by Edward Burns
Scheuber, Mrs. Charles, 417
Schiaparelli, Elsa, 478n
Schneider, Douglas, 821n
Schnitzer, Rosalind B. (later Mrs. Rosalind Miller), 761, 762n
Schwab, Charles, 133n
Schwartz, Lucien, 182n
Scott, William R., Inc., 603-4, 606, 616, 628-30, 632-34, 668, 680, 732n, 756n
Scottsboro Boys, 463, 464n
Scribner’s, Charles and Sons, 601-2, 603n, 668, 670, 684, 703
Scudder, Janet, 154, 155n, 505n
Seabrook, William, 222n, 273, 274n, 276, 283, 285-87, 414, 496, 498-99, 535, 708n, 739n
Seabrook, Mrs. William, see Worthington, Marjorie
Seckles, Alice, 380n, 393, 394n, 397
Sedgwick, Ellery, 521, 531, 532n
Segal, Vera (Mrs. Maurice Sterne), 161n
Seilliére, Baroness J., 273n
Selby-Bigges, Mr. and Mrs., 661n, 740, 741n
Seldes, Gilbert, 342, 342n
Selected Writings of Gertrude Stein (ed. Van Vechten, also referred to as “The Anthology” or “The Omnibus”), 505-7, 511-13, 516, 800, 801n, 804-5, 807-9, 811-15, 818-20, 823n, 828-29, 833, 838, 861
Seltzer, Thomas, 71, 72n, 88n
Sept, 307
Serio-Comic Governess, The, 24n
Sevareid, Eric, 759n
Severance, Frank, Jr., 472, 473n
Sforza, Count Carlo, 453, 454n
Shaffer, Elizabeth (Van Vechten’s niece), 135-36, 286, 286n
Shaffer, Emma Van Vechten (Van Vechten’s sister), 135-36, 151
Sharp, Margery, 561, 562n
“She and Her Brother” (Stein’s “Two: Gertrude Stein and Her Brother”), 464-65
“She Bowed to Her Brother” (Stein), 4
Sheldon, Edward, 128n
Sherman, Mrs., 478
Sherwin, Louis, 37n
Sherwood Anderson/Gertrude Stein: Correspondence and Personal Essays (ed. Ray Lewis White), 860n
“Sherwood’s Sweetness” (Stein), 723, 724n, 738
Showers, Pearl, 347n, 352n, 360, 400, 412, 647n, 779, 784
Showers, Mr., 779
Shriner’s Temple (New York), 105
Shulman, Max, 783-84, 786, 788
Sidney, Sylvia, 410, 410n, 444, 444n, 451n, 475n, 476, 484, 498n
Simonson, Lee, 30n, 54
Simpson, Wallis Warfield, see Windsor, Duchess of
Sister Dominga, 412n
Sitwell, Edith, 111n, 126n, 174n
“Sitwell Edith Sitwell” (Stein), 130n
Sketch, The, 547-49
Skinner, B. F., 289, 289n
Skinner, Otis, 166n
Sloane, W. &J., 643, 647
Smallens, Alexander, 357, 360, 618, 618n, 717, 718n, 723, 724n
Smith College, 727-28, 729n, 731, 734, 735n, 737, 740, 744
Smith, Harrison, 485n
Smith, Rita, 461n
Smith, Υ. Κ., 859n
Soil, The, 807-9
Solomons, Leon, 289n
“Some ‘Literary Ladies’ I Have Known” (Van Vechten), see Fragments from an Unwritten Autobiography
Sorceress, The, 24n
Sothern, Ε. Η., 21n
“Souvenirs de Gertrude Stein: Vollard et le Premier Salon d’Automne” (Stein), 291n
“Spain and Music” (Van Vechten), 58n
Spider Boy (Van Vechten), 141n, 157n, 161n, 166, 169, 485n, 570n
Stage Door Canteen, see American Theatre Wing
Stagg, Hunter, 87, 87n, 101, 103-4, 107, 279, 280n, 282, 777
Stanley, H. M., 861
Stanzas in Meditation (Stein), 261n, 480, 481n, 493, 528, 528n, 531, 533, 533n, 537, 537n
Stars and Stripes, The, 789n
Stearns, Harold, 98n, 101
Steffens, Lincoln, 6
Steichen, Edward, 135
Stein, Allan (Stein’s nephew), 217n, 835-37, 839, 839n
Stein, Amelia Keyser (Stein’s mother), 492n
Stein, Bertha (Stein’s sister), 169n, 492n
