Playing Passion's Game

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Playing Passion's Game Page 13

by Lesley Davis

  Juliet saw tears well up in Zoe’s eyes at Trent’s declaration. Zoe flung her arms around Trent and squeezed her as tight as she could while still holding onto her new console.

  “Group hug,” Elton bellowed and everyone piled in to clutch Zoe close. When the group finally broke, Trent placed a hand on Zoe’s shoulder.

  “Just tell me you backed up all your save files.”

  Zoe nodded and Juliet was amused at how everyone let out a collective sigh of relief.

  “You got me the Resident Evil red,” Zoe said, running her hands reverently over the box. “You guys are the best!”

  Elton flipped a thumb in Trent’s direction. “She phoned around all our stores after that one. We never even got one in ours. Trent pulled in some pretty big favors to get it for you.”

  Zoe blew Trent a big kiss. “You are my hero.”

  Juliet was captivated by Trent’s shy discomfort. It made her look sweet, not that she’d ever tell her that.

  “Well, it’s for all of our sakes because when a console dies it’s said that a star goes out in the sky,” Trent said mournfully, inciting a round of sniggers around her. “I got an extra controller thrown in so that Rick here can play too.”

  “You guys are the best,” Zoe said. “I couldn’t have wished for a better present.”

  “Next Friday night, mark your calendar; we’re all going hunting,” Trent said. “Our sharpshooter will be back online.” Zoe nodded enthusiastically and the others all high-fived each other.

  “Games night cometh!” Elton roared and laughed maniacally. He grabbed for Trent’s arm. “Come here a minute. Someone’s been asking for you.” He caught Juliet’s eye. “I promise I’ll send her back.”

  Trent tossed Juliet an apologetic look as she was pulled away.

  “I can’t believe they did that,” Zoe said to Juliet, hugging her present to her chest like a precious child.

  “Trent sorted it all for you,” Rick said. “The minute your machine died she started making phone calls.”

  “I’m beginning to realize that anything game related means a lot to all of you,” Juliet said, amazed by how serious they all seemed to be about a machine.

  “For some of us, it’s all we have, our friends online, the competitions, proving that the hours we spend on the machines are worth it. You hone your skills and climb up the leader boards. I’m lucky that when I met Rick, I got to share it all with him. It’s more than just playing, it’s a whole social network. And our team is showing that we are very good at what we do. It’s what we live for, the next big game to pit ourselves against.”

  Juliet laughed. “It’s weird, but for a moment there I could distinctly hear Trent’s voice.”

  “She’s brilliant, and could and would wipe the floor with all of us in any game she plays. But she uses her skills to encourage the team, and she never puts us down if we lose.”

  “Not even Eddie,” Rick muttered.

  “Elton would have killed him by now if it wasn’t for Trent,” Zoe said. She paused a moment, looked around surreptitiously, then back to Juliet. “Trent has never brought a girl to any of our get-togethers before.”

  Juliet’s eyebrow rose and she wondered how she should answer.

  “You must be very special,” Zoe added.

  “She’s special.”

  Zoe drew Juliet’s attention over to where Trent was surrounded by people slapping her on the back in welcome.

  “Yes, she is and she doesn’t realize it at all. We all love her. She’s part of our families because she doesn’t have one of her own and because, quite honestly, we want her with us. I can tell you care for her too.”

  “It’s that obvious, eh?” Juliet’s eyes followed Trent as she was gathered into the crowd.

  “She looks at you in the same way, when you don’t notice it, when you’re not looking,” Zoe said. “Like she can’t believe you’d be with her. Even now, while she’s doing the meet and greet with my family her eyes haven’t strayed far from you. She’s making sure you’re still here, that she can see you, that you’re safe.”

  Juliet’s chest swelled. “Ever the protector. She seems to watch over a lot of people.”

  “Yes, she does. She’s a very good friend.” Zoe leaned in closer to speak confidentially. “But she doesn’t look at any of us the same way she does you.”

  Juliet blinked at Zoe’s confident tone. “Thank you.”

  Zoe just smiled at her. “I’m going to take my new baby inside now. No one is messing with my new Xbox. It’s strictly hands off except for the birthday girl!” Zoe giggled and bumped her hip into Rick. “You can look. I’ll let you. I still can’t believe she got me the red one.”

