The Rancher's Miracle Baby

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The Rancher's Miracle Baby Page 13

by April Arrington

  Earl counted them off, then everyone joined in for a less-than-stellar performance of “Happy Birthday.” Scout howled. Brody’s gaze darted over each of them, fixating on their mouths, and he bounced in his high chair, gurgling with excitement.

  When they finished, Alex nudged the makeshift cake closer to Brody. “It’s all yours, little man.”

  Brody looked down at the cake, smiled up at Alex, then dived face-first into it, his fists gripping the sides as he mouthed the icing. Clumps of blue and yellow frosting plopped onto the table as he jerked upright, giggling and flexing his cake-coated fingers.

  His delight was infectious, and everyone laughed.

  “Everything’s beautiful, Tammy.” Maxine smiled, gesturing toward the colorful streamers and balloons taped to the tablecloth. “You and Alex have really outdone yourselves.”

  “Thanks.” Tammy shrugged, sat down and sipped her soda. “I just wish I had a better touch in the kitchen. The cake didn’t turn out quite like I wanted.”

  “Oh, you did a fine job,” Maxine said.

  “Better than fine.” Alex pinched off a piece and popped it into his mouth. “It’s delicious.”

  Brody chortled, then reached up and patted Alex’s face, smearing cake crumbs all over his jaw. Chuckling, Alex leaned over and placed noisy kisses on Brody’s messy cheeks as the baby giggled and squealed. Alex pulled away and smiled, his strong jaw and sexy mouth speckled with icing.

  Tammy’s heart turned over. Gracious, he was handsome. And if she imagined it just right, she could picture what he’d look like as a groom at a wedding reception. She could see him patiently posing for pictures in a tux, feel the tender press of his hand on hers as they cut the cake and taste the sweetness of his icing-laced kiss as they shared the first slice.

  Her grip tightened around the plastic cup in her hand, the icy condensation a shock against her hot palm. A wedding. Oh, Lord. Jen and Colt’s wedding was next Saturday, which meant she needed to get back on the road first thing Friday morning if she wanted to make the rehearsal on time.

  But that would mean leaving Alex and Brody. Her belly fluttered. Unless, of course, she asked Alex to go with her.

  She smiled, the thought of walking in on Alex’s arm warming her cheeks. What she wouldn’t give to spend a romantic evening with him. To meet his eyes across the aisle, brush against him during a dance and kiss him freely again beneath the stars. And she didn’t want it to end there.

  Was this the same feeling that had lured Jen away from the circuit and into Colt’s arms? Tammy studied Alex and Brody closer, her chest tingling at the happiness on their faces. It must’ve been, because as much as Tammy loved to race, she loved being with Alex and Brody more.

  Love. Her heart skipped. She loved Alex. And fantasizing about marrying him and staying at the ranch permanently made her ache with need. She yearned to lie beside him at night and wake up next to him every morning. To have Brody with them every day so they could laugh and play and help him grow strong. And what she dreamed of most of all was to watch her belly swell with Alex’s child.

  Her breath caught as she studied him. Would a baby they made have his smile or hers?

  “I’m so grateful to you both.”

  Tammy started at the sound of Maxine’s voice, the soda sloshing over the rim of the cup and trickling down her wrist.

  Maxine studied Brody, smiling as he laughed. “The two of you have really made this a special day for Brody.” She placed a hand on Alex’s arm. “Dean and Gloria would be so happy.”

  Alex’s cheeks flushed. He grabbed a napkin and wiped the icing from his face. “I hope so.” He cleared his throat, then asked in a low voice, “Have you heard anything more from Dean’s brother?”

  Maxine averted her eyes and picked at the cookie on her plate. “Not yet.” She sighed. “John is so young. And he’s just starting out in life. I’m not sure how willing he and his fiancée are to take on an instant family. Especially since he and Dean weren’t close. He barely knew Dean.”

  “I knew Dean,” Alex said. “And I know Brody.”

  Tammy stilled. The strained note in Alex’s voice and determined look in his eyes made her long to hold him close.

  “I know,” Maxine said quietly.

