Sebastian Cork: Forget Me Not

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Sebastian Cork: Forget Me Not Page 15

by Neal Davies

  Tony reaches into his jacket and Sebastian sees the butt of a gun emerging. Before the gun is totally exposed, Sebastian snatches the fire poker from its stand and cracks Tony across the wrist with it, sending the gun flying and leaving Tony in agony. A group of policemen come hurtling through the door, followed by Jim, and apprehend Tony. Jim puts his hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and asks him if he’s ok and Sebastian replies, “Fine thanks Jim, but I thought you could have come in a little sooner. Did you get all you needed?”

  Tony’s hands are now cuffed firmly behind his back and he’s leaning forward, still in pain from the whack he took from Sebastian. On hearing these words his head rises slowly and there’s a large grin on his face as he says, “You’re bugged, aren’t you? That’s the only way you could get me, you were fucking bugged!” He smirks as if he’s actually defeated Sebastian and his incredible plot has been successful.

  Jim totally ignores Tony’s words and replies to Sebastian, “Yes, we got every word of it, just as you said we would.”

  Sebastian looks at Tony with pity and sadly offers, “There are no winners here. What happened to you and your brother should never happened to anyone. The only winners in this life are those that rise above the sadistic mortals that you chose to emulate. The last fact I have to offer you Tony, is you’ll be going to jail for a long time.” He begins to struggle in frustration and the police take him away.

  Cynthia walks through the door and looks at her husband with concern, “Are you ok?” He turns to her and smiles.

  “Yes my love, I’m simply wonderful! Can we have a coffee and some of that divine cheese cake now?” Cynthia nervously smiles back.

  “Of course Seb, of course.” She asks Jim to stay, but he declines. He asks if he can have a few moments alone with Sebastian before he goes and Cynthia leaves them alone in the den. Jim walks over and shakes Sebastian’s hand.

  “I don’t have to ask you how you knew he killed his brother, as we’ve all heard that on tape. But why here, Why not down at the station?” Sebastian walks to the fireplace, realising he still has the poker in his hand.

  He places it back in the rack and replies, “This is no ordinary man, trust me. If I hadn’t found that photo by accident, I’m sure I’d still be wondering how to prove his guilt.

  He had to be caught off- guard and then tormented with facts. This way his emotions would override his logical or illogical thoughts, so he’d confess without thinking it through. If we had taken him to the station, the surroundings would have created awareness. He would either clam up, knowing we only had circumstantial evidence or use his brilliant mind to explain why the evidence, is incorrect. What he was expecting when he arrived here wasn’t what he got. He thought I would tell him the killer was someone other than him. So when I accused him of being the killer, he was taken by surprise, which created inner confusion for him.

  Once he was in that frame of mind, it was important for me to keep steering him towards a confession. At one stage I felt he was beginning to drift and I needed him following my lead. I didn’t want him having the opportunity to regain his own train of thought. I hope that clears it up for you Jim.” Jim stands there nodding his head in disbelief.

  “Well, I’ll leave you to it Seb and as I said, there’s another case waiting as soon as you’re available.” Sebastian sees Jim out and heads straight to the dining room to join Cynthia for coffee and cheese cake.

  Chapter 20


  The following day Sebastian sleeps till mid-morning. Cynthia is still asleep and he doesn’t want to disturb her so he quietly showers, dresses and has breakfast before arousing her. He lets her know there are still a few things he needs to do regarding the case and that he should be back by mid-afternoon. Sebastian may as well have spoken to the wall as she had drifted back off to sleep without him knowing it. He rushes downstairs, gets in his car and it’s not long before he is parked outside those dull grey apartments again.

  Before going in he thinks to himself, even Mr Sheldon deserves a thank you for the information he’d divulged; no matter how resistant he was to provide it. Sebastian has a strong belief, which borders on superstition, that if he receives help or good advice from others, then they should be rewarded for their troubles. By doing this, he feels others may pass on the same values to the next person.

  He gets out of the car, begins his climb to the top of the stairs and soon finds himself rapping on Mr Sheldon’s door. It eventually swings open with considerable force, “What is it! Oh, it’s you, what do you want now?” Sebastian reaches into a rather large brown paper bag he’s carrying and pulls out a bottle of imported scotch.

