The Rancher's Miracle Baby

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The Rancher's Miracle Baby Page 15

by April Arrington

  She returned the camera to the table, then looked around, cheeks heating. Good grief, she hadn’t meant to say that. Not yet. And especially not in the flippant way it’d come out, as though she knew he’d be okay with her staying with him longer. But she guessed tonight was as good a time as ever to follow through and tell him how she felt. As a matter of fact, she didn’t think a more romantic opportunity could’ve possibly come along.

  Jen and Colt’s wedding had been perfect, and the reception was turning out to be just as impressive. Wooden tables, each draped with burlap and lace and decorated with full lilacs in mason jars, surrounded a wide dance floor beneath a clear tent. Softly lit chandeliers and strings of lights hung from the ceiling, and the setting sun cast a rosy glow over the interior, the colorful hues mingling with the starlight emerging overhead.

  The hum of cheerful voices, laughter and clicks of cameras filled the elegant space. Tammy smiled. Jen had asked everyone to leave their phones and tablets behind and give their attention to one another instead. The only pictures taken were those by the photographer during the wedding and the ones guests snapped during the reception with the cameras Jen and Colt had provided at each table. As a result, everyone was focused on the happy couple seated at the head table and the ones they loved at their side.

  Tammy closed her eyes and sighed. She was lucky enough to have the two people she loved most with her tonight. And it was high time to tell Alex how much she loved him. Tonight was an ideal opportunity.

  “Perfect,” Tammy whispered.

  “That’s true from where I’m sitting.”

  Tammy glanced over her shoulder at the deep rumble and found Alex’s eyes roving down her back. An appreciative grin curved his lips and lit his eyes.

  Lord, he was handsome. He’d discarded his jacket and tie long ago, and the top buttons of his blue collared shirt were undone, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his muscular chest. His salt-and-pepper hair was mussed from Brody playing with it during the wedding, and the dark stubble covering his jaw had deepened throughout the afternoon, giving him an earthy and attractive air.

  Tammy turned, pinched the corner of her teal skirt and cocked an eyebrow. “I take it you like my dress?”

  His eyes traveled up over her chest to her mouth, then darkened. “I like everything.”

  His husky voice danced over every inch of her. She breathed in deep and held the warm summer air in her lungs for a moment before gesturing toward his lap. “Is there room for one more?”

  His eyes sparkled and he moved to speak, but Brody beat him to it. The baby squealed and beckoned her with his messy fingers.

  Alex laughed. “There’s your answer.”

  Smiling, Tammy picked Brody up, sat on Alex’s muscular thigh, then cuddled Brody to her chest. As she kissed his cheeks, the baby giggled, then poked his fingers against her mouth, thick crumbs of cake falling from his hands and into the V of her dress.

  “No, thank you, Brody,” she said. “I’ve had enough cake.” She studied the white icing and red punch stains on Brody’s baby tie and slacks. “And I think you have, too.” She looked at Alex and laughed. “It’s gonna take a fire hose to wash him down tonight. I hope Jen’s mom knows what she’s getting into.”

  “Oh, she’ll take care of it.” Alex pulled them both closer, then ran a broad palm over Brody’s shiny hair. “He’ll be squeaky clean by the time we get him back in the morning.”

  His arms tightened around them, and his eyes dimmed.

  Tammy studied his face, limbs trembling. She knew what he was thinking. The same thing she was. Brody would have a great time playing with the other children at a sleepover tonight, and it was guaranteed that he’d be back in their arms tomorrow. But what about the days that followed? How much longer would he remain theirs? She’d grown to love him and couldn’t imagine life without him.

  Her stomach lurched, and she forced her fears down, wanting so much to see Alex smile again.

  “We might need to hose you down, as well,” Tammy said, eyeing Alex’s mouth and leaning closer. “You’ve got a bit of icing...right here.”

