For The Love Of My Sisters

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For The Love Of My Sisters Page 6

by Shameek Speight

  Muscles snap back to reality and looks at the man, he was no longer squirming or breathing, his body lay lifeless. Muscles move onto the next man lying on the left of the now dead man. “The money and the weed, where is it?” Muscles yelled.

  The man looks at his dead friend and wasted no time, “Tek di money inna di mattress inna di second room upstairs. Cut both dem open, it’s ah there!” The man yelled in a terrified tone.

  “Now where’s the weed and don’t play with me.”

  The man thought long and hard about his answer and realized he didn’t want to make this wild man mad.

  “Di ganja inna di basement, but it’s not shit, di real stash…”

  “Shut di bloodclot up!” Leroy yelled cutting his man off. He knew what his brethren was about to say.

  Just then Luscious kicks Leroy in the mouth and busts his lip, making him spit up blood.

  “Don’t be trying to act gangster now motherfucker!” She yelled.

  “Homicide go get the money upstairs,” Muscles ordered then looked back down at his tied up victim, “Now where’s the real stash?”

  “Ah inna di backyard inna di shed. Ah deh mon, ah deh.”

  “Bones you watch these two and the front door just in case their boy comes back. Luscious you come with me. Oh yea dread, what key is it?”

  “Ah di beanie one mon.”

  Muscles pulls the key ring out the man’s pocket when he pats him down, then Luscious and him make their way to the backyard through the back door. The smell of weed was strong as they approach the shed. Muscles use the key to open the tiny lock and once the door opens, he and Luscious couldn’t believe their eyes. There were bags and bags full of compressed weed in black garbage bags.

  “I don’t know what’s up with all these Jamaicans always keeping their weed in garbage bags, but it makes it easy for us to carry,” Muscles said.

  “This shit smells like skunk weed,” Luscious said.

  “I think it is,” Muscles replied, “I haven’t smoked any skunk in years that shits hard to find.”

  Luscious starts looking in every one of the bags and realized they won’t be able to carry it all at once so they lined the garbage bags by the back door, side by side and some on top of each other. Once they were done, they found Homicide with two garbage bags full of money and Bones guarding the men on the floor.

  “Homicide, take this,” he hands Homicide the keys to the Chevy Impala. “Put the money in the trunk and leave it open then pull up to the front of the house.”

  Homicide quickly took off and returns in seconds. They start loading the trunk and when that was full they stuffed bags in the front and back seat of the car, realizing they all won’t fit in the car now. Muscles walked over to one of the men tied up, “What car outside is yours?” Muscles yelled in the man’s face.

  “Di dark green Jaguar, mon.”

  “Ok the Impala is full, so Homicide you follow us, we’re taking the Jaguar.”

  “What about them?” Homicide said while pointing to the two men left alive on the floor.

  They look up and their eyes grow wide as they waited to hear their faith. Muscles pulled his knife back out. “Bones you cut his throat and pass the knife to Luscious and she cuts the next one.”

  “What?” Bones asked in shock. “What do you mean? Why can’t we just let them live and why do Luscious and I have to kill them?”

  Muscles looked at Bones with frustration wondering how his friends survived the streets so long.

  “Give me the damn knife,” Luscious ordered, “He wants us to kill them because they saw my face for one, and he just called you Bones in front of them. How hard do you think it would be before they find you Bones? And the reason he wants us to kill them is because Homicide killed that one and he killed that one,” Luscious said while pointing to the two dead men on the floor.

  She took the knife from Bones and walks over to Leroy and pulls his head back by using his dreads. He wiggles and squirms, but couldn’t move. Luscious place the sharp knife on his neck and cuts his neck, slicing left to right, severing his jugular vein. Gagging, gasping sounds could be heard coming from Phats as he tries to breathe, but couldn’t as blood poured out of his wound. The man next to him watched in horror as one of his brethren wiggles around on the floor as his own warm blood pours out, taking his life.

  Once Leroy stops moving, Luscious passed the knife to Bones. “Remember B, he knows your name,” Bones thought about it for a second and knew she was right. He swiftly moves to his victim and pulls his dreads back like he saw Luscious do, then cuts the man’s throat and watched him bleed to death.

