RW13 - Holy Terror

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RW13 - Holy Terror Page 32

by Richard Marcinko

  As a matter of fact, the pope had chosen that moment to enter the church and was upstairs almost directly above me when I chose which wire to cut. Informed of the situation, the pontiff had insisted on going to the church over the strongest possible objections of his aides and the security people. God, he said, called him there.

  So maybe it wasn’t luck at all that I picked the right wire. Mass began even as the security people continued hauling the bomb materials away. The faithful flooded into the square and then the church, overwhelming the security forces. Miraculously, no one was hurt. Afterward, people spoke of the mass as a once-in-a-lifetime and even once-in-a-century event. The media called it the most wondrous service since the basilica had been opened.

  I missed it myself. I’d been spending so much time in church lately I figured God wouldn’t mind if I took the day off.

  They found five charred bodies in the wrecked helicopter. One of them is believed to be Backass’s—but since they didn’t have dental or DNA records for him, no one is one hundred percent sure. I like to think of him as a crispy critter right now, though knowing Backass, this may be another one of his convoluted plots. In any event, I haven’t gotten any faxes signed “Saladin” since the helicopter went down.

  As we’d figured out earlier, BetaGo was a legitimate company that had been infiltrated by Backass and his associates. He had already spent considerable time cleaning up his tracks before I was “hired,” but investigators believe they have a few more promising leads on terrorist groups and fronts that they hadn’t know about. The terror network in Thailand was broken up following the raids and the attack on the airport and airplane; how long before a new one forms is anyone’s guess.

  My guess is thirty seconds.

  As for the second coming of the blackshirts—for the moment, it remained too far-fetched for me to put much stock in. The Grand European Conspiracy—“Power Broker” and the continuing machinations of P2—well, I won’t say I didn’t believe them exactly, but after my fun and games in the pope’s backyard I wasn’t in much of a mood to go probing around in search of more problems in the shadows. Bishop Marcinkus, the plot to repurify Europe—it seemed too far-fetched to be anything but the paranoid ramblings of an ex-CIA informer down on his luck. The fact that Backass had endorsed the story didn’t exactly lend it any credibility.

  I later found out that P2 wasn’t a figment of Backass’s imagination, nor was it a diversion. But I’m not telling that story right now. Maybe I never will…

  My face may have looked like shit, but the cuts that had caused all the blood to pour out weren’t life-threatening. I have so many scars on my body already that three or four more weren’t even noticeable. I’d broken one of my ribs somewhere—maybe even back in Thailand—and twisted the hell out of my right knee, but none of my injuries were serious enough to require more than the attention of Dr. Bombay.

  The Vatican kindly offered one of its aircraft to take me and the rest of my people home. I accepted, and just to show my gratitude, replaced the gear we’d removed from the airplanes.

  Eighteen and a half hours after defusing the bomb in the dank catacombs beneath St. Peter’s, I arrived back at Rogue Manor. I headed straight to bed. Thirty-six hours later, I woke to find Karen hovering over me. Either I was already in heaven or I ought to send my well-earned pass to the pearly gates back to St. Peter and earn it again some other time.

  Karen had come to take personal charge of the next stage of my convalescence. Which duly began with a light kiss and a prescription that even a Rogue blushes to mention….



  and Egyptian connection

  and Goatfuck

  Red Cell activities in

  and Saladin

  Air Force, U.S.

  promotion in

  at Sigonella

  See also specific person

  airplane hijacking

  al-Hazmi, Ali

  al-Jazeera (Arabic media)

  Alberti, Gerlando

  Alberti, Junior

  Alexander, Tiffany

  Alexandria, Egypt, Red Cell activities in

  auto mall. See Naples, Italy: car thieves operation in

  Azziz abu Yasin, Mahmoud

  Backass (aka Baucus Dosdière)

  attempt to get evidence against

  family background of

  as head of Vatican security

  as host of Marcinko reception

  Marcinko’s showdown with

  and NATO terrorist attack

  and neofascism

  orders Marcinko out of St. Peter’s

  résumé of

  and St. Peter’s terrorist attack

  See also Saladin

  Bakr, Abu

  Barrett, Danny

  in Afghanistan

  at German conference

  and Goatfuck

  Marcinko’s relationship with

  in Pakistan

  professional background of

  role in Red Cell of

  and Rome operation

  and Saladin


  background information about

  and Capon’s death

  and China

  and Egyptian operation

  first contact between Red Cell and

  in Japan

  overview of

  and Saladin

  terrorists/smugglers use of

  and Thailand

  Big Foot

  bin Laden, Osama

  Biondi, Sanmarco

  boat escapade

  bomb factory explosion (Egypt)

  boot/shoe project

  Capon, Jean

  car thieves

  Marcinko’s reevaluation of role of

  and Naples operation

  and Sigonella

  and stealing of fake bomb

  See also Biondi, Sanmarco


  castle, Sicilian


  and BetaGo operation

  and gas tanker explosion

  and Thai smugglers

  CIA (Christians in Action)

