Adventures of A Submissive Wife (Suzi's Journey Book 2)

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Adventures of A Submissive Wife (Suzi's Journey Book 2) Page 2

by C J Edwards

  This was going to be a hard and fast buggering. I bent over to whisper in my wife’s ear and warned her to be ready. Then, holding her hips tightly, I started to pile drive into her. Wrapping my arm around her throat gave me more purchase and also reduced her air supply, which I knew heightened the sensations for her.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” Suzi very quickly got back up on to her plateau of pleasure. I could already feel her ring piece pulsing around my cock as she started to come and it virtually pulled the cum out of my balls. Exploding into her bowels, I collapsed in a sweaty heap on to her back.

  After a couple of deep breaths, I was aware of a tapping on my shoulder. Gary wanted a go of my wife’s tight arse. Pulling my cock out with some difficulty, I very much doubted if he would get in but I was keen to see.

  Gary took my place and a rapidly recovering Suzi realised what was on his mind and tried to get up. Gary just pushed her back down and held her in place with a strong hand in the centre of her back. Suzi looked at me with genuine fear in her eyes. “Please don’t let him, darling. He’ll split me in two!”

  Gary answered. “Don’t you worry sweet cheeks. I’ve fucked even tighter arses than yours.” He gently caressed her soft buttocks. “I promise I won’t damage you.”

  I noted that he didn’t promise not to hurt her. That would be an impossibility. I stepped back and watched carefully as he lined his massive tool up carefully with Suzi’s little ring piece. Suzi started panting quickly like she was giving birth as the big black cock began its incredible disappearing trick. He hadn’t even got two inches in before she gave her first moan of pain and Gary came to a stop. “Jesus, you are tight! He exclaimed.

  Reaching his hand underneath her, Gary gently caressed her pussy for a minute or two and I saw my wife visibly relax. Gary felt it too. Putting his hands back on her hips he took a tight hold and pushed, popping past her sphincter as Suzi let out a long, mournful cry. “Aaaaaah!” Once that obstacle was overcome, he pushed on further until he was all the way up inside her. Suzi made little moans of pain and pleasure all the way in as she felt her back passage open up and mould itself to this huge invader. Once in, he got straight into a rhythm, ignoring Suzi’s pleas for him to slow down.

  Suddenly my wife’s tone changed again. There was absolutely no doubt she was having the time of her life. As Gary’s bulk smashed down on to her firm buttocks, they started to make an erotic slapping noise as they came into contact. Gary started grunting and Suzi was positively howling with pleasure. The very sexual noises coming from this horny couple were now so loud they could probably have been heard a street away.

  Gary reached forward and grabbed a handful of his new toy’s luxuriant hair, cruelly yanking her head back as he quickened his pace. Suzi now went delirious with passion. “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Oh my fucking God!” She came very noisily. Her whole body jerked and her arsehole clamped down hard around Gary’s cock.

  Gary came too and kept coming. He pumped blast after blast into my wife until she felt like her belly was bloating. Pulling out required him to hold her hips again and literally yank her arse of him. When he did, she leaked a large quantity all over the bed.

  “Well” said Gary, bending down to kiss her on the back of the neck. “That’s you well and truly blacked sweetheart!” He gave me a wink and wandered off towards the shower.



  Several weeks ago my submissive wife, Suzi had conspired in the seduction of her gorgeous younger step-sister, Debbie. She was a great fuck that was for sure but when I deliberately opened a window for her on my wife’s submissive nature it didn’t escape my notice that her arousal went through the roof; particularly so when I took Suzi’s arse in front of her. I had a theory that Debbie’s submissive nature was only skin deep too and today I was going to test my theory.

  Debbie woke to find her wrists tied above her head and bound to the headboard. “Good morning my pet,” I greeted her, lightly stroking her bare stomach. “Are you ready to play some more?”

  “Christ,” she said. “You’re bloody insatiable! Where’s Suzi?”