  “Let’s go!”

  Once outside Muscles hits the button on the keys to the car alarm and found the green Jaguar then hops in. “Follow Luscious and Bones,” and they take off.

  They drove to a back block by a park in South Ozone Queens and hops out the car on the block Muscles had parked the brand new cherry red Yukon Denali he had just bought. They quickly move all the bags out of the Jaguar and into the Denali. Muscles took out a small red gas container and pours gas in to the Impala and Jaguar then throws a match inside them. Once he sees the cars go up in flames he jumps in the Denali and pulls off.

  Chapter 6

  Back at Muscle’s apartment they counted the money and weed five times.

  “So let’s get this straight, there’s 90 pounds of skunk weed and $300,000 in cash. Damn I didn’t think it was that much. I wonder how long it took them to make this or save it,” Luscious said while looking at the money.

  “Yo none of that matters, what matters is how long it took us to take it, less than an hour,” Muscles replied.

  “So we split the money evenly and y’all already know the deal with the trees, we put them out and play the workers and bring the money back to be split. There’s $60,000 a piece in cash,” Muscles said while handing out the money then pass Luscious an extra $60,000, “That’s for Essence.”

  “Hold the fuck up. How does Essence get a fucking cut when she wasn’t there with us? That shit should be split between us!” Bones yells.

  “Bones if any of our blood was spilled then she wouldn’t get a cut because we got hurt over this, but we’re fine and she’s a part of the team, so you sound fucking stupid, if one eats we all eat, she’s putting in work just like us.”

  “Yea, if you call giving a nigga a blow job work!” Bones yells.

  “What you trying to say, that ain’t work?” Luscious said while looking at Bones like he was stupid.

  “Listen Bones, we’re family and we take care of each other. Are you telling me because I don’t sell weed, but you, Luscious and Homicide do I don’t get a cut? Or you’re saying if Homicide and I catch a jux we shouldn’t split it, we should keep it to ourselves and forget you, Luscious and Essence,” Muscles responded. “Bones this second guessing me and the team has to stop. You’re going to fuck shit up with your second guessing us in the middle of a jux. I don’t have time to break shit down to you on why we’re doing this and that. You should trust me and everyone else in this room to know we’d never try to do you wrong. That shit you pulled tonight was uncalled for.” Muscles stated.

  “Nigga uncalled for, uncalled for, you was the one that went crazy and blacked out and stabbed a nigga the fuck up. You can’t kill every Jamaican gangsta because one gave your mom and pops Aids. What you going do next kill yourself, you’re half Jamaican and going down the same path of those Shottas!” Bones shouted.

  Just then Muscles rush over to Bones and grabbed him by the neck and squeezed tight with both hands. Bones tried to break free of Muscles grip but couldn’t. He gasps and choked for air as Muscles squeezed tighter and tighter. Muscles let him go, Homicide and Luscious screamed simultaneously while pulling on his shoulders.

  “Fool if you ever! Ever! talk about my mother or father again I will kill you!”

  Bones looked into Muscles eyes to see that deranged look in them that he had when he stabbed the Jamaican man to death. Bones f
elt as if he was going to pass out. Muscles released his grip and let go of Bones. Bones felt the cool air rush his lungs as he took deep breathes over and over while bent over with his hands on his knees. When his breathing was back to normal, he looked up over at Muscles who had tears rolling down his face. Bones then realized what he said was wrong. He remembered when they were teenagers in Redfern Projects, how the other kids would tease Muscles because his mother and father had aids and how Muscles would cry while beating every last one of them to the ground.

  Homicide and Luscious looked at Bones with a look like you know you are wrong. The same flashback that played in his head, played in there’s too. They all witnessed what their friend had been through as a child.

  “Yo Muscles my bad, I’m sorry for what I said, I know it was wrong, it’s just shit is a little crazy that’s all.” Bones said.

  “Listen Bones if you don’t want no part of this I understand and you can walk away and there will be no hard feelings, but I’m not stopping until we are millionaires and have Queens on lock and don’t have to look back. I have to do this, so what is it going to be?”

