Unbearable (Undescribable)

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Unbearable (Undescribable) Page 16

by Tessier, Shantel

  “Where’s your helmet?” I place my hands on my hips as he looks at me with a puzzled look.

  “I don’t wear one,” he states simply.

  “What?” I call out as he starts to walk past me to the front of the building. “Do you know how dangerous those bikes can be?”

  “I’m well aware,” he throws over his shoulder as he moves to stand next to Slade on the sidewalk.

  I’m about to give him the third degree about helmet safety, but stop when I see him and Slade standing side by side. Slade has his arms crossed over his chest and Tate has his hands in his front pockets.

  They continue to stand there staring at me. “Do I need to properly introduce you guys?” I point a finger from one to the other.

  “I know who Slade is,” Tate states, not taking his dark blue eyes off of me.

  Slade slowly turns his body to face him. “Well, I have no idea who you are.” Then he looks at me. “But I promised Angel I would get to know you. So, let’s go inside and have a few drinks.”

  Tate seems satisfied with that and they both turn to head into the bar. We spot everyone already sitting at a big table in the back.

  Before I sit down, I introduce everyone to Tate. Holly and Courtney smile and say hello, whereas Micah and Josh say hello but then look at Slade, wondering if Tate should be here or not. I clear my throat and give them all big, threatening smiles. They are going to be nice to Tate. He is not threatening our group in any way.

  “What does everyone want to drink?” Slade asks, coming up behind me.

  “I’ll take a beer.”

  “A beer? You don’t like beer.” He frowns.

  “I do. I just don’t drink it much.” I’m just in the mood to sip on a beer tonight.

  “So, Courtney,” I prompt, getting her attention, “how are things going in the rental house?” I think Josh has been spending every night over there with her. She’s afraid of love. Her mother never loved a man. She raised Courtney with the mentality that no woman should ever need a man for anything outside of the bedroom. Her mother went through so many different guys, Courtney never even knew who her dad was. Hell, her mom never even tried to figure that out.

  Of course, her mother wasn’t always that way. She had loved once in high school and had her heart broken. Her mom has always told her never to depend on a man. Not even for love, because that love can be gone in a second. If you ask me, her mom is just bitter. Not every man is that way. Hell, I think Josh already wants to marry her. Just by the way he stares at her all the time with that goofy smile on his face.

  “It’s good.” She looks up from her phone as the guys join us with our drinks.

  Slade sits down next to me wrapping an arm over my shoulder.

  I turn my attention over to Holly. “How’s the planning for the Vegas trip coming along?” I am extremely excited to be going to Las Vegas for their bachelor/bachelorette party. I’ve never been there, but I can imagine what it is like.

  “It’s going well,” she says.

  I start to speak when I hear Micah clear his throat and then look at Slade.

  “What?” Slade asks, sitting up a little straighter and tightening his arm around me as he slides his gaze to Tate. I refrain from rolling my eyes at how threatened he feels by him.

  “Incoming,” Micah announces, trying to cover it with a cough.

  I look up to see two women approaching our table. Actually, I should say girls, because that’s exactly what they look like—girls. Two identical blondes, with straight blonde hair about shoulder-length. They look like they don’t weigh over ninety pounds combined. They are both short and have no curves to them at all. They remind me of stick figures and not in an attractive way.

  “Hello, boys,” the one on the right says walking up to the table. “Tiffany, did you think we would ever see the day when all three are taken?” She laughs lightly.

  “Nope,” the other one answers, then her eyes land on me. “She’s cute, Slade. Just let me know if you want a replay of last time,” she says before they turn and walk off.

  “Replay?” I turn to face him. “Replay of what?”

  He rubs the back of his neck as he looks over to Micah and then to Josh.

  Josh laughs. “Don’t look at me. I lost that bet.”

  “Bet?” Courtney eyes him skeptically. “What bet?”

  Everyone falls silent. “Well, who won?” Holly asks. There is obviously a story here, and it’s not a good one.

