Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Missy Lyons

  “We’re here safe and sound.” Lily unbuckled her safety belt, and he tugged at his own uselessly.

  In frustration he drew a knife and began cutting away at the restraint.

  “What are you doing?” she yelled at him in alarm at the knife he wielded.

  “Escaping this infernal trap of yours.” The knife was a simple dirk made of his hard Camen stone from his home planet which he kept looped to his thigh. The way she stared at it wide-eyed and in horror made him wonder if anyone used weapons on this planet.

  “All you have to do is press the button.” She reached out and pushed it for him, and the belt came undone by itself, magically slipping back into the recesses of the car. “There. Do you see how easy that was?”

  “Amazing it could be so simple.” Saber had never felt so frustrated.

  “Glad you think so. Now do you mind letting me out, brother, so I can stretch these legs of mine?” Ryder poised on his heels to make his escape in the backseat. Saber noted with irritation that Ryder had already figured out how to remove his restraining belt.

  Saber pulled on the door handle and pushed the car open with a little more force than necessary. The hinges squealed under the pressure. Lily ran around the car and met him at his door. She helped press the seat forward for Ryder to get out. “This car seems rather small.”

  “I am trying not to be offended. Really. This car may not be big or fancy, but it is paid for and all mine. It may be small to a pair of giants like you, but I’ve always managed to do just fine with it. If Mitch made it to the ballot for president, I should have gotten a big pay raise and I could easily afford a new car, but now…I am not sure what’s going to happen.” She sighed.

  “I’m sorry if I offended you, my sweet Lily. Please grant my humble forgiveness for being such a fool.” Saber truly felt sorry. He didn’t mean for her to take his words so harshly.

  Ryder said smoothly, “You must not worry about that now. We will protect your future and your world.”

  “Lily, when you come home with us, you will have a chariot that is befitting a queen. It will fly you wherever your heart desires as long as it is with us.”

  “That’s sweet, but I don’t need a handout. I don’t even know what to say to that. I barely even know you. I can’t take gifts from you.”

  “And yet my heart knows you.” Ryder picked up her hand and placed it on his chest so she could feel his heartbeat. “It is yours.”

  “We don’t have to know you to recognize you as our lifemate. We will be stronger when we are bound together,” Ryder said softly. “Forever.”

  She was between them and seemed flustered. She sidestepped nervously away.

  E.V.E., the ship’s computer, intervened. Ryder and Saber were never truly alone despite the fact they wanted to be. “You idiot brothers are going to scare the poor girl off. She’s a human, and on her world, they don’t even understand the term lifemates. Her people marry, but they often get divorced and the unions don’t always last a lifetime.”

  Saber turned down the radio voice and responded to E.V.E. “Well, then how do we get her to trust us?”

  “Earth girls aren’t easy. You have to spend time dating and wooing her. You write poetry, tell her she’s pretty and other words about love and how your heart needs her.”

  “Love?” Ryder said quizzically. On his planet there was no such word, and men sharing their needs of a woman made a display of weakness.

  “You admit that you need her in your life,” E.V.E. responded. “And take your time before you mate with the poor girl. She’s going to need time to adjust to the fact that she is going to be mated to barbarians.”

  “We are warlords, E.V.E.,” Ryder responded.

  “That’s what I said,” she said smugly.

  Saber found the computer irritating but useful at times, and as much as he didn’t want to wait, she was probably right. Women needed to hear they were appreciated on his planet as well, but they usually accepted it the first time their mate claimed them. Lily was an exceptional woman. “There is only one woman in the universe that was meant to be part of our trinity, and it’s you. Fate has delivered us to find each other against all odds. We came together for a greater purpose, and it’s to love you. When you trust your body to us, you will never need another man again.”

  “I already have a hard time comparing you to other men. The guys around here just don’t stack up to you two, but that is the problem. There are two of you and only one of me.”

  Saber refused to accept that as a final answer.

  She blushed again, and her eyes turned to the ground. Lily was shy, and her mind needed time to get used to the fact that her body already accepted. She belonged to them.

  “You are lucky to have two soldiers who want you.”

  “Lucky me, but seriously I am not sure I can handle two of you.”

  “Two is always better than one.” Saber caressed her forearm and moved his roughened hands up her arms and then pulled her against him. It was a bold move, but she felt his male body and she needed to feel how much he desired her. She went still in his arms and shivered against him, but he knew she couldn’t be cold. “You aren’t supposed to handle us. Just experience what we have to offer.”

  Her breathing had grown slightly more ragged, and her chin tilted up as if begging to be kissed. He offered her a gentle kiss, reining in his lust with difficulty. She let out a gentle moan as if she wanted more when he only offered her the gentlest of kisses. Lips brushed against her mouth, and she sighed.

  He never thought he would wish for the drug Cetikrea that controlled their sex drive. On his planet they used the drug when they went through the Clan Battles. It strengthened the warriors and caused them to not get distracted by the desires of their body or their mates. It was sweet torture to taste Lily’s fruits and not be able to plunder freely, but he understood the need of waiting to claim her until their mission was accomplished. Cold, hard logic still had trouble trumping his lust for his lifemate. “You can’t deny how your body wants me.”