  “I wasn’t sure what you drink but I just want to thank you for the help you gave me. It helped us in our investigation and we now have Frank’s murderer in custody.” Mr Sheldon stands there accepting the scotch like someone who has just been handed a live grenade.

  “What’s the catch?”

  Sebastian grins, “No catch, just a simple thank you.”

  Mr Sheldon still unsure of what has just happened, replies, “No one does anything, for nothing. What’s the catch?” Sebastian looks at him as he would a puppy.

  “That’s true, no one does. I did this because you helped me. Thank you! Now if you don’t mind I would like to go upstairs and see one of your tenants.”

  Mr Sheldon looks down at the present that’s just been handed to him and then quickly back up at Sebastian, “Sure, go ahead.” He turns, goes inside, and closes the door. Sebastian is about to head upstairs when he hears Mr Sheldon’s voice working its way through the paper thin walls. “Hey Karen, you’re not going to believe this! You know that guy that was investigating the murder upstairs? Have a look at what he just dropped in! Seems he’s not such a bad egg after all.” On hearing this, he can’t help but smile but before he continues on his way.

  He’s a bit puffed by the time he reaches Frank’s floor and respectfully pauses outside his old apartment. “You can rest peacefully now my friend. Those that put an end to your last years of happiness are now taken care of.” Just then Jean’s door opens.

  “Seb, how are you? I thought I could hear someone whispering in the hall. What are you up to now?” Sebastian has to look twice. He knew it was Jean’s voice, only her hair is brushed and she’s wearing a small amount of makeup.

  “Just paying my last respects to Frank, that’s all.” She screws up the corner of her mouth.

  “That’d be bloody right! You wouldn’t bother coming to see me would you, you old bastard!” He frowns at her, reaches into his brown paper bag and pulls out half a dozen roses.

  “Well it seems to me I should give these lovely roses to someone who would appreciate them!”

  She quickly snatches them from him and smiles, “Now don’t be so bloody hasty you cunning old fox. I’m sure I have a vase in my apartment somewhere. Anyway, come in, I have something for you.”

  He follows her inside, “Take a seat Seb; I’ll be back in a minute. By the way, did you catch the killer?” Sebastian sinks back into the chair and notices the old newspapers aren’t lying around and the stale odours have been replaced by the fragrance of burning incense.

  “Yes, we got him Jean. It was his brother.” He can hear the sound of ice cubes being placed in a glass and Jean eventually appears from the kitchen and hands him a drink.

  “There you go Seb, I know it’s early but this is just what you asked for; a quality bourbon. His own brother, really?” Sebastian, not wanting to be impolite, takes a sip from his glass.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so. This really is good bourbon, thank you! Aren’t you going to join me?” She smiles, happy that it pleases him.

  “No sorry, I’ll pass. I haven’t had a drink since your last visit. You know something Seb, up until Frank’s death I’d really been letting myself go. I guess his murder was a rude awakening as to how short life really is. Then you come in here and help me get my self-respect back by taunting me into putting my f
ears aside and revealing what I knew about the murder. It made me feel good inside Seb, it really did! Anyway, in case you haven’t noticed I’ve cleaned the place up a bit, I’m off the Jack and I’m actually looking for a half decent job so I can get myself out of this hell hole.” Sebastian can see the amazing transformation that has come over her. He realizes how much change can occur for others just through someone else’s tragedy and loves the thought that Frank’s life hasn’t been in vain after all. “I was wondering why you weren’t drinking with me. What sort of work are you looking for Jean?”

  “Oh I don’t know, I suppose cleaning or whatever’s available.”

  He looks at her with a frown, “Now come on Jean, I knew the first time I was here there was a classy lady buried under that bullet proof shell you wear. What skills did you posses in the past?”

  “Seriously Seb, sometimes you’re just a little too smart for your own good. Ok, you want to know about my past? Here goes, when I was younger my brother and I were partners in a little antique store in Chandler Drive. He’d do all the research and pricing, and I’d do the selling and book work for the store. I was damn good at it too. After he was killed in a car accident I lost interest in everything and ended up here. Anyway enough of this negative talk. Tell me how you caught the killer.” Sebastian explains all that happened and Jean is mesmerized and intrigued, like someone reading a suspense thriller.