  I turn to Slade. “It’s not like I don’t know you were a manwhore.” I roll my eyes. “You obviously slept with her. Just spit it out.”

  Josh throws his head back as he laughs and Slade shoots him a dirty look.

  “What is so funny?” Courtney snaps, causing him to stop laughing.

  They remain silent for a few seconds before Josh speaks. “Okay, Slade and Micah bet me that I couldn’t sleep with both of them.” He shrugs. “One said yes, the other said no.”

  “Why both of them?” I ask.

  “Slade had just been with both of them the night before….” He stops talking when Slade clears his throat and sits up straighter in his seat.

  “Both of them?” I question as his blue eyes land on mine. “At the same time?”

  Slade releases a sigh before answering, “Yes.”

  Is that what he prefers? I could never do that. I could never share him like that. I shake my head. It doesn’t matter, I tell myself. It’s his past. Everyone has a past and when I decided to be with him, I knew Slade’s closet was going to be full of skinny skeleton bitches.

  Courtney turns to Josh. “What was the bet? What did you have to do?” she asks, curious.

  “Nothing.” He smirks.

  “Come on. Tell me. I won’t laugh,” she promises.

  “I’m sure you love it,” Slade says with a smile before he takes a swig of his beer.

  Before I can ask what the hell he is talking about, another girl walks up to our table.

  “Hey, Tate,” she says sweetly. Her dirty blonde hair and dark rimmed glasses make her look much younger than I’m sure she is.

  We all turn our heads to face Tate at the same time. He smiles as he looks up at her. “Hey, Missy.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming out tonight,” she says with a frown.

  He points his beer to us. “It was a last minute decision.”

  She looks over to our group with a cute smile. “Hi, I’m Missy.”

  “Hi, Missy. I’m Sam.”

  Everyone else starts to introduce themselves and I stand up, grabbing her a chair so she can join us.

  “Would you like a drink?” Slade asks her.

  “No thanks.” She looks down at the table like she’s shy. I instantly like her. She is sweet, like innocent sweet. And by the way she looks at Tate, I think she likes him.

  “So how do you two know each other?” I question her as she takes her seat.

  “He works with my brother sometimes. My dad owns a repair shop and Tate helps out every now and then,” she replies enthusiastically.

  “That’s great. Do you work there as well?”

  “No, I’ve been looking for a part-time job. I’m still in college and it’s hard to find a job that will work around my class schedule.”

  I bob my head in understanding. “I thought of being a waitress in the evenings, but that’s the only time I have to study.”

  I take a second to look over at Slade and see that he is talking to Tate about the repair shop. I smile then turn my attention back to Missy.

  “What are you going to school for?”

  “Right now I plan on getting a degree in nursing, but I’m still just doing my prerequisites.”

  “Courtney was going to school to be a nurse.”

  “Yeah, for like three days and then I changed my mind,” she chimes in flatly before turning her attention back to Josh.

  Missy frowns as she looks back to me. I just shrug. I don’t know what the hell Courtney’s problem is, but I’m going
to get to the bottom of it tonight.

  “Tate said you two used to be best friends.” She changes the subject.

  I nod as I start to recall times when Tate and I would play in my backyard and ride go-carts.

  Before I know it, it’s midnight and everyone is ready to go home. As I walk out to the car I tell everyone goodbye. The only one who does not respond is Courtney, and it bothers me.

  “Courtney, is everything okay? Are you mad at me or something?” I ask, turning to face her, not caring that everyone is now staring at us. I know they all had to feel the tension tonight.

  “No,” is all she says with her back toward me as she continues to speak to Holly.

  “Well, something’s wrong. Can we talk about it?”

  She stops talking to Holly and spins around to face me. “You think I believe this bullshit act?” she asks calmly, placing her hands on her hips.

  I’m not surprised she has been holding something in. We have always both held in our feelings until something little would happen and bam, the fight was on. We have had some pretty big arguments.