  “Why would I want to?” Her voice was raw and needy.

  “Exactly, my princess. See how your body begs to be touched? Your legs grow weak because you want me to take you to a bed and ravish you, and your nipples peak because they want to be suckled.” He flicked her nipple between his forefinger and thumb, and she moaned in pleasure again for him. “Your body wants me.”

  “Saber, people are probably staring at us.” She blushed furiously and looked to the side, anywhere but at him.

  He wanted to shove her up against the car and bury his cock in her. He could prove how much he needed her in an instant but understood she needed time to adjust and accept her body’s needs.

  “I love when your cheeks glow, like this.” The breath caught in her chest as he caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  “It’s because I’m embarrassed and my body is betraying me.” Her dark lashes fluttered shut.

  “This is only between you and me. The world is not enough to distract us from this.” His brother stood on the other side of them. So he had no fear anyone else would share this intimate moment with them. “You must understand why you belong to us.”

  He kissed her fully on the lips. She submitted to his desire, molded to his body as he crushed her against him. He invaded her mouth as he intended to do with her body later that night. He conquered, and she surrendered, until there was no question she wanted him as much as he desired her. She ground her hips against his and rode his thigh as he would like to see her ride his cock, with an unsurpassed passion, riding the waves of lust that called to her body on the most primitive level. He was very pleased she was as responsive to his touch.

  Would she be wet and ready for him? His hands strayed down her body and pushed her skirt high up her thigh. A thin piece of material covered her loins, but he could feel the moisture pool beneath the undergarments.

  Her body would submit easily to him and his brother in no time, and he had no
doubt she should adapt to his world and his ways just as quickly.

  Until she stepped on his foot with her heel to interrupt their kiss. He released her immediately and watched as she slipped from his grasp, darting under his arms and behind him. “Ow.”

  Saber roared in laughter. “You’ve been shown up by a woman, Saber.”

  His sweet Lily looked mad but flustered. Saber had succeeded in his mission to get under her skin. “You might be able to kiss like a rock star, but you’ve got to get over this macho trip. You don’t own me. I am here to help you, and that’s it. When we get back to the house, there will be no funny business, and I am not going to be falling into bed with you because you tell me to. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Very.” Saber rubbed his chin thoughtfully. His pride may be assaulted, but he knew the signs of a woman in lust and afraid of the raw power of the emotion between them. She feared losing herself to the power of the attraction between them. This was an odd thing because on Cimera their women welcomed it. He would have to take his time seducing her and allow her to grow used to the feelings growing inside of her. She was quite flustered. She tucked a strand of flyaway hair behind her ear. He gave her a grin and couldn’t resist noting the most obvious. “I understand you like my kissing.”

  “I am not that easy.” Hands on her hips she blasted them both. “Come on. Let’s move past this and get you guys some clothes. You can’t walk around here half naked in Roman warrior costumes or every woman in a fifty-mile radius will be on you like flies on honey.”

  “You don’t like us half naked?” Saber felt a little disappointment, but she was lying if she meant it.

  “Brother, I am sure she will like it better if we were all the way naked.” Ryder chortled.

  Lily blushed again and shuffled away from them. She must have realized he would be tempted to touch her again if she stayed too close. “It’s not that I don’t like looking at your, umm, assets, but so does everyone else, and if you guys really want to catch this guy, you need to try to blend in more. I am afraid we might have a little trouble finding something that fits, which is why we are going to a big and tall store for men. We don’t have a Giant Aliens “R” Us or we’d be there. ”

  Saber followed her closely into a glass building filled with clothing hanging from wooden hangers. Many sizes and colors were all ready to walk out the door, if the man fit the clothes. It seemed backward to his world where technology reigned supreme. E.V.E. could customize any wardrobe for him in minutes. All he had to do was pick out the colors and styles and then step into the pod to have it custom fit to his body. The computer could do a whole lot more than just steer the ship. She was an expensive model, but the ship’s computer was worth every penny. She could analyze the molecular structure of a material and reproduce it down to the finest hair.

  E.V.E. irritated him at times. He was going to have to ask her to explain why she put them in such a terrible choice of clothes since the Roman gladiator style was obviously outdated by several thousand years. He wouldn’t put it past her to have done it on purpose. This computer model came with a personality and a sense of humor that he didn’t always find funny.

  A short man greeted them in the center of the store. He looked up and down Ryder and Saber with an expression somewhere between shock and fear. “May I help you?”

  “Oh yes, we are going to need two of everything,” Lily said in relief at the short man.

  Lily seemed much more at ease with this complete stranger, and her body became more relaxed.


  “Absolutely, from socks and underwear to a suit and tie. We are doing a complete makeover.”

  “Oh, I love makeovers! Are you planning to cut their hair as well?” the short man asked, and his hand shot straight to Ryder’s long braid.

  Ryder caught him at the wrist, but Saber didn’t blame him. The strange, little man was beginning to bug him, too, and Lily liked him too much. “Don’t. Touch. The. Hair.”

  “Okay. I won’t touch it.” The salesman visibly cringed.