  His lips were soft and warm beneath hers, the icing melting on her tongue and mingling with his familiar taste as she kissed him. It was as wonderful as she imagined. He groaned, the sexy sound vibrating against her breasts and sending a delicious thrill through her.

  “All right. I think it’s ’bout time I took that beautiful baby.”

  Tammy reluctantly pulled away to find Nora Taylor, Jen’s mom, lifting Brody from her lap.

  “Looks like y’all need a little alone time,” Nora said. “We’ve got a movie, toys and junk food ready inside for the kids, and I’ll take great care of this little one.”

  She began soothing Brody as he whined and twisted, reaching for Tammy.

  “Oh, it’s okay, sweet boy,” Tammy said, standing and kissing Brody. “We’re right here and you’ll see us in the morning.”

  Brody quieted down after Alex hugged and kissed him, then smiled again as Meg bounded over. She took his hand and cooed at him as they left the tent, and Brody was laughing before they made it outside.

  Tammy forced her feet to stay still, but her heart screamed for her to follow and take Brody back. Her arms felt empty without him. As though a part of her was missing.

  “He’ll be okay.” Alex’s whisper tickled her ear and ruffled her hair. He took her hand in his, the gentle strength of his grip releasing some of the tension in her legs and easing her fears. “There’s a space on that dance floor just waiting for someone to fill it. Care to dance with me?”

  Tammy faced him, noting the sad look in his eyes and tender expression. She didn’t know if the offer was an attempt to distract her from the loss of Brody or if he wanted to hold her as much as she longed to hold him. Either way, she’d take it.

  “I’d love to.”

  He smiled, then led the way to the dance floor, taking her in his arms and swaying to the slow beat. She moved closer in his arms, her skirt rustling against his dress slacks.

  Each of his movements surrounded her with a heady mixture of his cologne and masculine scent. Excited shivers chased through her. She closed her eyes, pressed her cheek to his chest and savored the strong throb of his heart through the soft cotton of his shirt. His hands drifted lower on her back, then stopped as they reached the curve of her bottom.

  He chuckled, his chest vibrating beneath her cheek. “It’s a shame we always have an audience.”

  She raised her head, her breath catching at the dark heat in his eyes. He smiled, then tipped his chin toward the other side of the room. She swiveled in his arms and sifted visually through the couples swaying in time to the music.

  Jen and Colt watched them from the head table. They leaned against each other with their arms entwined. Jen had a dreamy expression on her face. Colt smiled, lifted his glass with his free hand and tipped it toward them.

  Tammy’s chest fluttered. Colt and Jen looked perfect together. Just as perfect as this moment with Alex felt.

  She spun back to Alex, slid her arms around his waist and hugged him closer. “If you don’t want an audience, why don’t you take me to your room?” She met his eyes, smiled up at him, then whispered, “And make love to me? Because I can’t think of a better way to end the day.”

  His chest rose on a swift breath, and his hands cradled her face. “Neither can I.”

  They left, easing their way through the maze of dancing couples, then crossed the dimly lit fields to the main house. The sun had set and the stars were out, lighting their way. Tammy held Alex’s hand tighter as they climbed the front porch steps, then walked down the hall to his room.

  Once inside, he toed the door shut behind them, crossed the room and turned on the lamp. He stood still beside it, his eyes heating as they traveled down the length of her. The soft light highl
ighted the strong curve of his jaw and the sculpted outline of his muscles beneath the fitted dress shirt.

  Her belly quivered, nervous tension assaulting her, and the floor dipped beneath her feet. She reached out and placed a palm flat against the wall.


  Her eyes lifted to his, and she melted at the patient concern in his expression, a sudden lightness flooding her.

  “This is your call.” He shook his head. “We don’t have to—”

  “No.” She smiled, then lifted each foot in turn, removing the dressy boots Jen had loaned her. “I mean yes. I want to.”

  He smiled, his voice soft as he slid off his tie and tossed it aside. “Then I’m yours. However you want me.”

