Chronicles of Eden - Act VI

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Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Page 25

by Alexander Gordon

  Clover glanced to his hand then to him while showing a dull expression as she lowered her hands to her sides.

  “Like I said before,” Kroanette added with a hopeful smile. “You don’t have to be alone, Clover. We could be your friends if you would only let us.”

  Everyone watched as Clover closed her eyes for a moment, taking a quiet breath before she grabbed Daniel’s shoulders and kicked straight up between his legs. Daniel yelped in pain before dropping to the ground while all the girls jumped in surprise and Clover set her hands at her hips with a harsh scowl at the whimpering boy on the floor.

  “I don’t need your damn sympathy!” Clover shouted out. “I saved your friends because I’m not some Darker One like you all keep claiming me to be, that’s all! And for the record I didn’t do any of that to be a part of what you call a family, I don’t want to have sex with your mates or even you for that matter which is what being in your family obviously entails, so don’t start thinking I want a piece of that because I sure as fuck don’t!”

  Daniel merely squeaked something while holding his hands down between his legs and remaining face first on the floor, much to his relief as he felt as though a few tears of pain were coming from his eyes while he was reeling from the elf’s painful response to him.

  “Daniel!” Specca cried out as she and Luna quickly raced over and knelt down beside him.

  “Are you alright?” Luna asked as she shook him by the shoulder, only getting another whine from him as he shakily nodded.

  “Clover!” Alyssa yelled out while she, Squeak, and Falla glared at the elf.

  “If it wasn’t for the fact that you aided Triska as you have…” Specca growled at Clover with anger.

  “Why must you keep doing that to him?” Kroanette demanded while watching Daniel whimpering in pain on the floor.

  “He’s the one who got all handsy with me,” Clover retorted as she looked away with a stubborn grunt.

  “He was trying to be nice to you!” Alyssa shouted at the elf. “He didn’t do anything wrong!”

  “Whatever,” Clover scoffed as she walked over and picked up her bow and quiver, holstering the container behind her then her bow around her shoulder before she made her way towards the entryway.

  “Where are you going?” Luna asked while she and Specca slowly helped Daniel up by an arm each.

  “You keep bitching about me doing archery in the caravan, don’t you?” Clover answered with a glance at the girls. “So I’m going to go outside first. You’re welcome.”

  “We’re welcome?” Falla questioned with disbelief. “You kicked our mate in the crotch and we’re welcome?”

  “That’s what I said,” Clover replied before she left the cabin.

  “Why must you keep pushing everyone away from you?” Kroanette asked with exasperation as Clover hopped down from the ride and started walking away towards where she had been firing her arrows the night before.

  Specca and Luna helped Daniel to his feet, the boy forcing a smile the best he could as he quickly wiped away his tears in fear the girls might see them.

  “Okay, I think we’ve established she doesn’t like to be touched by anyone,” he reasoned before slowly walking over and sitting down on the couch with the two girls.

  “Just when I start to think she’s not such a demon she always reminds me otherwise,” Specca derided with a fleeting glance of ire towards the entryway.

  “Was bringing her with us the right thing to do?” Luna asked with concern as she saw Daniel slowly catching his breath and not shedding any tears now.

  “Yes, taking her with us was the right decision,” Daniel agreed, taking one final slow breath then smirking towards the entryway where Kroanette was watching him curiously. “She is a kindhearted girl after all.”

  “She kicked you in the crotch,” Falla pointed out. “Multiple times now.”

  “Yeah, I noticed,” Daniel said with a weak chuckle. “But she’s also been protective of all of us, even though she doesn’t want it to be seen that way. She may have a tough exterior but she’s not a demon inside. She’s just dealing with her anger the only way she knows how to. I actually feel sorry for her knowing what she’s going through.”

  “Even so,” Kroanette spoke while leaning to the side against the doorframe. “As grateful as I am for her helping us as she has I do wish she would let her anger go. I agree there is a kindhearted girl deep down inside her. Deep down inside her.”