  and Air America

  and castle/boat operation

  in Egypt

  image of

  and neofascists

  and Saladin

  and Sigonella

  in Thailand


  of Bakr

  of Catholic Church

  and Rome operation

  and rug warehouse

  of Si

  Crapinpants, Colonel

  Dahlgren, Trace

  Apache heritage of

  and Capon’s death

  capture of

  and castle operation

  and German conference

  as Jeet Kun Do expert

  and Mafia

  and Marcinko’s Egypt trip

  and Naples operation

  and plane hijacking

  and Rome operation

  in Sicily

  and stealing of fake bomb

  in Thailand

  thoughts about Saladin of

  as trainer

  visions of

  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

  Delano, Francis. See Frankie

  Delta Force

  di Giovanni, Carlo



  Afghanistani connections to

  Backass in

  Marcinko’s capture and rescue in

  Marcinko’s early operations in

  Marcinko’s trip to

  and Pus Face Marcinko relationship

  Saladin would-be in

  Saladin’s connection to

  secret service in

  tracking of radar unit to

  U.S. relations with

  See also submarine, Egyptian

  Fairfield, Karen

  as Homeland Security head

  Marcinko’s relationship with

  in Naples

  in Rome

sp; and Saladin

  in Sicily

  Falcone, Paul Guido. See Shunt


  five-mile run

  Frankie (aka Francis Delano) and capture of Sigonella terrorists

  and castle operation

  and Mafia

  and Naples car thieves operation

  and planning of Sigonella operations

  and Rome operation

  as State Department employee

  and stealing of fake bomb

  Fuki, Yosiro

  gas tanker explosion

  Germany, Red Cell conference in

  Gill, General. See Pus Face

  Goatfuck, Ali


  Grundle, Nicky

  Homeland Security

  See also specific person


  gun smuggling in

  and Italian hostages in Iraq

  Marcinko’s views about

  as pawn of U.S.

  police/military in

  and Thai smugglers

  See also carabinieri; St. Peter’s/Vatican

  Jamal, Mouhadmam


  and BetaGo

  Marcinko’s trip to

  Marcinko’s views about

  and plane hijacking

  and Thai smugglers

  Kohut, General

  Las Vegas, Nevada, and Saladin

  Law Enforcement Technologies


  Lo Po


  code of silence of

  Marcinko’s reevaluation of role of

  and Saladin

  and Sigonella

  See also car thieves; specific person

  Mako, Sean

  Mangia, Maria

  Marcinko, Demo Dick

  Catholic background of

  mysterious illness of

  professional background of

  reward for killing of

  Rome arrest of

  as Saladin target

  Si captures

  See also specific person or topic



  Naples, Italy

  car thieves operation in

  Marcinko’s early missions in


  Marcinko speech to

  and plane hijackings

  Rome meeting of

  submarine training exercise by

  terrorist attack at meeting of

  Navy, Egyptian

  See also submarine, Egyptian

  Navy, Italian

  Navy, U.S.


  See also

  NSA (No Such Agency)

  nuclear plant, Japanese

  Okinaga, Toshiro “Tosho”

  P2 (Parco dei Principi)


  Phiung, Bi Son

  Phiung, Si Bi

  Piccolo, Luigi. See Shortstuff

  Power Brokers. See

  Pus Face (aka General Gill)

  and capture of terrorists

  and Egypt-U.S. relations

  and Mafia-Sigonella connection

  Marcinko’s relationship with

  and overview of Sigonella problem

  and planning of Sigonella operations

  professional background of

  and Saladin

  and stealing of fake bomb

  and Vatican bomb search

  and Vatican-U.S. relations

  racial profiling

  Red Cell International

  attempts to kill members of

  BetaGo contract for

  billing of

  computers at

  decision making at

  early operations of

  formation of

  German conference for

  institutional memory at

  quality of personnel with

  rewards for killing members of

  Rogue Manor as headquarters of

  training recruits for

  Rogue Manor

  computers at

  Marcinko’s return to

  as Red Cell headquarters

  Rome, Italy

  guns used in terrorist activities in

  Marcinko decides to return to

  Marcinko’s flight to

  NATO meeting in

  sightseeing in

  See also St. Peter’s/Vatican

  rug warehouse (Egypt)

  St. Peter’s/Vatican (Rome, Italy)

  bomb search at

  computers at

  description of

  disarming of bomb in

  Easter service at

  hostages at

  Marcinko’s jump to

  and Saladin

  security services for

  sightseeing in

  terrorist attack on

  U.S. relations with

  weapons in


  Backass as

  and computer analysis

  death of

  escape of

  faxes from

  financial activities of

  gathering of information about

  goals/aspirations of

  and Mafia

  Marcinko’s showdown with

  Marcinko’s views about

  motivations of

  predictions/threats from

  profile of

  Shakespeare’s knowledge about

  as source of inspiration

  and stealing of Sigonella fake bomb

  Trace compared with

  See also specific operation



  Shakespeare (MI6 agent)


  Shortstuff (aka Luigi Piccolo)

  Shunt (aka Paul Guido Falcone) and BetaGo

  as computer expert

  and Egyptian operation

  and Rome operation

  and Saladin

  and Si’s computer

  Sicily. See Sigonella

  Sigonella (Sicily)

  background about

  and capture of terrorists

  early Red Cell operations at

  and Mafia

  Marcinko first hears of problems at

  Marcinko’s initial investigation of problems at

  mastermind of terrorist operations against

  nuclear weapons at

  planning of operations at

  and Saladin

  stealing of fake bomb from

  See also car thieves; castle


  Spaghetti Sam

  Squeakynuts, Major

  submarine, Egyptian


  See also computers


  funding for

  as growth industry

  as low-budget operation

  offer of reward for killing Red Cell members by

  and retribution

  and smugglers


  attack at airport in

  and BetaGo

  Marcinko as prisoner in

  Red Cell activities in

  Saladin connection to

  terrorists in


  Tremblay, Al “Doc”

  in Afghanistan

  in Egypt

  at German conference

  and Goatfuck

  as gun expert

  personality of

  professional background of

  and rewards for killing Red Cell members

  and Rome operation

  and St. Peter’s attack

  and Saladin



  White, Gordon A.



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