  “Suzi’s gone out for a while to give us chance to get to know each other better.” I paused for a while, teasing her nipples with the back of my hand. “Some time ago, I trained my wife properly as a submissive. You saw the product of that training last night. The fact is, Suzi has never been happier and if you’re willing, I’d like to do the same with you.”

  “Do you mean you’re going to force me to do whatever you want you dirty old man?” Debbie asked with a naughty twinkle in her eye.

  “Not really. I won’t be forcing you to do anything because I’m going to give you two safe words. If you say ‘amber’, I’ll back off a little and give you more time. If you say ‘red’, I’ll stop completely and that will be the end of your training. How does that sound?”

  “And what if I can’t say anything because you’ve filled my mouth with your big cock or something made of rubber,” asked Debbie innocently.

  “Very perceptive! Five blinks of your eyes or five taps of your hand will mean you need to say a safe word and I’ll allow you to do so.”

  “Right then,” said an eager Debbie. “What are we waiting for?”

  “Have you ever been spanked Debbie?” I asked, changing the subject to throw her off guard.

  “Yes,” she replied indignantly, in a tone that almost made me laugh. There she was, tied to her bed, stark bollock naked and she was huffing and puffing at the suggestion that she had never been spanked.

  “I mean, properly spanked,” I said, releasing her from the bed but keeping her wrists bound together. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I draped her body across me and gently stroked her buttocks.

  “Ummm, that’s nice,” she purred.

  “Your training will start shortly,” I said as I gently rubbed her bum. “First of all, I’m going to test your pain threshold. Are you ready?”

  Debbie gulped and nodded; quiet all of a sudden; and I started to spank her upturned bottom. Not too hard at this stage, I alternated my blows between her buttocks, gradually turning them a light pink hue.

  This was well within Debbie’s tolerance and I suspected it was familiar ground for her. Little did she know we hadn’t even started yet. Reaching into my box, I pulled out my favourite gag and showed it to her. “This is a penis gag, Debbie,” I said. “It’s pretty obvious why it’s called that and I’m going to use it on you because you’re likely to make a bit of noise in a few minutes,” I said meaningfully.

  “Okay,” she replied in a timid voice, even though I had tacitly not asked for her permission. I pushed the fat rubber helmet into her mouth and secured the leather straps behind her neck. She gagged a little as it went in and I guessed the tip was touching the back of her little mouth.

  “In case you are wondering,” I went on, “your safe words don’t apply during this session. We haven’t started your training yet and I will gauge when you’ve had enough.” Reaching back into the box, I produced a leather flogger and showed it to her. Not too severe, it was nonetheless a step up and I was pretty sure she was about to cross the threshold into a new experience. I began to flog her, using the full length of the tails but being careful not to over-exercise my capable arm.

  “Nugug!” The sound coming from around the gag was a mix of indignation, pain and annoyance. The threshold had certainly been crossed and Debbie was starting to appreciate it was no longer a game. Her arse began to colour a nice light red as I striped her with the soft hide. I kept going until I’d achieved a nice even red all over and she began to involuntarily raise her legs and then I put down the flogger to gently fondle her pussy for a bit of relief.

  “Well done my darling, you’re doing really well,” I encouraged her with a soothing voice. The tears hadn’t started yet but her breathing was ragged and I knew they weren’t far off.

  Next was the paddling and I would be very surprised if that didn’t send her over the edge. Showi
ng her the flat wooden tool, I stroked her hair and asked her if she was ready. A nod of the head gave me the assent that I didn’t need but I was reassured to see she was still engaged.

  The paddle made a reassuring ‘swishing’ sound as it cut through the air and I knew that would add to the sensation for my helpless trainee. The first blow came down dead centre and flattened both of her arse cheeks. There was no doubt that she felt it as her head whipped up and she arched her back. I stepped back and began a fusillade of blows, watching the red steadily deepen until it was almost purple. At this point, the spanking dance had started in earnest and tears were evident on her cheeks. I stopped when I felt she could take no more; my arm was aching anyway. Turning her on to her back, I pushed a finger into her pussy and noted to my satisfaction it was sopping wet. Sucking gently on her nipples, I looked into her misty blue eyes. “Okay?” I asked simply.

