Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Alien Promise (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Missy Lyons

  The obvious next step was to become president, and he was the top runner in the election polls until Girvan stepped in and took over, but amazingly the press hadn’t plastered that information on the front page of every paper in the nation yet. She was sure if they didn’t act soon it would be in the news after today’s event.

  A marble fountain the size of her living room was in the center of the hotel lobby, and the air was cooled by the water. Large plants marked the white plantation doors to the event. Sally Carano was a coworker, and she headed up the table with the name badges and the list of invited guests. Sally reminded Lily of Lucille Ball with her red hair and bright-red lipstick and the colorful clothes she liked to wear.

  “Hi, Sally. I am really looking forward to seeing Mitch O’Reilly tonight and saying good-bye.”

  “Who are you?” Sally gave her a confused look as if she never saw her before today.

  “It’s me, Lily Greene.” She flashed a quick smile at her old friend.

  “Oh, I didn’t recognize you in that…outfit.” Sally shook her head and peeled off a sticker to hand to Lily. “Anyway, you do know he is stepping down to clear the way for Girvan for president. Eventually Girvan will rule the entire world.”

  “I know. I would like to get in his good graces early and thought I would try something new. I really hope Girvan likes it.” She giggled, hoping Sally wouldn’t notice her silly slutty behavior. She needed to get inside and close to Girvan for her plan to work. She whispered the last words so only Sally could hear her. “I think he can use a personal assistant to keep him organized.”

  Sally didn’t smile but gave her scrutinizing glance like she knew exactly what kind of services Lily offered. “Girvan’s at the bar if you would like to speak with him about…your services.”

  “Thanks. I’ll find him.” She slapped the name tag on her chest, drawing even more stares from those nearby. Revealing this much of her body made her a little uncomfortable, but looking around, she noticed she wasn’t the only large-chested woman in the room. There were women that were hired to serve drinks that had chests as large as hers. The only difference was hers were natural and theirs were surgically enhanced.

  Lily made her way through the small crowd and looked around for her target. It didn’t take her long to spot him, just where Sally said he would be. He sat at the bar with a few very large men nearby and one of the waitresses dressed in bunny outfits on his lap.

  Lily assumed the men were his hired security and the woman—well they were his weakness. Ryder and Saber had filled her in on his personality, and he had to be a little paranoid with the failed capture the other night that. She just prayed that he didn’t remember who she was or recognize her. If he was too busy running from Ryder, he wouldn’t know that Saber had run off with her over his shoulder.

  Just like her two aliens, the blue on his skin had worn off, as if it were just stage makeup over the last few days. His skin held a healthy, natural-looking, golden tan. He shaved his beard and cut his hair, and he looked ten times better than when she first saw him. She reasoned, his body must be adjusting to her planet now to have lost the blue tint to his skin. His hair was shorn short to fit in better, but she hoped her alien hunks never cut their hair.

  With a flounce of her breasts and wide sashay of her hips, she made her way to Girvan’s side strutting her stuff. The heels were uncomfortably high, and a few times she nearly stumbled and almost fell on her ass. She felt ridiculous, but it worked to gain his attention.

  By the time she reached the bar, Girvan regarded her hungrily, with lust-filled eyes. She scooted onto the high bar seat just a few seats down from him. The goon squad was between her and her target.

  A guy from Girvan’s security team addressed her first, “You can’t sit there. This area is reserved for members of Girvan Lee’s staff and trusted supporters.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She made a pouty face and leaned forward, encouraging Girvan to stare down at her breasts, and slowly rose to leave. She spoke wistfully and winked at him flirtatiously, hoping he would invite her over. Otherwise, this whole plan was about to go down the drain and Ryder and Saber would have to figure out another way to get close to him. “I am one of Girvan’s strongest supporters. It’s an honor to even get this close to such a…powerful man.”

  “Thank you. It’s appealing to find a woman so honest.” An amused glint danced in his eyes.

  She did her best to keep the smile on her face. “We’ve always needed a leader like Girvan. I am happy you took over. Mitch would never have been able to handle all the responsibilities of being in such a position of power whereas you could even rule the world if you wanted to.”

  “What did you say your name was?” Girvan’s eyes drank in her sensual form.

  “I didn’t. It’s Lily.” She turned her back, as if to leave.

  “Don’t go. Why don’t you come a little closer, so we can get to know each other better?”

  “Can I?” She gave an excited squeal, and she bounced her breasts. She took a few steps past the security guys, and no one stopped her. The jiggle of her breasts brought his eyes to lower onto them again. She dangled her hotel key up in the air for him to see, but his eyes only left her breasts for a split second and his hand never left the scepter at his side. Ryder had warned her about the weapon.

  “Oh, but I have an even better idea! Why don’t we ditch these goons and head up to my hotel room for a little alone time? It’s got one hell of a view, if you know what I mean,” she offered suggestively.

  Lily watched the hesitation cross his face, and for a second was afraid he wouldn’t fall for her plan. She kept the poker face and toyed with a strand of hair on her shoulder. He was interested. She just had to reel him in.

  “Girvan, honey! You said I could play with you next,” the hot blonde on his lap whined.