  “What will happen if John doesn’t come through?” Tammy asked.

  “The children’s home in Atlanta would be the next step.”

  Alex propped his elbows on the table and leaned closer. “But what if someone in Deer Creek was willing to take him?”

  Maxine hesitated, exchanging a glance with Earl, then said gently, “We’re not there yet, Alex. We’ll have to wait on John’s answer first.”

  Alex moved to speak but turned back to Brody, remaining silent.

  Tammy placed her cup on the table, her hand trembling as she studied the tight set of Alex’s jaw. He’d grown so close to Brody. They both had. It was clear he was as uncomfortable with letting Brody go as she was, and his kiss earlier made her believe he might actually feel as strongly for her as she did for him. But it was hard to tell for sure.

  Which left her with only one option—to cowgirl up and show him what she wanted. To prove to him how good they could be together and ask if the future she envisioned was the kind he wanted, too. And Jen’s wedding would be the perfect opportunity to make her move. If he’d just let her stay long enough to persuade him into going with her.

  Tammy straightened, her spirits lifting. “All right.” She stood and rubbed her hands together, suddenly eager for a moment alone with Alex. “How about we help the birthday boy open a few presents?”

  Two hours later, Brody was clean, happy and sprawled in his crib, snoring with abandon. Maxine and Earl had kissed Brody’s cheek, said their goodbyes, then left. Tammy and Alex waved as they drove away, then started cleaning up the party decorations and tossing away the clumps of cake Brody had dropped.

  Or rather, what was left of it. Tammy grinned, spotting Scout asleep under her newly repaired truck. The pup had done a pretty good job of gobbling up every cake crumb that had hit the ground.

  “I don’t think you’ll need to feed Scout for a while.” Tammy laughed. “His belly is probably about to pop from all that cake.”

  Alex smiled and pulled the plastic tablecloth off the table. “I suspect you’re right about that.”

  She grabbed a trash bag, peeled it apart and held it open as Alex shoved the tablecloth into it. “I wasn’t expecting the auto body shop to deliver my truck. I thought they’d just call and tell me it was ready.”

  Alex’s hands stilled, then he moved away, tilted the small table on its side and folded in the legs.

  “They even gave it a good wash job before they chauffeured it out to me,” she added.

  “Sam always did go the extra mile. He’s a good guy.” Alex set the folded table aside and started gathering up bits of ripped wrapping paper off the grass. “And I’m sure you’re eager to get back to racing.”

  He smiled, but it seemed forced and died quickly.

  Tammy shrugged. “I guess.” She tightened her grip on the trash bag. Ask me. Please ask me to stay. “Getting the truck back now worked out really well because Jen’s wedding is next Saturday. So I won’t have to bum a ride from you.”

  He walked over, tossed the wrapping paper in the trash bag, then took it from her. “Why don’t you take a break? I’ll finish this up.”

  No hug. No kiss. Not even another attempt at a dimpled smile. He just turned and walked off.

  Heart pounding, she stared at his broad back, watching him move farther away, then blurted out, “Can I stay?”

  He stopped, the bag bumping his thigh as he stilled. “What did you say?”

  “I asked if I could stay.” Her voice shook, and she balled her fists at her sides. “With you and Brody. For just a little longer? I
know that wasn’t part of the deal, but I don’t want to go just yet.” Throat tightening, she forced out, “Can I stay until at least the end of next week? And then maybe...”

  Alex dropped the bag, turned around and started toward her, his long strides fast and powerful.

  “And then maybe we could—”

  His mouth covered hers, silencing her words. His tongue parted her lips, his big hands cupped her face and his fingers speared into her hair. He filled her senses, his familiar spicy scent surrounding her and his warm, delicious taste sweeping across her tongue.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, slid her hands up to spread across his muscular shoulders, then tugged him closer. The hard length of his body aligned with hers, and she pressed against him, moaning softly.

  He lifted his head and stared down at her, their heavy breaths mingling as his calloused palms caressed her nape.

  “And then maybe we could all go to the wedding together,” Tammy said, head spinning and body tingling. “It’d be a shame for me to go alone, seeing as how I’m maid of honor and all.”

