For The Love Of My Sisters

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For The Love Of My Sisters Page 10

by Shameek Speight

  “I’ve been robbing Shottas Jamaican Gangsters that sell weed.”

  “What! Are you crazy? If those Jamaicans found out it’s you robbing them, they will kill you and everyone your close too, that means me and Sasha,” Nina said as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Fuck that Nina! They will never find out or hurt you and Sasha, because they all will be dead. I’m tired of everyone fearing them because their Jamaican. Just because I’m a half breed don’t make me soft!” Muscles yelled with a deranged look in his eyes.

  Nina took a deep breath and looked at her brother. She knew money wasn’t the only reason he was robbing, because if it was why wasn’t he robbing anyone else besides Shottas. She knew the real pain that ran deep within him. It was all caused by the man named Jon-Jon who their mother had been sleeping with. “Muscles I love you and I don’t want anything to happen to you, so whatever you’re doing please stop now,” Nina said.

  Muscles hugged his sister, “I can’t stop baby girl not until you and Sasha are well taken care of. Everything has been taking away from us making our lives harder than it should have been. That’s why I will make it right,” Muscles said.

  Nina cries on her brother’s chest and hugs him tighter, she knew in her heart there was no talking him out of what he was doing. She closed her eyes and said a prayer in her head, ‘Dear God, please keep my brother safe, he’s the closest thing I have to a father, you already took my mother and father from me and Sasha was born with Aids. I feel like we can lose her at any time to her disease. I can’t bear any more Lord, please keep my brother and sister safe, they’re all I have in this world. Amen,’ Nina opens her eyes and pulls away from Muscles tight hug and looks at him giving him a look of ‘why are you doing this to me.’

  “Luscious did you set up those things for me in the basement,” Muscles asked when he sees her walking toward them.

  “Yea I did it already,” Luscious replied.

  “Nina, I still need your help one more time I’m shorthanded. Bones broke out and Homicide is upstairs next to Killer all drugged up.”

  Nina looks at her brother, “It doesn’t have anything to do with pulling more bullets out of people, does it?” She asked.

  “Naw baby girl, just follow me.”

  With that said Muscles walks down the hallway to a door by the kitchen and opens it up then walks down the stairs to the basement with Nina and Luscious following right behind him. The smell of weed was strong. Nina felt as if she was getting high just from the smell. Once she got to the bottom of the stairs she looks around to see black garbage bags that filled the whole basement, along with green duffle bags and a long table with chairs and what looked like six money counting machines.

  “MmmmMmmm,” Nina could hear what sounds like a muffled moan from a man. She watched Muscles place some of the green duffle bags on the table. He was too busy to notice her walking towards the noise. She walked to a brown door in the back of the basement where the moans and groans grew louder. She twists the door knob and pushed the door open. Her eyes grew wide in shock at what she saw. A man with long dreads that almost looks like T-Pain had blood running down his head and was duct taped naked on a metal table. Nina felt a hand on her shoulder and jumps.

  “You weren’t supposed to see that baby girl,” Muscles stated.

  “Who, who is he?” Nina asked.

  “That’s Dwayne he’s a part of my plan to make my family never struggle again. Dwayne didn’t I tell you to shut the fuck up. Keep making noise and your ass will really feel some pain. Don’t let me hear you again!” Muscles yelled while pulling Nina away from the door then shuts it close.

  He leads Nina towards the long tables where Luscious was sitting in a chair.

  “Nina, have a seat next to Luscious,” Muscles ordered.

  She did what she was told. Muscles opened one of the green duffle bags on the table and turned it upside down, dumping stacks and stacks of money.

  “Damn Muscles how much money is that?” Nina asks with her eyes never leaving the money.

  “I don’t know, but we’re going to find out. I want you to put the money in the money machine and let it count it for you then rewrap the money in rubber bands. Here’s a piece of paper, I want you to keep a track of what you count. So write it down as you go.”

  “And what are you going to do?” Nina asked.

  “The same thing baby girl,” Muscles said while pointing to all the green duffle bags full of money.

