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by Milan Vaishnav

  politics in relation to, 374n78

  Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission, 257

  Fisman, Ray, 144

  Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 362n27

  Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 96

  foreign policy, transformation in, 339n45

  forgery, 12

  French, Patrick, 114

  Fukuyama, Francis, 41, 310

  Galanter, Marc, 218

  Galla, Jayadev, 156

  Gambetta, Diego, 255

  Gandhi, Aditi, 50

  Gandhi, Indira, 33–36, 40, 76, 83–86, 88–89, 91–92, 95–98, 100, 107, 129, 133, 355n102, 364n57

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 94, 201, 217

  Gandhi, Rahul, 364n57

  Gandhi, Rajiv, 36, 66, 97–98, 364n57

  Gandhi, Sanjay, 100, 107

  Gandhi, Sonia, 65, 364n57

  gangs. See caste-based gangs

  Gawli, Arun, 73

  Gawli, Asha, 75, 350n8

  Gawli, Geeta, 75

  Gill, S. S., 99

  goondagiri (thuggery), 91, 114

  goondaism, 203, 299, 396n61

  goondas (thugs), 99, 100, 107, 146, 195–96, 202–3

  governance. See institutions and governance

  Gray, Obika, 300

  Guha, Ramachandra, 30, 80

  Gujarat, xii, 105–6

  Gupta, Manoj, 207

  Hansen, Thomas Blom, 93, 186, 203, 288

  Hardgrave, Robert, 99

  Hazare, Anna, 247–49

  health system, 46

  Hindu nationalism, 137, 299

  Horowitz, Donald, 175

  Huntington, Samuel, 48–51, 53, 85

  Ibrahim, Dawood, 286

  identity politics, and criminality, 212–16, 219–33

  ideology, 126

  political parties and, 135–37

  ignorant voter hypothesis, 20, 23, 160–61, 163–66

  INC. See Congress Party

  incumbents, reelection of, 102

  India: British legacy in, 34, 91, 338n38

  as case study, 14–16

  constitution of, 212, 223, 311

  democracy in, 15–16, 30, 40, 310–11

  economic transformation in, 34–36, 39

  political transformation in, 31–34, 39

  rule of law in, 261–62, 262t

  social transformation in, 36–40

  state-building in, xiii

  state capacity of, 29–30, 39–53, 251–52, 256–61, 311

  voter access to information in, 165–66. See also institutions and governance

  India Against Corruption (IAC), 246–48, 250

  Indian Administrative Service, 266

  Indian National Congress (INC). See Congress Party

  indirect elections, 211, 228–33, 382n67

  information: and accountability, 162–66, 307–8

  public service campaigns to disseminate, 279

  transparency of, xiii, 22, 148–49, 245, 267–68, 275, 308

  voter support for criminal politicians based on, 167–77, 184–86, 185f, 307–8

  Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 272

  institutions and governance: bureaucracy in, 41–43, 48

  citizen rights to services, 259

  competence in, 259–61

  corruption and, 48–49

  experimentations in, 280

  failure of, 20–21, 29–30, 40–53, 91–92, 251, 311

  INC as preeminent among, 32

  personnel in, 41, 43–47, 44f, 45f, 47f, 259–61

  recommendations on, 256–61

  stagnation in, 40–47. See also bureaucracy

  Intelligence Bureau, 46

  Internet, 52

  intimidation. See coercion

  iron law of oligarchy, 134–35

  Italy, 164

  Jaffrelot, Christophe, 218

  Jamaica, 16, 300–301, 303, 304

  Jana Sangh Party, 95

  Janata Dal, 179, 372n60

  Janata Dal (United) (JD[U]), 157, 180–81, 188, 196, 198, 374n86

  Jan Lokpal bill, 246–49

  Jayalalithaa, 278

  JD(U). See Janata Dal (United)