  “I take it that’s a special one?” Juliet asked, not sure why it was such a big deal.

  “It’s a limited edition, produced for a specific game promotion,” Zoe gushed. “I have the game but couldn’t have afforded the machine as well. Trent rocks!”

  “I don’t think anything would stop her from getting something she wants.”

  “You’d better heed your own words, because I think you’re top of that girl’s wish list!”

  Juliet’s smile broadened as she watched Trent being picked up off the ground by Elton and spun around. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Go help yourself to anything you want, Juliet. We have every kind of meat available, or vegetarian stuff if you are inclined.” She beckoned Rick to follow her. “I’ll be right back after I go check in on the girls and get them down here to eat.”

  Left alone, Juliet searched the crowd for familiar faces. She could just make out Monica on the fringe of the yard but couldn’t attract her attention and was reluctant to move seeing as her vantage point afforded her a direct view of Trent, still in Elton’s grasp as he teased her in front of their friends. Trent finally managed to disentangle herself from Elton’s roughhousing and made her way back toward Juliet. The look in her eyes made Juliet’s knees quiver. She admired the long, lean length of Trent’s body as she sauntered toward her, her handsome face and her cheeks red from all the attention she’d received. Juliet was just about to reach out a hand to grasp Trent to pull her close when Trent was bowled into by a small child.

  “Upt upt!” a little boy demanded, his arms wrapped about Trent’s knees.

  Trent dutifully picked up the child and held him out at arm’s length as if he were contagious. “Do I know you?”

  The child giggled. “Higher, Unca Tent, higher.”

  Trent lifted the boy over her head and settled him on her shoulders.

  “King de castle!” he crowed and patted Trent’s hair roughly. “Higher, Unca Tent.”

  “We’ve got to get working on you sounding your Rs, Craig,” Trent said and tried again to rejoin Juliet. “Come and say hi, little man.”

  Juliet looked up at the child perched on Trent’s shoulders. “And who might this be?” There was something vaguely familiar about his features.

  “This little guy is Craig Anders, one of Elton’s nephews. Say hi to Juliet.” Craig put his hands on Trent’s hair and leaned forward to shyly say hello. Then he scanned the yard, obviously making the most of being literally head and shoulders above the crowd.

  “Unca Elt’s here,” Craig shouted, pointing over to where Elton stood.

  “Yes, he is,” Trent said. “Why don’t you go see him while I go get a drink for Juliet?” She lifted him off her shoulders and put him down. He hit the floor running and darted off through the legs of the adults.

  “He’s adorable.” Juliet heard his high pitched voice calling to Elton as he pushed his way through. “And he calls you uncle.”

  Trent shifted uncomfortably under Juliet’s amused eyes. “We’ve tried to disabuse him of that, but he just won’t say aunt. I think he’s so used to seeing me with Elton that he links us together so I’m an honorary uncle. But if it means I get hugged every time I see him I don’t care. I love him to bits. He’s one of Anne’s kids. Elton’s older sister, but the y
ounger of the two girls.”

  “Speaking of which,” a voice said from behind them, and Juliet turned to see the owner of such a sultry voice. Anne was as dark as Elton, not quite so tall and carried a bit more weight, but the resemblance was startling. She held a tiny baby in her arms. With a practice born of years, Anne reached up and tugged Trent down to give her a kiss on the lips. “Glad you finally made it, tall, dark, and brooding.” She turned to face Juliet. “You have to be Juliet.” She kissed her too, but with more propriety on the cheek. “It’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you from my brother.” She gave Trent a scathing look. “I got nothing from this one because she hasn’t visited for a while.”

  “I’ve been busy working, Anne,” Trent said, suitably contrite.

  Anne huffed at her. “Yes, yes, I had to hear all about your recent victory on the gaming circuit too.” She shrugged a shoulder at Juliet. “Believe me, growing up with two gamers in the house was a nightmare.”

  “Anne, you were away at college by the time I was there,” Trent said.

  “And look where getting a degree got me.” Anne jiggled the baby in her arms. “I need to go find Craig so he can nap. Make yourself useful, Trent.” She handed Trent the baby and a bottle of milk, then gave Juliet a hug. “Lovely to meet you, Juliet. You and I will talk later.” She shot Trent a sneaky look. “The stories I could tell you…”

  Trent growled at Anne as she walked past and received a friendly slap on her arm in retaliation.