  They quickly got to work. Their jobs weren’t too hard because the Junkyard Crew already had the money wrapped up in hundreds, fifties and twenty’s. So Nina, Luscious and Muscles let the machine do the work. They rewrapped the money and placed it in a bag while writing the count down.

  Five hours later, they were sweating and tired with their butt cheeks sore from sitting down in one spot for so long. “Damn could that count be right?” Nina asked.

  “I think so girl,” Luscious replied.

  “It’s right,” Muscles said.

  ‘We have $3,400,000 in cash. That’s a fucking good jux. Shit, when we start splitting the money everyone in the Homicide Crew gets $120,000 apiece so does your girls Peaches and Velvet. You get $250,000 along with, Bones, Homicide and Essence. I’m taking 90,000 for myself. Once we put the weed out in two days, I counted 350 pounds of Haze, 1,000 pounds of chocolate, 200 pounds of that orange kush and 400 pounds of the green goblin. We let the Homicide Crew move most of the weed in Redfern and then some to Bones for his workers and you can take some for your girls at the strip club. If you sell it as weight I just want the price for every pound. A pound of chocolate and orange kush goes for $3,000. If you sell it whole that’s what I want back, whatever you charge is up to you, but if you break it down I want more. All the money we will make off the weed will be split between me, you, Bones, Essence and Homicide.”

  “Alright let’s get to work,” Luscious said.

  Nina looks at Luscious and her brother as if they were crazy. The doorbell rings and Muscles heads upstairs. When he gets to the front door he looks in the peephole and sees Tommy Gunz and Lil Homicide. Muscles opened the door.

  “What’s up my dude?” Lil Homicide said while giving Muscles a dap.

  “I told you we will be here early,” Lil Homicide replied.

  “Yo what time is it?” Muscles asked.

  “It’s 5 a.m.,” Tommy Gunz replied while giving him a dap and a hug.

  ‘Damn it’s that early, shit we’ve been counting money all night,’ Muscles thought to his self.

  “So what you need us to do?” Tommy Gunz asked hoping he’ll get to bust his gun again.

  “Last night when Homicide got shot I didn’t have the time I needed to get the van from the next block. I want you two to go there and take it to this address and unload it there.” Muscles hands them a piece of paper with an address in Uniondale, Long Island.

  “Take these keys, I own the place and take twenty pounds of weed out the van for you two.”

  “Muscles you don’t have to give us nothing man, we’ll do it for free,” Lil Homicide said.

  “No my dude nothing in life is free,” Muscles responded. Yo, there will be cops down the block from the van, but I don’t think they will pay you any mind they’re too busy in and out of that house looking for evidence.”

  “Alright, we’re out then,” Tommy Gunz said as he and Lil Homicide leave and hop in their car and take off.

  “Yo that nigga got stash houses everywhere, I wonder how he does it,” Tommy Gunz said.

  “My brother always said Muscles was smart and not just book smart or street smart he was good with money. While everyone else was blowing their money when my brother and Muscles was younger, they saved the money they got from robberies and was the first ones in the Projects with cars at sixteen. So I’m not surprised he moves the way he does,” Lil Homicide replied.

  They drove down the block of the weed spot Muscles had robbed and just like he said the cops were down the
block and didn’t notice Tommy Gunz hopping in the van pulling off. Once in Uniondale, Long Island they used the keys Muscles gave them to open the house door. The neighborhood was quiet, so they didn’t cause any attention while they unload the garbage bags full of weed inside the house. They took one bag and threw it in the trunk of the car before pulling off.

  Two days later everyone met at the safe house for their share of the money from the jux. Killer and Homicide was up and feeling better. They were ready to break out and hit the streets again. Sleeping for two days can do that to you.

  “Listen up everyone.” Muscles said while sitting at the head of the long table with everyone there; from the members of the Homicide Crew, to Peaches and Velvet, Luscious, Homicide, Essence and Bones.

  “Shit went a little crazy on that jux and three of the Junkyard Crew’s lieutenants were killed. We needed them alive for info, but we have Pistol the main lieutenant and he’s Dwayne’s cousin.”

  “Yo why do we need him, don’t we have enough weed and money now,” Bones replied.