  “It’s okay. I like his hair just the way it is. It makes him look slightly dangerous and sexy, don’t you think?” Lily said, smiling back at him.

  Ryder dropped the man’s hand, and he pulled a step back from him. He looked hesitantly back to her, and then he examined Saber with new eyes, perusing him carefully up and down. “Dangerous and sexy is a good way to describe these two, but I got that from the size of his sword.”

  Only Lily wasn’t looking at his sword when he said the words. Her eyes were glued to Ryder’s crotch.

  “It’s not the size of a sword that matters but how a man uses it, and you can bet both of these guys knows how to use it,” Lily said stiffly.

  “I bet,” the salesman nervously answered and quickly turned on his heel. “Well, I am sure we can find something that will work for your tastes and their unusual size.”

  Lily seemed a little miffed at the idea of anyone looking at them and possibly moving in on her territory. The frown on her face deepened. Saber felt her hands on his chest and then down his arm to his hand. She initiated the contact, and it was a form of possessiveness he liked. He squeezed her hand back gently in approval. She had nothing to fear, but he liked her jealousy too much to stop her display.

  The salesman loaded them up with clothes, and Lily made them try everything on to ensure a good fit. Saber couldn’t lure her into the changing room no matter how hard he tried though. She was meticulous in her inspection and made them turn around for her just outside the fitting areas. She seemed to enjoy the control and picked out some stretch blue jeans that hugged his ass tighter than a pair of kissing Proulahs. On his world, once mated, the blue crustaceans shared a shell for the rest of their life in an eternal kiss. The black T-shirt was a thin but breathable material that he liked, but there was one very big thing he did not like.

  He looked down at both of his hips, and there was no place to hang his weapons. “I don’t understand. This is no soldier’s uniform. “Where is a man supposed to keep his sword?”

  Lily’s lips quivered very near a smile. “Saber, you can’t carry a sword with you everywhere. They won’t let you past security if you are armed. I can’t get you near Girvan if you insist on lugging around anything that bulky and useless. Besides, no one actually uses swords anymore.”

  “I will keep my sword. Thank you.” Saber spoke with cool authority.

  She folded her arms, and her chest perked up even more than normal. His cock liked her display of control. “You are too stubborn for your own good.”

  “There is a difference between knowing what is good for you versus not making the right decision.” He frowned. It was hard to concentrate on her words and not the ripe body before him.

  “Yeah, and this time you are just wrong.” She stuck her tongue out at him, and he laughed. She could use that tongue in so many better ways on him.

  “There is only one way I am giving up this sword, and that’s if you would take it and keep it safe for me, sweet Lily.” What she didn’t know was there was a symbolism in that small request. In that action, if she accepted, she would be accepting him and he in turn would be making a promise to keep her safe and protect her for a lifetime.

  “Yes, Lily. Would you do us the honor of accepting our swords?” Ryder knelt and offered up his sword in both hands.

  Saber fell to his knees beside his brother and did the same as his brother, holding the sheath of his sword in the palm of his hands. He offered it to her along with his heart and his home. “For safekeeping.”

  She stopped a moment and looked from brother to brother. Lily hesitated just a moment and then took both swords in her hands. She swallowed, and her tone deepened as if she understood there was a deeper meaning. “I’ll keep them safe.

  “Good.” Ryder and Saber rose to their feet. His stomach rumbled. It had been hours since he last ate, and his mind was on food and Lily. “Now shall we leave this place and get something to eat?”
r />   “Sure, I just need to pay for it.” She tapped her pink leather purse.

  “Pay?” Ryder asked while his lips quirked up in a smile. “You still have money on this planet?”

  “Yeah. You don’t?” she asked incredulously.

  “No, we have a credit system that takes care of everyone on our world, but we’ll take care of this expense.”

  “How can you possibly have money to pay for this?” she asked quizzically. “You didn’t even know what money was a second ago.”

  “Keep your money.” Saber gave the instruction to his computer to replicate the American currency for the payment of the clothes. His box rumbled, and when it stopped, he popped a release button and several hundred American dollars popped out in a folded wad of cash. “Will this be sufficient funds?”

  Lily’s eyes just about bugged out of her head as she gawked at the green bills he flipped through his fingers. “Yeah, way more than you need. You may have enough in this stack to buy the whole dang store. Are those real?”

  * * * *

  Lily had kept them busy for several hours, and by the time they returned to the house, the sun had set and it had just begun getting dark. The colors in the sky were beautiful, painting the clouds in beautiful red and orange hues, and their arms were loaded up with packages.

  Ryder and Saber waited patiently for her to unlock her front door to her home.

  On his ship and in their home, the voice-recognition software would immediately recognize him and open if he commanded it. This planet was definitely primitive, and although it intrigued him to see how things worked for the humans, it felt like going on a camping trip in the wild.

  The home was a permanent shelter, but there was very little technology in it besides a monitor she called a television which seemed to be primarily used for entertainment. Most everything down to the locks on the doors were made of simple mechanisms, gears, and levers. He could take the door down with little force. He couldn’t wait to get her home to keep her safe.


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