Stein, Daniel (Stein’s father), 492n
Stein, Fred (Stein’s cousin), 23n
Stein, Gertrude, passim; Columbia University Exhibition (1941), 716-20, 722, 722n; Columbia University, recordings made for, 412n; lecture tour, United States (1934-35), first reference, 728 and passim in letters of 1934-35; “Love and Kisses,” poem for the Van Vechtens’ new apartment at 101 Central Park West, New York, 517-18; “Lovey” and “Pussy,” terms of endearment between Stein and Toklas, 352; printing (draft of a letter by Stein on the subject of printing), 549-50n; Stein’s review of Ernest Hem-ingway’s Three Stories and Ten Poems, 89n
Stein, Julian (Stein’s cousin), 370, 371n, 531n
Stein, Mrs. Julian, 370n, 371n, 531n
Stein, Leo (Stein’s brother), 4, 6, 23n, 48n, 50, 50n, 54, 71, 161n, 169n, 277n, 300n, 489n, 492n, 576, 630, 696n
Stein, Michael (Stein’s brother), 4, 169n, 217, 217n, 277n, 287n, 300n, 462n, 502n, 558, 576, 580
Stein, Roubina (Mrs. Allan), 839, 839n
Stein, Sarah (“Sally,” Mrs. Michael), 169n, 217n, 277n, 287n, 462n
Stein, Simon (Stein’s brother), 169n
Stein, Pauline (Mrs. Solomon, “Auntie”), 58n
“Stein Says Americans Lack Spiritual Courage of French” (Stein GI lecture), 789n
“Stein Song, A” (Van Vechten), 815, 818, 822-23, 826n, 829, 838
Steiner, Wendy, 859, 860n
Steloff, Frances, 392-93, 649, 722, 722n, 775-77, 779-80; see also Gotham Bookmart
Sternberg, Sadie Hope, 125n
Sterne, Mabel, see Dodge, Mabel
Sterne, Maurice, 4, 23n, 63n, 103, 160, 161n, 485, 485n, 522
Stettheimer, Carrie, 67n, 190-91, 761
Stettheimer, Ettie, 67n, 190-91, 237, 365n, 507, 761
Stettheimer, Florine, 67, 67n, 190-91, 251n, 288, 295, 299n, 305, 342, 364, 365n, 369, 373, 422, 427, 509n, 556, 558, 558n, 562, 761, 762n, 769, 815
Stevens, Wallace, 38n
Steward, Parker, 164n
Steward, Samuel, 566-67, 572, 660n
Stieglitz, Alfred, 30n, 31, 33n, 35, 35n, 37, 56n, 59, 252, 366, 367n, 719
“Stieglitz” (Stein), 367n
“Still More About Money” (Stein), 509n, 511n
Stockton, Frank, 684-85
Story, 738, 739n
Story of Ferdinand, The (Munro Leaf), 649, 649n
Strauss, Richard, 538, 539n, 850
Stravinsky, Igor, 696, 697n; see also Balustrade; Le Sacre du Printemps
Street, Mary Dallas, 87n
Stribling, T. S., 303n
“Subject-Cases: The Background of A Detective Story” (Stein), 81n
Sullivan, Noël, 399, 400n, 423
“Sundays and Tuesdays” (Stein), 683-84; see also “The Winner Loses A Picture of Occupied France”
“Superstitions, Les” (Stein), 640n, 649, 671
“Superstitions of Fred Anneday, Annday, Anday; a Novel of Real Life, The” (Stein), 468, 472, 473n
“Susie Asado” (Stein), 30n, 53n, 196n, 507
Sussex, 51, 52n
Sutherland, Donald, 409, 410n, 506, 506n, 509, 645, 645n
Sutherland, Gilberte (Mrs. Donald), 645n
Sutherland, Graham, 617n
Sutro, John, 500n
Svidko, 764n
Sweet Briar College, 419n, 425, 425n
“Sweet Tail (Gypsies), A” (Stein), 812
Sze, Mai-Mai, 476
Szold, Bernadine, 114n, 145, 151, 151n
Tailleferre, Germaine, 138
Tamayo, Rufino, 801
Tanner, Allen, 366, 367n, 524
Taras, John, 819n
Tashman, Lilyan, 237
Tatler, The, 488, 547, 548n