  Daniel nodded in agreement to that before turning his sights over to Triska, with the other girls doing the same and watching as she was now sleeping more peacefully and not breathing so heavily. Squeak continued to hold her hand with a small smile as she saw Triska slowly move her head slightly in her sleep.

  “I think she’s getting better,” Alyssa announced with relief as she felt Triska’s forehead. “Her fever is going down more.”

  “Good, I can stop doing this then,” Falla said with a weak smile as she stopped flapping her wings and rubbed her shoulder. “I didn’t want to say anything but I was starting to get cramps from doing that so much.”

  “Thank goodness she’s alright,” Specca sighed with relief before resting her head on Daniel’s shoulder. “That was a frightful evening.”

  “Is she going to be okay now?” Luna asked worriedly.

  “I’d say she is,” Alyssa said with a nod before glancing over to Specca with a raised eyebrow. “But Specca isn’t going to be.”

  “What?” Specca said with a jump.

  “I think you were right, this was all your fault with the food you made her this morning,” Alyssa accused with hands set at her hips. “What the hell did you do anyway? She’s fed us horrible food herself dozens of times but nothing that made us deathly ill.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened!” Specca pleaded with her hands up defensively. “I made her dish the same as everyone else’s, and nobody else got sick. I don’t understand what I did wrong.”

  “You probably weren’t paying attention with making hers while you were busy using your tail on my sister,” Falla dryly mentioned.

  Specca jumped with a squeak and a nervous smile on her face, eyes going down to the floor before slowly turning to Luna as the butterfly girl was watching her with a curious smile.

  “That was an accident, I assure you,” Specca shakily implored.

  “I’ve heard enough,” Alyssa declared while crossing her arms. “You were daydreaming about Luna and you didn’t make Triska’s food right. Honestly, Specca, how could you be so careless like that?”

  “I wasn’t daydreaming about her!”

  “I wouldn’t mind if you were,” Luna said with a shrug. Specca merely stared at her with a stunned expression and stammered something while Daniel glanced between the two and watched both girls blushing more.

  “I think a bit of punishment here is an order,” Alyssa stated, with Specca turning to her with a squeak as the witch gave her a stern smile with softly glowing eyes for a moment. “After all you made Triska sick, that’s very naughty in my book.”

  “No… please…” Specca breathed out as she quickly held her hands down over her rear cheeks. “You wouldn’t, not again.”

  “What are you going to do to her?” Pip asked as she leaned down over the edge of Alyssa’s hat, looking at the witch upside-down with a curious smile.

  “She already knows,” Alyssa said with a twitch of her eyebrow.

  “You’re going to shove those roots up her ass again, aren’t you?” Falla plainly asked.

  “That’s a pretty big punishment,” Luna mentioned while holding her hands over her own rear.

  “No!” Specca cried out as she clung to Daniel for safety. “Please, Daniel! Don’t let her do that to me again! I can’t handle it, I can’t! I’m sorry for making Triska sick, I really am! Please save me, Daniel!”

  Daniel held the frightened nixie close with an amused smile while the other girls giggled at seeing her clinging to him for dear life.

bsp; “Alyssa,” he said with a glance at the witch. “Don’t scare her like this. I’m sure it was just a simple mistake, she didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”

  “But look what she did to Triska,” Alyssa pouted while pointing to her sick friend. “She can’t get away with that, that’s not fair. She needs to be taught a lesson for what she did.”

  “You can spank me then, Daniel,” Specca quickly insisted with a nervous smile at him. “Really, you can punish me all night if you wish, I’ll gladly accept that for what I did to Triska, wouldn’t that be fair? Please? You can do it right now, I insist.”

  “I’m sure that’ll teach her a lesson,” Falla dryly remarked.

  “If she’s going to get punished then I should too,” Luna softly said while looking down timidly. “She was too busy thinking about me and got distracted, I’m to blame for that.”