  Muscles looked at him with a look like, ‘Why are you questioning me and didn’t we talk about this already,’

  Muscles spoke up, “Just because we got a big ass come up doesn’t mean we’re stopping here. I’m not stopping until any of us have don’t have to work again a day in our lives. Just like the Junkyard Crew, I’m not stopping until everyone in this room controls the weed trade. So no we don’t have enough money and weed yet, not compared to what’s out there waiting for us to take. Is that clear, is everyone down with that?”

  “Yes,” everyone said simultaneously.

  “Ok everyone knows the deal on how the weed sales go. I just want back the piece of what you would normally pay for a pound, but if you break it down I want double. I will throw a few extra pounds in for you just for G.P., because we’re a team.”

  Luscious stood up from her chair and starts to hand out Gucci bags to everyone in the room.

  “That’s your cut from the jux,” Muscles said. “I’m not telling you how to spend your money, but I will tell you not to be going around flossing, buying jewelry and throwing money around as if it’s nothing. I’m not saying don’t treat yourself, by all means you deserve it. Buy a new car, but don’t throw the biggest rims on them. No rims and no ice, we don’t want to stick out, not yet. The cops will be watching and so will the Junkyard Crew. They will be watching the streets and listening and we all know the streets talk and everyone listens. A person that throws their money around and spends it with no care, you know they get it easy and the fast way. A hard working person would take their time to spend their hard earned money. Keep that in mind.”

  “Tommy Gunz and Lil Homicide, I want you to give Crazy-K’s baby moms his cut of the money and there’s an extra grand in there to cover his funeral services, if his body hasn’t been totally burned up.” Luscious hands Lil Homicide the extra bag and sits back down.

  “Please move silent and violent, and with that said this meeting is over.” Everyone quickly gets up and leaves the safe house eager to spend their new fortune.

  Muscles being left alone in the house sat there reading the newspaper from a day ago. The headline read;

  ‘Drug House Robbed, 19 People Dead in 9 Different Houses in Queens.’ They were all believed to be a part of the notorious Junkyard Crew. Police are investigating and still haven’t found any suspects as yet. A car was found badly burned with an unidentified man dead inside. He was also badly burned and police are trying to connect the two together.

  Muscles took a deep breath and knew he had to think fast and stay one step ahead of the game, but first he had to keep his sisters safe. He picks up the phone and dials a number.

  “Hello,” the voice said on the other line.

  “Steve I need you to make a pick up at the condo, there’s also a note there telling you what I need done. Oh and Steve it must be taking care of right away, like today.”

  “Say no more Muscles it’s done. I faxed copies and notes to the condo on how the accountant business is going. We’re pulling in a lot of money,” Steve replied.

  Muscles smiles because even though he was busy running the street, Steve made sure to let him know he was a part of their business.

  “Steve I know everything is in good hands with you, I’ll holler at you later,” Muscles hung up the phone and walks down to the basement to work on his next plan.

  Chapter 13

  Pistol walks back and forth with an AK-47 in his hands. He stood in front of 30 of his men from his crew inside a warehouse on Linden Blvd. in Queens. The warehouse also happened to be a junkyard with beat up old cars surrounding the place, but these cars weren’t alone, today they were surrounded with brand new BMW’s, Jaguar’s, Mercedes Benz and Dodge Charger’s that belonged to members of the Junkyard Crew.

  Pistol looks at his crew, “Yuh telling mi yuh doan know who stole fram mi an who killed mi men, an nuh one can find mi daggering cousin Dwayne!” Pistol yelled in his strong Jamaican accent looking at his crew.

  He grips the AK-47 and points at three of the men in front,”Yuh three were di ongle ones to live outta all mi spots dat got robbed and yuh cyan tell mi shit, yuh are dead men!” He squeezes the trigger.


  Bullets rip through their face and bodies. The men holler in pain as each bullet pierces their bodies. They twisted and jerked then fell over dead on the ground.

  Everyone else in the room moved to dodge the bullets. Pistol swung the AK-47 in their direction making all of them flinch out of fear that they might be next.

