The Wicked Come

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The Wicked Come Page 2

by Rainbow Reed

  As eerie sounds stopped at last.

  Pale mist gently rolled away,

  With the fiery red of day

  The truck swayed with nervous sounds

  As on the roof dead branch pounds,

  Ancient fallen soldiers slept;

  From the truck his lover crept.

  Not looking back, he ran home

  Hurt he had been left alone.

  Running through the sleeping dead,

  Past statue of dripping red,

  His thoughts racing for lost love,

  Now swaying from branch above.

  Gently moving with the breeze,

  As gate slams shut…..

  No trespassers please

  Fractured Mind

  i awake confusion hits

  contorted images in my brain

  body moving out of sync

  mind has not returned

  wild dogs; barking, howling

  chase me through

  dark shadowy woods

  my foot catches on dead branch,

  i fall into decaying leaves

  cover my head with torn arms

  blood drips onto my face

  as the dogs descend...

  i awake confusion hits,

  i stumble to the kitchen

  legs shaking from the chase

  mind floats somewhere above,

  in my kitchen people sit and chat

  welcoming me with smells of tea and toast

  warm happy voices fill the cramped room

  i live alone...

  the people melt away

  leave multi coloured puddles on my floor

  i tip toe around them

  one touch and i’ll be sucked into the void...

  my back door shakes and wobbles

  glowers at me with hate

  cockroaches climbing the walls

  drop on my head and thud to the floor

  smell like death

  shaking with fear i open the door

  bacteria from the handle

  burning, eating into my hands

  washing all day will not

  rid me of the taint...

  i run down garden path

  suddenly a clowns head on a wire coil

  bounces into me

  white face vacant

  thick red lips grinning

  blue star eyes staring

  the clown dissolves,


  strange postman appears,

  knife in hand

  lunges violently at me

  i grab the knife

  stab him instead

  letters cascade onto the broken path...

  i awake in red satin sheets

  as confusion multiples.


  Sirens screeched,

  Split the sky.

  Roosting ravens reared

  As one, in

  Giant cawing claw;

  Casting dancing shadows,

  Against the falling night.

  Through flickering lights;

  The concrete monster reared.

  Lurking, as the

  Shadows lengthened,

  Leering silently

  At the tiny terrace houses,


  Huddled and afraid.

  Sweeping searchlights

  Arced and Peered

  Through the entombing dark.

  Stared through the

  Amber greyness.

  Searching while

  Asylum sat

  In seeping rage.

  Red eyes blinking

  Iron bars rattling

  As shaken inmates

  Screamed out in

  Secret fear.

  The young man sat

  In the midst of darkness,

  To him,

  The shadows held no


  The much used siren,

  Squawked and whined,

  Destroyed, his empty life.

  Slowly, he felt

  His cluttered home.

  A crazy cacophony

  Of colours unseen;

  Windows were shut,

  Doors remained bolted,

  Satisfied; the young man

  Climbed his stairs

  To bed.

  The Monster,

  Closed its yellowed eyes.

  Ceased its carrion cries.

  The quiet man smiled:

  And listened,

  Natures’ sounds began to rise:

  As through the darkened day.

  Autumnal winds howled

  Then died.

  Lashed against his

  Shaking windows.

  While cars crept quietly

  Through the empty streets.

  Suddenly, from downstairs,

  Sounds of smashing glass...

  House jumped,

  With savage fears.

  Dog door rattled and

  Slammed shut.

  Beloved paws padded heavily

  Up creaking stairs:

  Dog was coming

  To bed.

  Door creaked, gently open,

  Soft wet tongue

  On outstretched hand:

  Young man ruffled,

  Damp, scraggy fur.

  Disturbed scents of

  Mud and Sweat.

  Dog licked his mouth

  Sniffed at his face

  Hot breathe tickled

  Odours of horror.

  Finally he settled

  At the young mans’ feet,

  Soon gently snoring in

  Dog dream sleep.

  The young man smiled,

  At his sleeping friend

  Drifting away on

  Pillow of dreams…

  Then blind blue eye

  Flashed wide in fear,

  As he heard

  Beloved paws padding heavily

  Up creaking stairs

  To bed.


  Brown hair faded,

  Grey then left,

  Dark eyes, amber

  Beads of hate.

  Baggy face twisted,

  White with rage

  From Gaping mouth,

  Dripped poisoned words

  As evil thoughts

  Inside him stirred.