  Jensenius, Francesca, 146, 218–19

  Jha, Prem Shankar, 87–88

  judiciary, 46, 47f

  justice. See courts

  dispute resolution

  Kapur, Devesh, 34, 38, 62, 110

  Karnataka, 67–69

  Karnataka High Court, 278

  Karunanidhi, Kanimozhi, 60

  Karunanidhi, M., 60

  Kashyap, Anurag, Gangs of Wasseypur, 12

  Kautilya, 53

  Keefer, Phil, 126

  Kejriwal, Arvind, 245–50, 264

  Kenyatta, Uhuru, 16

  Kerala, 94, 299

  Khan, Salman, 184

  Khemka, Ashok, 65–66

  Kher, Kirron, 156

  Khetan, Ashish, 375n91

  Kochanek, Stanley, 96, 99

  Koda, Madhu, 59

  Kohli, Atul, 194–95

  Kothari, Rajni, 32, 85

  Krishna, Raj, 35

  Kumar, Arun, 131–32, 141

  Kumar, Nitish, 159, 180–81, 187–88, 198, 376n115

  Kushwaha, Babu Singh, 240–41

  land, corruption involving, 57–58, 61–62, 346n147

  land reform, 187–88

  Latif, Abdul, 105–6

  Law Commission, 263, 266

  laws, 262–63. See also rule of law

  weak rule-of-law settings

  Left Front, 299

  legislative quotas. See reserved constituencies

  legislators (MLAs): disclosure of information by, xi, 9, 148–55

  effect of information on voter attitudes toward, 166

  serious criminal cases against, by state, 177f

  wealth correlated with electoral success of, 150–51, 151f, 153–56, 155f

  wealth gains of, upon assuming office, 144–45. See also criminal politicians

  License Raj, 35, 39, 42, 48, 54, 96, 251

  liquor, as voting inducement, 140, 361n22

  Lokpal (ombudsman), 246–50

  Lok Sabha (lower house): BJP control of, ix

  caste identity of MPs in, 38f

  competitiveness of elections in, 129f

  criminal politicians in, 8–9, 10f, 11f, 120f, 232–33, 232f

  direct election of, 211, 228

  early INC dominance in, 32f

  electoral success in, 121f, 122f, 151, 151f, 154f

  electoral violence in, 107

  legislative quotas in, 213f

  political parties in, 33f, 79f

  Rajya Sabha compared to, 229, 232–33

  size of electorate in, 128f

  wealth and criminality of candidates in, 152f

  Macedonia, 301

  mafia groups, 75, 255

  Maharashtra, 15, 58, 93

  Malini, Hema, 156

  malnutrition, 41

  Maluf, Paulo, 16

  Mandal Commission, 178–79

  Manor, James, 32, 84–85, 113, 146

  Mastanocracy, 93–94

  mastans (gangs), 93, 356n120

  Mayawati, 139, 205–8, 217, 240, 273, 377n3

  media: access to, 165

  corruption coverage in, 52–53

  criminal politicians covered in, 12

  paid news supplied by campaigns, 141–42, 389n84

  social, 283

  median voter model, 309

  Mehta, Pratap Bhanu, 51, 57, 86–87, 136, 247–48, 267

  Michels, Robert, 134

  Michelutti, Lucia, 202–3

  mining, 59, 67–68

  MLAs. See legislators

  mobile phone subscriptions, 52, 52f

  modernization: corruption opportunities expanded by, 49–53

  sociopolitical effects of, 49–50

  Modi, Narendra, ix–x, 257, 263, 277, 280, 281–86

  Mokama, 181–82, 187–89, 192, 373n72

  money. See political fi

  Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 96

  morality, as obstacle to supporting criminal politicians, 239–40

  Mumbai, 58, 105

  murder, 12

  Muttahida Qaumi Movement, 301

  Muzaffarnagar riots, 284–85, 393n23

  Naik, Amar, 74

  Narayan, Jayprakash, 91

  Nath, Kamal, 156

  National Court Management System, 266

  National Democratic Alliance, 180

  National Investigative Agency, 46

  nationalism, 137, 299

  nationalization of businesses, 96

  natural resources, corruption involving, 58–59

  Naxalites, 93, 106, 158

  negative voting, 216

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 34, 80, 83, 91, 364n57

  Nehru, Motilal, 364n57

  nepotism, 135

  Nigeria, 16, 299–300, 303

  Nilekani, Nandan, 261

  OBCs. See Other Backward Classes

  Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC), 67–68

  100 Laws Project, 263

  other, creation of, 175

  Other Backward Classes (OBCs): official recognition of, 37