Tattooed Countess, The (Van Vechten), 79n, 93, 95, 99-100, 104-5, 107, 138n, 570n, 792-94
Taylor, Captain Henry Ashworth, 475n
Taylor, Laurette, 779
Taylor, Prentiss, 263, 264n
Taylor, Colonel Redvers, 189n
Tchelitchew, Pavel, 136, 137n, 205n, 208n, 2
26n, 366, 367n, 369, 431, 431n, 487, 507, 524, 697n
Tecumseh, 367, 368n
Tellegen, Lou, 51n
Temple, Shirley, 645
Tender Buttons (Stein), 5-6, 22, 23n, 31, 40, 42n, 159n, 284, 289n, 505, 511, 521, 606, 606n, 616n, 619n, 626, 777, 800, 803, 805, 861-62
Testimony Against Gertrude Stein, 404n, 409, 412, 414
Thaw, Harry, 215
Thénevaz, Paulet, 57, 57n, 60
They Must. Be Wedded. To Their Wife (Stein), 478n, 481n, 487, 513
Things As They Are (Stein), 10, 33n, 862; see also Fernhurst Q.E.D. and Other Early Writings
Thomas, Edna, 471, 498, 503n
Thompson, Anita, 204, 539n
Thompson, Helen, 614
Thompson, Paul, 24n
Thomson, Virgil, 6, 10, 67n, 158, 159n, 163n, 177n, 181-85, 187-97 passim, 201, 205n, 208n, 213, 223-27, 231, 232n, 233, 234n, 263n, 266n, 283-84, 290, 290n, 293n, 295, 298, 396, 449, 454, 455n, 468, 468n, 471, 471-72n, 498-99, 507, 522, 527, 558, 562, 568, 570, 572-73, 582, 583n, 591, 591n, 598n, 604, 640n, 687, 687n, 692, 692n, 698n, 707, 712, 717, 718n, 718, 720-21, 723, 724n, 740, 741n, 744, 748, 749n, 751n, 761, 763, 794-96, 803-4, 809-11, 815, 816n, 818, 820-21, 823, 823n, 825, 829, 838-39
“Three Careers” (Stein), see “And So. To Change So (A Fantasy on Three Careers).”
Three Lives (Stein). 24n, 28n, 38, 39n, 58n, 74, 75n, 97, 98, 101, 121, 132n, 138, 142, 142n, 143, 146, 160, 235n, 267-69, 270n, 272-73, 277, 277n, 279, 281, 284, 669n, 799, 802-6, 862
Three Mountains Press, 110n
Three Sisters Who Are Not Sisters A Melodrama (Stein), 709n
“Three Sitting Here” (Stein), 152, 153n
Three Stories and Ten Poems (Ernest Hemingway), 8. 859
Tillstrom, Burr, 461n
Time, 651, 651n, 813, 814n
Times Have Changed (Louis Bromfield), 399n, 400n, 400, 410, 410n, 415, 421, 517
Titus, Edward W., 142n
Tock, Sally, 377, 380
“To Do: A Book of Alphabets and Birthdays” (Stein), 675-77, 678n, 680-81, 683n, 684-92 passim, 694-95, 698, 700n, 701-3, 705-9, 711-12, 714, 715n, 723, 725, 727-29, 731, 744, 746-55 passim, 757, 765, 807-8, 808n
Toklas, Alice B., passim; misspellings of name, 20, 21n; quoted by Virgil Thomson, 692n; translation of Stein’s Picasso, 603n; see also The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book
Toklas, Ferdinand (Toklas’ father), 651n
Toledo Sunday Times, 376n
Tonny, Kristians, 180, 180n, 181, 183n, 185, 187-94, 204, 205n, 208n, 210, 226, 226n, 228-30, 230n, 233, 248, 336-37, 339, 538, 540, 540n
Tonny, Marie Claire (Mrs. Kristians), 538, 540, 540n
Top Hat, 444, 444-45n
Toulouse, Robert, 532n, 576, 577n
Towne, Charley, 578, 578n
Town Hall (New York), 717, 718n, 720
Toye, Geoffrey, 707, 707n
Toye, Mrs. Geoffrey, 707, 707n
Trac (Stein’s cook), 314, 314n, 326, 335, 338, 494, 497, 499, 500n, 510, 511n, 524
“Trail of the Lonesome Pine” (song), 566, 570
Transatlantic Review, 8, 94-95, 98, 101-2, 108
transition, 69n, 147n, 199, 199n, 232n, 293n, 404n, 409, 412, 414, 750n, 859, 862
