Chronicles of Eden - Act VI

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Chronicles of Eden - Act VI Page 35

by Alexander Gordon


  “No, I mean it,” Sasha implored as she took hold of his hand with hers. “To me you are my master, that’s what I want more than anything. I found someone who is the perfect mate, the perfect soulmate even, and I’ll do whatever it takes to be worthy of you. I don’t need to fight you to test that, you’ve already won me with all that you’ve done. Please, give me another chance to prove myself to you, don’t let me go.”

  Daemon looked to her hands gently holding his then to her as she watched him with hopeful eyes.

  “Sasha, I told you before I’m not looking for nor can I take a mate now.”

  “Why is it that you can’t take me as yours?” Sasha worriedly asked. “You can do me right here and now, anytime you want, I’ll never say no to you. We’re both monsters, there’s nothing to be ashamed about between us. So why is it that you cannot have sex with me, please tell me why.”

  Daemon glanced to the sword sheathed at his hip. Sasha turned her eyes to it as he lightly patted the sheath with his gloved hand before turning his sights back to her.

  “As strong as I am, this weapon makes me stronger,” he explained solemnly. “Should I take a mate in life, I’ll lose this weapon. I cannot have both, and my quest cannot be put aside for anyone, not even myself.”

  Sasha looked at the sword with wonder and concern, remembering how although the blade gave off a strange light and was used with some very powerful magic by the swordsman earlier, the idea that it was keeping him from choosing a mate in life was puzzling to her. After a while she smiled a little and shook her head.

  “Then I’ll wait,” she promised. “I’ll wait until you can. I don’t fully understand what you mean, but I can tell by what you say that this is important to you, and I trust you completely. So I’ll wait until you’ve fulfilled that goal, and until then I’ll help you with whatever it is you need. Tell me what you want, what it is you seek in this world and I’ll make sure you get it.”

  Showing a promiscuous smile she leaned closer to him and licked her lips.

  “And if you’re ever hungry during the trip, by all means eat me. I am yours after all, for whatever purpose you so desire.”

  Daemon showed no reaction to that and merely stared at her with his same blank expression, watching the reptile girl shifting her hips around slightly with a twitch of her eyebrow. He then shook his head, causing the reptile girl to lower hers with a troubled frown.

  “I won’t be doing that with you, Sasha.”

  “Are you not allowed to do such things as that either?” she worriedly asked.

  “No, it’s not that,” Daemon said as he stood up. “It’s just once I get a taste of something I truly like I’d prefer to have the whole thing, and not stop.”

  Sasha froze in place with wide eyes, her face turning a deep shade of crimson as a faint whine came from her mouth. She quickly looked up to Daemon while holding her hands to cheeks, seeing him watching her with a calm expression and a hand resting on his sword’s handle.

  “And I know I can’t have the whole thing just yet,” he finished before he started walking over towards her sword which was still lodged through a tree.

  Sasha kept her eyes on him in stunned silence as he made his way over to the broadsword and then pulled it out of the timber with one hand. The reptile girl trembled a bit then looked down to her lap while holding her hands on her thighs, feeling her heart beating so hard she feared it might burst from her chest.

  ‘He wants me! He wants me! My master does want me! Oh my god, he really wants me!’

  Rulo hopped out of the stream and shook her body wildly, getting as much of the water off her as she could while cringing as if in unbearable pain. With a few sharp breaths and oinks she looked down at herself and her wet clothing while whimpering in sorrow, hands shakily going over her body as she couldn’t feel the familiar greasy skin she once had. She then shook her head and quickly trotted over to where Sasha was sitting on the grass, seeing Daemon walking back towards them with the reptile girl’s broadsword held in one hand.

  “Holy shit, Sasha, where did you find this guy anyway?” Rulo said with an excited smile. She then noticed Sasha was shaking a bit while her head was lowered and her hands were clenched, hair covering the view of her eyes while her teeth were gritted.

  “Sasha? You alright?” Rulo asked before seeing Daemon walking over and then striking the reptile girl’s sword into the ground near her. “Um, I’m all clean now. Really I am. Is this okay? If not I… I can try again.”