  “What?” Alyssa questioned. “You’re not to blame for any of this. Specca’s the one who-”

  “Please, Daniel!” Luna begged as she grabbed onto him as well. “I don’t want Specca to suffer because of me, that wouldn’t be right. It’s because of me she messed up Triska’s meal; she couldn’t stop thinking about having sex with me. If it wasn’t for me none of this would have happened, she couldn’t get my body out of her mind. You can’t punish her without doing so to me too, that’s not fair.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about having sex with you!” Specca cried out as she buried her face in Daniel’s shoulder out of embarrassment.

  “Don’t be so hard on her, I’m just as guilty!” Luna wailed as she held her head against his other shoulder.

  Daniel remained silent as he looked from one crying girl who was holding onto him then to another while the others exchanged curious glances. Specca held onto him tightly with his arm being pressed into her bosom and her tail wrapping around his leg. Luna held onto Daniel’s other arm while sobbing on his shoulder, forcing it between her breasts while he had to try and pull his hand away as the girl was holding it so close it was going down between her thighs.

  “Um, please calm down,” Daniel unsurely said as the two girls held onto him and kept crying.

  “Why is Luna getting so worked up over this?” Alyssa asked with confusion.

  “Because she’s Luna,” Falla answered with a raised eyebrow at her sister.

  Squeak slowly shook her head and squeaked something while she continued to hold Triska’s hand with a gentle grip.

  “Alyssa, I dare say you’re scaring them,” Kroanette giggled with a hand held lightly over her mouth.

  “Alright, fine!” Alyssa called out, with Specca and Luna slowly peeking over to the witch while Daniel smiled weakly at her. “I won’t punish you for what you did this time, so quit crying already.”

  “You mean it?” Specca nervously asked.

  “Are you sure?” Luna softly said.

  “I’m sure,” Alyssa said crossing her arms and smirking at the girls. “Instead, you two can go talk to Clover and try to get her to calm down and smile again.”

  “What?” Luna and Specca exclaimed with a jump.

  “Well she is a kindhearted girl deep down inside,” Alyssa reasoned with a shrug. “So if you’d rather go try to talk her down and help her come to peace over her tragic past then you can do that instead. It’s either deal with Clover for the rest of the night and be the friends she sorely needs right now, or I’m taking you outside and teaching you a lesson for what you did to Triska.”

  “We’ll take your lesson!” Specca and Luna quickly insisted as they jumped to their feet.

  “Wait, are you serious?” Falla asked with disbelief as Alyssa waved the girls out, with Luna and Specca quickly trotting across the room and hopping outside past Kroanette who watched with equal bewilderment.

  “You two do realize what she’s going to do to you, right?” Kroanette questioned as she watched Alyssa hop off the bed before walking across the room and summoning her staff into her hand. Pip continued to sit on her hat with a curious expression on her face as the witch left the cabin after the girls. Falla, Squeak, and Kroanette looked to each other then to Daniel as he had the same perplexed face they did.

  “So, Daniel,” Falla spoke up while getting off the bed and walking over to him. “You really think Clover’s not all that bad? Because my sister and Specca would rather take thick sticks up their asses than talk to that elf for the night.”

  Daniel opened his mouth to speak, paused, then lowered his head and held a hand over his eyes as he realized just how bleak Clover’s image was with the girls.

  “I want to believe she’s a kindhearted girl,” he tried to reason with. “She has the ability to care for others, she just needs to let her past go and show that she has a heart still.”

  Falla sat next to him and gently rubbed his back with a sympathetic smile while Squeak turned her eyes back down to Triska and gently brushed the teen’s hair away from her face using her free hand. Kroanette sighed then glanced behind her with a troubled frown.

  “Well then, I’m going to go tend to Lucky for the night,” she offered before rubbing the back of her neck. “And also to check on those two and make sure they’re okay.”


  “Alyssa, this is not okay!” Kroanette cried out, holding her hands to her cheeks with a look of shock on her face.

