”

  The argument still didn’t wash. “Funny, I felt the same way when I said we were married.”

  His eyes narrowed, he released her and stepped back. “It’s not the same, Jillian.”

  “Really? That’s strange. Because I think it is.” She grabbed his arm when he started to turn away, pulling him back around to face her. “There you were on the other side of the world. Not responding to anyone, calling for me. What was I supposed to do?”

  Her fears of what she could have lost sparked her anger. “When Jason called, telling me you’d been hurt, I thought I would go insane with worry. When he asked if we were married, I told him yes.” The frustration of that moment hit her. “I would have told him anything to get you back.”

  Frustrated by his lack of und
erstanding, she screamed. “Don’t you see? I needed you.”


  The anguish on her face broke through his bitterness. Derek was blaming her for an untruth that had saved him. She’d pulled him from the brink of hell. The misery he’d dredged her through stabbed at his anger, deflating it.

  She had stood by him, sacrificed her honor, and changed her entire lifestyle to accommodate him, giving up her freedom to take care of him. What more could he ask for?

  He had no reason to be upset. She had backed him up one hundred percent with no guarantee that things would work out.

  Staring into her face, he saw the love she always gave him. It made him wonder what he’d done to deserve such a woman in his life.

  Wrapping his arms around her, Derek drew her close. “It’s okay. Jillian, I’m home.”

  “But I could have lost you.” Her tears fell on his chest and her arms circled his neck.

  He stroked her back, trying to calm her. He began to see the nightmare she’d lived with. Well, it was finally over. “Honey, you don’t have to cry.”

  Her arms clamped around him. She hiccupped and whispered in his ear. “You’re not still mad?”

  “No, I’m not mad. But we still need to get married. Maybe Kelly and Jason will go for a double wedding.”

  Tiny kisses fell on his neck. “I won’t ever lie to you, again.”

  “You’d better not.” Derek drew back so he could look down into her face. “Tell you what. To show you I’m not angry any more why don’t, I show you what I’ve been working on?”

  “That would be wonderful.” Jillian smiled and loosened her grip.

  He walked across the room and removed a canvas over an object on the floor.


  Jillian waited expectantly for him to step out of the way. Her gaze fell on the cradle. “Oh Derek, it’s beautiful.”

  Examining the fine wood grain, she ran her hands over the bed, admired the smooth texture. With a little push the cradle rocked back and forth on its runners. She marveled at the headboard where there were three small rocking horses cut out of the wood. “You did a great job. How long have you been working on it?”

  He placed his arm around her shoulders, and stared at the crib. “On and off since you showed me your father’s workshop.”

  She snuggled closer to him, absorbing the love radiating from him. “You never said a word about doing this.”

  “Well, I wanted it to be a surprise.” He spun her around to face him, and gathered her up next to him. The emotions reflected in his eyes made her melt. “I love you, Mrs. Jillian Wilson Harris. And I promise you that no matter what, we will always be together.”

  “I’ll agree with that.” She slid her arms around his neck and whispered. “We’ve never made love in here.”

  His lips covered hers.

  About the Author

  Tina Gayle is a person that enjoys learning new things. After trying several different careers, she decided that she really wanted to be a Pretender. She discovered as a writer, she could go anywhere and do anything, the perfect job for her. Already a natural storyteller, she worked to convert the skill she developed as a child into creating characters and stories with passion and ambition.

  In her free time, she’s busy with her husband, two active boys, a large extended family and many friends.

  Connect with Me Online:

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  Other Titles by Tina Gayle:

  Executive Wives Series: (Romance with strong women fiction elements)

  Revive – Marketing Exec’s Widow

  Birth – IT Exec’s Baby

  Breath – CFO’s Affair (coming out summer of 2013)

  Life – Dilemma of the CEO’s Widow (coming out late 2013)

  Family Tree Series:

  Summer’s Growth -

  Fallen Leaves – coming out in 2013

  Winter’s Wonders – coming out in 2014

  Spring’s Rebirth – coming out in 2014

  Other Romance titles available:

  Pregnancy Plan

  Baby Decision

  Mating Rituals

  Youthful Decision


  Chapter One

  “You sure you want an older home?” Jennifer Larson stepped into the living room of the early-American style home, eyed the faded wallpaper and fought the dust tickling her nose. The doors leading from the room had the added benefit of creating functional areas for the office space her client wanted. But sheer age and the dilapidated state of the place would require a significant amount of time and money to return the house to its prior glory.

