Playing Passion's Game

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Playing Passion's Game Page 17

by Lesley Davis

  Juliet was highly amused at Monica’s fanciful ideas. “It’s a game room. It has in it what you’d expect to find in there.” She would never be able to explain how every picture on the wall or the small figures dotted around the room all were a piece to Trent’s whole.

  “But it’s Trent’s game room and no one is allowed in. That much I could glean from Elton’s cryptic comments that I tortured out of him with a flash of a well-placed tattoo.”

  “You need to stop using your butt art in leverage with him. It will lose its power all too quickly once the novelty has worn off.” She got up from the table and stretched. “Damn, I can’t believe I have to sleep part of my Sunday away because they kept me fielding calls all night from major clients.” Juliet picked up her cup. “This is not how I envisioned spending my Sunday after such a great party.”

  “It was fun, wasn’t it? The gamer geeks sure know how to throw a decent shindig.” Monica leaned back in her chair to regard Juliet steadily. “Although you two left early enough that you missed Rick and Elton’s renditions of classic tunes sung with explicit lyrics.”

  “Damn, there’s actually a part of me that wishes I’d seen that. Rick seems so quiet.”

  “And my Elton isn’t? And what about the other part of you that skipped out on us with her handsome woman in tow?”

  Juliet recalled how marvelous her evening had been up until the interruption of business had dashed her plans. “The other part of me had more fun than I could ever have dreamed of.”

  “Oh my God! You slept with Trent! Tell me you slept with her.”

  “No, I didn’t.” She pulled out her cell phone and turned it off deliberately. “This stupid thing spoiled any plans I might have had about seducing her.”

  “Oh, Juliet. I’m sorry.”

  The saucy look Juliet tossed her was answer enough. “I didn’t sleep with her. That isn’t to say things didn’t get very heated before banking reared its ugly head.” Monica rushed after her as she headed to her bedroom.

  “How was it? Is she as good as she looks? Is she too butch to touch?” The questions tumbled from Monica’s lips. “Details please, enquiring minds need to know.”

  Juliet shed her work clothes and slipped into her robe, aware that Monica was in the room with her but had seen it all before. Living with someone who designed her own clothes and always needed a model to “just try this on” left no room for modesty in the apartment. Juliet sat on the edge of her bed and regarded Monica fondly.

  “Do I always tell you what my women have been like?”

  “No, because most of them didn’t make your eyes sparkle like this one does, so I’m curious as hell. Even I have to agree she’s gorgeous in that handsome studly way only a butch girl can be. So spill!”

  “It was mind-blowingly awesome. She is a fantastic lover, gentle, passionate, and so sexy she makes my chest ache. And she’s not too butch to be touched by me.” Juliet paused. “But we got interrupted before I could have my way with her.”

  Leaning against the door, Monica just stared at her.


  “I’ve never seen you so…excited over someone. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were head over heels in lo—”

  Juliet raised a finger in warning. “Don’t you dare tease Trent about this today, and no telling Elton either. Trent’s not used to how you can be.” She wagged a finger at Monica’s playful wounded gasp. “I mean it. You only see the side she shows everyone else. I’ve seen the other side, Monica, and she’s so sweet you’d move heaven and Earth to make sure nothing hurt her.”

  Monica was silent for a moment. “You know, Elton said pretty much the same thing to me when he was asking me last night if I thought you would deliberately hurt Trent. What do you think happened to her to make everyone so damn protective of one who looks like she could take on the world single-handed?”

  “I don’t honestly know. All I know is I want to be with her more than anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “That’s some statement from you.”

  “They’re the truest words from my lips today.”

  “I’ve got to go carry on my work at her house. You going to come by later?”

  “I’d like to.”

  “I won’t expect you to work.” Monica pushed away from the door frame. “But don’t think I’ll always let you off so light when you work for me, young lady.”

  Juliet flopped back on her bed with a groan. “I’ll bear it in mind, boss.” She could hear Monica call out, “And don’t you forget it,” as she disappeared into the living room.