  Around him air

  Darkened with spite

  As in day

  He brought night.

  Large hands gripped

  A primal doll,

  Its body; twigs

  With white wrappings

  Twisted, tightly bound,

  Splintering in death.

  Rudely pointing arms

  Broke and crushed

  In his grasp.

  Its bead eyes

  Glassy amber flashes.

  Green moss hair,

  Now dried brown

  Flaked and fell.

  Slyly, he opened,

  Stolen sewing box

  Of simple pine.

  Removed three rusting

  Bead headed pins.

  Humming, he struck

  At dolls' head,

  Wished employers dead,

  Never gave him

  Job he deserved.

  Next in eye,

  Friends waving goodbye,

  Vague lost faces,

  In his mind.

  Took final red

  Glass beaded pin.

  Pricked finger; bled

  Drops of red,

  Fell onto white

  Of little doll.

  Violently, he thrust

  Last brown pin

  Into dolls' heart,

  Cursed his family,

  Old and young,

  They never gave

  Him total love

  Or enough money.

  Lightning struck inside

  His dissolving mind,

  Amber eyes flashed

  As darkness fell,

  Clutched his heart,

; Beating too fast,

  Little doll dropped,

  Smashed against floor,

  Bald head lolling,

  Amber eyes bulging,

  Open mouth frozen

  In final scream.

  As wet red

  Halo encircled head.

  Man and doll

  Collapsed on floor.

  The Cottage Garden

  The cottage sat daintily in the lane.

  Glistening in the warm May rain,

  Russet roof tiles, glowed orange and gold,

  In patch work of encroaching mould.

  The red brick chimney reached tall and proud,

  Chimney pots smoking lost in cloud

  While the modified ivy twisted and grew...

  Surrounded by a sweet, soft petal shore,

  Flowers clawed at the front door.

  Black velvet tulips stood aloft and tall,

  Dicenthra bled by garden wall.

  Yellow pansies frowned garish and loud,

  Forget- me- nots made blue shroud

  While the modified ivy twisted and grew...

  Framed by the perfect pansy border,

  Green grasses waved to order,

  Dark emerald blades cut short and neat,

  Bowed at trees restless feet.

  Magnolia rose and filled the sky

  Shielding all from passers by

  As the modified ivy grew twisting...

  Magnolia moved in the breeze,

  Tear drops sparkled on the leaves,

  Branches tentatively tapped the wall,

  Small red drips began to fall,

  Splashed the blossoms crimson upon white,

  Made a very pretty sight.

  As twisted the modified ivy grew....

  At shuttered window the woman stared,

  Saw a hummingbird and glared.

  It settled in the shimmering vine coil

  Squawked and fell onto the soil.

  Deep brown spotted, golden vine trickled red,

  As poor hummingbird lay dead.

  As modified and twisted the ivy grew...

  The creeper crept with serpentine skill,

  Moving towards the windowsill,

  Brown mottled vine merged with shadowy light

  Yellow eyes and hunters sight.

  It found the woman watching from windowsill,

  Crushed her; such an easy kill,

  And modified and twisted the ivy grew...


  Jimmy Choos’ stalked across the floor,

  Ripping, clawing against the antiqued oak,

  Stuttered, stiffened; listened to deep silence

  Then slowly circled, nowhere once more.

  The gold straps coiled around her calf’s,

  Winding, binding, painfully twisting…

  D. and G. suit clinging about her,

  Her grey silk blouse rustled in the breeze,

  While around her stalk, staccato sounds

  Hung, heavily in the air.

  Iphone, sleek black, gripped in her hand,

  Silky skin, hung with heavy gold.

  Tiffany watched ticked out her life,

  Loudly chimed, while seconds slowed.

  Once the phone throbbed with human voice,

  But now lay an empty, silenced shell.

  Iphone, deceased, flew through the flat,

  Into lurking black mouthed Aga,

  Exploded as a bank of grey smoke,

  Hung, heavily in the air.

  Her deal was done, her life’s work gone,

  Lost in arteries of cyber space.

  Dragging away her friends and colleagues.

  Empty. Amputated. Alone.

  She sought solace in some simpler things,

  Unearthed an unwanted angel.

  Lit Jo Malone candles and prayed.

  Warm, rich red wax, dripped and ran.