  Debbie nodded again, although she was clearly less than okay at that point. “Good,” I said, “last one coming up!”

  Another superfluous nod from Debbie and I went to look for my final implement, a rattan cane. Not giving her the chance to think about it too much, I grabbed her legs and brought them up towards her head and then began to bring the cane down right across the crease in that really sensitive place between her bottom and thighs. I knew this would really hurt and I couldn’t give her too many blows but she needed to know what a punishment would really feel like. She took about ten swats before I judged she’d had enough. I moved her gently on to her back and gently rubbed some pre-prepared ointment into her sore bum.

  Waiting until she’d calmed down a little; I removed Debbie’s gag and cuffs before taking her into my arms and giving her a loving cuddle. “How was that, sweetheart?” I asked.

  “Horrible,” she replied.

  “I’m sorry to have to hurt you,” I said, “but it was necessary. Now tell me, did you enjoy any of it?”

  Debbie paused to think carefully. “To be honest,” she began. “I really enjoyed the first spanking and the second one with the whip-thing made me wet, even though it hurt a lot.”

  “The cat,” I corrected her. “What about the other two?”

  “Bloody horrible,” she said simply.

  That told me exactly what I needed to know. Punishments would be with the paddle or cane and I would occasionally use my hand or the cat (with care) for pleasure. But first of all… “We’ll discuss your training contract a little later,” I said, spreading her out on the bed. “But first, let me make you feel a bit better.” I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me, before entering her sopping wet pussy with a very hard cock.

  After a good, hard fucking, Debbie fell straight back to sleep. I pulled the cover over her and went to find my laptop. Suzi was back from her shoe-shopping expedition and was eager for an update on her step-sister’s progress. “Oh, she’s clearly doing better than you,” I said playfully as I searched through my folders for Suzi’s training contract.

  Knowing better than to pursue the subject, Suzi tiptoed into the bedroom to check on Debbie. Seeing she was fast asleep, she gently kissed her on the forehead, before coming back to join me in the study.

  “She’s very brave but not as worldly as she thought,” I volunteered to my curious wife as I tapped the keys. Satisfied with the amended contract, I pressed print and waited for my new trainee to awaken.

  Later that day, we were sat together in the kitchen. I had allowed Debbie to put on a robe as her training hadn’t yet started and she perused the contract over a cup of coffee with her step-sister at her side, her eyes widening at some of the detail.

  “Well?” I asked. “Do you think you’re up to it?”

  “Let me have a pen,” she answered simply. When I passed one across, she quickly signed and passed it to Suzi for witnessing. After giving her squiggle, Suzi hugged her step sister and left the room again. She knew she would not be required for the training period.

  “Well done,” I said. “Your training will start straight away.” Reaching into my pocket, I produced a worn looking leather dog collar and buckled it around her slender neck. “This is Suzi’s old training collar,” I said, “And it’s now yours. Whenever you wear it, you are in training. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Debbie replied.

  “You will only speak when spoken to and when you speak to me, you will always call me Master, or Sir,” I continued. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master,” she replied, catching on fast.

  “We’ll see,” I said. “Get it wrong and you will be punished! Now, we’re going to start your training with some oral exercises. Go to your bedroom and be ready for me on your knees in the middle of the floor.” Debbie obediently set off for her bedroom; I called after her. “And the only thing you will wear from now on unless I say otherwise is your collar.”

  “Yes, Master,” she answered meekly as I settled down to drink my coffee and read the morning papers.

  Sometime later I wandered into Debbie’s bedroom to find her kneeling naked as required. She looked up expectantly as I entered. “Another small infraction, little one,” I admonished her. “A good submissive keeps her eyes downcast unless given permission to look at her Master.”

  “Sorry Master,” she whispered and quickly dropped her eyes.