  Trent met Monica at the back gate and helped her carry stuff in from the car.

  “You’re up early,” Monica said as she handed her a bucket to carry.

  “Couldn’t sleep,” Trent replied.

  Monica favored Trent with a sideways glance. “Juliet’s disappointed she couldn’t work here today.”

  “She got home safely, then?” Trent was desperate to hear Juliet was okay. Her feigned nonchalance didn’t fool Monica one bit.

  “Yeah, she came walking in at seven this morning, not in the least bit happy she spent the night at the office.”

  Trent nodded absently. “I guess work comes first.”

  “She’d rather have been here with you. I know that for a fact.”

  Trent’s heart lifted at Monica’s sincere words.

  “They’ve promised her a day off this week for going above and beyond the call of duty for them.”

  “I’ve got Tuesday off.”

  “Really? I’ll be sure to mention that to her. I have that day off too this week. Maybe we can all go and pick out some foliage for this naked yard of yours to start bringing it back to life.”

  “You want me to pick flowers?”

  “You must have some idea what you’d like to see growing in your backyard?”

  Trent shrugged. “I hadn’t really thought about it. I just expected you to bring something bright and leafy in and plant it everywhere.”

  Monica’s condescending stare almost made Trent shrink under its weight.

  “You really are clueless, aren’t you?”

  Trent hoped to deflect some of Monica’s growing irritation. “It’s just not my area of expertise like it is yours.”

  Waving an imperialistic finger before Trent’s face, Monica said, “Don’t give me that look. It may work on Juliet, but it won’t work on me.” She turned away, only to look back over her shoulder at Trent. “You know exactly the look I mean, the one where you could give that damn cat from Shrek a run for his money.”

  Trent laughed at being compared to Puss in Boots, who used his wide-eyed innocent look as a weapon.

  “Now that’s a sound I like to hear.” Elton swung open the gate and made a beeline for Trent. He hugged her swiftly, then set after Monica, his hug for her lingering, and their good-morning kiss would have lasted longer had Trent not started whistling.

  “Where’s your lady, Trent? I expected her to be here, you know, still in those tight shorts of hers.” Elton’s breath whooshed out of his lungs at the weight of the heavy bag Monica pushed into his arms.

  “Juliet’s not here. She got called into work last night.” She pushed him in the direction she needed him to go.

  Elton followed her lead, but his eyes never left Trent’s face. “Bummer, dude,” he said.

  Trent agreed. “Totally.”

  As soon as Elton had deposited the bag Monica shooed him away. “Go play with your friend. You’re standing in the way of my creativity.” She kissed him on his cheek, then pushed him toward the slabs where Trent stood.

  Trent eyed Elton warily. She knew he couldn’t keep quiet for long.

  “So did you show her your game room?” he whispered comically from the side of his mouth.



  Trent shrugged. “And it wasn’t as big a deal as I thought it would be. She was really cool about it.”

  Elton edged closer
to her. “Cool as in frosty?”

  “No, cool as in she didn’t judge or make sarcastic comments.” Trent stared at her boots for a minute, replaying the night in her mind. “She was wonderful, Elt.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “That’s better than good.”

  The inflection in her tone must have given something away because Elton’s eyes narrowed and he looked her over. “You’re mighty mellow this morning.” His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. “You got laid last night!”

  Trent cringed at his words. She tugged sharply at his beard, making his head snap forward. “Will you hush? No, I did not get laid.” Not exactly.

  Elton rescued his facial hair from Trent’s grasp and rubbed at his chin. “Did she?” he asked slyly and Trent turned red. “Oh my God, you did it. You fuc—” Elton didn’t get any further because Trent slapped her hand over his mouth to shut him up.

  “Will you keep your voice down?” She tossed a swift look in Monica’s direction in case she could hear Elton’s crude remarks. Elton mumbled something from behind Trent’s hand, and with a resigned sigh she removed it.

