You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 18

by Jayne, Melanie

  His hands traveled to the top of her panties. “These need to come off.”

  “OK.” Her voice sounded deeper, sexier.

  He scooped her knees up, resting them on his forearm as he lifted them high enough to raise her hips. His other hand pulled down the black fabric from one side then the other.

  The coolness of the glass caused her to shift her hips, trying to escape the shock. Finn’s hands ran down her legs. She could feel his strong hands on her calves through the leather of her boots. They traveled back up her legs.

  “I love those boots. I keep picturing you with your legs locked around my back with those heels digging in my ass.” Finn was leaning over her, watching her expression.

  “I think that can be arranged.” She tried to sit up to kiss him, but he pushed her back, gently stilling her motion with a hand between her hips and the other on her shoulder. He pressed his body into her side; his hand swept from one hipbone to the other and then inched lower.

  When he reached the top of her pubic bone, he stopped. “You’re bare. Jesus, that’s new.” His fingers started to follow the curve of her outer lips.

  “Well, you know, living in Florida, swimsuits and all.” She tried to control her breathing.

  His hand now moved closer to her opening. She was so wet that he didn’t need to be gentle; he could probably start with three fingers. She opened her knees wider and lifted her hips, urging him to move his hand.

  Finn shifted and stood. “I have to see this.” He pushed her body and she slid back on the glass, as he lifted her knees so that her feet were resting on the edge of the table.

  She started to fight him, it wasn’t comfortable, and she felt so exposed, too open.

  “Shh, Hale, I’ve got you.” He tried to calm her.

  He pushed her knees higher and she grabbed her thigh. It didn’t make any sense but she felt less panicked by holding onto her legs.

  “Ah, babe, you’re beautiful. So pink and wet, just for me.” His voice was rough.

  His hand returned to her outer lips. As he stroked he would place a light kiss to the inside of one of her knees. He dipped a finger into her opening, just the tip to gather her juices and he began to paint her outer lips.

  He was making her crazy, the gentleness and moving so slowly. “Finn, I need, I need…”

  “I know. You need this.” He inserted his finger into her.

  He made circles with his wrist and then pulled the finger out. She tried to chase it with her hips. She could hear his chuckle.

  “More, Finn, more,” she demanded.

  “Bossy.” He might have been chastising her, but he added another finger.

  Ah, that was better, fuller, as he pumped the two fingers. He used his thumb to brush her clit and she moaned.

  He continued to work her and he was now close enough that she could brace one knee against his body. Her nipples were so hard that they hurt. She brought her hands up to touch them, hoping to bring some form or relief.

  “Keep doing that. Play with your tits.” His voice was rough as he added another finger to the others.

  Her back arched as he stretched her, it wasn’t painful, but it rode the edge. He used more of her juices to coat his finger as he stroked her clit.

  “Harder.” God, she wanted him to be rougher with her.

  He increased his speed as he finger fucked her, after a few strokes he twisted his wrist and raked his fingers along those sensitive interior nerves. Oh God, he found her G-spot. He continued hitting that good place with every plunge. She could hear herself panting as the fire started to build at the base of her spine. She tried to close her thighs and clench her muscles to trap the feeling.

  Finn must have sensed her body’s reaction, because he slapped her hard on the hip. His big hand with those long fingers continued pumping in and out of her.

  She let out a surprised yelp. That felt so good.

  “Stay with me, Hale, don’t chase it, let it come. As long as it takes, I don’t want to be anywhere, but right here. Jesus, you’re beautiful.”

  She tried to concentrate on his face, to see if he was speaking the truth. She didn’t see any signs of frustration or anger. She made a sound that she hoped sounded affirmative.

  He smiled in understanding and stroked her clit again.

  “Please,” she begged. “Please, Finn.” She wanted him to never stop.