  As he finishes his recollection of events he remembers one of his friends is leaving for Europe in two weeks time and has been desperately trying to find someone to run his elite coffee shop for him. “Sorry to change the subject Jean, but have you ever worked in a coffee shop?” Her brow wrinkles as his question has come out of nowhere.

  “Ah, yes, I filled in for a friend a couple of times a while back. Why?” Sebastian reaches inside his jacket and withdraws his phone.

  “Hold on a minute Jean. I just want to make a quick call. Joe, Sebastian. How are you? Good, good. Have you found anyone for the shop yet? Ok, I might have just the person you’re looking for. When? Ok, she’ll be there. See you later Joe.

  Ok Jean, you have a 2 pm interview tomorrow with Joe Porcheron at the Wild Pheasant coffee lounge.” Jean sits bolt upright.

  “What! Are you talking about that exclusive coffee shop on the other side of town?”

  “That’s the one.” “No, I don’t think so Sebastian. Now and again I’d save a little money, get dressed up and head over that side of town, just to feel a little better about myself. I’ve been in there and most of the waitresses are young and beautiful. I just wouldn’t fit in.” Sebastian rises from his chair and kneels down next to hers with one hand on his cane and the other on her hand.

  “No, no you have it all wrong.” He soothes, “you’ll be running the entire show. This is an opportunity for you to get out of here. Oh by the way, did I mention that there’s a fully furnished residence out the back for the manager?” Jean slumps back in her chair and tears begin rolling down her cheeks.

  “How can I ever thank you Sebastian?” He pats her hand.

  “Simple, by getting the job! Anyway, I have to go now before I start tearing up as well. You make sure you ring me and tell me how you go, won’t you.” She places her other hand on top of his, leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. Sebastian smiles, withdraws his hand and rises to his feet.

  “Don’t forget to call Jean.” She gets up to see him out.

  “I won’t. Thank you again!” Sebastian keeps walking down the hall.

  Jean goes back in, shuts the door and is about to pick up Sebastian’s glass from the coffee table when she notices an envelope on the chair where he’d been sitting. She’s about to chase after him but notices her name written on the front of it. On opening the envelope she finds a gift certificate to Reeston’s Fashions, one of the finest clothing stores in the city. There’s also a note that reads, “Thank you for being courageous. The case would never have been solved without the information you provided. I hope you enjoy your gift. You deserve it.” A tear runs down her cheek, she smiles and says, “Old bastard.”

  Sebastian’s next stop is one he’s feeling a little uneasy about. As he pulls his Bentley up outside the Tuscan Tavern he takes a deep breath and prepares himself for whatever it is he has to face. He has no idea whether Gino will still be angry and if he is, he wonders what the consequences may be. As he walks through the door and heads toward the bar Gino catches sight of him. “Well, well, well! Mr fucking Sebastian! I didn’t think you’d have the guts to show your fucking face in here again! Didn’t anyone ever tell you that drinking is bad for your health?” he mocks. Sebastian is feeling uneasy but knows he has to put on a brave face.

  “Yes, of course, but who ever listens to bad advice? Just excuse me for a minute, I’ll order a drink and join you, if that’s ok?”

  Gino gives Sebastian a sarcastic half smile, looks at his goons and says, “Sure take your time. We’re not going anywhere.” Pete has almost poured the bourbon before he gets to the bar. Sebastian pulls a $100 bill from his wallet and covers it with his hand so no one can see its worth. Then he pushes it across the bar to Pete. By this time he has his bourbon and thanks Pete in his own way by not waiting for change. He reaches Gino’s table and sits down. Gino glares across at him.

  “Pete, lock the place up and take the boys for a walk for about twenty minutes.”

  Pete looks concerned and protests, “But Mr Gambini, it won’t be long before our regulars start to come in.” Gino’s eyes begin to bulge.

  “I don’t give a shit if the fucking Queen of England is coming in! Put a sign on the fucking door and get the fuck out of here!” They can see he’s not in the mood to be argued with, so Pete puts a sign on the door and the three of them go.

