The Tiger Within

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The Tiger Within Page 2

by Amanda Anderson

  “Laird Stewart, may I present my daughter, Lady Amelia Talbot.” She paused and then continued as if she had settled a great matter in her mind. “I must ask you to excuse me for a moment while I check on our tea.” She said and turned to her daughter. “Amelia, you will be quite safe with Laird Stewart. I will return in a moment.” She turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

  Amelia was astonished that her mother had left her alone with this man she barely knew and it showed briefly in her eyes before she concealed it and smiled.

  “Laird Stewart. How very kind of you to come around this afternoon. To what do I owe the honor of your company?” She said cheerfully, perhaps too cheerfully.

  “Lady Amelia,” he said taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. He knew he was being presumptuous in assuming she would grant him permission to do so, but he was unable to restrain himself. “I admit I was alarmed by your departure last evening and was unable to stop my concerns for your health. I felt compelled to come along and see for myself that you are fully recovered. I can see, by your loveliness that you are.” He bent his head and kissed her hand a second time before releasing it.

  Amelia blushed. “Yes, as you can see I am quite recovered,” she said although her head was spinning and her stomach threatened to give up her breakfast. “Shall we sit for a while, my Laird?”

  “I would delight in a visit with you and I would be exceedingly glad if you would call me Henry.” He said leading a visibly shaken Amelia to the small sofa where he proceeded to sit beside her and take her hand. He noticed her clutching her necklace and felt hope swell up in his chest.

  In her current state, Amelia did not even think to scold him for his boldness. She struggled to take in enough air. She was beginning to panic. Her bodice seemed to be shrinking. Her skin began to itch and tingle. She turned as the door opened and her mother bustled in. Her mother met her panicked gaze and Amelia saw resignation there.

  “Mother,” she choked.

  “In a moment daughter.” She motioned for the maid to leave the tea. When the young maid had left the room Lady Euston turned her icy gaze to Henry. “I thought you preferred to wait.” She said as she examined her daughter. “This will not do. What have you done to her?”

  “I apologize. I did not realize that my actions would affect her this way,” as he said it he rose to leave, but before he did he turned to Amelia. He looked down into her fear filled, crystal blue eyes and watched with fascination as they changed. One moment they were normal human eyes and the next they were that of an animal. Her dark lashes only made the blue of her eyes seem more endless and memorizing. Seeing this he was unable to leave her. Instead he forgot conformity and dropped to his knees in front of her and took her hands.

  “Amelia,” he breathed. “Calm yourself my love. All will be well.” He then turned to her worried mother. “Please, leave us. I swear I will not harm her in any way, but I must help her.”

  After only a brief pause she nodded and left them alone again.

  As soon as the door closed Amelia’s vision blurred and began to dim. She felt her self being lifted and laid on the sofa. Then she felt warm hands move to her bodice. It was soon loosened enough for her to breathe, but her eyes remained closed. She kept them tightly shut, in part to see what would happen next and in part because, for the first time, she was unsure of her appeal. She lost all thought when she felt his warm hands caress the upper swell of her breasts through the fabric of her chemise. She couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped her when his moist lips explored her throat. His rough tongue traced her slender column and a memory flashed in her mind. He had done the same last evening on the terrace. His rich desire filled voice broke into her thoughts.

  “Yes, my Amelia. You enjoy this do you not?”


  “I will have your answer my love, or I will be forced to stop.” As he said it he touched her breast with a firmer touch that had her arching her back and pushing her breast more firmly into his hand.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “Do you like the feel my mouth on your skin my beautiful Amelia? Does your body scream for my touch?”

  “Yes, my Laird, please,” she choked.

  “Henry,” and with that his mouth began caressing her skin.

  Her moan seemed to echo in the room. The only other sounds were that of their harsh breathing. His hand found the hem of her skirts and tugged it up. He caressed her ankle and ran his hand up to her knee.

  “What are you doing, my Laird?” Amelia choked out. “Do you seek to ruin me?” She had regained her senses enough to know that was what was happening. Tears began to leak from her still closed eyes.

  At her softly spoken words he stilled. Why had he allowed himself to go so far? He did not wish to dishonor her. He’d meant only to loosen her bodice and to stroke his tongue along the smooth column of her neck, to calm her. “I beg your forgiveness Lady Amelia. I simply lost my head.” He began to set her clothes to right and she opened her eyes to finally meet his.

  Chapter Four

  When Amelia looked into the eyes of Henry Stewart she was at a loss. She knew she should be outraged at his boldness, but her body still tingled from his touch as if some one had set her a flame. She was shocked to realize that she wanted nothing more than the touch of his hands on her flesh. She felt ashamed at her wantonness, but he lifted her chin and smiled down at her. She could see the emotions swirling in his eyes. He left them open to her. She saw desire, naturally, but there was also real concern.

  When she finally spoke her voice was breathless and throaty. “I think this should remain between us, My Laird. I fear for your safety if it should get out.”