  “You had sex with the fair Juliet,” he said excitedly. “Way to go, Trent!”

  Trent understood his excitement and pleasure for her. It had been a long time. “Yes, and then she left.”

  Elton made a show of gathering up his beard. “A first for you. You’re usually out of there before the last ‘Oh, Trent’ has been uttered.” He mimicked a breathy female voice calling her name and even Trent had to grin despite herself.

  “Stop that,” she grumbled weakly, recognizing the truth in his teasing.

  “Fuck and flee, that was usually your modus operandi,” Elton said.

  Trent shivered as she remembered Juliet coming in her lap. “Well, this time I had no intention of going anywhere. Instead, she did.”

  Elton bent his knees a little to rest his head on her shoulder in commiseration. “So, even though you didn’t get to spend longer than you usually would with a woman, how was it for you?”

  Trent closed her eyes and let the memory loose. “As damn near perfect as I could ever have imagined.” The burning need to be with Juliet again suffused her soul.

  “Sweet,” was Elton’s simple reply. “How about I take you for a drink while Monica works her magic on the soil? That way we won’t make her nervous with our whispering and you can give me more details.”

  “Details?” Suspicious, Trent eyed Elton’s innocent face.

  “Yes, Trent dear, details.” He cupped his hands against his chest and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “I am not divulging anything concerning vital statistics with you, you letch!”

  “Come on, you know you’re dying to share.” Elton danced back from Trent’s glare. “You’ve seen them up close and personal by now, I’m sure. Just how big are—”

  Trent took a threatening step forward and hissed at him under her breath. “If you dare mention Juliet’s breasts one more time in my earshot, it won’t be just your beard I’ll make a grab for.”

  Elton winced and backed off, hands held up in surrender. “Never could get you to share anything too intimate.”

  “And I’m not going to start now either, so quit asking.”

  “This one’s special, eh?” Elton asked softly, switching from friend to his big-brother persona in an instant.

  “I think so,” Trent replied then added with more conviction, “No, I know so.”

  Slapping her on the shoulder, Elton cheered softly. “Glad to hear it. You can buy the first round, because I never thought I’d see the day you’d find someone to settle down with.”

  “Who said I was ready to settle down?”

  “Trent, you’re so damn sweet on this woman already. Tell me you haven’t thought of forever.”

  Trent stayed silent so long that Elton hugged her to him. “Thought so,” he said. “About time too. She’ll be lucky to have you.”

  “She hasn’t had me yet,” Trent muttered into Elton’s chest.

  “Something tells me that won’t be long in coming. No pun intended.”

  Trent prodded him lightly in his side and stepped back, struggling to hold back a smile at his blatant amusement at his own joke.

  “What is he laughing at?” Monica asked, stopping her work and looking over at them both suspiciously.

  Trent sighed and shook her head at Elton who was now wiping at his eyes.

  “Same as usual, me.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Trent hid herself away for the rest of the afternoon, leaving Monica working in the yard alone and in peace. Elton had long since wandered home after extracting a promise to see Monica later. Trent sat playing a game offline when her cell rang. Eyes still fixed on the screen, Trent didn’t bother to look at the caller ID when she answered it.

  “What are you doing that’s keeping you from hearing me knock at your back door?”

  “Juliet?” Trent paused the game, put down her controller, and rushed down the stairs. She flung open the back door and was met by the most beautiful smile. Juliet made a show of closing her cell phone.

  “Hey you.” Juliet reached up for a kiss.

  Trent groaned into her mouth, allowing Juliet’s tongue in to explore, holding on to her tight because she couldn’t ever get close enough.

  “Don’t mind me preparing the soil all by myself over here while you two get down and dirty.”

  Trent ignored Monica’s teasing voice, her attention fixed solely on Juliet and how much she wanted to do more than just kiss her. “Do you have to go back into work this weekend?” She checked her watch. It was well after four p.m.