  “Hey, holding the baby here!” Trent stared at the wriggling child in her arms and let out a big sigh. “You can see I am used and abused by Elton’s family.”

  “I think you love it, as they obviously adore you to pieces.” Juliet leaned in to get a look at the baby. “Oh, she’s just beautiful.”

  “This is Gilly, she’s only four months old.”

  Trent tested the temperature of the milk on the back of her hand before easing the nipple into Gilly’s mouth. She looked perfectly natural standing there with a baby in her arms, while dressed in army fatigues and looking so butch it twisted at Juliet’s heart. Trent Williams, you’re so damned gorgeous. She reached out to touch the baby’s hand and enjoyed the way Gilly’s fingers wrapped around hers.

  “You seem very comfortable around children.”

  “Elton’s family is full of them. You learn to love them or hide. And I’m kind of a kid magnet.” She shrugged. “I don’t know why. You’d think looking like I do I’d scare the little buggers off.”

  Juliet caught something underlining Trent’s words. She wondered at the obvious pain that Trent voiced so calmly. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. That dark and moody look you wear does curious things to my insides that I am not going to mention while you stand there holding such an innocent babe and looking so damn hot doing it.” She was warmed to see Trent’s face color.

  “My dad used to say I was a poor excuse for a woman, looking so much like a man.”

  Surprised by Trent’s quiet disclosure, Juliet couldn’t help but be disgusted at a comment so cruel from one who was supposed to love his child no matter what. “He was wrong. You’re gorgeous, and masculine features do nothing to detract from the fact you are undeniably a woman.” Juliet pressed into Trent’s side and wrapped an arm around her waist. “I love how you look. It drew me to you, and I love that for all your big bad butchness, you’re not hard. You wouldn’t have so many people drawn to you if you were.” She ran her hand soothingly over Trent’s tense back.

  Trent placed a kiss on Juliet’s forehead and let out a sigh. “You’re too good for me.”

  “Maybe we can find out just how good I can be for you?” Juliet snuggled in close as the baby wriggled contentedly in Trent’s arms.

  “Well, well, isn’t this a picture of domestic partner bliss?” Monica said dryly, skipping toward them and linking her arm through Juliet’s. “This kid yours, Trent? You kept that a secret.”

  Juliet felt Trent’s body quake with silent mirth. “Darn it, the truth’s out. She’s actually mine and Elton’s love child.”

  Juliet caught sight of Elton heading their way, choking on his beer at Trent’s comment. He laughed after wiping his face and beard free of foam. “Like I would leave you high and dry with such a beautiful baby.” He brushed a tender finger over Gilly’s fine hair. “I hope she gets to keep this amazing orange color. We haven’t had a Titian in the family before.”

  “We do need a fiery redhead to disrupt the dark haired-balance your family has,” Trent said. She lifted the baby up onto her shoulder over the cloth Anne had kindly furnished her with. She rubbed at the baby’s back gently. Elton moved behind Trent to add encouragement.

  “Come on, kid, burp it out!”

  Gilly did so, loudly. Elton cheered. “Definitely a kid from the Simons gene pool.”

  “Yes, she sounds just like her uncle Elton,” Trent said in Juliet’s direction.

  The flash of a camera startled Juliet and she looked up to find an attractive older woman waving the camera at them all.

  “Wasn’t that a beautiful moment to savor? Now which one of you two is going to make an old lady happy and actually give her a grandchild?”

  Elton groaned. “Mom!”

  “Mama Simons!” Trent mimicked his tone.

  Juliet was entertained by their discomfort. Mrs. Simons immediately reached out for her hand and gripped it tightly.

  “You have to be Juliet.” She looked her over, but Juliet didn’t feel anything but amusement at the obvious scrutiny. “Are you managing to keep our Trent in line?”

  Juliet purposely didn’t look in Trent’s direction. “Hardly.”

  Mrs. Simons nodded. “You’ll learn. She’s a pussycat. Don’t let that handsome face fool you. She’s a good girl at heart.”