  “Good girl,” I said and patted her cheek. “You may call me Sir as well as Master if you find it easier.” I unzipped and presented her with a semi-hard cock which she enthusiastically gobbled up. “Whoa, easy tiger,” I joked. “They’ll be plenty of time to swallow me but I’m trying to start you off slowly.” Taking control of her head, I guided her to the end of my helmet and encouraged her to lick around the tip and run her tongue underneath. Slowly and surely I fed more and more of my meat into her willing mouth, keeping it going until I touched the back of her throat and she inadvertently gagged.

  “That’s fine,” I reassured her. “Gagging is normal when you first start, you’ll get used to it.” I withdrew a little and started to pump slowly in and out, being careful to stop just short of her gag point. As she started to get into it, I could see her arousal rising and began to gradually push it again.

  Before long my cock got the better of me. I grabbed Debbie firmly either side of the head and began to thrust hard into her throat. She did wonderfully well, occasionally gagging a little but managing well as I used her mouth like a cunt. “Oh yes baby,” I moaned. “I’m going to cum now!”

  I came with what seemed like gallons of spunk, pumped straight down into my sub’s belly as she dutifully gulped it all down. “Look at me,” I commanded and Debbie raised her mascara-streaked eyes to me. “You’ve done very well, my pet,” I said, withdrawing my softening cock from her mouthy. “How did you find that?”

  “It was dreamy, Sir,” she sighed. “But I didn’t cum.”

  “No you didn’t,” I replied with a smile. “If you continue to behave, I may pleasure you later on but you will not cum today.” I held her chin in my hand and raised her eyes to mine again. “Do you understand that, my pet? You are only to orgasm with my permission. To do otherwise will be a serious infraction.”

  “Yes Master,” replied a disconsolate slave.

  That afternoon, after Debbie had made my lunch, I settled down to watch a cup match with her kneeling dutifully by my side. After a while, I could see her shifting uncomfortably and wondered if it was in response to having her gorgeous body on display but being ignored. Happy to remind her how much I loved her, I took my eyes off the screen for a moment to compliment her on her beauty and to remind her to keep her legs parted and shoulders back to display her breasts to best effect like a good submissive. Debbie responded immediately to the attention and I could see the joy in her eyes.

  A little later, I moved her between my legs and told her to put my cock in her mouth. “This isn’t a blow job,” I instructed her. “Just keep it there and suck gently on it.” She laid her soft head on my thigh and did exactly that. This was quite a pleasurable s
ensation to go with a footy match and a can of beer and a good training evolution for Debbie.

  That evening, the three of us sat around the table, eating a stir fry Debbie had prepared. Debbie was of course naked but I allowed Suzi to stay fully dressed; she was of course out of training and it was good to remind the trainee of her position in the household. Once the meal was cleared, I turned to Debbie. “I think we’ll give you a demonstration this evening. You now know that your pleasure belongs to me and you will only come with my permission. Suzi will show you how that works in practice.” I looked at my wife, “Undress and pop up on to the table!”

  Without so much as a word, my lovely wife quickly stripped off her blouse, skirt and underwear and lay back on the dining table. “You can do the honours, pet,” I said to Debbie. “Pleasure your step-sister until she comes.”

  Debbie had been here before and didn’t hesitate. She gently rubbed around Suzi’s clitty before lowering her head and beginning to lick. My very sensitive wife started writhing around almost immediately and I knew it wouldn’t take long.

  In fact it look no longer than five minutes before Suzi raised her lust filled eyes to mine and pleaded, “Please Sir, may I cum?”

  I reached over and tweaked my wife’s very stiff nipple. “No!” I said simply after a few seconds pause.

  Suzi’s hips were bucking hard against Debbie’s mouth now and she had to hold on hard to avoid being dislodged. She went on for about another two minutes of her step sister’s enthusiastic lapping before asking again. “Pleeease, Sir,” she implored.

  This time I just shook my head and began rubbing a wetted finger around Debbie’s exposed arsehole. Suzi bit her lip and held on, soon becoming quite animated. I let her go for another two minutes or so, knowing she was pretty much at her limit before giving her permission. “You may cum,” I said simply.


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