  “Ladies, I am more than enough man for both of you, but we’ll use my hotel room. It’s the penthouse suite, and the bed is big enough for all of us.”


  The smile dropped off Lily’s face. Her plan just went out the window, and she was about to get totally fucked. In more ways than one. The goons closed in around her and helped escort her and her new playmates out of the party.

  * * * *

  Girvan had his arm thrown around the blonde, but he kept looking at Lily’s breasts as if he wanted to eat them. They were nearly alone in the elevator, and the upward movement made her sick to stomach.

  “Are these real?” he asked suddenly, breaking her concentration.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  Ryder and Saber listened to every word in Lily’s earlier conversation with Girvan, so they knew their plans would be changing slightly and would be on their way to rescue her, but in order to capture Girvan, she had to get rid of the security guys. She had her eyes on the big security guys next to her, and her first step to getting help meant getting rid of the security. She used her hands to fondle herself and pick up her breasts in both hands, pushing them out for him to get a better view even though she still had her shirt on. “And I’d be happy to show you, but these are for you alone. Not the big goons you brought with you. Can’t you ask them to leave or something? I’d feel a lot freer to share myself with you if we didn’t have an audience.” She ended the sentence awkwardly, hoping he would feel protective enough to ask them to leave or take the hint she wanted to be alone with him. Too bad, the odds were against her to be able to ditch Barbie, too.

  “Are you suddenly feeling shy?” He dismissed her concerns with a wave of his hand. “No matter, you will get used to it in time. I always like to have an audience. Sex is always better when it is shared.”


  Her stomach did another flip-flop.

  “I love a man who can express what he wants.” Lily had to do something to make it worth his while. She swallowed back her revulsion and edged closer to him in the small space. Her fingers walked up his chest as she pushed up against him with her breasts. “But
with me, an audience just makes me nervous. I have certain things I can only do when we are alone.”

  She might be violently ill if her hunky heroes didn’t come to her rescue. If she had to fuck Girvan, things were not going to be pretty.

  Lily hated being live bait.

  The elevator bell dinged, and they stopped moving suddenly. The door slowly opened, and the security detail stepped out one by one. She walked on Girvan’s right side while Barbie hung on his other arm. The open hallway was more expansive and luxurious than the rest of the floors. It had only one large double door, which Lily assumed was the penthouse suite. It had to be huge being the only suite on this floor and was very private with only one way in or out. It would be a lot easier to defend and harder to get access to than her hotel room she had rented.

  Damn it.

  “My little pet wants some privacy this time. So you can wait here.” Girvan surprised her by asking the security team to wait outside the hotel room. They gave a nod of acceptance and quietly watched as Girvan opened the door with his hotel key and held it open for Barbie and her to enter. She felt a shiver touch her spine as she saw what awaited her. A Jacuzzi with a waterfall entering it from high above dominated the room. The upscale room walls were painted in grays and blues and clean modern lines and expansive views from every side. A glass wall of windows made up an entire wall of the suite, giving an expansive view of the city skyline. An elegant but modern black bar was in the corner next to the entrance to the outdoor patio. She could see an eight-person whirlpool tub through the window and glass walls protecting the view. An L-shaped leather couch was across from a fireplace and black flat-screen television large enough to make George Lucas jealous. A plush, white throw rug lay on the floor in front of the couch, and everything was plush. She tried to focus in on the details of her surroundings and escape options if things went bad.

  There were two large doors she had to assume led to the bedrooms or the bathroom.

  The front door closed and latched behind her, and she felt a shiver of dread jolt through her spine. She turned to see Girvan leering at her.

  “You have something you want to show me.” Girvan’s eyes weren’t on her but instead on her breasts.

  She fingered the edge of her shirt. “Yeah about that…”

  “Don’t tell me you are scared? You must have heard about my size. I can only say the rumors you heard are true.” Was he talking about his cock? The smile on his face made Lily more than a little nervous.

  “Master Girvan is huge! Oh please, fuck me first, master!” Barbie tore off her outfit and was nearly naked before Lily had a chance to speak. Lily stared, astonished at the display. Did he use his mind control bullshit on Barbie? Because Lily wasn’t feeling the attraction. “I want to feel your big cock inside of me.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Lily mumbled. Did Girvan start his own rumors to feel good about himself? She couldn’t begin to compare her two hunky aliens to this man. She also couldn’t imagine him being overly large with the size of his hard-on trying to poke through his pants. She didn’t feel anything for him in comparison to what she felt for either Ryder or Saber. In fact, she felt little more than revulsion for him. “I can hardly wait, but I have to use the ladies’ room first. Where’s your bathroom?”

  Girvan frowned. She hoped he didn’t sense her coming deceit. She clutched her private parts and danced quickly from one leg to the other. “I really have to tinkle.”

  “It’s okay. You and I can get this party started. I’ve been waiting for years to be fucked by a real man.” Barbie moved her hands over her bare breasts sensuously, and Lily half wondered if she worked as a Vegas showgirl or if Girvan had hypnotized her to be a raving fan girl.