  “I never asked that you clean yourself in the first place,” Daemon pointed out with a raised eyebrow at her. “I merely commented that you smelled terrible as orcs normally do. Why are you so insistent on washing yourself rather than running away from here?”

  “Because I don’t want my smell to bother you, master,” Rulo eagerly replied.

  “Don’t you start calling me that too,” Daemon said shaking his head. “I’m not your-”

  “And I’m sorry I hurt Sasha earlier, I didn’t know she was your bitch. You can punish me for it if you want, really you can.” The orc quickly dropped to her hands and knees while holding onto Daemon’s foot, the swordsman merely watching her with a dull expression as the girl smiled brightly up at him. “Please let loose all your anger on me, I can handle it. I’ll gladly take all your frustrations if it’ll make you happy. Would that make you happy? Would it?”

  “Get off my foot.”

  “You want me to be under it instead?” Rulo asked with an eager smile.

  “I want you to stop groveling like you are altogether,” Daemon ordered, with Rulo promptly hopping back onto her knees and nodding quickly at him. “Why are you acting this way? I never beat you in combat nor raised a finger to you. I don’t even know who you are.”

  “My name is Rulo, your new faithful servant,” Rulo praised as she quickly leapt forward and hugged his foot again. “And you already showed me you’re just the kind of man I’ve been looking for. You not only saved my life from those hungry swarm but you’re part monster as well! This is incredible, I had always hoped to find someone that could show me what being rough really is, and I have! Take me with you, take me with you, take me take me take me!”

  “You have absolutely no pride at all, do you?” Tabitha plainly asked.

  “Shut up!” Rulo snapped at her. “I just found the perfect guy in Eden; of course I would want to do everything I could to be his toy!”

  “Toy?” Scay asked tilting her head.

  “Orcs want to be bitches of those that are stronger than them,” Tabitha dryly explained.

  “And there is nobody in Eden that is stronger than my master!” Rulo shouted at her. “He’s the only one whose feet I’ll kiss!”

  “So, again, no pride at all,” Tabitha summed up.

  “I don’t want a servant,” Daemon spoke with growing annoyance as he watched Rulo literally kissing his foot and leaving her drool all over it. “And I certainly don’t want you to keep doing that. Get off my foot right now.”

  Again Rulo hopped back onto her knees and nodded quickly with a big smile on her face, with Daemon looking at his boot with a dull expression as he slowly dragged it back on the grass and wiped the orc’s saliva off it.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” he dryly told her, only getting an excited squeal out of the orc.

  “Get away from him,” Sasha hissed as she stood up, eyes glaring at Rulo with rage as the orc and swordsman took notice of her and the fierce aura she was exuding. “He is my master, not yours! If anyone is going to kiss his feet then it shall be me!”

  “No, and no,” Daemon dryly said shaking his head.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with me being his bitch too?” Rulo snapped at Sasha while standing up and glaring at her. “He saved my life just like he did with you, that means he wants me to be his pet as well!”

  “Not even close,” Daemon said, although not being heard by the two girls.

  “You are not his pet!” Sasha y
elled out. “You have nothing to do with him at all! Get out of here, you shouldn’t even be here anymore, I’m the only one he needs!”

  “I don’t need either of you,” Daemon said, once again being ignored as the girls got in each other’s faces and snarled at one another.

  “That’s some big talk from a little girl who can’t even lift her own sword!” Rulo scoffed before shoving Sasha back. The reptile girl stumbled a step then growled loudly at the orc before glancing to the broadsword in the ground next to her. Rulo smirked at the girl then smiled eagerly at Daemon.

  “If you want some more muscle to help you kill whatever it is you want killing then I’m your girl,” she boasted before walking over to the side and grabbing her large stone hammer. With a heavy grunt she lifted it up over her shoulder then turned to Daemon with a proud smile. “I’ll smash whatever you need smashing, no problem. Hell, I’ll gladly smash more than that if it’ll make you happy. I’m the only one you need, master.”