  He scraped his fingers along that special place and resumed the finger fucking. This time it was faster. It felt so good, knowing it was Finn’s fingers touching her. It started to build again, this time more slowly; she tried to relax into it. Finn had changed his rhythm to shorter strokes and she could feel the muscles in her legs starting to tense, as she tried to form words to ask him for more.

  He ran his finger over her clit, scratching it. That did it, she exploded. She felt it tear through her. She screamed, and laughed with relief.

  The next thing she knew, Finn was leaning over her on the table. His expression was soft. “That was amazing.”

  She knew she had a dopey smile on her face. She said the first thing that popped into her head. “Thank you.”

  She heard him chuckle as he pulled her up into a sitting position, then forward until her feet were on the floor. Her legs felt weak as she stood; luckily, he swung her around and they dropped into a nearby chair. He held her across his lap. He kissed her temple as his hands traveled up and down her arms.

  He made soothing noises and she tried to gather her thoughts. She raised a hand and stroked his cheek. “Finn, that was…” She couldn’t think of a word that would describe what she had just experienced.

  “I take it you enjoyed it.”

  She shifted so she could see his face. “I did.” She was still smiling.

  “You thanked me,” he teased.

  “I have nice manners.”

  He pulled her closer for a kiss. Finn was a good kisser. The best she had ever had, but she wasn’t going to mention that.

  “Please tell me that this room is sound proofed.”

  He chuckled, “It is. I’m not going to even attempt to lie and tease you.”

  She let out a low growl. After a few moments, she started to shift. “I need to get dressed.” She tried to climb off his lap.

  He tightened his grip on her. “Not so fast, not until you kiss me again.” He moved in quickly.

  He had control of the kiss from the start. She allowed him to lead as she melted in his arms.

  Hale rushed through the door of The Mug. The hostess on duty moved to intercept her, but she said, “I see her, I know where to go.” She watched as Jasmine scanned the room, and when she recognized Hale, she flashed a dramatic frown.

  “I know. I’m sorry, time got away. I sent a text as soon as I could.” She dropped into the booth opposite Jasmine.

  The cool blonde gave her a surveying look and then spoke. “You sure are lucky that I love you or I would have been up and out of here thirty minutes ago. I have never had to wait over an hour for my date to arrive.”

  Hale let out a bark of laughter. “If I pay for dinner will you feel better?”

  “It’s your turn anyway, Bitch. I had planned on buying yours because I assumed that you would be unhappy, but you seem to be freakishly happy.” Jasmine squinted in suspicion.

  “We worked things out.” Luckily, the waiter appeared at that moment. “Oh good, you’re here. She needs a refill and I want, oh gosh what do I want?” Hale giggled. “I know, a vodka and cranberry.”

  The waiter nodded and headed to the bar.

  Jasmine leaned back in the booth and crossed her arms.

  “What?” Hale couldn’t keep quiet. She was still on a great orgasm high, her body was humming and she felt loose and free. It didn’t hurt that Finn had tried really hard to convince her to go home with him. She wanted to, but she held back. She wanted to savor the build-up.

  Jasmine was watching her suspiciously. “You seem to be feeling much happier than when I talked to you on the pho
ne.” Her eyes widened, “You have that same look on your face that you did the night of the Fall Festival” Jasmine put the pieces together and gave a victorious smile.

  Hale could feel the heat travel across her cheeks. “I asked you not to bring that up.” She tried to give Jasmine a scolding glare. Her best friend knew her too well. She failed and then smiled at her friend in answer.

  “So, I am right.” She leaned forward while flashing a smile. “Spill.”

  “I don’t know how much I can tell you. Let’s just say that I got an apology, so all is good.”

  “I think that must have been some apology.” Jasmine laughed and Hale joined in.

  The waiter arrived with their drinks.

  “I owe it all to you.” Hale raised her glass and made a toasting motion.

  “To me? What did I do?” Jasmine took a sip of her drink.