  “What bullshit?” I ask casually, trying not to let everyone see that her choice of words affect me.

  “That your life is perfect, and you’re over your mom dying, and in love.” She gestures to Slade as if I can’t possibly love him.

  I take in a deep breath. She is starting to push my buttons. “What do you want from me, Courtney?” I throw my hands out to my side. “You want me on my knees begging for forgiveness the rest of my life? Do you want me to hate myself for being so selfish?” I demand. “Am I not allowed to ever smile again?”

  She looks from me and back to Slade a few times. “Oh, I get it.” I give a dark laugh. “You think I’m using Slade!” I state the obvious. “You don’t think I truly love him.”

  “I saw everything,” she shrieks. “I stood there in the doorway. I saw you scream and hit him. Then two minutes later you were clinging to him and begging him not to leave you. Then wow! You love him.”

  I take a step toward her as our friends continue watching. “Who the hell are you to say I don’t love him? You don’t know how I feel about him, because we don’t even discuss my relationship with him. All you want to do is bring up my past. And when I tell you I’m fine you just look at me in disbelief.”

  “Because you can’t—”

  “I know how you are, Courtney,” I interrupt, wanting to move on to her life and not mine. “I know how you lead men along like little toys then throw them to the side after you’ve had your fun.” She has always been kind of like Slade in that department, except she would keep them around for a while. “You will drag Josh along until there’s nothing left, until you’re tired of him, and then we will have to help pick up the pieces.”

  “Ang—” I hold my hand up to silence Slade. Courtney and I are going to get everything out in the open right now.

  “Won’t you?” I demand. “That’s why you won’t move in with him.”

  “I love him,” she screams into the quiet parking lot.

  I laugh at her outburst. “Love? That’s not the first time I’ve heard you say that, Courtney. What makes you think this time will end any different for you? Or for Josh?”

  She looks over to him and then back at me as I notice tears start to form in her eyes. “Exactly!” I hiss. “You have no place to tell me what my relationship is or is not.” Before she can say anything else, I walk over to Slade, trying to ignore the big blue eyes of Missy staring at me. I hold out my hand and he just stares at it. “Keys, Slade,” I bark.

  He jumps and digs into his pocket, quickly producing the keys to his car. I snatch them from his hand and stomp my way over to the CTS.

  I feel bad for what I just said, but it’s the truth. I’m sure as hell not going to stand there and let her talk shit about me without throwing shit back at her. I hate that everyone was there to see it, especially Josh. I want them to be happy together, but I just don’t see things ending that way. Once Courtney realizes I’m really okay, she will head back to Tulsa, leaving him with a broken heart.


  I glance from Courtney to Josh. Josh looks at Courtney stunned. I feel stunned. Did Angel and Courtney just break up? Like girlfriend break up? This cannot be good.

  I look at Micah and Holly. Holly is trying not to laugh as she looks over at my car. I know what she’s thinking. She has never doubted the fact that Angel would work through her mother’s death and her little outburst just proved it. My Angel with a feisty side is back.

  I look over at Tate and Missy. She looks terrified as she clings to Tate’s side. Her blue eyes keep darting between Courtney and my car. “It was nice to meet you,” I say, giving her a smile, knowing the poor girl will probably never want to hang out with us again.

  Her eyes land on mine and she gives me a small nod.

  “Let’s go, Josh.” Courtney spins around and marches toward his truck.

  He looks over at me and a smile starts to pull the corners of his lips. “I love her,” he murmurs and it makes me let out a little laugh.

  I wave goodbye to Micah and Holly before I turn to walk to my car. As I approach the driver’s side, she rolls down the window.

  “Passenger side.” She points to the passenger seat.

  “I don’t think—”

  “Get in Slade or I will leave you.” She revs up the engine to emphasize her threat.

  I don’t feel like dragging her out of the car right here in the parking lot and causing a bigger scene. So, I nod my head and take my ass over to the passenger side. As soon as I open the door, she grabs the shifter and throws the car in reverse.