  “Bulltec, yuh ah di criss lieutenant of di crew, I want yuh to run things until wi find mi cousin Dwayne. Mi want everyone’s eyes open fah anyone wid too much bread. Mi wants di people who robbed us dead. Mi wants their families dead an friends dead!” Pistol yelled while pointing his AK-47 at everyone as he talked, “Now get di bloodclot outta mi face!”

  Everyone left without saying a word, they all feared Pistol. He was the most feared Shottas in Jamaica and in the states. He killed many men and women even children. Never in his life had anyone ever robbed him or any of his people. He killed for fun and loved the fear he put in people’s hearts, even to those who never even seen him knew of him and what his Junkyard Crew would do, but now to have nine of his spots robbed, not just for the money but for the weed too. He was driven mad, it wasn’t the money that was taken that got him mad it was the fact someone had the balls enough to rob Shottas.

  ‘They will all pay wid their lives,’ he couldn’t help but to feel this had something to do with the robbery that took place one month ago when four of his workers got killed. The styles of the robbery were the same, take everything and leave dead bodies. ‘Ef ongle mi knew who’s batty is behine dis,’ Pistol thought to himself getting even madder. He walks over to the three dead bodies and looks at them and gets frustrated and zips down his jeans and whipped out his dick and began to piss on the bodies then zips it back up. ‘I need some pum pum to calm mi dung,’ he thought to himself as he pick up his phone and calls his woman at the moment, but he knew that even a good nut couldn’t take his mind off the situation at hand.

  Nina asked no questions when Muscles made her and Sasha pack some clothes and move them early in the morning out of the apartment on Rockaway Blvd. He took them to Far Rockaway, but real deep down to Beach 120 to the Italian area. There were a few blacks and Spanish people in the area, and a Project on Beach 90, but altogether the neighborhood was quiet. Nina and Sasha looked at the beautiful two story two garage house in amazement.

  “I can’t believe were going to live here,” Sasha said as she starts to put her things in the house.

  “Yes but you can’t tell anyone where you live. And I mean no one, not even Keri.” Muscles stated with a serious face.

  “Yes Muscles,” Sasha said not really feeling the situation, but she had overheard him and Nina arguing one night about him selling weed, but she didn’t believe it was true until now.

>   Nina looks around the living room and the house that was completely empty.

  “Follow me,” Muscles says to his sisters as he walks with them to a door that leads to the garage.

  “Wow! Muscles these are some nice cars,” Sasha said.

  “You like them,” Muscles replied.

  “Hell yea!” Sasha yells out.

  “Well the candy painted baby blue Lexus SC is yours and Nina the purple Range Rover Sport is yours.”

  “What!” Nina and Sasha yelled at the same time.

  Muscles pulled two pairs of keys out his jean pocket and hands them each a key. They hug him and jump up and down like two kids on Christmas morning. Sasha opens the door to her two door coup Lexus and hops in. There were TV’s on the headrest and one on the dashboard.

  “Wait until I pull up in the hood with this, Keri is going to go crazy.”

  Muscles face tightens up, “Yo Sasha, I don’t want you hanging around Rockaway Blvd. or in Jamaica, Queens anymore. You can’t even go back and get anything you left at the apartment. I’ll pick it up for you and you can’t bring Keri to this house or let her know where you live.”

  “What? She’s my best friend, why can’t I bring her over and why can’t I go back to the hood?” Sasha replied.

  “Listen this is important, you do what I say and I’ll tell you in time everything you need to know. This is just to keep you safe.” Muscles responded.

  ‘Schmmp,’ Sasha sucks her teeth.

  Nina stood by watching them go back and forth with words. She knew the real reason why Muscles didn’t want them back in that neighborhood. Their lives could be in danger if the Junkyard Crew found out it was Muscles behind all those robberies. She knew they would have to tell Sasha sooner or later, but Muscles told her not to tell her yet.

  “Listen I need you two to carry this in your purse at all times,” Muscles pulled out two chrome 3.80 handguns with white pearl handles. Muscles pass the guns to each of them.

  Nina and Sasha stop smiling as they place the guns in their purse. It wasn’t the first time they’ve seen and handgun. When Muscles was younger and running the streets he used to bring any gun he got into the house and taught them how to use it. Nina and Sasha could take a gun apart with their eyes closed and put it back together just like Muscles taught them.


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