  As odours of frankincense and myrrh,

  Hung, heavily in the air.

  A warm wind rustled her Harrods’ blinds,

  Caressed her neck with heated breathe,

  Waving candles danced and died.

  Slowly she slid into silent sleep.

  Watching angel smiled and stared,

  The moon faded from an empty sky,

  As sunlight stretched into the room.

  The landline screamed, her job reborn.

  While the body of her manager,

  Hung, heavily in the air.

  Angel twisted its head towards her.

  Happiness melted; horror oozed.

  She had prayed for a second chance,

  Consequences careered together.

  Her hands stained red with innocent blood

  Chiselled grey eyes of cold intentions...

  Another soul to savour slowly...

  Fractured images of future life,

  Hung heavily in the air.

  An eternity of servitude,

  No life, no hope, or resting in peace…

  Alabaster angel leered hungrily.

  Trembling, woman came towards him,

  Hair by Hari’s covered her face.

  Angel glowed: someone was praying.

  Another desperate soul to steal,

  Silently, woman tied Ipad lead

  One end to fan, one to angels’ neck,

  Shocked face of angel spun around fast.

  Then just...

  Hung, heavily in the air.

  Lady In Black

  She follows me from room to room,

  Footsteps echoing in the gloom.

  Softly her boots tap up the stair,

  Scents of lavender fill the air.

  In mirrored reflections, she waits,

  Her fractured face just stares and hates.

  I catch glimpses of long black dress,

  Wrapped tightly in loving caress.

  Then vanishes into a mist,

  I breathe in the air that she kissed.

  Black eyes watch as in bed I lie,

  They laugh and tease, I slowly die.

  No one believes that she is there,

  Just following me everywhere.

  Grey Eyes In The Deep

  The sea rolled in,

  The waves rushed out,

  Snatching, ripping, dragging

  The terrified, tumbling peddles

  Into a greedy sea.

  Damp rocks glistened

  Sparkled and shone, while

  Through softly swaying

  Seaweed shadows

  A sullen darkness stared.

  Black rocks clawed

  Through sinking sands,

  Glinting, oozing, hiding

  Under algae hoods.

  Silently watching,



  He stood.

  Amongst sharpened cliffs.

  Gazing at a black sea shadow.

  Among white sea waters

  Playful people splashed

  Whispering, laughing pointing,

  Met his gaze

  Turned away

  Shadow snaked through

  Tumbling seas

  Dull grey eyes fixed

  Unblinking, staring

  Rushing through the foam.

  Dull grey eyes

  Watched in unblinking stare

  Hating, loathing, lusting

  Beneath the happy mob,

  A black shape rippled

  Cutting through

  The jumbling waves.

  Young man waved,

  A shouted warning

  People laughed and turned away.

  Waves rushed in from everywhere

  Children caught off guard screamed

  And wobbling women waded in

  Sudden flash of white fanged jaw

  Glowing, glinting, shining

  In the summers sun.

  Black shape torpedoed

  through the crowd

  Wove and spun

  through the tumbling torsos.

nbsp; Serrated tail sliced

  Swimmers in two;

  As long neck stretched,

  Twisting, searching, ripping

  Feeding off the floating flesh.

  Azure sea glowed bright red.

  People screamed arms flailed in fear

  As silently

  He watched

  And waved.

  The Hunter

  The trees crouched


  Huddled against the




  Branches woven,

  Clinging together.

  Arthritic twigs

  Splintered and bent

  As shimmering ivy

  Slowly encircled

  Their moss draped


  Crumbling black bark,

  Wrinkled with age,



  Onto the barren



  The yew tree


  Over the bowing

  Dwarfen trees.

  Fanning branches,

  Blocked out the sky.

  Walls of sallow bark,

  Twisted like



  Wooden statues.

  Dark knots erupted

  From within the


  Screaming faces.

  A gaping hole

  Oozed darkness

  Where its heart

  Had weathered away…

  A musty odour

  Floated on the

  Biting Breeze.


  Hunter coughed

  And hid.

  Waiting for his


  Eerie sense of being


  Sudden crack,

  Of whip like


  Pins him

  Inside the




  Into the


  As first green

  Shoots of



  The Mystic Isle

  The isle arose from swirling mists,

  Slicing through the broken skies,

  Lurking beneath the whitened waters,

  Dark hungry fangs of piercing stone

  Impatiently waiting for their prey:


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