Love Is Danger

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Love Is Danger Page 12

by Christie Adams

  And it was that force of will that kept her from moving when he replaced the blindfold, prefacing the action with a tender kiss to her mouth. Then he shifted position and began to make love to her.

  What she didn’t expect was for him to start at her feet.

  “Be still, Stacie,” he warned when she jumped at the first contact. “Remain quiet and calm, and remember—you come only when I give you permission.”

  She felt his lips on her right ankle first, then more light and insidiously seductive kisses as he worked his way up the inside of her lower leg to her knee. There, where the sensitive skin of her inner thigh began, the sensations changed—it was no longer his mouth but something light, feathery maybe, swirling loops and scrolls up and down her thigh. She started again, this time when he lifted her leg and draped it over his shoulder. She’d never felt so open, so vulnerable…so helpless. His hands were warm, stroking over her flesh, venturing closer to her hot, wanting pussy but then retreating, teasing her, tormenting her with a scorching, sinful pleasure, advancing again, more teasing, another retreat.

  And then he was working on her other leg, repeating the sensual seduction of her body, inch by tantalising inch, but this time he carried on and…

  As Cam caressed her body from her shoulders to her toes, she discovered that she’d known nothing of just how arousing a man’s hands and mouth could be, how he could feast on her body. He stroked and kissed and nipped, zeroing in on erogenous zones that she never even suspected she had.

  Oh God, her legs were resting on his shoulders and his mouth was on her pussy. His arms were a band across her hips, effectively pinning her in place so that his thumbs could hold her labia apart and expose her clit…he was suckling on it the same way he’d done her nipples. She was completely open to him—the tiny puritanical part of her mind, that last stubborn vestige that maintained sex wasn’t supposed to be this good, was trying to work out how to put things on a more modest footing when all of a sudden something snapped and bitch-slapped the mental prude out of existence. With something that was neither scream nor howl but somewhere between the two, Stacie gave up everything to the mouth that wouldn’t let her go.

  When Cam’s tongue flicked teasingly over the hard little button of sensitised flesh she cried his name, her back arching away from the bed. Teeth nipped again, sending erotic bolts of lightning zinging along her nerves. Her hips bucked and writhed, still trying in vain to lessen the sensual onslaught, but Cam wouldn’t let her get away. He held her firmly in place, hands roaming over her belly, fingers splayed, pressing so hard into her flesh that she could feel each one of them—leaving her with no illusions as to who was in charge.

  She loved it.

  She was a prisoner for his mouth to torture with pleasure…a prisoner with no desire to escape. His fingers slipped inside her again, pinpointed her G-spot with unerring accuracy, and pushed her closer to the climax she was forbidden to experience. Her soft moans turned to harsh little cries as the last shred of her sanity struggled to hold on.

  And then in the same instant, his mouth and his fingers left her and she was plummeting from the heights of pleasure, like a diver plunging from the cliffs at La Quebrada—the world had gone from beneath her and she had no way of finding it again…until strong hands framed her face and firm lips claimed her mouth. She responded hungrily, tasting her own flesh on his lips, straining towards him, silently begging him for more.

  “Easy, honey,” he murmured against her skin.

  He moved again, and Stacie’s world exploded into flames.

  For Cam, it was like playing a fine musical instrument—he stroked, he plucked, and she came alive under his hands, a living orchestra of vibrant responses. Silk, feathers, ice—he loved the way she reacted to all of them. Her skin had begun to glow with a dewy sheen that became more pronounced each time he drove her close to orgasm. His focus was entirely on her pleasure.

  And now it was time to finish for both of them—she’d earned it. He’d seen every moment of her struggle to obey his command. He eased up her body, feeling every quiver she gave, to release her wrists—when he took her, he wanted to feel her hands on his body.

  “No, beautiful,” he warned, when she would have removed the blindfold. “That stays on.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, as he kissed her again, one hand stroking her thigh as he wrapped her leg around his waist. Christ, she was perfection—so bloody perfect that he nearly forgot the damn condom. He sheathed himself in the latex and then, unable to wait any longer, he powered inside her, his thrusts deep and rhythmic.

  Shit, this was heaven—he’d died and gone to fucking heaven. His wonderful sub was holding him to her as hard as she could, and the gasp she gave every time he went deep turned him on even more. Wrapped in the cradle of her thighs, he felt as if he could fuck her for hours, give her orgasm after orgasm, and still conquer the world.

  “Come for me, honey,” he growled. “Let me feel you come for me.”

  Her body pulsated around his cock. He could feel each and every ripple, counting down to the explosion building in his balls. It was then that something broke inside him. He rode her harder, faster, deeper, driven by the same instincts that had compelled primitive man to claim a mate and perpetuate his genes. Stacie was his mate, the missing part of him, the better part of him—he knew it without any doubt. It didn’t matter that they’d known each other less than a week. She belonged to him as he belonged to her, and he’d do whatever it took to guide her and teach her to be his.

  She came as hard as he did—her orgasm lit up the heavens and the aftershocks cascaded over him like splinters of starlight as his cock pulsed inside her. He rolled onto his side and as he held Stacie in his arms, his body still joined with hers, Cam felt an intimate connection to her that he’d never experienced before—with anyone.