  “Who does she think she is?” she huffs, throwing it into first gear. “You have no idea what she is like.”

  “I have an idea,” I mumble. I knew I shouldn’t have driven the car tonight. She begged me to take it and of course I gave in.

  “Oh,” she scoffs, getting onto the highway. “I am not the bad guy here. You wouldn’t have just stood there and let someone talk shit about you. So don’t make me look like the bigger bitch.”

  I bite my lip to keep my mouth shut as I watch the speedometer make its way up to eighty.

  “And you.”


  “What was all that shit about sleeping with the twins? I hope those days are over, buddy, because I am not fucking around with another woman just so you can get a hard on. Did you have to be that big of a manwhore? I mean, shit! The first time I met you, you asked me to join you with another woman. Then, not twenty minutes later you were making plans to be with a girl and her friend. Is that all you ever did was multiples?” She shakes her head quickly. “I don’t even know what to call it,” she says, tightening her hands around the steering wheel.

  I smile, leaning my head back against the headrest while she continues to ramble on about the things she’s pissed off about. I just tune her out and continue to grin. She has never acted like the jealous girlfriend before. She thought I was cheating on her, yes. She knows I have a past, but she has tried not to let it affect us. Now that she’s acting jealous, I have to admit, I love it. It pisses me off when another man even looks at her. I like knowing I’m not the only one that feels that way.

  She gets my attention again when she barks out my name as she drives down the highway.

  “What?” I say, knowing that she is waiting for me to answer some fucking question.

  “Were you even listening?” She doesn’t let me answer. “I said is that what you want? Do you want us to have threesomes with other women?”

  “Fuck no!” I yell, no longer smiling.

  “Well for some reason, I don’t believe that answer,” she snaps. “I mean how would you feel if I wanted another man to join us? Or if you had to be constantly reminded that I fucked every man I wanted?” Before I can respond and tell her I would kill any other man who touches her, she continues her tirade.

  I remain silent in the passenger seat as she gets off of
the highway and turns down our street. I’m not in the mood to fight tonight. She pulls into the garage and slams the car door shut.

  As she walks into the house, she turns, placing a finger up. “Another thing—” I can’t take it anymore. I cut her off by shoving her back against the wall.

  “That’s enough!” I demand, making her eyes go big as she sucks in a breath. I smash my lips to hers as I tangle my hands in her hair. Tightening them, I pull hard. She pants into my mouth and I feel her legs go weak.

  I’ve always liked her feisty side. I love it when she’s pissed off. I like bringing her down to a shaking, sweaty, beautiful mess underneath me.

  I let go of her hair and take the collar of her shirt and yank, causing the buttons to fly. “These.” I reach around and undo her bra. “Belong to me,” I growl, grabbing her tits roughly while breathing heavy. “Don’t talk about another man joining us, or fucking you.” I pinch her nipples and she cries out. “I have no problem telling you how possessive I am over you, Angel.” I lean down to whisper in her ear. “I would kill anyone who tries to touch you. Understand?”

  She nods her head. “All yours, baby,” she coos before she opens the button on my jeans while I kick my shoes off. Then I go to work on her pants as I bring my lips down on hers once again. She shakes her legs as she tries to get them off along with her shoes. She pulls away and finishes shoving them down. She then stands up straight and wraps her arms around my neck as her lips find mine. She jumps up, wrapping her legs around my hips, pushing me backward into the dining room. I turn us around and place her ass on the end of the kitchen table as my hand seeks out her pussy. She leans back on her hands, spreading her legs farther apart.

  I slowly push a finger into her, gritting my teeth at how wet she is. I don’t know why, but yelling at someone always seems to make her fucking horny as hell.

  “Stop,” she commands, sitting up. “Stop going so fucking slow and fuck me.”

  I arch an eyebrow. “You have no patience.”

  “Not when it comes to you.” She smirks.

  “Lie down.”

  To my surprise, she doesn’t argue as she lies back, placing her hands above her head.


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