The Sexperts: The Girl with the Pearl Necklace (The Sexperts Trilogy Book 2)

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The Sexperts: The Girl with the Pearl Necklace (The Sexperts Trilogy Book 2) Page 2

by Melinda DuChamp

  Biggest gasp of all.

  Dwanna summoned all her courage and looked out over the crowd. Pink faces stared back at her, some people actually writhing in their chairs, obviously uncomfortable with her shocking depravity.

  A Sachs-Yule cleared his throat. “I’m afraid this is more serious than any of us knew. And something must be done about it. But first, I want to get the details straight. I want you to go back and describe how you kissed his man part. Slower this time.”

  “Agreed,” said Mr. Period, one of the senior members of the board. “Did you lick the underside with your tongue?”

  “Did you wrap your lips around it?” asked another board member.

  “Did you suck it hard like a cherry popsicle?” asked a third.

  “Mmmph-mmmppbb?” asked Mrs. Messy, her fist still in her mouth.

  The meeting went on and on, until Dwanna thought she would scream if she had to go over each humiliating detail one more time. But eventually, after she recalled every tiny move, from the way she gently cupped his balls to the way he pinned her legs to the sides of her head and rode her like a bronco buster, the crowd cleared the room, exhausted and sweaty, leaving just Mother and A Sachs-Yule staring at her with stern expressions.

  “This is very serious. I’m afraid it’s necessary to take serious measures,” A said. “Don’t you, Vera?”

  “I’m afraid you’re right. And we can take care of two problems at once.”

  “Two problems?” Dwanna said.

  “We have received a very bizarre invitation from Hoyt Siemann, CEO of the Siemann Institute.” Mother’s smooth cheeks sucked inward to show her distaste. “He wants to schedule a public forum at the Center City Community Center, a discussion between his so-called spokesman, former movie star Chester McChester, and myself, in order to find common ground and see if our organizations can work together more peaceably going forward.” Mother’s lips smacked. “The very idea sickens me.”

  “Indeed.” A Sachs-Yule applauded with hands that sounded damp. His features couldn’t be more perfect, virile enough to keep him from actual beauty, with piercing blue eyes and thick blond hair. But there was something… off. Dwanna couldn’t fault his dedication to the cause of Purity, or his work for the Foundation. But… well, she hadn’t figured it out yet.

  “I agree,” Dwanna tried to sound forceful and committed, even though she knew Mother would frown at her anyway.

  Mother frowned at her.


  Dwanna had always admired how principled Mother was, how unfailingly intolerant of sin. Yet going on four days since Dwanna herself had sinned, and more than a dozen public shamings, she was desperate for at least one sign of a maternal thaw.


  “We will accept Siemann’s offer. We do not wish to appear unreasonable, unfriendly, or unwilling to compromise.”

  “This is the time to take advantage of burgeoning membership to destroy the Institute once and for all.” Vera glanced at her daughter. “And you can help, Dwanna.”

  “Me?” She was so surprised she sat up straight in the carved wooden chair, a mistake since it made her enormous breasts stick out. But maybe finally Dwanna would be able to redeem herself. “I am always ready to serve the Foundation, Mother.”

  “Yes.” Vera cleared her throat, looking unusually severe, which, given how severe she always looked, was actually terrifying.

  “This mission will be extremely difficult, Dwanna.” A Sachs-Yule’s blue eyes didn’t blink. But then neither did they glance down at her breasts and rebound in horror as most men at the Foundation’s did. Or glance down and then appear to get stuck, like most men outside the Foundation’s did. “You will face moral and physical dangers of the kind you have never encountered before.”

  “Dangers? What kind of dangers?”

  “Dangers that will test your very commitment to the Foundation’s philosophy.”

  Dwanna swallowed and shrank back against the unyielding chair. Would it be worse than Mother’s painful and elaborate Purification Rituals? “Mother?”

  “Yes, there are risks.” Vera shot A Sachs-Yule an inscrutable look across the vast table. “But the rewards will be great.”