  A slow smile spread across his face, and he dipped his head, his facial stubble tickling her cheek as he kissed her more thoroughly.

  She giggled breathlessly in between kisses. “Is that a yes?”

  Alex smiled wider, his teeth bumping her lips gently as he whispered, “That’s a hell yes.”

  Chapter Eight

  Tammy straightened in the passenger seat of her truck, tried to still her bouncing knees and peered at the sun-drenched road ahead. A dirt driveway emerged on the right, curving through an unending stretch of green fields.

  “There it is.” Tammy drummed her hands on the dashboard, pointed at the road, then smiled at Alex. “Right there. Raintree Ranch.”

  Alex laughed, his gray eyes teasing and hands sliding farther up the steering wheel. “Are you sure? We’re about an hour earlier than we expected. Maybe the turn is farther down—”

  “Nope. That’s the turn.” Tammy unsnapped her seat belt. “We just made good time.” She twisted, stretched over Brody’s rear-facing car seat in the back of the cab and tapped the toe of his sneakers. “Tell him to take the turn, Brody. We’re ready to see Jen and Colt, aren’t we?”

  Brody looked up and grinned as her hair brushed his cheek, his nose wrinkling and baby teeth appearing.

  Tammy spun back around and craned her neck as Alex turned onto the dirt path. A rustic wooden sign etched with Raintree Ranch appeared, making her heart pound. Familiar white fencing lined the fields on both sides of the road, and the white, multistoried guesthouse at the end of the driveway looked as welcoming as ever.

  Gracious, she was excited to see Jen. Even though she’d heard her voice a thousand times over the phone, it’d been more than a year since she’d seen her best friend in person. And Jen was getting married. To Colt. Tomorrow!

  “Oh, you’re gonna love them, Alex.” Tammy wrapped her hands around Alex’s brawny arm. “Jen is so easygoing and fun. And Colt is—”

  She bit her lip, her stomach flipping. Overprotective.

  Alex glanced at her and smiled, then turned his attention back to the road. “Colt is what?”

  “He’s...” Guarded? No. Suspicious? Uh-uh. “He’s my cousin.”

  Alex laughed. “I know.”

  “Yeah. But what I mean is, we’ve been through a lot together.” She smoothed her thumb over Alex’s biceps, concentrating on his warm skin below his sleeve. “So he worries about me, you know?” She shrugged. “Like any good cousin would.”

  “So what you’re really trying to say is that I should be prepared for the third degree.”

  “No. Not at all.” She pulled in a deep breath. “Just don’t be surprised if he asks some questions.” Her grip on him tightened. “And don’t let him...” Oh, Lord. Run you off. “Just don’t read anything into it, okay? Please?”

  “Relax, Tammy.” He squeezed her knee. “I can handle myself.”

  The tight knot in the back of her neck released, her shoulders relaxing and a smile stretching her cheeks. “I know.”

  And it felt wonderful. So wonderful to have him by her side and in her life. His strength and support made her feel secure in ways she never had before.

  “That someone you know?” Alex asked, gesturing ahead as he drew the truck to a halt.

  A tall woman ran down the front steps of the main house and darted across the front yard, her red hair streaming behind her.

  “Jen!” Tammy shoved the door open, hopped out and ran.

  “It’s about time,” Jen shouted, laughing.

  “We’re an hour earlier than I told you we’d be.” Tammy winced as Jen hugged her tight, squeezing the air from her lungs.

  “I know, but it feels like it’s been years since I’ve seen you.”

  Tammy laughed as Jen’s hair tickled her nose and her vision blurred. “It has. It’s been a whole entire year.” She pulled back, the tears rolling down Jen’s cheeks making hers flow more freely. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Oh, you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” Jen dragged the backs of her hands over her cheeks, then smiled. “But you’re here now.”

  Tammy grabbed her hands and squeezed, whispering, “And you’re getting married.”

  Jen tipped her head back, her smile beaming as she squealed to the heavens, “I’m getting married.”

  “To me, I hope.”