Treadgold, Paul, 440n, 442
Treible, Jean, 537n
Trend, The, 16n, 29, 29n, 30n, 30, 31n, 31, 32, 32n, 35
Trilby (George du Maurier), 305, 305-6n
Trillat, Ennemond, 519-21, 523, 523n, 525-26, 528-31
Troubridge, Admiral Sir Ernest, 475n
Troubridge, Lady Una, 474, 475n
Troxell, Gilbert McCoy, 761, 762n
Tubbs, Vincent, 788n
Tudor, Anthony, 819
Tufts, Henry, 208n
Turkey and Bones and Eating and We Liked It, A Play (Stein), 68n
Turner [?], 483
Twain, Mark, 1, 439
Twentieth Century Literature, Gertrude Stein Issue (ed. Edward Burns), 461n
“Two: Gertrude Stein and Her Brother” (Stein), see “She and Her Brother”
“Two Women” (Stein), 123n
Tyler, Parker, 282n
Tzara, Tristan, 174, 174-75n, 404n
Ullman, Alice (Mrs. Eugene Paul), 21n
Ullman, Eugene Paul, 21n
Ulric, Lenore, 127, 128n
Uncle Tom’s Children: Four Novellas (Richard Wright), 778, 780n, 788-89
Une Ténébreuse Affaire (Balzac), 730n
University of Chicago Press, 414, 415n, 445, 452
University Players (Princeton University), 827n
“U. S. Grant” (Stein), 328
Useful Knowledge or Americana (Stein), 138, 161-62, 803, 813, 858
Uzcudun, Paulino, 466, 466n
Vachat, Marie Ann du (Mme. Gabriel Putz), 715n, 760n
Val, Gόmez del, 39n
“Valentine to Sherwood Anderson, A” (Stein recording), 327, 412n
Valerie-Radot, Dr., 835, 837n
Van Der Meulen, Pierre, 687n
van Heeckeren, Jean, 577n
“Van or Twenty Years After. A Second Portrait of Carl Van Vechten” (Stein), 87n, 88n, 89n, 90, 96, 96n, 104n, 161, 162n, 177n, 327, 858-59, 862
Vanderbilt, Robert T. Jr., 400
Vanity Fair, 11, 74, 75n, 79-80, 81n, 88, 88n, 89, 94n, 113, 117, 135, 191, 322, 323n, 326, 369, 370n
Van Vechten, Ada Amanda Fitch (Van Vechten’s mother), 43, 43n, 251n, 734-35, 744
Van Vechten, Anna Snyder (first Mrs. Carl Van Vechten), 30n, 282
Van Vechten, Carl, passim; “cat drawing” used as closing to a letter, first example, 283n; exhibition of theatre photographs, Museum of the City of New York (“The Theatre Through the Camera of Carl Van Vechten”), 752, 752n, 757, 757n; letters to Fania Marinoff (quoted), 61n, 20n, 848, 848n, 849, 851; motto, 139-40n; New York Public Library Exhibition (1941), 737, 740, 741, 744; New York Public Library Exhibition (1945), 792n; purple closings (early example), 100; slipcases for his Stein collection, 470-71, 471n
Van Vechten, Mrs. Carl, see Marinoff, Fania
Van Vechten, Charles (Van Vechten’s father), 67n, 125
Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 463, 464n
Veblen, Thorstein, 463
Vestal, Donald, 461n, 463, 487n, 506n, 510n
Victor, Sarah, 471-74, 476
Viking Press, 302
Villa, Francisco (“Pancho”), 53, 53n
Villa Les Terrasses (Villa Stein, Le Corbusier), 462n
Village. Are You Ready Not Yet. A Play, A (Stein), 775, 776n, 779, 781-82, 787-88, 792, 796
Vilmorin, Louise de, 482n
Vingt Ans Aprés, see Dumas, Alexandre (Dumas père)
Virgil, 228
“Virgil Thomson” (Stein), 209n
Vollard, Ambroise, 161n, 299, 300n
Walker, A’Lelia, 313n
Walker, O. S., 164n
Walker, Sarah Breedlove (Madame C. J.), 313, 313n
Wall, Reverend K. E., 771, 772n