  “For the last time,” Daemon spoke with a brief scowl showing on his face from losing his patience. “I am not your-”

  “Nobody…” Sasha growled as she grabbed her sword with both hands, gripping it tightly with bared teeth and a furious look in her eye at Rulo. “Nobody will keep me from him. Nothing will keep me from him. I am the one he needs in his life, the one who needs him more than anything.”

  She yelled and pulled the broadsword up with all her strength, lifting the heavy blade from the ground before spinning it around her then holding it at the ready and aimed towards Rulo.

  “And it’ll be a cold day in hell when some lowly orc takes him away from me! He’s my master, and my master only!”

  Daemon watched as Sasha held her sword steady while growling heavily at the orc, seeing the determined look in her eye very clearly while also noticing that she had managed to lift and hold the blade in place while she was still battered and tired from earlier.

  “Oh yeah?” Rulo challenged as she brought forth her hammer and held in both hands with a stern glare back at the reptile girl. “Bring it! I’m his bitch now, whether you like it or not! I beat you sorry ass before and I sure as hell can do it again!”

  The two girls stared each other down with anger and spite while Daemon rolled his eyes as he figured there wasn’t any point in correcting them with their claims anymore. Sasha and Rulo tensed up with bared teeth and weapons drawn, both growling loudly at each other with furious intentions, then dropped their weapons down while holding the handles and gasped and strained to lift them again. Sasha hissed and tried to lift her sword, being unable to bring it up after her adrenaline rush had ended, while Rulo snorted and whined while struggling to lift up her hammer again as she wearily glared at the reptile girl.

  “What is it with two and using weapons you can’t even carry properly?” Daemon flatly asked. Sasha and Rulo looked to him with shame then down to their sword and hammer while failing to bring the weapons back up at all.

  Daemon shook his head then started walking away, with both Sasha and Rulo jumping before quickly dropping their weapons to the ground and rushing over towards him. They jumped in front of him, halting the swordsman who held in his sigh of annoyance, and quickly got down on their knees while holding their hands together in a pleading manner.

  “Wait, don’t leave me!” Sasha implored.

  “Take me with you, please!” Rulo whined.

  “He’s not taking you, he’s taking me! I was the one he saved first!”

  “He’s my master, bitch! You can’t handle someone like him!”

  “Enough,” Daemon called out, silencing both girls. He drummed his fingers on his sword’s handle while watching as Sasha and Rulo nervously awaited his decision. “I’m not going to deal with this anymore, it’s not worth my time arguing with either of you.”

  “No, please,” Sasha whimpered with tears forming in her eyes.

  “Don’t leave me alone, I don’t want be alone anymore,” Rulo whined while wiping her tears away.

  “Then come with me if you must,” Daemon dryly said before walking between them. The two girls jumped then quickly looked back to him as he took a few steps before stopping and glancing behind at them. “I’m not going to stop you if that’s what you want to do with your lives. Just know that I have a purpose to fulfill, and I will not stop until it is completed. If you truly wish to come with me then so be it, but you’d better be ready to face what comes your way. And you’d better not slow me down, or else I will leave you behind.”

  “You mean it?” Sasha asked with hopeful eyes as she and Rulo got back onto their feet.

  “I can come too? Really?” Rulo eagerly asked. Daemon glanced to her with a raised eyebrow then rolled his eyes and looked back ahead again.

  “As long as you bathe at least every other day. I don’t want to have to hold my nose during the journey.”

  Rulo hopped with excitement and oinked while pumping her fist into the air as Sasha slowly walked towards Daemon with a growing smile on her face.

  “Thank you,” Sasha dearly said, earning a brief look from the swordsman. “I promise I won’t fail you, ever.”

  “Both of you get cleaned up, and then we’re leaving,” Daemon said while keeping his eyes forward. “If you’re going to follow me you’d better get used to traveling at night.”

  “Right away,” Sasha eagerly agreed before running towards the river. Rulo watched her go then looked to Daemon with a worried eye.

