You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1)

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You Only (Cameron Farms Book 1) Page 28

by Jayne, Melanie

  The others had moved closer, surrounding her in a semi-circle. Poppy again cleared her throat. “I know that you probably think that it is an old fashioned custom, but some things should be passed down from generation to generation.”

  Hale turned away from the mirror and gave Poppy a huge smile. “Agreed.”

  “I will begin with “Something Old.’ Do you recall when we went through your Grandmother Cameron’s jewelry?” Poppy was holding a box. “I must confess that I borrowed a piece.”

  “We did that right after I got back from New York,” Hale recalled. She had welcomed Poppy’s help with identifying each piece in the bank’s vault. “Very sneaky, Miss Poppy.”

  “She reported it to me right away,” Moe explained. Once a lawyer, always a lawyer. He had to clarify that there was no problem with Poppy borrowing the piece.

  Poppy seemed very pleased with Hale’s summation. “Well, I saw this and knew that it would be perfect with your gown. Harrison and I added a little bit to the necklace for this special night.” Poppy opened the square box.

  “Oh my God, Poppy!” Hale exclaimed. “It’s so beautiful.” Hale took the box from Poppy’s hand and looked more closely at the necklace. The pearl necklace was long enough to rest against her collarbone. Now there were new diamonds used as spacers between the pearls. The others moved in for a closer look. “Poppy, I don’t even have words, I love it so much.” Her voice caught.

  Ashley jumped in. “Put it on. I can’t wait to see how it looks.” Jasmine gently handed the necklace to Ashley who put it around Hale’s neck and secured the clasp.

  She looked at herself in the mirror and nodded. “Perfect.”

  Moe was fussing with something in his trouser pocket. “Now, I believe it is time for ‘Something New’. Jasmine said you were going to wear earrings that you had inherited, but I saw these in a shop and thought of you. I hope that you will wear them tonight.”

  Hale opened the box and her hands shook with excitement. “Oh, Moe. They’re amazing.” Ashley moved closer to look at the large, cushion-cut diamond earrings.

  “Holy shit, those are beautiful.” Ashley was practically squealing.

  “Of course, I’ll wear them, Moe. They’re perfect. Thank you.” Hale hugged the man tightly.

  Moe held onto Hale. “You are the daughter that I never had. I love you so much,” he whispered in her ear.

  Ashley turned to find tissues to blot the tears that were on the verge of falling. Poppy took the new earrings out of the box for her.

  Hale turned to check the mirror. “Wow.” She was glowing.

  Jasmine grasped her left hand. “I drew the ‘Something Borrowed’ category. Tonight I hope that you will wear these three bracelets. They mean a lot to me. The first one, the stones are from Izzy’s grandma, and he had it made for me when Caleb was born. The second was also a gift from Izzy, when Lily Rose arrived, and the third was a gift from Moe on my wedding day.” Jasmine slid the bangles over Hale’s hand.

  Hale held up her wrist admiring the three diamond encrusted bracelets. “Thank you Jazz. I’d love to wear your bracelets tonight.” She pulled her closer for a hug.

  “I wanted to be a part of your big day. Hell, I want to be a part of every big day of your life.” Jasmine hugged her friend tighter, she sounded like she was crying.

  “Enough with the tears or we will have to do major makeup repairs, and ladies, we are on a schedule here.” Ashley sounded stern, but her smile ruined the effect. “So the ‘Something Blue’ is mine. I had a tough time deciding, since I can’t compete with diamonds and pearls. I hope that you will consider adding this to your hair.”

  Ashley looked so nervous, as Hale opened the fabric drawstring pouch. She emptied it into her hand. A single hairpin fell, it was silver and obviously handcrafted, at the top was a heart with a blue stone in the middle, in one curl there was an “F” and in the other an “H.” Hale closed her eyes for a moment, fighting back the tears. It was lovely, and all the more so, because she knew that Ashley would have had to make sacrifices to afford such a gift.

  “This girl I know at school, she makes jewelry and she let me design it. Um, I hope you like it.” Ashley was shifting her weight from one foot to the other, making the skirt of her black cocktail dress swing from side to side.

  “Ash, I love it. It’s beautiful. I can’t believe that you designed it for me.” She kissed her friend and hugged her. “Now somebody hurry and put this in.” She turned so that Jasmine could add the ornament to her hair. “I will treasure this, Ash. All of your gifts, I will treasure them.”

  Jasmine held up the hand mirror so that Hale could check her hair in the reflection of her large mirror.

  “When you said that the blue item was yours, I thought it might be a blue condom.” Hale teased Ashley.

  Poppy let out a very refined snort. “I’m sure that at your age, you won’t be wasting any time trying to get pregnant.”

  Hale felt the air leave her lungs. She had never planned on having children. She was too worried about Lydia’s influence on her life and in her genes. Finn was trying to accept her concerns, but he wanted to have a child. They had agreed to wait to discuss this issue until spring.

  “Mama, no talk of babies tonight.” Jasmine’s tone was very sharp, as was the look on her face.

  “All right, but both of you girls need to get to it, if your men want more babies.” Poppy returned her daughter’s sharp look.

  “OK, I think you are ready for the photographer.” Ashley returned the focus to the bride and the upcoming ceremony.

  The photographer had come and gone, the three ladies were heading downstairs to take their seats in the foyer. Now it was just Hale and Moe waiting in the bedroom.

  “Nervous, young lady?” Moe teased.

  “Those damn stairs scare the crap out of me, but I’m not nervous about marrying Finn.” Hale smiled. “Not a bit.”

  “I won’t let you fall.” Moe took her hand. “I wish your daddy was here to see this. I know that he would be so happy.”