  Dwanna’s foot started wiggling under the table, which Vera would absolutely hate if she could see it. “The rewards will be great” was what Mother said when she was planning something really horrible. “What do I have to do, Mother?”

  “We need to learn everything we can about the Institute. How it operates, who has the power, where its weaknesses are in personnel, in technology and in structure. Therefore, Dwanna, you must… .” Mother’s voice thickened. She drew down her heavily plucked brows, glancing murderously again at the silent blue-eyed man.

  “Go on, Vera.” Sachs-Yule said.

  Dwanna’s foot was far too afraid to keep on jiggling. The rest of her was, too. What was this idea if Vera Badlei was hesitating even to sacrifice Dwanna to it? Mother loved sacrificing Dwanna. It was what she did. And why was A Sachs-Yule acting as if he was in charge? And why did he have a letter for a first name?

  “I must what?” Dwanna asked.

  Vera leaned back, which didn’t make her breasts stick out because she hardly had any. Only Dwanna got stuck with that sickening deformity.

  “You must enroll at the Seimann Institute.”

  “Whahhhh?” Deanna bolted from her chair as if it had caught fire.

  “The word is wha-t, there is a T on the end. Please enunciate,” Vera snapped.

  “Whah-ah-ah-ah-ah?” Dwanna knew she should enunciate, but she could only go on like a car alarm someone didn’t know how to turn off. The sound of her wailing echoed around the dark carved wooden walls and stone ceiling.

  “Pull yourself together.” A Sachs-Yule clapped his hands sharply. “This is important. You should be honored to be chosen.”

  Mother nodded, not looking at Dwanna. Her lips were jammed together in a thin line.

  A terrible truth sank in. This was Sachs-Yule’s idea. Since when was Mother not in charge of everything that went on at the Foundation?

  “But Mother.” Tears sprang into Dwanna’s eyes. The horror of this was more than she could comprehend. “All they do at the Institute is… The Most Repellant Act!”

  “Control yourself!” A’s handsome face was stony. “It’s for the sake of the Foundation. Frankly, we can’t risk sending someone who is already pure.”

  “Send Mrs. Messy!”

  Mother shook her head. “She’ll just stick her fist in her mouth, and then we won’t be able to understand a word of her report. And also… that isn’t the only place she likes to stick her fist.”

  A Sachs-Yule nodded. “Besides, resisting the Institute’s evil is the only way you’ll be able to prove to us that you’ve learned your lesson.”

  Dwanna panicked. “Please, mother.”

  “It’s Mother!” Vera snapped. “With a capital M.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  A Sachs-Yule leaned forward, grabbing her wrists. “If you want to redeem yourself in the eyes of the foundation, you must do this. And you must not succumb to their unscrupulous methods.”

  “What unscrupulous methods?” Dwanna asked, the words sticking in her throat.

  “They will attempt to brainwash you, Dwanna. They’ll make you feel as if sex is a natural, wonderful part of life. They’ll compliment you, be nice to you, get you to relax.”

  “Sounds horrible.”

  “And then, they’ll do things to you.”

  “Wha… what kinds of things?”

  “You’ll be enrolled in the Institute as someone who’s unable to enjoy sex. Then they will do things to try to make you have orgasms, over and over.”

  “Oh… my.”

  “But you must resist! You can’t let them make you come, Dwanna. Then we can prove their methods are useless and cruel.”

  “Will they… touch me?”

  “All over. No doubt with luxurious oils and vibrating implements meant to in
tensify your pleasure.”

  “Will they… make love to me?”

  “Undoubtedly so. The most attractive men, and even women, will seduce you and try to make you melt from bliss.”

  “Oh… my.”

  “We’ll have a hidden camera on you, so we can document all the devious things they do to you. Wicked, filthy things. But you will remain strong and never break, because you know everyone here will be watching.”

  “You’ll be watching?” Dwanna swallowed.

  “Yes. Think of how it will feel, as they violate you over and over, while a group of your peers watches.”

  “Oh… my.”

  “We have said it over and over again, Dwanna. I had hoped you would be mature enough by now to understand.” Vera Badlei stared pitilessly at her eldest daughter. “Nothing is more important than the health and success of the Foundation and its mission of Purity. Nothing. And that includes you. You won’t fail us. You’ll resist the Institute, and all of its pleasures. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mother. May I go?”