  “They’re fine,” Alyssa casually said before grunting as she used some strength to push more of a wooden phallus deeper into Specca’s rear. The nixie was bent over on the ground right beside Luna, the two girls having green vines ensnared around their legs, hips, and shoulders while also binding their hands, wings, and tail to their backs. Luna’s expression was frozen as if she was screaming, although only weak gasps were coming from her open mouth while her eyes were shut tight. Her rear trembled with only a small bit of the wooden phallus that was shoved deep into her being seen between her cheeks.

  “Oh… god!” Specca strained out through clenched teeth. She shut her eyes and breathed sharply through her nose as Alyssa gave another hard push to get the object further into her ass.

  “Wow,” Pip said while sitting on Alyssa’s hat still. “Those went in deep.”

  “Yep,” Alyssa replied before pushing the wood in more.

  “Why did you two even agree to this?” Kroanette asked with disbelief.

  “It was thiiiiis- UNGH! Or… spend time with Cloveeeerrr!” Specca groaned loudly while her face became flushed.

  “And this was the better alternative?” Kroanette exclaimed.

  “UNGGH! Oh god, it’s boring into me! OHHH!” Specca wailed before dropping face down onto the grass with a loud moan. “And yet… it’s slightly less- AHHH! …less painful than dealing with that elf!”

  “Just goes to show how abrasive Clover really is,” Alyssa said calmly before grunting as she forced the phallus in until it nearly vanished between the nixie’s cheeks.

  “Luna, are you alright?” Kroanette said trotting over to the front of the girls and seeing Luna remaining still with a stunned face.

  “So… big…” Luna squeaked out.

  “Holy shit,” Kroanette spoke with awe at seeing the two girls bound down and groaning with their rears shaking. “They’d really choose to have their asses destroyed by your sadistic punishment rather than speak to Clover for just a little while?”

  “That surprises you?” Alyssa said standing up and brushing off her hands nonchalantly.

  “Yes, it honestly does. And why did you have to tie them down for this?”

  “They kept squirming,” Alyssa replied with a shrug as she picked up her staff and eyed the two girls on the ground with a raised eyebrow. “This made it easier. A lot easier.”

  “Are they going to be okay?” Pip asked as she saw Specca whimpering and Luna breathing sharply with eyes shut tight.

  “They’ll be fine,” Alyssa said before starting to walk back towards the caravan which was further away. Kroanette watched Specca and Luna with sympathy then slowly followed after the

  “How long are they going to stay like that?”

  “Just an hour, it’s late after all,” Alyssa reasoned while looking up at the night sky.

  “I see,” Kroanette said glancing back to where the two bound girls were faintly heard whimpering together.

  Specca took a few quick breaths then groaned loudly as she felt the hard object which to her seemed like it was nearly running her through. She then slowly looked over to see Luna having her head turned towards her with a saddened smile and tears dripping down her cheeks.

  “Why… did you… want to do this… with me?” Specca forced out before gritting her teeth and grunting as her body tried to push the phallus out to no avail.

  “I didn’t… want you… to be alone…” Luna softly replied.

  “You didn’t… do anything- UNGH! Anything wrong… Luna.”

  “I still… don’t want you to be… alone.”

  Specca looked at her with teary eyes as Luna flinched and whimpered before smiling gently at her.


  “I meant what I said…” Luna breathed out before she started feeling lightheaded. “I love… all of you.”

  The butterfly girl let out one more grunt before dropping her head down and passing out. Specca whimpered and struggled to not to lose consciousness herself as she watched her friend twitch slightly in her sleep.

  “I love you too, Luna,” Specca breathed out before shutting her eyes tightly as she strained not to scream again. “I… really do.”

  Kroanette and Alyssa walked over to the caravan together while Lucky was lying down in his bedding for the night, with the witch then climbing aboard the ride and entering the cabin while the centaur propped herself up and leaned in through the doorway as she usually did.

  “Alright,” Kroanette said as she saw Daniel and Falla sitting on the couch together and Squeak still beside Triska on the bed. “Lucky is resting for the night, and Specca and Luna are probably not going to be walking too well after tonight.”

  “Did you really have to do that to my sister as well?” Falla huffed while holding onto Daniel’s arm. “She didn’t do anything wrong.”


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