  Her teasing tone relieved some of his torment as the sultry quality heightened his desires. “You are most gracious and beloved, my Lady. I think I will send for your mother. She was most concerned when she departed.”

  “I cannot understand why she would leave me here in obvious distress.”

  Henry looked down into her glowing eyes and smiled. “She knows that I would never allow harm to come to you.” At her puzzled expression he patted her cool hand. “All will be explained to you shortly. Know this. Even though you have only known me for a brief time, I have known you a while longer and I believe with all that I am that you are meant to be my most beloved treasure. I will do every thing in my power to convince you of this. In being so, however, you may be in danger from those who will wish to keep us apart. I will ask that you listen to your heart in all things,” he grasped her chin gently and tipped her face up to his gaze. “There are those, with whom you have been acquainted with that will now want only to take you to their bed and in doing so render me heirless, by making you barren. I beg you to remain as conscientious as always in your manner and fortitude.”

  Amelia stared at him in utter confusion and complete embarrassment. “I do not understand.”

  “I know,” he said aloud and then added in his mind so only she could understand, “you will.”

  She covered her mouth with hands that trembled. “How did you do that? I heard your voice in my mind, no it wasn’t exactly that, but it was if you forced me to think it and I feel an overwhelming need to believe it.”

  “Yes, others will try to do the same thing. It will be more difficult and often not as clear, but they will try to convince you to lay with them. They will try to convince your mind to allow their touch. Only your heart will tell you the truth. No one can change the needs of the heart and your heart wants the love of only one. I hope to convince you that I am that one. I believe it with everything I am. I have believed it since the day you were born and I held you in my arms.”

  “What do you mean? How is this done?”

  “It is a gift of our people and those who are like us.”

  He watched her closely as she tried to understand his meaning.

  “Can I do it too?”

  His smile almost lit the room. “Yes. I will teach you if you like.”
r />   “I think I would like it very much. Does it work on anyone?”

  “Our kind can use it on anyone who does not have the strength of mind to keep us out.”

  “What is ‘our kind’ and how could you have held me at my birth?”

  He sat beside her again and took her, now cold, hands in his. “My beloved Amelia, there are many things I wish to tell you; although I am not sure you are ready to hear them…”

  He was cut off when the door was swung open and an irate Lord Richard Talbot, Earl of Euston entered the room and slammed the door.

  “You bastard!” Lord Euston stormed toward the young couple who quickly stood. He stopped close to his daughter and inhaled deeply. His low growl echoed through the room. “Why have you done this to her? Could you not allow her a normal life?”

  “A normal life, Richard? You know as well as I that most women take their own lives if they are not mated to their proper mate or worse choose the life of a doxy. The change is suppressed, but the effects are still there. The emotions still overwhelm and confuse. They feel trapped within their own bodies because the animal cannot come out. They are unable to bare children, but desire it above all else. Even if we were joined after, the damage would already be done. Is that the life you wish for your daughter?” Lord Bute was angry and unashamed of his temper.

  “I found a mate not of our kind. She could have done the same,” Lord Euston insisted. “I wanted her to have the choice denied all of us! My miracle could have been hers too. She is different! She deserves the right to choose who she will spend her life with.”

  “You are a man! You are born with the ability to change. She is not! You know the joy the change holds. Would you deny her that joy? Would you doom her to feel as she does now forever?” He stepped closer to the older man. “You have always known this day would come. I have known it since her birth. I was a fool to allow you to keep her from me. She is my mate and I will not be denied her any longer.”

  Lord Euston looked into his daughter’s beautiful eyes and watched them change. She was upset by his attack on Heny, but she didn’t know why it upset her. He concentrated on only her and spoke to her mind. “I only wanted to protect you, my daughter. I only seek your happiness. When everything is revealed to you I pray you remember this.”

  Her eyes softened and he knew she understood. She smiled up at him and squinted her eyes. Deep furrows grew in her forehead and he wondered at her. Then he felt a vague sense of peace. He smiled down at her again.

  “You did very well my Amelia. It was so subtle that at first I thought it was truly my own thought. How long have you been leading me by the nose?”

  She beamed. “It really worked? Oh, Papa I only learned of it just now and have never tried it ever before!” She was fairly bouncing with excitement. In that moment she appeared as innocent as a child. He reached out to her and pulled her into his embrace.

  She looked up at her beloved father and asked, “Are you quite sure Mother cannot do it too?”

  “Yes, I am quite sure and thankful,” he laughed and released her. “That was truly your first attempt?” At her nod he looked to Henry and inclined his head slightly. “You will soon regret your decision to make her aware of this gift, I think. Although, unless she gains some experience, it will be exceedingly easy to know when she attempts it.”

  Both men laughed at the scowl that Amelia gave them. Her father kissed her forehead.

  “Papa, I still do not understand what this is all about. I understand that we are different and that somehow mother is not, but how are we different? How is any of this even possible?”