  political power of, 178–79

  political representation of, 37–38, 218

  Outlook (magazine), 142

  paid news, 141–42, 389n84

  Pakistan, 301–2

  Pakistan People’s Party, 301

  Pal, Raju, 4–5

  Panagariya, Arvind, 36

  Pandey, Hulas, 199

  Pandey, Sunil, 198–200, 376n115

  Pant, K. C., 91

  parapolitics, 298

  parties. See political parties

  Paswan, Ram Vilas, 217

  Patel, Chimanbhai, 105–6

  Patel, Sardar, 201

  patronage democracies, 169, 171, 230, 370n29

  Paul, Samuel, 151

  police: criminal groups in coordination with, 94

  party control over, 92–93

  personnel in, 47, 264

  politicization of, 264–65

  reform of, 264–65

  traditional function of, 263–64

  Police Act, 261

  policy. See public policy

  political finance, 115–56

  candidate assets, 267–68

  candidate expenditures, 269–70

  corporate role in, 94–98, 138, 272–73

  criminality linked to, 121–26, 123f, 142–55

  growing influence of, 111, 305–6

  illicit, 96–98, 137–42, 296–97

  and land dealings, 61–62

  membership dues, 95

  party finances, 270–72

  party gain from criminal politicians’ involvement in, 19–20

  policy recommendations on, 267–74

  public funding as means of, 273–74. See also campaign costs

  political parties: character of Indian, 133

  control of legislators by, 383n67

  conversion of criminal groups into, 113

  dynasties in, 135, 364n57, 364n58

  elite control of, 126, 134–35, 274, 363n52, 364n57

  finances of, 270–72

  fundraising for, 205–8

  gate-keeping role of, 123

  income sought by, 19–20, 121–26, 123f, 137–42

  in Lok Sabha, 33f

  membership in, 133–34

  organizational decline of, 85–86, 88–91, 133–34

  politicians’ affiliation with, 136, 382n67

  regulation of, 274–75

  and reserved constituencies, 220–21

  support of criminal politicians by, xi, 13, 19–20, 104, 119–26, 203–4, 240, 291

  ticket distribution by, 138–39, 146, 206–7

  transmission of information in/from, 274–75

  voter recognition and support of, 104. See also candidate selection

  politics: caste and, 37–39

  land dealings and corruption in, 57–58, 61–62, 346n147

  rents in, 61–64

  transformation in, 31–34, 39. See also electoral politics

  populace. See voters

  porukkis (rowdies), 356n120

  Posner, Daniel, 170

  poverty, 50

  Prasad, Chandra Bhan, 38

  princes, 355n102

  Pritchett, Lant, 41

  private contractors, 260

  private security, 260

  public employment, 43–47, 44f, 45f, 47f, 258–61

  public funding, 273–74

  publicity campaigns, 141

  public policy on criminality in politics: ethnic tensions, 278–80

  government interest in, 255–56

  institutional reform, 256–61

  necessity of, 250, 252–56

  political finance, 267–74

  political parties, 274–75

  recommendations on, xiii–xiv, 14, 21, 252, 293

  restrictions on criminal politicians, 275–78

  rule of law, 261–67

  two-level approach to, 251

  public service campaigns, 279

  Quami Ekta Dal, 113

  quid pro quo, 28, 62, 83, 96

  quotas, legislative. See reserved constituencies

  Radadiya, Vitthalbhai, 289

  Raja, A., 60–61, 346nn141–43

  Rajan, Raghuram, 51, 54–55, 66, 280

  Rajan, Ranjeet, 6, 287

  Raju, Gokaraju Ganga, 156

  Rajya Sabha (upper house): candidate selection for, 230–31

  criminality in, 229–33, 232f

  election rules for, 382n55

  indirect election of, 211, 229

  Lok Sabha compared to, 229, 232–33

  overview of, 228–29

  reputation of, 231–33

  Ram, Kanshi, 217

  Ramadorai, Subramanian, 261

  Ram Janmabhoomi, 286

  Ranvir Sena, 113, 198, 374n86

  rape, 12

  Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), 196, 200, 363n52, 372n60

  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), 133, 285–86, 299

  rate cards, 141–42

  Ravi, Paritala, 106

  Rayalaseema, Andhra Pradesh, 26

  Reddy, Jagan Mohan, 28–29, 66–67, 141, 144, 287, 348n172