  “Yes, I like a house that has weathered a few storms and developed the divine grace that comes with age. Given a little care, she’ll be in the perfect spot to shine.” Hagan Cheney, a few feet away, stood by the large front window. The bright afternoon sun drew long shadows across the floor, adding to the dreary surroundings. A prevailing wind whistled around the house and through the bare oak tree in the small front yard, a salacious cat-call to alert every female to clutch their skirt close.

  She shivered and air rushed through her nose on a loud sneeze.

  “Gesundheit,” Hagan threw over his shoulder, shifting so that his masculine silhouette blocked her view of the wintry landscape.

  “Thank you.” Jen tilted her head and narrowed her gaze. His tall, lean form topped hers even with three-inch heels on, a welcome rarity from the men she usually met. In addition, he had strawberry-blond hair, a known weakness of hers. The reddish-gold locks danced along the collar of his black shirt, teasing her with the idea of running her hands through the thick mass. Her fingers twitched. She dropped her gaze. Tight jeans covered a round, squeezable butt. Hot awareness suddenly sizzled, stunning Jen with its power. She knotted her hands into fists and fought the unwelcome attraction.

  No way, I’m his real estate agent, not his date for the evening. And it’s only been four months since...

  “Elkhorn’s main street isn’t large, but the Little League baseball field and the restaurants should attract people to the area.” Hagan’s dark brown…no, hazel, his eyes were hazel she realized abruptly when his gaze met hers. He cocked a brow and a sexy smile teased the corner of his lips. Oh, darn, the man had nailed her ogling his backside.

  Heat burned her cheeks and the air sizzled between them. Goose bumps popped out on her arms, and her internal timer ticked off each day she’d gone without sex—well over a year.

  His smile grew wider and visions of his mouth melting onto hers slammed home the impossibility of the situation.

  Give it up, girl. It’s not happening.

  She swallowed and searched the room for a distraction, some way to gain control of her raging hormones and maintain the professional image she’d strived so hard to develop the last five years. “I agree. It is in a great location.”

  The chipped plaster hanging haphazardly above their heads offered a reprieve. “But the house still needs a lot of work. And you did say you had a limited budget for remodeling.” She strolled into the hallway and gulped in some much needed air. Just because she found Hagan attractive didn’t mean the feeling was mutual.

  A Realtor had to understand a client’s needs and learn their likes and dislikes. The relationship that developed could appear almost personal, but rarely lasted. Luckily, though, in this empty house, she didn’t have the enticement of staring at Hagan across a king-size bed or a comfy couch.

  The soft thud of his rubber-soled shoes followed in her wake as she led the way to the staircase. Jen cupped her hand around the oak railing and rubbed her moist palms against the polished wood. The man called to something
inside her, a deep yearning to break away from the norm. A preposterous dream.

  Her gaze ran along the gentle curve of the banister until the golden wood flowed into the second floor. She tightened her grip. Bedrooms. The word conjured alluring images and warmth flooded through her veins. Maybe, she should call an end to the showing and drive him back to his office. “From what I’ve seen so far, you’d be better off with a different house. But if you like, we can check upstairs?”

  “Lead the way, beautiful.” Hagan brushed his hand lightly across her back.

  Hot tingles danced along her spine. Jen rushed forward. Whoa. As a new widow, she shouldn’t find the man attractive. Even if he was hot.

  Drawing on her professional reserve, she stifled the urge to race up the stairs and slowed her pace. “I...uh...believe there are four rooms on the second level.”

  The wood floor groaned under Hagan’s weight and his footsteps echoed through the empty house. “Any other houses in the area for sale?”

  Reaching the landing, she sailed across and stopped by the first bedroom door. A brief glimpse revealed the same disappointing result as the space downstairs. “No, but there are a number of small towns nearby that might have what you’re looking for.”

  An enticing male scent floated through the air, a second before a hand gripped the doorframe by her shoulder.

  Every female gene sprang to attention at his close proximity.

  Desire poured through her, drenching her with emotions she hadn’t felt in months, hell, maybe even years. Her knees wobbled and she staggered into the doorframe, but remained standing.

  Hagan peered over her shoulder and blocked her retreat. “Not bad, if I want to have another office suite up here. I can tear out this wall and make a larger lobby, or close off the doorway and create another entrance into the room.” He wandered to the next bedroom.


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