  “He’s here, Moe, I can feel him.” Hale had felt Joe’s presence many times since they had started planning the wedding, but tonight the feeling was stronger.

  “I wanted to thank you for letting me fill in for him. You know that I think of you and Finn as my own.” Moe’s voice grew rough.

  “But tell the truth, you like me best, don’t you?” Hale teased.

  He winked. “Don’t tell the others, but you know I do.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Let’s go get me married.” Hale left her room on Moe’s arm, filled with joy.

  At the top of the steps, she could view the foyer below her. The large open space was filling with their guests. She could see the nine decorated chairs that were set up in front of the first three steps that led to the shared landing of the dual staircases.

  “Ready darlin’?” Moe asked.

  “Absolutely.” Hale gave Moe’s arm a squeeze.

  The violinist played some sort of intro music as the minister climbed the three steps. On cue, Lily Rose entered from the side with Miller in his decorated collar. Finn followed closely behind and stopped to kiss Jasmine on the cheek and hug Izzy, then he strode or it looked like he jogged up the three steps to the landing.

  The room had gone silent as the violinist started the first notes of Air on a G String. Hale took a deep breath and felt a moment of utter calm engulf her. “Let’s do this.”

  She was floating down the steps, her nervousness had disappeared and all worries were gone. She watched Finn as she moved closer to him with each step. She saw him say, “You’re so beautiful.” He moved to meet them at the bottom step instead of waiting in place as they had rehearsed. His eyes were shining in the candlelight.

  She glanced at their closest friends as she and Moe neared the center of the landing. They all looked so happy. Poppy was patting her cheeks with a lace handkerchief.

  Moe loosened her grip from his arm and said, “Son, you are the luckiest m
an in the world.” He placed Hale’s hand into his.

  Finn replied, “I know that, sir.”

  Moe kissed Hale’s cheek and stretched up to kiss Finn’s.

  She smiled up at Finn; he looked so handsome and he was going to be hers. “Hi.”

  “Babe, you take my breath away.” He leaned down and kissed her lips, when he finished, he escorted her to their places in front of the minister.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered tonight to join…”


  Early Morning, New Year’s Day

  Jasmine watched the happy couple drink champagne and chat with their guests. She tried to shake off the feeling of melancholy. Maybe it was exhaustion setting in; she had been working non-stop on the wedding and her family’s Christmas. She watched Finn kiss Hale, again. Her best friend wrapped in her new husband’s arms.

  She and Izzy had been that happy once. She searched the room for her husband; he was talking to Clay Payne. She let out a sigh, he was a good man, but their argument yesterday had been brutal. It tore at her heart that he refused to take her plan for the drug store seriously. For years, she had allowed their family to put his work first, and now that she wanted to have a career, he was fighting her. She jumped as she felt a hand on her arm.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t like that look of sadness on your face.” Moe had joined her. “You know that it’s about work. Izzy’s discussing Clay’s proposal. Don’t worry. It won’t take him away too much.” Moe watched his son.

  Jasmine shook herself out of her funk. “No, that’s not a problem. You know Izzy’s work has always come first.”

  Moe turned to his daughter-in-law. “You should be what comes first in his life.” He spoke his thoughts in a fierce tone.

  She felt the tears threaten. Moe always did see too much. “It will be all right.”

  “I hope so, because you are too important to be this sad.” He kissed her cheek.

  She excused herself, needing some privacy to pull herself together. She wandered down the back hall and saw Matt in the distance.

  He was backing Ashley up against the wall, and Jasmine could hear her surprised shriek that changed to a giggle.

  She watched as Matt leaned in and kissed her. Ashley didn’t appear to be putting up a fight. She linked her hands behind his neck and pressed her body against the surly man’s. Her body rubbed against the Press Secretary.

  Jasmine hurriedly reversed directions. “Well, everyone falls a little bit in love at a wedding.” She shrugged off what she had just witnessed. “I just wish I wasn’t falling out of it.”

  The End

  You Always, Izzy and Jasmine’s story will be published in the winter of 2016.

  Jasmine Benton has the perfect life. A successful husband who loves her, two great kids, a beautiful home and loving parents. She has it all and yet, she’s unhappy. She yearns for something more, different.

  Israel (Izzy) Benton is the golden son. He is a brilliant attorney, well respected and a good friend. He’s happy with his life and his marriage, everything runs smoothly.

  This once rock solid marriage is shaken when Jasmine’s need for change upsets Izzy’s tranquility. He doesn’t understand why she isn’t satisfied and she is frustrated by his lack of awareness.

  Can this couple compromise and change before their once marriage crumbles….


  I’m very lucky to be surrounded by patient and supportive people. My husband Mr. K., David Panak, my Admanistrative Assistant, and Francesca Bensi who listened to a rough idea for a small town romance in a hotel lobby.

  I was driving home one morning and heard Bruno Mars’ song, When I was Your Man. This book idea hit me, it came with the main characters names including Miller, the mastiff. I drove around and around the block to see how it would turn out.

  I, too, grew up in a small town with many expectations. I’m very lucky. I was surrounded by loving and supportive parents and grandparents. I don’t carry the same scars as Hale but I understand her and small towns.

  While I was writing this book I lost two important men in my life. My good friend, Joe, to cancer and my mastiff, Buster Brown. Joe and I talked often and Buster was always at my side. I still feel the void that their passing has left in my heart.

  Thank you for visiting Cameron Farms, remember if you aren’t moving forward then you are falling back.

  (Melanie Jayne, 10-25-15)

  Professional Services Used:


  Cover Art


  Proofreader Fedora Chen and The Red Pen Couch

  Also by Melanie Jayne

  The Party Plan

  Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or iBooks

  A Change for the Good

  Available on Amazon




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