  “I am afraid, my dear, that I am unable to explain this to you. We are different in many ways, but the only way for you to truly understand is for you to experience it yourself, and I cannot aid you in this.”

  She looked to Henry. “Can you show me, Henry?” She looked at him in a blatant attempt to charm him and it worked because he smiled warmly at her.

  “We will discuss the many things I can show you another time, my love. I must speak with your father now. Perhaps you should find your mother and assure her that all is well.”

  At her narrowed gaze he raised his hands and shook his head. “I am only suggesting it, my love. I will not seek to rule your mind, for I fear retribution too desperately.”

  “Very well you should, My Lord.” She then turned and left the room.

  “What happened to ‘Henry’?” He said as the door closed. He then turned to Richard and made plans to spend the evening with Amelia.

  Chapter Five

  The London Season was exhausting. Amelia stood near the open doors of the dining Hall. She hadn’t seen Henry, but she knew he was there. He watched her. She felt his eyes on her flesh as though they were his hands. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she longed to feel his hands and his mouth on her again.

  Lost in her thoughts she did not notice anyone near her until she felt warm breath on her neck.

  “Lady Amelia. It is a pleasure to see you again. You should be cautious though. Your scent draws others as well.”

  “Henry.” His name was a whispered moan escaping her lips. He felt his body respond to it intensely.

  “I must warn you, my love, I am dying for another taste of you, a more,” he paused and lowered his voice further, “filling taste.”

  His outrageous words brought bright color to her cheeks and a warm rush of moisture between her thighs.

  He inhaled deeply, stirring the hair at her nape. “Mmmm, I am pleased to know the idea appeals to you as well.”

  She turned astonished eyes to him.

  “Yes, Amelia. I can smell your want and it is enchanting.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand as tears glistened in her eyes.

  “My lovely Amelia. Does your passion frighten you?” He sighed into her ear.

  “You should not say such things!”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “Do not be ashamed. It is the most pleasant aroma I have ever encountered. My only fear is that I may not be the only one affected by it,” he said as he gazed out over the room. “I must ask that you remain near your father or myself tonight. There are many enemies here this evening, and there are few here who would attempt to stop them.”

  Fear deepened her voice as she turned again to face the room. “Tell me who I can trust.”

  “Lord and Lady Featherton are of our kind and can be trusted. I fear I do not know many of the others. Have a care tonight. Do not stand too close to the outer doors. I will watch you at all times. The humans will not seek to harm you, but neither will they step in to help should you need it.”

  “How will I know the difference?”

  “The ladies are easy. Those who are mated will bare the mark of their mate. It is not easy to see unless you are looking. There will be four small circles on the neck where it meets the shoulder usually on the left side.” As he said it he ran a finger over the area on her neck. Amelia felt light headed. She closed her eyes as pleasure rushed through her. He continued to stroke her neck as he continued to speak. “Those with out the mark are either human or unmated and just as good as human. Stay with those ladies. There are at least six gentlemen here who are interested in you and they are not all of our kind, but enough like us to know our ways. Be careful….” He trailed off when her low moan reached his ears and the scent of her release clouded his senses.

  Henry turned Amelia around to face him. The sight of her almost made him lose control of his own desires. Her eyes were dark with desire. Her cheeks were flushed. She licked her lips and stared up at him.

  “God,” he groaned. “You will be the death of me.” He bent to kiss her, but before their lips met Amelia was wrenched from him and her father’s irate voice broke through the sensual fog.

  “What in Hell are you about? Are you going to toss up her skirts and have done with it here in the middle of Featherton’s dining hall? I would think you would practice a bit more restraint. Instead her scent has attract
ed the attention of every male in the room. Is she to suffer for your lack of restraint?”

  Henry felt heat surge up his neck. He was a fool. He meant to protect Amelia and instead he had brought her to the attention of every changeling in the room. The sweet scent of her release hung in the air around her in an intoxicating cloud that would stir the lust of any who encountered it.

  “You have my deepest apologies Lord Euston, Lady Amelia. I assure you this was not my intent. I did not realize how susceptible she would be to my touch.”

  Lord Euston then turned to his daughter. “You will behave yourself. You will stay with me or your mother until dinner is concluded and then we will depart. I can honestly say I am displeased with you at this moment, more than any time in your life.”

  Tears brimmed Amelia’s eyes as shame filled her. “I am sorry Papa.”

  “Yes, I can see that,” he sighed. “You must try to close your mind to them. They will overwhelm you if given the chance. They will all try to convince you that you are too warm and you need air or something similar to get you outside.” He looked at her with concern on his face. “It will not be pleasant for you if they do. You cannot leave the house for any reason. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Papa.”

  The quiver in her voice caused anger to surge into Henry with such force that he could feel his fangs descending. With a force he did not know he possessed he controlled the urge to rip Lord Euston’s throat out. He had hurt Amelia. Henry took Amelia by the arm and turned her around to face him again. He lifted her chin to force her to look at him. The shame he saw there almost unmanned him.


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