  “Now Mr Sebastian, I hope you know the embarrassment you’ve caused me. It’s not nice to be handcuffed and dragged out of here in front of everyone!”

  Sebastian, now clutching hard on the cane resting on the side of his chair replies, “I apologise Mr Gambini, but if you’d told me your story in the first place it would’ve been easier to eliminate you as a suspect.” Gino moves his head side to side in dismay.

  “Rest easy Mr Sebastian, I’m only messing with you; I wasn’t embarrassed at all.” A grin comes over his face and he gently nods his head up and down exuding confidence, “In fact maybe I’ll take up an acting career, what do you think?”

  Sebastian can’t work out where he’s going with his statement,

  “What do you mean?”

  He smiles at Sebastian, “For someone who thinks they’re so smart, you really don’t get it, do you? Let me put it in simple terms for you. If I told you the truth here at the Tavern, how do you think I’d look in front of my guys? Me, Gino Gambini, going to Frankie to apologise. I don’t normally apologise to anyone. What are they going to think, huh? And tell me Mr Sebastian, how do you think it would look if my men heard I was running from the building? There’s no way known I could tell you that shit here!” Sebastian slumps back into his chair, and puts both his hands on the table. Gino smiles, “That’s right Mr Sebastian, the only place I could tell my story so I wouldn’t be blamed for Frankie’s murder and keep face with my men was at the police station. And as for Pete, he still has no idea why I asked him to talk to you about the fight Frankie and I had at the bar.” Sebastian is amazed at how ingenious Gino has been,

  “You are an amazing man Mr Gambini, and you’re right, I’m not as smart as I need to be.” Gino’s face becomes a little more serious now.

  “You’re smart enough, Mr Sebastian. You got Frankie’s killer didn’t you? Just work a little bit more on your street smarts and you’ll be ok. Now one thing Mr Sebastian, not a word to my men about our little discussion, ok?”

  Sebastian looks Gino straight in the eye, “You have my word Mr Gambini.”

  “Yes, I believe I do. You’re a man of integrity and I like that about you.

  One other thing. You mentioned Frankie’s mother was cruel t
o him. He never deserved that! I want to tell you something, but you need to keep my name out of it, understand?” Sebastian agrees and they discuss what Gino knew for the following fifteen minutes until the other guys arrive back from their walk. As soon as they enter the bar Gino’s eyes begin popping out of his head, “So I hope I’ve made myself clear Mr Sebastian, you ever fuck with me again and death will come knocking at your fucking door. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Mr Gambini, you’ve made yourself very clear!”

  “Good, then get the fuck out of my sight and don’t come here again without an invitation you fat fuck!” Sebastian walks toward the door and hears a glass smash against the wall. Then he hears Gino screaming, “Well what the fuck are you looking at Pete! Get a fucking mop and clean it up!” As Sebastian reaches the street his smile stretches from ear to ear.

  Sebastian’s last stop will be the shelter. He makes a quick call to Doug letting him know he is on his way and it’s not long before he arrives at the side entrance. Patrick is waiting there for him, only this time he’s wearing a smile. “How are you, Patrick?” Patrick puts his hand out to shake Sebastian’s and Sebastian is taken aback by his gesture.

  “Good thanks, Mr Cork. I just want to say I’m sorry for being rude to you, and thanks for clearing me of Frank’s murder.” Sebastian gently nods his head up and down and smiles.

  They walk through the door into the kitchen and Doug is doing his usual thing, of working his way from one bowl to another while stirring and adding ingredients. As soon as he sees Sebastian he wipes his hands on his apron and walks over to shake his hand. “How are you my friend?” he booms cheerfully. “Thanks for dropping by.” Sebastian reaches his hand out and grasps Doug’s.

  “I’m good thanks Doug, how are things here? I see you have a new oven. How’d you manage that?”

  Doug gives his new pride and joy a little wipe down and replies, “You’re not going to believe this, but it was an anonymous gift. All it had on it was a small note that read, ‘In memory of my good friend Frankie. Sorry.’ Sebastian knew straight away who it was from and felt it would be better if he kept it to himself.


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