  “Um, I already washed up earlier, so…”

  Daemon drummed his fingers on his sword’s handle while not saying a word or giving her a fleeting glance. Rulo gulped then slowly started backing up towards the river with a nervous smile.

  “So I’m just going to make sure I got behind the ears properly. Be right back,” she said before hastily running over to the stream. She quickly knelt down next to Sasha and scooped water up to wash her hair and ears with, shooting a mean glare at the reptile girl who was giving her the same in return as she washed the dirt off her body.

  “He said I could come so I’m coming,” Rulo snorted.

  “Fine, just don’t slow us down then,” Sasha hissed.

  “I was going to say the same thing to you.”

  “And if you fail to keep clean during this trip I’ll serve you as fried pork to my master,” Sasha threatened.

  “If you don’t stop being such a little bitch I’ll kill you and let my master scold me for murdering you,” Rulo snapped back.

  Sasha grunted then shoved Rulo into the river, the orc falling in with a large splash before she started thrashing around and crying out in agony. Rulo flailed around in the water before she reached over and grabbed Sasha’s hand, yanking the reptile girl into the water as well with a splash before the two started yelling back and forth while pushing each other around. As they did Daemon merely shook his head as he heard the two girls fighting once again before he gazed up at the stars above.

  “I just had to save them.”


  “And that’s how we met our master,” Sasha explained, with Scay watching her with eyes of wonder and Tabitha looking down at the dirt with a dull expression and slowly shaking her head. “Ever since then we’ve followed him on his quest in Eden. As the years passed we grew stronger, faster, we became who we are today because of him. I used to struggle holding my sword up, now I find it weighs nothing at all. I used to be lost when everyone abandoned me, now I have a place in this world with the one who gave me a new life.”

  “We learned all about what he really is,” Rulo added. “How he’s half-demon half-human, how he wields a sword of great power… and also how him having that sword means we can’t have sex with him, ever. He needs that power to complete his goal, that comes first, and wouldn’t dare try to take that away from him after all he’s done for us. So all we can do is help him complete his goal so that he’ll be able to take us as his in every way someday.”

  “What is his goal?” Scay eagerly asked as she got
really close to Sasha. “What is he trying to do? Will you ever be able to fuck him so hard one day? Tell me- nrrghmmm what is his mission?”

  “I’ve heard enough,” Tabitha grunted as she got up and dusted off her rear.

  “But they haven’t told us the best part yet!” Scay whined while clinging to Sasha’s chest and looking back at Tabitha with pleading eyes. “I must know the reason!”

  While Sasha growled and tried to push the persistent naga off of her Forrus stood up and kept a close eye on Tabitha.

  “I didn’t believe them at first either,” Forrus spoke as Tabitha turned to her with a low hiss. “But I saw for myself that my lord is no mere human, both with his combat prowess and what he hides from the world to see.”

  “As if I would trust your words any more than theirs, mutt,” Tabitha snapped at her. “I’ve listened to enough of this nonsense. I’m going to speak to Daemon myself and get some real answers, and also to let him know that his little followers were just wasting my time with their wild imaginations.”

  Tabitha hissed then dashed forward and ducked down under Forrus as the lycan swiped at the girl with her claw, the agile neko taking off into the woods before Forrus quickly chased after her.

  “Tabitha, wait!” Scay pleaded before she took off after them, slithering along the ground hastily and into the woods before vanishing in the shadows.

  “Hey, get back here!” Rulo shouted as she grabbed her hammer and followed them along with Sasha, the reptile girl holding her sword in hand and black satchel at her side as the two ran into the darkened woods after the girls.

  Tabitha made her way through the dark forest, her nocturnal vision allowing her to see well with the little moonlight that came down between the branches and leaves. Her feet swiftly ran along the ground over fallen logs and moss-covered stones, her hands resting on her swords’ handles as she kept a sharp eye out for the mysterious swordsman who she refused to believe was anything but a strange human being.

  “I don’t know what kind of games you’re playing, but I’m done playing around,” she spoke to herself as she weaved around trees and through bushes, her tail waving along behind her with the silent bells dangling on the end.


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