  “What you said about men being mad about things that they can’t control, plus the part about being scared. Of course they can’t act scared so they transfer it to anger. It made the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.”

  “Well, I’m glad I could help. It’s nice to hear, that I am knowledgeable about something.”

  Hale heard that tone again, anger mixed with hurt. “I have never doubted that you are smart. What’s going on Jazz?”

  Her friend made a waiving motion with her hand. “Ignore me.”

  Never. “No. I know something’s been bothering you. I’ve hesitated to bring it up. I thought you would eventually, when you were ready to talk to me about it.”

  “I’ll sound selfish. You’ll think that I’m silly.” Jasmine dropped her gaze, and played with her napkin.

  Hale reached across the table and stilled Jasmine’s hand. “Jazz, you are many things, but selfish is not one of them. I don’t think that you are capable of putting yourself first.” That got no reaction, so she continued. “You have supported me through some awful times. You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. Let me do the same for you. I think that you are hurting, let me try to help.”

  Jasmine let out a long sigh. “I don’t know where to start. It’s kind of jumbled up.”

  “Start with one of the threads, and we’ll untangle the others.” Hale’s tone was soft.

  “I want to buy Dad’s pharmacy.” Jasmine watched Hale’s reaction.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “I need investors and my dad to sell it to me.” The words were rushed.

  “Let’s break that down, what’s going on with your dad?” Harry had seemed to be in good health the last time she saw him at dinner.

  “He says that he wants to retire in a couple of years. Neither of his pharmacists can buy him out. He doesn’t want a chain to come in, he won’t even talk to them. I have an idea that I think will work, but no one has faith in me.”

  “Tell me your concept.” She sat back in the booth and sipped her drink.

  “Now?” Jasmine leaned back in her seat and her hand played nervously with the scarf wrapped around her neck.

  “Don’t look so scared, just give me an idea. If this is important to you, then it is to me, too.” Hale waited patiently.

  “Well, you know, there isn’t any kind of spa that is nice close by. Reprieve has some services, but that place isn’t very private. If you want a massage, they put you in a closet and there’s only a curtain of beads blocking the room off from the rest of the area. I want to put a spa in on the second floor of Dad’s building. Therapeutic massage, mud baths, an esthetician, and maybe an acupuncturist. On the ground floor keep the pharmacy but offer homeopathic choices and all natural products, too.”

  “As far as the spa goes, what about nails and hair?”

  “No, I don’t want to compete with the existing salons. I’ve talked to Jim Massey, he’s studied all types of massage. He works part-time for two different chiropractors, but is getting tired of having to drive all over. I would like to hire him to work for me full-time. He already has the clientele, even the Physical Therapists in the area send their patients to him.”

  “Tell me more about the retail side.” Hale’s brain was running questions and numbers.

  “Currently the pharmacy side alone does enough in sales to sustain the business, staff, taxes, and stock. I would hope that the pharmacists would stay on, they live in the area. I would need to train or hire some additional staff regarding the expanded natural and homeopathic goods.”

  “So, are you’re thinking that the pharmacy business can sustain the spa side, also? I assume that it will take a while for it to generate sales.”

  “I think that it will take about two years for the spa to generate enough to pay for its ongoing business. I’m basing that on it being open four days a week. It will be at least five years for the overall business to pay for the renovations that the building will need. I need money to buy my dad out and for the renovations. I want the retail space to look like a French style market.” Jasmine’s eyes were flashing with excitement. “I have the inheritance from my grandmother Roth, but that won’t be enough.”

  “Do you have any idea what the dollar sum is that you are looking for, from investors?”

  “Around ten.” Jasmine’s shoulders slumped.

  “We’re talking millions, right?”

  “Yeah, it makes my stomach churn just saying that out loud.” Jasmine’s perfect white teeth bit her bottom lip as she dropped her eyes.

  “I think that might be a little low, don’t be too conservative.” She advised and started doing some mental math, “I’m in.” Hale smiled, joining in her friend’s excitement.