  She walked over and unbuttoned his shirt, her fingers trembling as they brushed against his warm skin. Parting the material, she slid it over his broad shoulders and down his arms, letting it fall to the floor. She placed her hands on his wide chest, the sprinkling of hair tickling her palms, then ran them gently over his biceps, his back and, eventually, his muscled abs. They rippled beneath her touch.

  A soft groan escaped him, and his eyes closed, his throat moving on a hard swallow.

  He was beautiful. More beautiful than any man she’d ever seen. She bit her lip, a wave of heat moving through her as she took his hands in hers. They were so big her palms disappeared beneath his, but there was a gentle stillness in them. One that was protective and kind. As though they were at her bidding.

  Her throat tightened, and her heart swelled in her chest, warming her eyes and blurring her vision. She rose to her tiptoes and touched her lips to his, her kiss gentle as she breathed him in and relished the pleasure on his face.

  He deepened the contact, his tongue parting her lips and sweeping against hers. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to his kiss, vaguely registering him removing the rest of their clothing, then walking her backward. The soft corner of the mattress bumped the back of her legs as he guided her gently to the bed.

  The warmth of his mouth touched her ankle, then trailed farther up the inside of her leg. His tongue flicked softly against her skin, sending shivers through her. She giggled, then looked down when he teased the back of her knee, her breath snagging at the sight of his dark head between her thighs.

  He glanced up, and a slow grin spread across his face as he eased up her body and kissed her. He worked his way back down to her breasts, his attention lingering there. Each strong pull of his mouth overwhelmed her with new, exciting sensations and caused her grip on his shoulders to tighten. When he traveled lower, drifting his mouth across her belly, then lower still, her head dropped back and all thoughts left her.

  He rolled away briefly, palmed his wallet from his discarded pants, then returned. He knelt between her thighs, then hesitated, frowning at the protection in his hand.

  “Tammy, I...” A flush spread over his face and neck, and his hand shook slightly.

  “Wait.” Heart slamming against her ribs, she lifted up on her elbow and covered his hand with hers, the foil package cool against her palm. “I guess I need to tell you before we go any further that I’ve—” Her throat closed, and she swallowed hard, wishing she knew what he was thinking. Wishing his body was still covering hers. “I’ve never done this before.” She laughed, her cheeks burning. “If for no other reason than so you’ll be aware. But I don’t want you to stop. You make me feel so much. So many things I never knew I could feel.”

  His eyes shadowed, and he began to pull away.

  “Please, Alex,” she whispered, hooking an arm around his neck and tugging him back over her. “Please don’t think. Just feel.”

  She kissed him, pouring her soul into it, hoping he could feel what she felt. Could understand how much she loved him.

  He closed his eyes and touched his forehead to hers. A muscle ticked in his jaw. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She cupped his face and brushed her thumbs over his mouth, loving him more than she’d ever thought possible. “You won’t,” she whispered.

  And he didn’t. There was no pain. If anything, she felt safer and more loved than she ever had in her life. He joined his body to hers and moved tenderly, filling her completely, body and soul. The emotions he stirred within her grew so strong they broke free, overtaking them both and spilling down her cheeks.

  Afterward, he stilled above her, his heavy breaths dancing over her breasts and ruffling her hair as he stared down at her. His cheeks glistened in the low lamplight, and the same wonder and surprise overwhelming her was reflected in his eyes.

  Tammy drew in a shaky breath and wrapped her arms tighter around his muscular back, wanting to hold on to the moment. Wanting to hold on to what she’d never had before.

  This is how love should feel.

  She smiled, her heart tripping when he returned it. His face creased with pleasure, and they laughed softly. She drifted her fingertips through the tears of joy on his face, losing herself in his warm eyes and glimpsing the beautiful possibilities that awaited them. A home filled with love and laughter. And children. Lots of children. Babies with his beautiful smile who would feel as safe and loved in his arms as she did.