  Tammy glanced over Jen’s shoulder at the familiar deep voice. Her smile grew wider as Colt walked up and spun Jen around for a kiss. They shared soft whispers and a laugh, then Colt edged around Jen and wrapped his arms around Tammy.

  Tammy closed her eyes and hugged him back, realizing she missed him more than she’d thought.

  “I’m glad you’re safe, girl,” Colt said, easing back. “We were worried about you, and it’s nice to finally have you here in one piece.”

  Tammy ruffled a hand through his blond hair, noting the relieved gleam in his blue eyes. “You think I’d let a silly tornado keep me from your wedding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Colt’s eyes drifted over her shoulder. “Wanna introduce us?”

  Tammy turned to find Alex approaching, Brody babbling in his arms. “Of course.” She moved to the side, mumbling, “And I like him, so be nice.”

  Colt cocked an eyebrow, his grin turning mischievous. “When am I ever not nice?”

  She gave him one last look of warning, then faced Alex. “Alex, I’d like you to meet my cousin Colt.”

  Alex smiled, adjusted Brody in his arms, then held out his hand. “Congratulations on your marriage.”

  “Thanks.” Colt shook his hand. “And thanks for helping Tammy out. She told us you’ve been taking good care of her.”

  “She’s done the same for me.” Alex’s eyes met hers, the warm gleam in them sending a delicious thrill through her.


  A door slammed, then a blonde girl, around ten years old, rushed over and barreled into Tammy’s middle. Tammy hugged her close, then kissed the top of her head.

  “And this,” Tammy said, smiling at Alex, “is Colt’s sister, Meg. Who,” she teased, “I haven’t seen in way too long.”

  Far too long, actually. Since before Meg and Colt had lost their father, prompting Colt and Jen to leave the circuit to take care of her.

  “Guess what?” Meg asked. “I get to be the flower girl tomorrow. And...” She held up her hands and wiggled her fingers. “Me and Jen got matching French manicures.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Tammy studied Meg’s bright expression and cheerful smile. Clearly, she was happy with Colt and Jen and it was good to see that.

  “You brought a baby.” Meg smiled, her blue eyes landing on Brody. “Oh, what a cutie,” she crooned, ea
sing over and taking Brody’s hand.

  Brody looked down at Meg and grinned as his brown eyes roved over her curls.

  The rest of the introductions were made, and it wasn’t long before Meg led Brody to the main house, holding his hand and laughing at his babbles the entire way.

  “You decided not to bring Razz?” Jen asked.

  “Yeah.” Tammy studied the horses grazing in the fields. “She loves it here, but she likes it at Alex’s ranch just as much. And since she’s still healing, one of Alex’s neighbors agreed to tend to her and the other horses for us while we’re gone.”

  “Well, that’s good.” Jen smiled. “With so much family around, we have plenty of babysitters, so you and Alex can make this a sort of mini vacation. We set y’all up in two guest rooms in the main house. They’re right beside each other, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” She grabbed Tammy’s arm and tugged. “But before you get settled, I want you to see the new house Colt had built.”

  “It’s finished?”

  “Yep.” Jen laughed and pulled harder. “It’s on a back lot, and I can’t wait to show it to you. Colt and I just finished decorating Meg’s room and found the most adorable bedroom suite. Oh, and I can show you my dress.”

  “Well, that officially counts me out, seeing as how I’m not allowed to see the dress before the wedding,” Colt said, smirking.

  “It’s a surprise,” Jen stressed. “I want to knock your socks off when you see me tomorrow.”

  “You already knock my socks off, baby.” Colt winked. “And whatever you wear, you won’t be wearing it for long, anyway.”

  Jen blushed bright red and grinned. Alex chuckled.

  Tammy smacked Colt’s arm playfully. “Behave.”

  Colt laughed, then nudged Alex with an elbow. “I say we hang here and I’ll give you a hand with the bags.”

  Alex agreed, and Tammy and Jen left them to it, then walked the long, winding path to the back lot. The grounds at Raintree Ranch were extensive, and the new two-story house with white siding contrasted beautifully with the lush green fields surrounding it. Jen led the way inside, then through a tour of both floors. Each room they entered was even more impressive than the one before.


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