  Vera looked at A Sachs-Yule, who nodded. Dwanna leapt to her feet and made it to the bathroom before the orgasm that had been building for the last hour overtook her, making her yelp and fall to her knees. She resisted the urge to touch herself, to have another, and instead stood up on shaky legs and looked at her teary-eyed reflection in the mirror.

  Dwanna had never told Mother the whole truth. The whole terrible truth. Her purity lapse was only a symptom of a far bigger, more disgusting problem. Dwanna feared that secretly, deep down inside, she actually liked sex. And somehow—no matter what they did to her at the Seimann Institute—she couldn’t let anyone know.

  Chapter 2

  Where: Center City, The Siemann Institute of Sexual Proficiency, Office of Fanny Leuber, Executive Director.

  What: A research project.

  Who: Fanny Leuber, and Siemann Institute Assistant Executive Director Peter Bonebury.

  When: Right Now

  • • •

  “You’re going to have to get naked, at least from the waist down.” Fanny kept her eyes focused on her iClipboard and tried not to watch Peter Bonebury unzip his black Seimann Institute uniform pants. She and Peter had been intimate partners outside their work at the institute for several months now, but she never got bored with the sight of his cock.

  Or the feel.

  Or the taste.

  But she couldn’t focus on her passion for him at the moment. This was important. This was necessary.

  This was Science.

  He pushed the fabric down his thighs. His underwear came next, and Fanny couldn’t help but sneak a peek when he sprang free.

  He was already half aroused, his shank lengthening and thickening as she watched. His glans was larger than most, flat and wide, forming a prominent ridge. And as Fanny took in the sight, she felt her muscles clench a little at the thought of him burying his manhood deep inside her.

  She made an involuntary sound low in her throat.

  Peter smiled. “What is this new technique we’re testing?”

  “It’s a lot to explain. Why don’t I just show you?”

  Fanny turned on the iCameras positioned around the room in order to record every angle of the experiment, and when she turned back to Peter, he was totally naked, tall and blond as a Norse god. And totally hard, too, thrusting straight out as if reaching for her.


  In a scientific way, of course.

  “Are you going to take your clothes off too, Fanny?”

  “This experiment isn’t about me.”

  “Maybe not. But your nudity might better simulate a real life situation.”

  “Is that your inner researcher talking? Or do you just want to see my body?”


  Swayed by Peter’s unassailable logic, Fanny slipped off her lab coat, shirt and pants, and finally her iBra and panties, and even though there was no particular scientific reason for it, she stood there for a few moments, letting Peter and the cameras take a good, long look.

  She felt her nipples grow tight. Shivers skittered over her skin. Heat and wetness pooled between her thighs. She glanced at Peter, who seemed to be drinking her in, his erection bouncing with his heartbeat. A moment more, and she’d forget the experiment altogether and jump him. “Better get to work.”

  Peter nodded, his shaft bobbing in unison. “Where do you want me?”

  “Right there.” Fanny pointed to a stool she’d placed in the center of the room. “That way all the cameras can capture a different angle of your erection.”

  “And everything you do with your hands and mouth and tongue?”


  Peter took his spot, and both he and Fanny activated their iSensors to record their body’s reactions. Then Fanny lowered herself to her knees in front of Peter, his length thrusting out at her, his tip resting against her jaw.

  “I’m going to start with my hands.” She said for the video. She gave her palms a squirt of iLube from the ever-present dispenser and wrapped her right hand tightly around the base of his stiff rod and her left right above it. He felt warm and firm in her grip and as she applied a soft pressure, he flexed upward.

  A good sign.

  “Now I’m going to start step two.” Gripping him, she twisted her wrists toward his belly, each moving in the opposite direction.

  “Ohhh, uhhh,” Peter moaned.

  Fanny twisted again.

  “Uhhh, ohhh.” Peter groaned.