  Lily couldn’t imagine anyone being this gaga over Girvan without some kind of coercion.

  His lips thinned into a smile. Barbie’s tentacles were all over his body as he made his way into the other door. “The second door on the right. Don’t keep us waiting, pet.”

  Lily threw him a kiss and feigned love as she watched the couple make their way into the bedroom. “I would never think of it.”

  Quickly she crossed the massive living room in record time and swept inside the bathroom before bolting it shut. She leaned against the door and reached into her bosom to pull out the little black box. She held it close to her lips and whispered fiercely, “Hey, can you hear me? I need a little help here.”

  The digitalized response didn’t seem human. This had to be E.V.E. Ryder and Saber said the woman could overhear everything back on board the ship. “You aren’t supposed to use this frequency unless it is an emergency.”

  “It kind of is.” Lily winced. “The plan has changed, and I need Saber and Ryder to come to my rescue. I’m safely inside Girvan’s apartment, but he thinks I am supposed to be his new sex toy, and the guys are nowhere near. They think I am going back to the hotel room, not up here.”

  “Getting your coordinates now. I will beam them into close proximity,” E.V.E. replied matter-of-factly.

  She heard Girvan’s voice from just outside the bathroom door, “Is there someone inside there with you? Who are you speaking to?”

  “Umm, no one. I just like to talk to myself sometimes in here.” She braced herself for his reaction. She didn’t think Girvan stupid or lust driven enough to believe her.

  “Please don’t use this frequency again, unless it is a real emergency,” E.V.E. replied in a voice loud enough for Girvan to overhear.


  The jig is up.

  Girvan pounding on the door with such ferocity it scared her. Nope, he didn’t believe her lies for one second.

  “Damn it, E.V.E. I am really in trouble here,” Lily muttered and examined the room for options. Her only way out was the door or a window. The window over the tub had a fantastic view of the Vegas strip, but she had to be at least thirty stories up. Leaving the hotel room wasn’t really an option—and yet it seemed her only option.

  “I am warning you, girl. Get out here right now!” Girvan sounded downright pissed. The door offered little protection against Girvan’s fury. She needed to think fast.

  Lily didn’t want to think of what he might do if he found the communicator on her. He would figure out that she wasn’t just interested sexually.

  Where were Ryder and Saber when she needed them?

  She walked into the tub and tried to pry open the window. With a lot of work, it slid open, and she peered outside. The wind whipped her hair into her face. There was at tiny ledge on the side of the building just under the window.

  Oh shit! That is a long way down…

  Can I really do this?

  Her heart thundered in her chest at just the thought of going out there.

  Her feet tingled, and she got a woozy feeling in her head. She couldn’t risk it. She’d die if she fell.

  The blows to the door were coming quicker, and then the blast that came afterward nearly deafened her and the door busted up into shards.

  The look on Girvan’s face said it all. She would die if she stayed. She kicked her shoes into the tub and dropped her communicator. Then she exited the room through the window. One leg and then the other and she pressed up against the wall. The breath stopped in her throat as she looked down paralyzed with fear.

  “What the hell?” Girvan screamed, and the panic urged her to sidestep away from the window and out of his reach.

  He disappeared back inside the hotel room.

  She forced herself to breathe and begin counting. She was alive. More loud noises ensued in the hotel room. She didn’t want to think about what happened in there or if her aliens were calling for help. She couldn’t do anything from here.

  After counting to thirty she was relieved when Girvan didn’t seem to be following her. She looked to the side and watched the window curiously.

  Ryder appeared, his torso leaning out over the open window. “You dropped the communicator.”

  She felt tears brimming in her eyes.
She had never been so happy in her life to see anyone before. No, not happy, ecstatic. Finally, she felt safe. “I didn’t have a choice. He heard me talking to E.V.E., and I had to get out.”

  “It’s okay. We’re here now. Come back to us, Lily.” Ryder motioned for her to return.

  Was he out of his mind?

  Fear gripped her heart and paralyzed every sinew of her body. She was glued to the wall. “I can’t. I am afraid I am going to fall.”

  She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes. The wind whipped around her like a snake, trying to peel her off her perch.

  “If she had the communicator, we could beam her inside,” Saber’s voice said from inside.

  “Well, that’s not an option. I am going to get her,” Ryder replied.

  Lily’s heart lifted when she heard he was coming out to help her.

  “Be careful, brother.” Saber didn’t move to stop him.

  “When have you known me not to be careful?” Ryder smirked before sliding both legs out onto the ledge. “Just stay put, Lily. I’m coming for you.”

  “Just hurry. I’m so scared.” Lily tried her best not to look down. She didn’t want to think about how high up she was because then she’d begin to think about how long it would take for her to finish the fall, and when she thought about that, she couldn’t breathe from the suffocating fear that took over her body.

  He inched out on the ledge, closer and closer until he could touch her. He grasped her hands. “You’re safe now.”

  “Safe?” She could hardly squeak out the word. She didn’t feel safe yet. Not until she was in his arms and safely back inside would she feel the end of her terror.

  “Just come back with me, and we’ll be fine.” He tugged her toward the window she had escaped from.


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