Wallace, Edgar, 584
Wallace, James, 44n
Wallenstein, Alfred, 751n
Walpole, Hugh, 188
Walsh, Blanche, 24n
Walter, Eugene, 61n
Walter, Marie-Thérèse, 449n
Walton, William (“Billy”), 798, 801, 804
War and Peace (Tolstoy), 749, 749n
Warburg, Edward Μ., 403n, 553n
Ward, Veronica, 440n
Wars I Have Seen (Stein), 736, 736n, 760n, 760, 765n, 767, 769n, 800, 804n, 805
Washington, George, 280n, 405n
Washington Square Gallery (Coady and Brenner), 808n, 809n
Wasserman, Edward, see Waterman, Edward
“Water Pipe” (Stein), 140n
“Waterfall and a Piano, A” (Stein), 523n
Waterman, Edward, 436n, 491, 492n, 496, 522, 525n, 526-27, 529, 529n, 530, 532, 553, 583, 584n, 586, 677, 808, 810, 816, 820, 822, 822n, 829
Waters, Ethel, 622, 622n, 777
Watkins, Ann, 714, 715n, 746, 800, 804, 804n, 807, 809-10
“We Are Back in Paris�
� (Stein), 767n
Webb, Beatrice, 496, 497n, 498
Webb, Sidney, 496, 497n, 498
Webster, Daniel, 795, 803
Wedding Bouquet, A (Stein), 478n, 534-35, 537, 537n, 540-49 passim; 553-54, 556, 557n, 566, 573n, 587, 713
Wedekind, Frank, 59
Weekly Bulletin (American Fund for French Wounded), 62n
Well of Loneliness, The (Radclyffe Hall), 475n, 495
Welles, Orson, 376n, 472n
Welts, H. G., 410, 478, 479n
Wertheim, Alma, 191, 237
Wesson, Ben, 250
West, Mae, 810
“What Are Masterpieces” (Stein), 475n, 493
What Are Masterpieces (Stein), 475n, 690, 690n
“What Does She See When She Shuts Her Eyes” (Stein), 532n
“What Does 291 Mean” (Camera Work), 37, 38n
What Happened. A Five Act Play (Stein), 16n, 21n, 483n, 812
“What Is English Literature” (Stein), 421n, 493
What Is Remembered (Toklas), 696n
Wheeler, Arthur, 147n
Wheeler, Rose (Mrs. Arthur), 147, 147n
White, Max, 769n
White, Ray Lewis, 860n
White, Stanford, 215n
White, Walter, 126n
White Wines (Stein), 16n, 21n
Whitehead, Alfred North, 29n
Whitehead, Evelyn (Mrs. Alfred North), 29n, 31n
Whitehead, North, 29n, 31n
Whiteman, Paul, 109n
Whittemore, Thomas, 303, 303n, 384, 384n, 765
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 360
Whorf, Richard, 795, 795n
“Why I Chose ‘Melanctha’ by Gertrude Stein” (Richard Wright), 806n
“Why I Like Detective Stories” (Stein), 584n
Wickes, Elbert, 672n
“Wilbur Wright” (Stein), 368n
Wilcox, Wendell, 3, 474-78, 484, 487n, 488, 505n
Wilde, lerne (“Dolly”), 185, 186n
Wilde, Oscar, 186n, 515
Wilde, William, 186n
Wilder, Isabel, 762n
Wilder, Thornton, 2-3, 5, 11-12, 347, 348n, 351-52, 394-99, 401, 404, 407, 414, 415n, 438-39, 441, 449, 449n, 452, 454, 456-57, 461n, 463, 467, 468n, 470, 471n, 473, 498n, 502n, 505n, 522, 541, 541n, 550, 552, 554-57, 561, 570, 572, 574-77, 580-81, 590, 591n, 618-19, 619n, 633, 640n, 652, 664, 664n, 666, 671n, 707, 712
Wildenstein Gallery, 478n
Williamson, Mr., 718n
Wilson, Edmund, 1, 11, 74, 75n, 79-81, 82n, 88, 88n, 111n, 239, 857
Wilson, Francis, 11, 492n
Wilson, Woodrow, 53n, 60n, 161
Winchell, Walter, 392, 410, 444, 444n, 589n, 614
Windsor, Duchess of (Wallis Warfield Simpson), 527, 527n, 672, 673n, 712, 713n
Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII of Fngland), 452n, 527n, 713n