  Reddy, Janardhana, 67–69, 287

  Reddy, Karunakara, 67–69, 287

  Reddy, Konda Vishweshwar, 156

  Reddy, Raja, 26–27

  Reddy, Somashekara, 67–69

  Reddy, Vijayalakshmi, 141

  Reddy, Y. S. Rajasekhara (YSR), 25–29, 66–67, 69, 287

  redistribution, criminality’s role in, 172–73, 187–89

  redistricting, of reserved constituencies, 223–25

  regulation and deregulation, 54–57, 256–57

  regulatory rents, 54–57, 96–97, 346n144

  rents: earned by political parties, 124–26

  extractive, 57–61

  interaction of sources of, 66

  political, 61–64

  regulatory, 54–57, 96–97, 346n144

  sources of, 30–31, 31f. See also corruption

  Renuka, Butta, 156

  re-polls, 108

  Representation of the People Act, 95, 268, 278, 388n75, 389n84

  reserved constituencies, 210–28

  appeals to electorate in, 215–19

  candidate selection in, 220–21

  criminality in politics in relation to, 212–16, 214f, 219–28, 220f

  explained, 210

  general vs., 213–14

  redistricting of, 223–25

  Resource Raj, 59

  rights to services, 259

  Right to Information Act (RTI Act), 51, 245, 259, 270–71, 274

  RJD. See Rashtriya Janata Dal

  robbery, 12

  Robin Hood, criminal politicians likened to, 20, 75, 106, 184, 289, 298

  Roy, Aruna, 248

  RSS. See Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

RTI Act. See Right to Information Act

  Rudolph, Lloyd and Susanne, 41, 92

  rule of law: courts, 265–67

  India’s record on, 261–62, 262t

  laws, 262–63

  police, 263–65

  policy recommendations on, 261–67. See also weak rule-of-law settings

  Samajwadi Party, 114, 119

  Samrat, Ashok, 103

  Sanjay culture, 100

  Santhanam Committee, 95

  Sarkar, Ajit, 5

  Scheduled Castes (SCs, Dalits): legislative quotas for, 210–12, 217, 223, 226–28

  official recognition of, 37

  political representation of, 37–39, 205–8, 217–19, 379n24

  subgroups (jatis) in, 215–16

  well-being of, 38

  Scheduled Tribes (STs): legislative quotas for, 210, 212, 223

  official recognition of, 37

  subgroups (jatis) in, 215–16

  Schulz, Florian, 144

  secular nationalism, 137

  security, 46, 260

  Sen, Amartya, 163

  Sen, Sukumar, 80

  Seshan, T. N., 110–11, 359n172

  Seventy-Fourth Amendment, 128

  Seventy-Third Amendment, 128

  Shah, Amit, 278–79, 283–85, 392n13, 392n15

  Shahabuddin, Mohammed, 6–7

  Sharan Singh, Brij Bhushan, 286

  Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 83

  Shiv Sena, 74–75, 93, 105, 113, 186, 203, 287–88, 377n122

  Singh, Anant, 157–59, 181–95, 183f, 373n73, 374n78, 374n86, 376n115

  Singh, Birachi, 158

  Singh, Dilip, 158

  Singh, Kamdev, 82, 352n39

  Singh, N. K., 350n16

  Singh, Raghuraj Pratap “Raja Bhaiya,” 63–64

  Singh, Suraj Bhan, 7, 373n73

  Singh, Suryadeo, 105

  Singh, Uday Pratap, 63

  Singh, V. P., 356n128

  Sinha, Satya Narain, 200–202

  Sinha, Shatrugan “Shotgun,” 156

  Smith, Daniel, 300

  social capital, of criminal politicians, 103, 143, 145

  social insurance, criminality and the provision of, 173, 191–92, 253–54

  social media, 283

  social workers, 139

  society: candidates and criminality in relation to divisions in, 205–41

  transformation in, 36–40

  Southeast Asia, 16

  Spain, 296

  Sridharan, E., 135, 139

  Sriramulu, B., 68, 287

  Subramanian, Arvind, 57

  Sukhtankar, Sandip, 56–57

  Supreme Court of India, 9, 102–3, 265, 266, 276–78, 284, 388n67

  Suri, K. C., 86

  Swatantra Party, 95, 355n102

  Syndicate, 84, 88, 95

  Tamil Nadu, 91

  Tandulkar, Sachin, 156

  Taslimuddin, 288–89

  taxation, 45–46

  TDP. See Telugu Desam Party

  telecommunications, 59–61

  Telugu Desam Party (TDP), 27, 106, 281

  Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act, 63, 286

  Thackeray, Bal, 74, 93, 288, 377n122

  Thailand, 16

  Thirumangalam model, 365n79


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