  It was the perfect moment to tell him. Absolutely perfect.

  * * *


  Alex tried to still the tremors rippling through his limbs at Tammy’s words. His body was sated, his mind clear, and his heart strained to hold itself together, the longing welling within it threatening to make it burst.

  She’d given him such a gift. One he’d never be able to return. And the sweet words she’d just spoken stoked the fire in his belly, sending a fresh wave of desire through him and urging him to take her again.

  She was so beautiful lying there beneath him, cheeks flushed, hair tousled and eyes soft.

  He moved to speak, but his throat closed with emotion. His biceps shook on either side of her and his hands curled tighter into the sheets.

  “You don’t have to say it.” Tammy reached up, her fingers fumbling over his lips as her smile widened. “I know. I just want to tell you that I’m willing to make an honest man of you.”

  He laughed and shook his head, his arms almost giving way beneath him. He rolled to his back before his strength completely left him and tugged her with him, holding her close.

  She propped her chin on his chest, her soft breasts pressing against his abs, and drifted her fingers through his hair. “I want to share my life with you.”

  God, how he wanted that. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her farther up his body. Her hair spilled over her shoulders and cascaded around his face as he kissed her, her sweet scent filling his senses and the taste of her kiss lingering on his tongue.

  “I want to help you rebuild your business.” Her green eyes traveled over his face as she smoothed her fingers over his jaw. “I want to rock beside you in those beautiful chairs every day. I want to grow old with you. I want to hold you and kiss you every night.”

  He grinned and kissed her again, pulling back when she moaned softly. Lord, she was gorgeous. He had no doubts she’d grow only more beautiful over the years. But he, on the other hand...

  Alex chuckled. “I’m ten years older than you. Years down the road, after I lose my touch, will you still hold and kiss me? Dentures and all?”

  She laughed. “Especially then. Because I have a feeling I’ll love you even more, if that’s possible.” Her eyes softened on his face. “I love you, and I want to make you happy.”

  He glided his hands in circles across her smooth back. His palms rasped against her soft skin, and his chest swelled with hope at the future she described. He needed so much to hear her say it. To hear her tell him a life together was all she wanted. That it’d be enough.

  “This goes both ways,” he said, staring into her eyes.
“What would make you happy?”

  “Hmm.” She smiled. “A home with you.”

  His chest expanded, filling with relief, and he squeezed her tighter.

  “And babies,” she whispered.

  He froze.

  “Lots of beautiful babies,” she continued, “with your dimples, strength and stubbornness.” She laughed. “I want a houseful of rowdy boys that look like you and a couple of feisty girls that look like me.”

  He held her gaze and fought to keep his smile in place, his chest aching.

  She frowned as she studied his expression, her words becoming hesitant. “Do you want that?” Her lips trembled. “Do you want me?”

  His throat tightened, and his lungs burned. He hugged her close, eased her cheek to his chest and tucked her head under his chin. “Yes.” He struggled to breathe. “I want you.”

  He winced, the pain streaking through him almost unbearable. He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted anyone or anything in his life. Loved her more than he’d ever loved anyone before.

  But she’d given him so much more than he’d ever be able to give her in return. How the hell could he take even more? Especially when he couldn’t give her what she wanted?

  His gut burned. He ached to tell her, but his throat locked and the words died on his tongue, the thought of her looking at him differently too much to bear. What could he possibly offer her other than an empty house and a future filled with regret?

  “I love Brody, too.”

  He stilled as her soft whisper swept over him.

  “I wish he was ours,” she added, her warm lips moving against his skin.

  Alex clenched his teeth. Brody was theirs. They loved Brody as much as he imagined any biological parents could love a son. And the three of them had become a family. His family.

  Alex closed his eyes and kissed the top of her head, her hair soft against his cheek. He’d drive to Deer Creek first thing when they returned to the ranch Monday. He’d see Maxine, convince her that Brody belonged with him and ask her what he had to do to make it happen.


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