  “Shh, baby, it’s all right,” he soothed her. She was crying quietly, her whole body shaking—their coupling had affected her as deeply as it had him. He untied the scarf and looked into eyes that were shining with fulfilment and a sense of wonder.

  “Tell me how you feel, beautiful.” Cam held her close. Then he felt her hand gently stroking his chest, followed by her lips pressed to his sternum.

  “It’s never been like that before, Cam,” she whispered. “Never.”

  He loved the sound of her post-orgasmic voice—it was the voice of a woman who had been well and truly loved. It was a voice that wrapped itself around his cock and made him hard all over again.

  “In a good way or a bad way?” He held his breath, not daring to guess her answer. It was too important for that.

  “How could it be anything other than good?” She pressed closer to him—he could feel her need for him to hold her. “Good doesn’t even come close.”

  His finger under her chin, he lifted her head so that he could kiss her—a gentle kiss this time, but one that held the promise of passion yet to come. “Sleep now, Stacie.” His tone was unmistakable in its command. “The night isn’t over yet, so you need to rest.”

  “Can we stay like this, Sir?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


  Sometime later Cam was woken by a line of sensual, erotic kisses being placed with precision down the centre of his chest. He half-opened his eyes and saw Stacie making her way toward his groin. He felt her soft chuckle as much as he heard it, and knew exactly why she was chuckling. His morning wood was a few hours ahead of schedule and the honey-haired enchantress was entirely responsible for its appearance. When her lips encircled said wood, he couldn’t hold in the grunt of pleasure.


  Those sweet lips left his cock and then she was smiling at him. “I normally hate it when people call me that,” she said, “but from you, it sounds good.”

  Dom’s privilege—no one else was going to call her that anytime soon. “Come here, baby. On top of me.”

  She came towards him on all fours until he could put his arms ar
ound her and kiss her. Her beautiful legs—God, how he loved those legs—trapped his hips and his cock was twitching to thrust into in her pussy again. One hand held her head in place while he ravished her mouth with a series of rough kisses—the other stroked her soft, silken body, over the curve of her hip and down her thigh, where he tugged her closer, succeeding in pulling her off balance so that he could put her on her back beside him.

  Where she belonged.

  Stacie was lying in the crook of his arm, looking up at him. For long moments he simply devoured her with his eyes, taking in the miracle of her. Her hand was resting on her thigh—on impulse, he picked it up and turned it over, so that he could start a chain of kisses at her wrist. When he reached the crook of her elbow, he felt her hand curve gently around the back of his head—she was smiling, and he couldn’t resist. He tasted her mouth, pulled gently on her lower lip and then teased her tongue with the tip of his.

  “I want you.”

  Cam breathed the words into her mouth, as if by doing so he could infect her with a similar desire for him.

  She closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against his shoulder. He liked that—it indulged his Dom’s instinct to protect.

  “You have me, Sir.”

  The admission set his blood on fire. Instinct guided his hand between her legs. He slipped two fingers inside her wet heat and stroked deeply, resisting her attempts to push his arm away from her—her face was telling him a different story. Arousal was in the faint flush in her cheeks…need glittered fiercely in her beautiful eyes.

  Stacie moaned softly, but she felt like screaming. Or crying. Or both. Or maybe even howling—howling felt like a good option. She’d given up trying to stop the exquisite pleasure with which Cam was tormenting her—all she could do was accept it. Weak-limbed now, all her energy was gone…waves of sexual pleasure washed relentlessly over her. Her ability to think and reason was all but gone, and when the orgasm hit, that last scrap of control was swept away on a torrent of overwhelming carnal bliss. She had become a mindless creature of pure sensuality.

  He made her come again and again, with his hands and his lips, and the words he growled in her ear, the things he told her he was going to do to her—things she’d never heard of, but they sounded so good and she wanted him to have the power to do them. He tapped into a wantonness in her soul that she’d never imagined existed, but it was a wantonness she wanted to explore…only with him. Only Cam. The man who made her feel cared for and protected, but more than that—he gave her the confidence to want him and show that she wanted him.

  “Cam…Sir.” She reached towards his face, only to have her hand caught by his, held so that he could press his mouth to her palm.

  “What do you need, honey?” he asked. “Tell me what you need.”

  She needed him inside her again. “You. I need you, Sir,” she whispered. “I’m empty without you.”

  His hand framed her cheek. “What do you want me to do, baby?” he said. “You need to tell me what you want me to do.”

  Fuck me. The words formed in her mind—words she’d never actually spoken to any man. Sex had never been like this, so raw and powerful. With one or two of her previous lovers, it had even been something to be endured, not enjoyed—and enjoyed barely did justice to her reaction to what she’d experienced with Cam Fraser.

  Did she dare say those words now? She closed her eyes to mask her embarrassment. “Please fuck me, Sir.”

  “Then open your eyes and ask me.”

  The intensity in his gaze took her breath away. His eyes burned with blue fire, and as she hesitated to obey, his hand moved. She gasped when he pinched her nipple, the shock of it bringing her mind sharply back to its source.