  “Mama,” Trent said, shifting the baby from her shoulder and handing her off to Elton, who rocked her close to his chest. Monica immediately gravitated over to him and began cooing at the baby. Trent’s hand sought Juliet’s and Juliet made sure to hold it tight.

  “Have you eaten yet?”

  Juliet shook her head at Mrs. Simons’s query.

  “Trent, go fetch this beautiful girl a drink and then escort her to the barbecue pit before Stevie’s husband eats the whole lot.”

  “The Hog is here?” Trent craned her neck to look across the lawn. “Juliet, you’ve got to see this guy eat.”

  Dutifully, Juliet followed by Trent’s side as she led her through the people, enjoying the excuse to hold on tight and stay close.

  “See you later,” Mrs. Simons called after them and Juliet turned, only to receive a wink from the old lady.

  “I’m sorry about Mama,” Trent finally said, not meeting Juliet’s eyes.

  “What for? She’s wonderful.”

  Trent slowed her steps and looked down. “She took me into her family. She’s been like a mother to me, the best one I could have had.”

  “What happened with your family, Trent?”

  “Not now. Soon, maybe.” She lifted Juliet’s hand up to her lips. “Not here on a happy day.”

  Juliet read the pain in Trent’s expressive eyes and capitulated. “Feed me. I’m suddenly ravenous for meat.”

  Trent’s face lit up. “How do you like your barbecue?” Trent pulled her along toward the marvelous scent coming from the large barbecue pit.

  “Well-done and plentiful,” Juliet replied, her mouth watering at the smell that tantalized her nostrils.

  Trent tugged gently at Juliet’s hand. “Then you’ve come to the right place.”


  Trent finished off her last plate of meat, then settled back in her chair and groaned. “I may never move again.” She caught Juliet licking at her fingers, and her stomach trembled at the sight of her pink tongue chasing after the remnants of spicy sauce. Trent bit back another groan that was more to do with arousal than a full belly.

  Monica sat back in her seat and shaded her eyes to loo
k over toward the designated play area. “Kayleigh has found lots of new friends today.”

  Trent spotted Kayleigh and Sam, along with the ever-present Wade, playing with many of Elton’s nieces and nephews, cousins and friends. “They’re a great bunch of kids. She’s in good company. It’s good to see her enjoying herself.” Trent turned her attention lazily to Juliet. “How about you, big sister, how are you doing?”

  “This is a great party with excellent food that I have eaten way too much of, and I’ve met some very chatty people.” She cast Trent a sly look. “Some with a few interesting stories to tell concerning you.”

  Trent closed her eyes. “I knew I should have kept you miles away from Stevie. She’s such a blabbermouth. Five minutes in the same food line and she’s spilling tales about me.”

  “Elton, your family is really lovely,” Juliet said.

  Trent gave him a poke. “Yeah, kind of makes you wonder where you came from.” He swept a backhand in her general direction but missed. He was far too busy soaking up the sun with his eyes closed and a very content look on his face after his meal.

  “Children, no fighting or there’ll be no dessert for either of you.” Mrs. Simons appeared behind them and ruffled at their hair.

  Without moving a muscle or opening his eyes, Elton asked, “Mom, did I mention that Monica is doing Trent’s yard and that Juliet is helping her?”

  Mrs. Simons tried to smooth Elton’s wild hair down a little. “Yes, you did and I look forward to seeing what these talented ladies have done to that wilderness Trent called a yard.” She reached over to pat Trent. “About time you made that house a home, my girl.” That said, she sauntered off at the call from a grandchild.

  Trent stretched and rested her arm along the back of Juliet’s chair. She played with the fine blond hair that her fingertips could reach. She couldn’t remember ever having the need to touch someone so much. She liked the silky feel of Juliet’s hair as it wound through her fingers. She loved the quiver she could feel every time her fingers brushed Juliet’s neck and Juliet reacted. In turn, Juliet had placed her hand on Trent’s thigh and was rubbing slowly. Trent’s heart began to beat a little quicker as Juliet’s hand strayed closer to the top of her thigh, then swept back down slowly. On one such foray Trent captured Juliet’s hand and kept it in place. Juliet raised her eyebrows at Trent’s action but acquiesced with a smile at Trent’s warning frown.


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