  “Muscles I’m with you dog,” Bones gives Muscles a dap then a hug.

  “I’m sorry for choking you.”

  “Naw dog, I shouldn’t have said that about your parents. I remember how you use to beat them kids asses in the Projects over that shit. I have to just get used to what we are doing that’s all,” Bones said while grabbing his bags with his share of the money and weed and heads for the door.

  “Remember Bones, we’re family and this is just the beginning.”

  “I know Muscles, that’s what I fear,” Bones replied as he shuts the door behind him.

  “I don’t think Bones is cut out for this dog,” Homicide said.

  “Me too,” Luscious replied.

  “Yea but he’s family, maybe he’ll shape up in time before we start hitting up the Junkyard Crew.”

  “I hope so,” Luscious stated.

  For the next three weeks, Muscles, Luscious, Homicide and Bones hit six weed spots and three stash houses of any Jamaican gangsta doing their thing.

  Chapter 7

  Muscles jumps out his cherry red Yukon Denali on Merrick Avenue and walks into the Accountant’s building, the place was full of businesses. Muscles noticed Steve remodeled the place and could see his name next to Steve’s new office. He walks inside the office to see Steve talking on the phone. Steve lifts his hand letting Muscles know he’ll soon be off the phone. Muscles pulls up a chair and sits down in front of the desk.

  Steve hung up the phone, “Muscles how have you been?”

  “I’m good Steve. I see business has picked up.”

  “Yea just like you said. Once I started putting a little money into the place, we got more customers. Money attracts people. Oh yea, I put your check for the company in your account.”

  “That’s good, here Steve.”

  Muscles lift up two, grey duffle bags then puts them on the desk.

  “Steve I won’t be coming around here anymore dressed like this or dropping off money, it doesn’t look right. I see you have workers and me coming in looking like this is bad for business, here,” Muscles said while passing Steve a piece of paper. “I want you to get these properties for me and put them in those names right there. The condo in Kew Gardens Queens is where I will drop the money off. Once you have the place I’ll come by to pick up a copy of the keys. Only you and I will have keys to this place and know of its whereabouts. The condo is running for $100,000 flat.”

  “Damn Muscles, that’s a lot of money and what about the other property?” Steve asked,

  “I want everything fully paid for all but one.”

  “What do you want me to do with that one,” Steve asks.

  “Put that house in the name at the bottom of the list. There’s $350,000 in each bag, and $150,000 is yours.”

  Steve’s eyes grew wide. “Damn that’s a lot of money!”

  “It’s only the beginning Steve.”

  “Muscles, why don’t you stop now? Next month you’ll have your degree and this place is doing well. We’re making millions in here and with the money you invested in stocks and real estate, your life and sister’s lives will be straight, you’ll never have to look back.”

  “Steve I can’t stop, they still owe me. They owe my mother, my father and my sisters. I’ll stop when the debt is paid in full.”

  Steve looks at Muscles and knew there was no getting to him, “Well Muscles if I can’t talk you out of quitting then I can help. Here take this.”

  Muscles took the piece of paper Steve handed him with the name Fat Joey and a cell phone number.

  “That’s a number to get any guns you may need. He’s a good friend of mine that I used to deal with in my mob days. He’s waiting on your call.”

  “Thank you Steve,” Muscles stood up and hugged him and left the office building.

  He hops in his Denali and heads for Howard Beach to see Amber. He loved Amber’s neighborhood. Amber came from a family with money. The whole neighborhood was Mafia connected. There wasn’t a black family that lived in the neighborhood and they liked it that way. Amber’s family had a house down the block from hers and when they found out she was sleeping with a black man they wanted nothing to do with her. They were stuck in their old ways and believed Sicilians should be with Sicilians, so they forced Amber out the family to let her take care of herself, but that didn’t stop her. She finished law school and worked as a Legal Aid in Queens. With her family’s connections, she could have been working for a high paying law firm. All she had to do was leave Muscles alone, but she would never do that. She couldn’t deprive herself of his love.