  “Tell me, Stace. Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you to fuck me, Sir. Please.”

  Cam wrapped his arms around her and then she was lying on her side, with his heat and strength at her back. She felt sheltered, protected…desired. She felt as if she was owned by him, and she didn’t care if anyone thought it was wrong for her to feel that way. He was showing her a world she’d thought couldn’t possibly exist for real…and it was electrifying. Whatever this man wanted from her—things she probably couldn’t even begin to imagine—she’d give it to him. She’d give him anything, because she knew that this man would keep her safe, no matter what. He promised.

  “I will, honey. Tonight you’re mine—and before morning, every part of your body will know it.”

  Lying on his side behind her, Cam hooked her leg over his thigh, opening her wide so that he could slide his thick, hard cock inside her. Holding her thigh in place with one hand, he curved his other arm around her neck, guiding her head so that she was looking up at him as he slammed hard and fast into her. So young, so precious—in his mind, the thoughts jostled for prominence with his primitive desire to take her over and over again, and the feral satisfaction he found in her wild cries and the way she was looking at him, as if she were about to fly straight to heaven from the highest peak in creation.

  Sensing how close she was, through the exploding tendrils of his own impending release, Cam fastened his mouth over hers, and when she came he took her scream of shattering release into his own body—a scream that triggered a climax that drove him so deeply into her that he thought he’d never be apart from her again.

  Before his brain went into complete meltdown, Cam withdrew and removed the condom so that he could get back to the serious business of taking care of his sub. He eased her leg from over his thigh and guided her into a more comfortable position—still close to his body, still cradled in his embrace. With a tenderness he’d seldom felt before, he brushed threads of sweat-damp gold from her flushed face.


  The smile she gave him held a bewitching sensuality that spoke of complete satisfaction—she looked like a woman who’d been pleasured from head to toe and back again, and then some. And she was looking at him with a blatant adoration that made him want to beat his chest in a way that would sweep aside thousands of years of civilisation.

  He settled back and brought her closer to the protection of his body, unable to resist kissing her again—gentle, loving kisses that he knew would help her to relax and have confidence in him to take care of her. She responded with a tender touch of her own, her palm against his cheek, her eyes soft with caring. No sub had ever looked at him quite that way before.

  He found himself wanting her to go to sleep in his arms—if she did that, he could start to process his own feelings and responses to what they’d experienced together. Waves of emotion were rocking him towards an inevitable conclusion.

  She nestled against him. He watched her eyelids slowly close, aware of the way her breathing gradually settled into the even tempo of sleep. Her hand was back on his chest—he pictured a cuff around the wrist, to match the collar he would put around her elegant neck while they played. But that was for the future—right now, she needed to take baby steps along the path to submission, and so far…she hadn’t faltered.

  He was glad that she was asleep now, because God knew he had enough to think about. Stacie consumed his mind and his body was already aching for her again—aching for her scent, her taste, her heat around his cock.

  The feelings he was developing for her were more powerful than he’d imagined possible. Under his care, he was determined that she would discover everything that submission had to offer. He’d always done his utmost to ensure that the subs he played with had the most pleasurable experience possible, but with Stacie, it was going to be different, because for him, it was going to involve far more than his head and his need to be in control.

  It was going to involve his heart. His fall—hard and fast—was complete.

  He was in love.

  Chapter 8

  “So what’s all this about a new car?”

  Stacie glanced up from stirring her coffee to see her colleague, best friend and surrogate sister, Jenifer Peterson, standing a couple of fe
et away. She grinned. “And good morning to you too. Coffee?”

  She poured a second cup, saying nothing in response to Jen’s question until someone else from their office had left the kitchen and they were alone again.

  “What makes you think I have a new car?”

  Jen rolled her eyes. “I saw the fob on your desk earlier on. Is that what you were doing last week while you were off?”

  “I might just have a new key fob.” Stacie passed the drink to her friend, trying her best to turn the grin into a convincing poker face.

  “Oh sure. And that might have worked if you’d got an ordinary key ring, not one that opens the doors and starts the damn thing. Stop trying to wind me up and start spilling the beans!”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll put you out of your misery.” Stacie sipped her coffee. “It was one of the things. You know Jonty and I have split up?”

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry.”

  There was no doubt about her friend’s sincerity—the language proved it. Jen didn’t prevaricate. Stacie took a deep breath. “Don’t be. You always said he was a bastard and you were right. I took last week off because the previous week, I found him in bed with some bimbo. I just needed some time to myself.”

  Jen swore again. “I can understand the Stacie-time thing, but buying a new car? That’s one hell of an expensive way to get over a broken heart!”

  Stacie took another sip of coffee to mask her reaction. If Jen knew that the car was a gift…

  “He bruised my pride more than anything else, Jen,” she elaborated once she’d composed herself. “Besides, you know as well as I do—probably better than I did—that that relationship was on its way out anyway. You’ve been telling me for weeks what he’s really like and you were right.”

  Both women lapsed into silence when another one of their co-workers came in to make a cup of tea. Since they’d already been there too long anyway, they went back to the office, Stacie giving her friend a quick sotto voce promise to explain more over lunch on the way.


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