  Fanny kept twisting, slowly moving up his length with each rotation. Her breasts swayed in time with her hands, her nipples grazing the rough hair on Peter’s legs. The iCamera aiming up through the carpet beneath them would be catching all of this, every twist, every sway. The bunching of his balls as his excitement grew. The wetness glistening on her pussy lips in answer. The perfect angle for reviewing the experiment later.

  For scientific purposes, of course.

  Her top hand reached his ridge, and she gripped a little harder as her fingers rubbed across the sensitive spot on his underside—the frenum—right below the head. She looked up, smiling into Peter’s eyes.

  Peter shuddered, his hips starting to buck.

  As Fanny’s fingers reached his tip, she brought her tongue against him, moving it back and forth and inspiring another deep moan that shuddered through his body.

  “Oh, Fanny. This is… I am… Uhhh, ahhh.”

  She started to move her hands back down his length, still twisting. Each inch that her fingers vacated, she claimed with her mouth, watching him as she sucked and stroked with her tongue.

  “I don’t know how much of this I can take, Fanny.” Peter said, his voice strained.

  Truth was, Fanny didn’t know how much she could take either. She hadn’t touched herself at all, and already she was so wet she was dripping, and the delicious pressure of an orgasm was building inside her.

  Reaching his base, she smoothed a hand over his shaven balls, then started twisting her way back up his length again. Up and down she went. Up and down. With each repetition, she did less with her hands and more with her mouth until she was devouring him, pulling his length deep into her throat.

  Peter made a strangled sound, and cupping the back of her head, he thrust his hips forward and his warm, salty essence pumped into her mouth.


  The intercom buzzed.


  A knock sounded on the door.


  The door swung open.

  “Uh, I was told this is where I’m supposed to go to get my new assignment?”

  Fanny let Peter’s still-hard cock slide from her mouth and turned toward the voice.

  In the doorway stood the newest member of the Seimann team, Milo Toole. Dark, and Mediterranean, with thick wavy hair down to his collar, Milo was handsome, gentle, and sensitive, with remarkable and intuitive sexual technique. He was one of the most talented appli
cants she’d ever seen. Almost too talented. Something about him wasn’t quite… right.

  Maybe it was the intensity of his gaze, as if he could look into her eyes and read her every desire. Maybe it was the way every word from his lips happened to be exactly what she wanted to hear. Maybe it was the way her skin tingled when he stood too close. But whatever it was, Fanny could see no reason to hold back his hiring. She’d just have to keep a close eye on him until she figured it out.

  Very, very close.

  She stood up, wiped her chin, and smiled. “Welcome to the team, Milo.”

  “Thanks, Fanny.” His perfect white teeth flashed in an easy grin and he ran his eyes over her naked body. “Totally happy to be here.”

  “Welcome, Milo.” Peter clasped his hand in a manly shake, and for just a split second, Fanny considered trying out another one of her research projects on the spot. Double the dick, double the data.

  Did she land a dream job or what?

  Hmmm. What would she have them do for her? She’d monitored Milo’s training but hadn’t trained him herself. However, she’d never seen women suck any guy as ravenously as they’d sucked Milo while testing his COC, Cum on Command, skills. So maybe she’d go on all fours and have Peter kneel behind her and take her doggy style, while she gave Milo’s beautiful cock a good tongue-bath.

  “Hi! Sorry I’m late.” Chastity Zoffal burst into the room, filling it with the scent of roses and woman. She stared at Fanny’s and Peter’s nudity and let out a little squeal. “Am I interrupting something? Can I join you?”

  Chastity had recently joined the staff after saving the Institute from the threat of mayoral candidate Dick Ouad’s collaboration with the Foundation to—

  You know, this would be a lot easier if you’d just read the first Sexperts book, 50 Grades of Shay. There are few things more irritating than plot points from a previous book obviously stuck into the sequel so new readers can catch up. Also, it’s cheap and filled with a lot of hot sex and silliness.

  “Chastity, hi.” Peter by now had mastered himself enough around Chastity that when the twenty-one-year old walked into a room, all sweet blue eyes, rosy lips, pert breasts and tight, young ass, his jaw only went slightly slack.


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