  “No, thank goodness. I had more than enough with last night bleeding into the morning.” She cradled Trent’s face gently. “Sorry I didn’t get to call you like I promised. Work was hectic, and by the time I got home it was way too early to wake you just so I could hear your voice.”

  “I wouldn’t have minded.” Trent pressed a kiss into Juliet’s palm. “You’re here now.” She was delighted to see her. Trent hadn’t expected to after the night before. “Are you here to help Monica?”

  Juliet spared a look over her shoulder. “No, actually I’m here to see if I can take you out to pick up some food and then take you to my place for a change.”

  “You’re inviting me back to your place?”

  “You’ve let me into your home, now let me return the favor.” Juliet turned to seek out Monica. “Hey, Monica, are you still seeing Elton tonight?”

  “Straight after I’ve finished up here, so the apartment is all yours.”

  Juliet turned back to Trent. “I haven’t been up long and I’m starving. For food,” she added, depositing a swift kiss on Trent’s curved lips. “And I want your company because last night ended all too abruptly.”

  Trent tugged her inside. “Come sit a moment while I go save my game, then we can go wherever you want.”

  “How does Nando’s sound? I’m in the mood for some peri peri chicken.”

  Trent nodded and her stomach grumbled at the promise of food. “Sounds good to me. I only had a sandwich at lunchtime.” She guided Juliet to a chair, kissed her, and then raced back upstairs to close her console down and switch everything off. Once back in the kitchen, Trent slipped on her Nikes and reached for her wallet. She stuffed it into her jeans pocket. “I just need to set the house alarm and we’re good to go.”

  Juliet waited at the back door while Trent keyed in the combination and the house beeped out its signal that the alarm was being armed. Trent locked the back door behind her and then followed Juliet as she shared a few words with Monica. She didn’t listen in to what they were saying. Instead Trent marveled at the transformation that Monica had worked from the wreck of her yard.

  “What are you thinking?” Juliet nudged Trent gently, both women watching Trent’s preoccupation.

  “I can see my neighbor’s house at the bottom of the yard. I can’t remember seeing that before.
And I have a shed, and there’s dirt leveled out instead of tangled bushes, and…” Trent’s excitement was tangible. “I’m getting a yard!”

  Monica snorted. “You’d better still be excited Tuesday when we take you to every nursery in Baydale.”

  Juliet linked her arm through Trent’s. “I’m going to ask for Tuesday off too. Someone has to keep you two in check.”

  “She won’t know an alchemilla from a zantedeschia,” Monica said, returning to her work.

  Trent frowned. “She just made those up, didn’t she?” she said to Juliet.

  “No, one’s a lady’s mantle and the other is an arum lily.”

  Trent was impressed. “I guess you’re going to be well-versed in your new job when you cut ties with the banking fraternity.”

  Juliet led Trent to her car. “You can’t help but get drawn in when Monica starts talking plants. And believe me, the past few months, it’s been our main topic of discussion.” Their footsteps crunched on the gravel of Trent’s driveway. Juliet reached for Trent’s hand. “I missed you today. But I could feel you everywhere on my body, like you’d burned a trail across my skin.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Once settled in the car, Juliet turned in her seat. “So did you put your extensive collection of DVDs to good use last night once I’d gone?”

  Trent’s face burned at the implication. “No, I didn’t. I used my vast frustration to beat three clans who never knew what the hell hit them when I stepped online.”

  Juliet stared at her for a long moment. “You played games instead?”

  Trent couldn’t turn away. “I didn’t want to waste what you’d made me feel by watching someone else have sex and come alone. If you weren’t there to touch me, then the idea of jerking myself off just wasn’t going to satisfy me. If you’re going to set my soul on fire, I want you and only you to be the one to put it out.”

  Juliet’s face softened. “I couldn’t stay away from you today. I should be spending all my free time I have on my proposal; my deadline is approaching. I just couldn’t keep away. I needed to see you. Especially after last night.”


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