  Muscles hops out his truck and pulls out his set of keys to her house and opens the door. He walks in to find Amber looking over some paperwork in her bra and panties. She looks up, “Hi baby, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too mami,” Muscles replied as he felt the blood rush to his dick making it hard.

  “Baby I was just finishing up reading this case I’m working on,” Amber said as she stood up and walks over and kisses Muscles deeply and passionately.

  Their tongues danced in each other’s mouths as Muscles hands roam her body. He palms her ass and squeezes. Amber lets out a moan as her pussy gets wet from his touch.

  “Fuck me baby, fuck me,” she moans in between kissing him.

  In one swift move Muscles lifts her up in the air and holds her up with her legs spread and resting in between his arms. Amber wraps her arms around his neck then moves one hand and grabs Muscles hard dick and slides her panties to the side and ease Muscles inside her.

  “Ahhhh,” she moans as he eases deep inside her.

  “Ahhhh fuck me,” Amber moans.

  Once he was fully inside her he starts to bounce her up and down on his dick, giving her long strokes.

  “Yes, yes, this is my pussy,” He spreads her legs wider and went deeper, “Damn baby you’re crazy wet,” he said as he felt her sweet juices run down his thighs and toes.

  “Shiiit baby this dick is soooo good.”

  Muscles grind his hips into her, enjoying her wet walls then clenched his teeth.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard in the ass it’ll make that dude in the movie Baby Boy, look like he was doing nothing.”

  Using all his strength he bounces her up and down even harder and faster.

  “Yea! Yea! This is my pussy.”

  “Yesss daddy,” she screams as he thrusts in and out of her.

  “Damn baby this pussy is too sweet,” Muscles groans as he felt his knees go weak from the sweet sensation of her pussy.

  “Baby, get down, I can’t hold you anymore, this pussy is too sweet.” Muscles slid her off his dick and she lets out a moan, “Oooh.”

  He places her down. She quickly gets down on the floor and gets on her hands and knees. Muscles wastes no time to get down and enter inside her. Using one of his hands he grabs a pillow from the co
uch and placed it in front of her, he pushes her back down making her face lay on the pillow and arching her back, making her ass go higher in the air. He grabs her waist and thrusts deep inside her.

  “Oooo, awww, yes,” Amber moans as Muscles thrusts in and out, watching his ten inch chocolate dick disappear inside her. “Mmmm yesss daddy, fuck me!”

  Muscles slowed down and teased her insides with deep long strokes then grinding in a circular movement driving Amber wild. She starts to hit the floor with her balled up fist, because the pleasure was too much. “Damn, damn!”

  Muscles couldn’t take her sweet wetness anymore, “Spread your cheeks,” Muscles ordered.

  Amber bends down even more into the pillow and puts her hands behind her and spreads her ass cheeks. Muscles pound away at the sight.

  “Ahhh yesss daddy, ahhh, oooweee,” Amber moans as he went deeper and deeper.

  She bites down on the pillow, “Mmmm,” and quivers uncontrollably as she came for the fifth time.

  Muscles pound one hard time, cumin all inside her and they both collapsed on the floor breathing hard and covered in sweat.

  “Shit I love you daddy.”

  “I love you too baby.”

  “Please be safe out there.”

  “I promise you Amber I will. I love you too much not to be safe.”

  “Good, because you’re everything to me,” Amber said while sitting up and climbing on top of him. She guided his dick inside her and slowly began to ride him.

  “Damn girl, do you ever get enough?”

  “I can never get enough of you!” Amber moans.

  Chapter 8

  Sasha didn’t know what was going on with her brother and didn’t really care, all she knew was she could run the street at any hour she wanted. This month she had so much freedom to do what she wanted, she left school early or sometimes didn’t even go and made sure she checked the mail to get any letters the school would send about her not showing up. Sasha noticed Muscles would be out all night, so she would sneak out and stay out until the next day. She knew Nina was too tired to keep up with her, being too busy with work and school. Sasha sometimes wondered how her sister did it all, but fuck, she was having too much fun being herself. She spent all her time at Keri’s apartment. ‘If I can’t fuck at my place I’ll fuck at hers,’ she told herself.


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