  “What do you mean?” Jasmine was fidgeting from nerves.

  “Not for the whole tab, but I can invest some.” She paused at her friend’s huge intake of air.

  “I wasn’t asking for your money.” Jasmine started bouncing with excitement and maybe a little panic.

  “I didn’t think that you were. I like the idea. I like the idea of investing in the town and in a woman-owned business. Until the probate period is over, I’m trying to keep my money available in case the farm needs something, but after, well, let’s just say I can help and it won’t be a hardship.” It would be ill bred to speak of her wealth, even with her best friend. Cameron Farms and the inheritances from her dad and her mother’s parents had left Hale with more money than she knew what to do with.

  “You really like the idea?”

  “Yes. Plus, if you’d like, I can help with some possible investors. I know a couple of people that you might want to talk to.”

  “You’d do this for me? I mean, I don’t have any experience with this.” Jasmine was back-pedaling.

  “Who has been filling your head up with that shit? You’re a great businesswoman. You just planned, organized and marketed two events that have turned profits. You know this area and the clientele. Jazz, you have a wealth of contacts. All of that sure sounds like business experience to me.”

  “Oh my God, Hale, thank you so much,” she squealed, relief stamped on her face.

  “I leave for Tampa on Sunday night, I can try to talk with a guy I know down there. If you want?”

  “I can e-mail you everything that I have. That would be amazing.” Jasmine bounced in her seat.

  “Have you approached your dad about this?” Plans were wonderful, but if Harry refused to sell, then it was a waste of time.

  “I’ve brought it up a few times, but he and Mama aren’t taking me seriously.”

  “Maybe you need to gather some more information and set up a formal meeting, like at Izzy’s office.”

  Jasmine’s face fell. “That’s another problem, Izzy doesn’t want me to do it.”

  Treading carefully, Hale asked, “What are his objections?”

  “He thinks that I don’t realize how much work it will be. He also doesn’t understand why I’m not happy with what I do now. I tried to tell him that the kids can to things for themselves, they don’t need me as much, and he still puts in a lot of hours at the
firm, so it isn’t like we can be together. I want more, you know? I see you running the farm and working on the audit. People respect you because you are running a business, not planning an event. I want that respect.”

  “I think people know how much work you put into things and you do turn them into successes,” Hale reassured her friend. She knew exactly how Jasmine felt. Years ago she’d heard the man she loved tell her that her dreams weren’t important. Hearing that you’ve been relegated to a role because of your looks or status leaves a wound. She knew that wanting more wasn’t wrong; she hated that Jasmine had been made to feel that way too.

  “Izzy thinks this is just a crazy idea that I’ll give up on. Like it’s a passing fancy.”

  “Starting a business is hard work. Many fail within the first three years.”

  Jasmine shot her an anguished look.

  She made sure she used a gentle tone. “I’m not saying that you can’t work hard or that it will fail. I’m just stating a known fact. So, you are going to need the best plan to make sure that your business isn’t a casualty.” If this was what her friend wanted, then she was going to do everything to help her.

  “He said, ‘if I was feeling restless, we should think about having another baby’.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  Oh Izzy, that was a stupid thing to say. “I have to think that a baby and starting a business are not even close to the same thing.” Hale slid an extra napkin toward Jasmine.

  “He makes me so mad. I’ve stood by while he works crazy hours and I’ve never complained. I make sure the kids are where they need to be and prepared. I manage the house and pay the bills, so that when Izzy is home, he can unwind.”

  “He probably doesn’t even realize everything that you do. I mean, he’s a man, and in my experience, they are oblivious to those kinds of things. I bet his mom did all those things for Moe, so he just expects it.” She had seen many of the secretaries taking care of the men at the accounting firm. They would do tasks for the men that Hale wouldn’t even consider asking her assistant to do, like shopping for personal gifts or selecting clothes for them to wear.


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